《Kain, The Apocalypse Overlord》Chapter 15 | Miranda
[High-Neighborhood, Lynstein Mansion]
As his family in town(Sarah, Amy, Laura and Maria) were affected by his actions and other factors, with one of them being Jack’ leave of the island. Kain was going up the stairs, to the first floor of the Lynstein Mansion, with Nev sitting on his right shoulder.
On the first floor of the Lynstein Mansion, inside Beth’ bedroom, the young woman was holding on her legs against her chest while lying down on her comfy bed. It was noticeable that she was slightly shivering, not because of the cold nor chill.
She was tired of everything. Tired from being ordered around like a slave by Kain. Tired from being constantly threatened by the same monster, also directed his threats to her family and loved ones, when she tried to resist. Tired from the simple presence of Nev, the monster that tormented her even when she closed her eyes. Tired from the mental exhaustion and grief she had underwent during a single morning of one day. Although Tom seemed to have lied to her regarding the matters of Kain, which implied that he could have lied to her about other things, he was still the one she loved with her whole heart, while the death of her best friend was simply the nail on the coffin. All of this without mentioning the embarrassment she went through while shopping at the orders of Kain.
Kain: Let’s go.
Opening the door, Kain spoke to Beth on top of the bed, who remained immobile and didn't answer him back.
Kain: Didn’t you hear what I said?
Beth: I am not going.
A small and weak voice sounded from the fragile figure laying on the bed. It even struck a string of pity on Kain’ heart, although for a short moment only, as his heart hardened while he cleared his throat and narrowed his gaze at the girl.
Kain: I don’t think I need to mention what will happen if you don’t come. Do I?
The trembling of Beth, which was beginning to subside, increased spontaneously, as she sat on the bed while throwing the pillow at his face.
Beth: I don’t care anymore about you are going to do to me! Rape me! Butcher me! Do whatever you want!!! I don’t care!!!!!
Rivers of tears flowed from Beth’s eyes as she felt no longer caring about the world and, subsequently, her life. If she had to choose between death or continue being ordered around by Kain, she would choose death, and if she was going to die, she would go with pride and dignity.
Kain: Is that so?
Holding the pillow in his hand, he squeezed the bridge of his nose, right between his eyes, as he sighed.
Kain: “I should have expected it, there is a limit to everything. Even if her fear triumphed over her grief and reason till now, it doesn’t mean that it will continue to do so.”
Stepping closer to the beautiful young woman, on the bed, Kain let go of the pillow, letting it fall to the floor, while thinking of what to do with Beth. She was the only one that knew of Nev existence, as such he either had to regain his control over her or simply silence her forever. It was an easy choice to make when thinking of the degree of difficulty each option had.
Kain: You should know what waits you then.
Swiftly moving, he grasp her neck while punching her in the gut, barely missing her solar plexus, because of her awkward position, but it still had a great effect of removing the strength from her body. Without stopping he swiftly moved to be on top of Beth and started to pressure her stomach with his right knee while locking her right arm with his left leg.
She couldn’t even scream in pain with Kain’ tight hold on her neck, but her eyes still didn’t show a hint of fear in comparison to before. She was determined that if she was to die, then she would go out with dignity and pride.
Kain: Good. That is a good look to have.
Just as he was about to stab her heart and end her life, the three of them heard a noise coming from downstairs.
[Lynstein Mansion, Ground Floor]
Miranda, Beth’s mother, had just come home after hearing the shocking news that were spreading through the city, like wildfire, when she noticed that the kitchen and living room were messy, especially the later, in the area of the carpet, where Kain and Warren sat before in their conversation, was completely disorganized.
Miranda: Beth? Sweetie? I am home. Where are you?
Thinking back to the shocking piece of news circulating the city, she immediately realized who could it be that was at home. She was in fact hoping to get here earlier, so that she could comfort her right away, but it wasn't as if she could completely abandon her tasks and responsibilities at her job.
It was strange in some way, although the two of them were mothers, Maria and Miranda were very different and similar, at the same time. They loved their daughters more than anything in the world, but in comparison to Maria’ relationship with her own daughters, Miranda and Beth relationship was pretty close and good. It was something easy to discern with a close look, where Laura and Amy barely spoke to/with their mother, Beth loved to be and hangout with Miranda.
Kain: That voice sounds like that of a woman... your mother perhaps?
Without looking at Beth beneath him, he signaled to Nev with his head. The meaning behind it was unclear, but it was easy to deduce that it wasn’t anything good at least, which caused Beth to struggle fiercely under his grasp.
Taken by surprise with her struggle, his grip was about to loosen up and allow her to escape, but he reacted swiftly in increasing the strength on her neck, causing her to suffocate, and the pressure on her stomach. While he did that, he gave Nev another order, which caused it to disappear into the shadows of the room.
Kain: You...
He couldn’t even threat her when he saw her fierce and determined gaze towards him. To threaten her while she had that gaze was simply useless, but her reaction just now to protect her mother told him everything he had to know.
Kain: "Checkmate."
Miranda: Beth? Where are you, sweetie? I know you that you must be hurt, but mommy is here for you.
The voice of Miranda came, closer than before, it seemed that she was going up the stairs and towards their direction.
Beth: MMMMMO...
Kain: You should calm down and think really well about the current situation. If you continue to struggle and fight against me, I can just dispose of you and your mother before any of you manage to do anything.
Beth’ voice that finally managed squeeze itself from Kain’ grasp, was killed by his own that sent a chill down her back, especially when he emphasized 'mother'.
Hearing the sounds of footsteps closing in, Kain rolled over on the bed and dropped softly on the other side of the door, which consequently was the side of Beth’ bedroom where she had a pair of windows, where the sunlight illuminated the room in the morning, while giving it a orange glow in the afternoon. At that moment, Beth also noticed that Nev was nowhere to be found, which scared her far more than Kain.
Miranda: Beth? Sweetie? Are you in here?
Just then a couple of knocks could be heard followed by Miranda’ voice.
Beth: …... yes.
No matter how much Beth thought, she couldn't come up with a solution to the current situation that won't put her mother in danger. Even if she remained quiet and silent, she knew that Kain wouldn't let her mother simply go away. As such she breathed in, while mustering her courage, and spoke softly.
The door opened up revealing Miranda’ figure to Beth. She was a gorgeous mature woman, who didn’t look to be over forty years old, her skin was darker than Beth but possessed a slight glow that complemented her greatly. Her hair was light-brown that was a mix of it being straight and curly at the same time. Besides her beauty, Beth seemed to have inherited her body features as well from her mother, with Miranda' figure being able to compete and rival that of Bliss and Maria, two women with incredible thick and sexy body figures.
Miranda: Sweetie. I am sorry about what happened.
Opening the door and stepping inside, Miranda felt her chest ache at the sight of Beth and, especially, her eyes, that were looked to be trembling and beginning to tear up. This was without mentioning the hurt spirit she could perceive from the gaze of her daughter, since the previous determination of hers towards Kain was reduced to nothing in front of her mother.
Beth: Mom..
She was about to break down in tears and tell her precious mother everything, when she saw Nev’ figure just beside Miranda, causing her to remember the existence of those two demons in her bedroom.
Miranda: Sweetie.
Contrary to her daughter, Miranda teared up seeing the face of her treasure, as she rushed inside the bedroom and hugged her tightly while patting her head and back softly.
Beth: Mom...
Miranda: I am here sweetie. Mommy is here for you.
Kain: “I can’t waste time like this. Let’s wrap this up.”
While the two women were embracing each other, Kain was losing his patience with the development of things. With all of it being attributed to the emergence of Warren. Even if he didn't know Warren like he did, he would still be pretty afraid and cautious of this man. For one guy to carry a weapon around, or, in this case, his subordinate, with the intention to kill, it was either because he was confident that nothing would happen to him or that he was simply insane. So he had to secure more power and he had to do it fast, before Warren would start to move towards him. Which was something that he didn't knew but was already too late. As Warren had already sent a couple of his gowns and Bliss to inspect his bedroom, to see if he anything of worth that would explain this change of his.
Slowly standing, he saw that the pair of mother and daughter were in their own world. As Beth was completely laying down on the bed, with her head on top of Miranda' thick thighs, while Miranda was sitting down massaging and caressing her daughter's head and soft hair. None of them were speaking about anything, as they simply enjoyed each other touch and company.
Beth felt that she had gone through hell during the entire morning and lunch break, before falling to heaven under mother' embrace. Miranda was also feeling great upon witnessing the relaxed and calm face of her daughter, it was the greatest joy for a parent that their child would feel safe and well, even if that meant their suffering.
Kain: I think we should wrap this up. Don’t you? Beth?
The warm and fluffy atmosphere broke down, like shattered glass, as Beth’ guts turmoiled badly at the sound of his voice while Miranda panicked. The gorgeous mature woman was about push her daughter aside before tackling the owner of the voice behind them, when she felt a sharp and cold object on her neck.
Kain: I don’t recommend you to move too much.
Realizing what the object might be, Miranda didn't dare to move an inch. Although she was ready to risk her life, if the person standing behind them attempted to hurt or touch her baby. Beth, on the other hand, was panicking with not knowing what to do. She wanted to attack Kain and defend her mother, but she knew that the moment she made a wrong move, that demonic purple rat, that he called Nev, would slaughter the two of them.
Miranda: Who are you?
Mustering courage, Miranda spoke calmly towards the one behind her.
Kain: Your little daughter knowns.
Miranda: Sweetie?
Beth: Mom... I am sorry.
Beth began tearing up far worse than ever, even learning of the death of her boyfriend and witnessing the murder of her best friend didn’t break her heart like watching her mother' gaze change. She felt that her mother was judging her as she had betrayed her, but it was all in her own mind, since Miranda would never judge her just because a stranger said something, it was simply the guilt and fear filling her mind and clouding her judgment.
Beth: Kain. Can you please let me explain?
Miranda: Kain? Who is Kain?
Miranda' bewilderment was reasonable, this was because her knowledge was limited to only knowing of the death of Tom and his friends in an alley. Nothing more, nothing less. This was all due to the police, as they did their best to mitigate the content of information spreading through the city, since they couldn't stop the news of the deaths of three young men from spreading.
Kain: Fine. Know that my time is running out, and the moment it does, so does yours.
Beth: I understand.
Feeling the sharp and cold object going away from her neck, Miranda finally breathed deeply and calmly as she looked behind to see who it was that had just threatened her and her daughter.
Miranda: You... aren’t you a classmate of Beth? I remember seeing you once...
Kain: mmm.
Merely nodding his head at her, Kain jumped from the bed and walked out of the bedroom. Although not before stopping momentarily at the entrance, as Nev jumped on top of his right shoulder. It was an event that caught Miranda off guard, as she wasn't expecting for a rat to be in the house, at the same time, she finally confirmed what was threatening her life previously. She was only able to see a blade sticking out of the sleeves of his shirt.
Beth: “How the hell am I supposed to explain this situation to her?” Mom.
Meanwhile, Beth was having a mental breakdown on how she should begin to tell her mother. She knew one thing for certainty, she couldn't tell her everything.
Beth: I need to talk to you.
Kain: Don’t take too long.
[5 minutes later]
The two gorgeous women walked out of Beth’ bedroom, with Beth holding her head down, looking at the wooden floor, and Miranda shocked.
Kain: Done?
It was difficult to guess the course of their conversation, but he didn't care one bit about it. She could have told him that he was an alien that came to save the world, or that he was a demonic being summoned from a cult to terrorize humanity. It was useless and uninteresting to know, it wasn't like he could change Miranda' opinion based on trust. It was pretty simple actually, Miranda would trust her daughter any day over Kain.
Beth: Yes.
Without lifting her gaze from the wooden floor, Beth answered him. Miranda remained silent through the whole time.
Kain: Good. Phones?
Smiling a little, Kain extended his right arm forward, towards the two women.
Beth: Here.
Miranda: …
Beth immediately hand over her phone to him, while Miranda stared intently at him. It wasn't anything necessary that he had to do, but he had some personal use for them, since his own no longer worked.
Beth: Mom?
Feeling the weird atmosphere, Beth finally lifted her eyes from the wooden floor and looked at her mother, who continue to stared at Kain.
Miranda: Let just get me this straight. You are the one who murdered Tom and is ordering my daughter around by constantly threatening her?
Kain: … basically.
Miranda: And now you are thinking of doing the same thing with me?
Kain: Yes.
Miranda: …. what is this so dangerous aspect of yours that terrifies my daughter so much?
Kain: Nev.
Nev jumped on top of his right shoulder while looking over the two women, who had completely different reactions to his apperance. While Beth took a step back in fear, Miranda stared attentively at the purple rat. She was analyzing and observing the strange creature with focus.
Miranda: This? This is that thing?
Kain: Yes.
Miranda: I know that i shouldn't judge based on looks and appearance, but it doesn't look like something that threatening and, even more, something that would kill us.
Miranda was trying really hard to understand the fear of her daughter, but she simply couldn't wrap her head around it. The creature she feared so much was so tiny and... cute.
Kain: I am really running out of time, but I will show you something to help you understand. Watch that desk closely.
Following where his finger was pointing at, the two women saw that he was talking about a wooden desk they had in their home in the hallway of the first floor, that served for them to display some pictured of their family and store a few miscaleenaous items.
Kain: Nev.
Since the two women were ready and focusing on the purple rat, they were able to accompany it's speed with their eyes. Even then what they saw was something unbelieavle, Nev close in on the desk rapidly before opening it's jaws wide open and taking a bite out of it.
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