《Kain, The Apocalypse Overlord》Chapter 4 | Maria Deusa
Kain: Don't worry. It's just something that I found interesting. Carry on.
Maria: "What is with that smirk... he knows.... No! There is no way that he knows."
Laura: Mom. I....huff...
Laura was about to panic when she felt a tug in her hand, she knew it was Kain, without even having the need to turn around, breathing to calm down she looked at her mother with a firm gaze.
Laura: Mom. I---
Kain didn't hear anything after that, he just sat down, at the dining table, holding Laura' hand, with a neutral expression while deep in thought.
Kain: ".... she really is coming home pretty early and drowning in alcohol to appease her worries. Very, very, interesting."
He noticed Maria was a little jumpy, together with the information he had on her, based on her profile, it was an easy guess to make. Maria had caught the two of them, in the living room, earlier in the day.
Kain: "Time to do some business. Maria won't agree with Laura in anything, at most she will try and reach an agreement leaning towards her."
Kain could barely wait for the two gorgeous voluptuous women to finish their conversation and the next day, since he was already formulating plans and preparing his mind.
[08:00, Tuesday]
Sarah: I will be going then. Bye BB.
Sarah waved excitedly at Kain, while walking away, Amy was just behind her, her attention fully on her phone.
Standing by the entrance door, Kain and Laura were very close to each other, causing Laura to blush slightly.
Laura: Kain.
Kain: hmm
Hearing Laura, he turned to the side, looking at her in the eye.
Laura: Are you sure about this? I don't want to trouble you, or cause you any problem.
Kain: Do you really think that being with you is trouble?
He didn't even hesitate in answering her, with a blush like her, he held out his right hand, cupping the soft cheek of the older woman.
Laura blushed like a tomato and wasn't able to look at Kain in eye, causing her to lower her gaze to the wooden floor.
Maria: What are you still doing here Kain?
Just then, when the two of them were in their lovely moment, Maria' voice came ruining everything.
Laura turned around, for a short moment, glaring at her mother, for ruining their moment, before returning to normal and standing beside Kain.
Kain: I have something to talk with you, before going to the mall with Laura.
Maria: Huh? You are not going nowhere besides school young man.
Kain just smiled in response to the mature blonde, before turning to look at Laura softly.
Kain: Laura. Can you wait for me by the gate?
Laura: Huh? Sure.
Maria: …
Maria frowned at being ignored by her daughter and stepson, she was, kind of, expecting this type of behavior from Kain, because of what he had done to her just the day before, but not her eldest daughter. Thinking of such made her remember the agreement the two of them, mother and daughter, reached upon yesterday.
Maria would 'allow' Laura to have her tastes, but Laura would have to study and try to enter college.
Kain: Your credit card. Give it to me.
Maria: Huh?
The mature blonde was just gazing at the back of Laura, when she heard Kain speak as he closed the door, calmly.
Maria: What are you talking about?
Kain: I don't like to repeat myself. Give me your credit card.
Maria no longer held back, as she felt herself boiling in anger.
Maria: Who the fuck you think you are talking to!? Do you really think that I would just give you my credit card!? What do you want it even for!?
Kain: And here I was thinking that I was talking to a woman instead of a cow.
Maria: KAI---
Maria was about to flare up, at being called a cow, when she felt her cheeks being squeezed, with the palm of that hand covering her mouth. He was doing the same thing he did just yesterday.
Kain: I thought that I told you to treat me with respect that I deserve. Do you think that I--
This time it was Kain that couldn't finish his sentence, as Maria freed herself from his grasp while slapping his hand away.
Maria: Don't do that shit to me again! I am not some slut for you to treat me that way.
Maria: HUH!! rrrrr
Angry, and taller than him, she failed to notice a rather troublesome change of expressions coursing through his face. For the first time, since he had awakened in his current world, anger appeared, for real, in his face before disappearing in the next second as a glint flashed in his eyes.
Bending, a little his right knee, lowering his posture in the process, he drilled his right fist, with the motion of an low-uppercut, into her stomach, hitting accurately in her solar plexus. Immediately causing the mature blonde to cough and fall to her knees, feeling the air and strength leaving her body.
She couldn't begin to recover, when she was kicked on her shoulder, throwing her crashing to the wooden floor, with her back. Clenching her shoulder in pain and gasping for air, she looked up in fear at her stepson, finding him holding the coldest gaze she had ever seen on him.
Kain: It seems that some discipline is in order.
Smirking he placed himself right beside Maria, before he fell slamming his right knee, in the exact spot he had just punched.
Maria: MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maria couldn't even scream out loud from the agony she was experiencing, since he reacted swiftly in covering her mouth with his hand, allowing only a muffled sound to escape out.
Pain was apparent in her face as tears filled her eyes, that immediately ruined her makeup, together with the sweat she was transpiring, due to the stress and pain.
She wanted nothing more than to retaliate and fight back.... she couldn't. She barely managed to breathe through the pain and agony, much less move her body.
Kain: I told you what would happen if you disrespected me again.
Maria: MMMMM!!!!!
The wet green eyes bulged in fear, as she tried to muster any strength she had remaining, to fight back against Kain.
Kain: Hmph, fortunately for you I don't have the time or desire to fuck a cow like you, especially when your little lamb is out there waiting for me.
Before Maria could react to his words, Kain swept his free hand down, ripping apart Maria's white shirt. The buttons, that were already under a lot of pressure from her huge rack, immediately popped off, firing off everywhere, with the pair of huge lumps of meat, held in a black bra, bouncing off vigorously.
Maria: MMM!!!!
Kain: Although that doesn't mean that I can't have a little bit of fun. Hmmm.... have to say. They are rather impressive. Oh no, you don't.
Maria: MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!
Kain admiring the pair of the biggest mountains he had seen in his entire life, noticed, through the corner of his eye, Maria trying to move her right hand. Reacting swiftly, he punched in the left side of her chest, straight on her ribs, causing her eyes to widen in pain and scream against his hand, wetting it with her saliva and snot. One could guess how ruined and unsightly her face looked now, with all the mascara, eyeliner, lipstick in a disaster.
Just as she closed her eyes in pain and opened them, she saw that he was no longer blocking her mouth.
Even though it was the perfect opportunity for her to scream for help, she couldn't muster her strength to do it. Kain had his hand pulled back, fist clenched, and supporting an evil smile on his face.
Kain: Now.... let's start this over again. Shall we?
Maria: You are crazy.
Maria lowly muttered her words but under the dead silence of the entrance-hall he was able to hear everything clearly.
Kain: Most definitely.
Maria: UR----
Kain smiling in response to Maria' statement, increased the pressure on her stomach, with his knee, by putting more of weight on it, while fondling her massive tit with his left hand and covering her mouth, once more, with his right hand.
She felt again the air slowly leave her body as she tried to push him away, especially his knee. She didn't even care that he was sexually assaulting her. To her, breathing and avoiding that kind of pain again was the most important aspect at the moment.
Kain: Hmmm.... now.... what should I do? You don't seem to be listening to me... should I beat you up even more?
Maria' closed eyes opened in distress as she tried to convey, through her eyes and panic, for him to not do it.
Kain: Huh? What do you want?
Seeing what she was trying to do, he lifted his hand from her mouth, while continuing applying pressure on her stomach and fondling her massive breast.
Maria: I will give you what you want.
Kain: Really?
Maria said nothing as she simply nodded her head.
Kain: Hmmm....
The young man remained quiet as he gazed deeply into the mature blonde' emerald eyes.
Kain: "She is just compromising for now... she will try to fuck me behind my back. I need something to hold her down. Huh?"
Suddenly, in the dead silence of the hallway-entrance, where they were, he heard something coming from the door, most precisely, the outside. Realization hit him as he turned back to Maria, smiling, and slammed his knee on her stomach again, without forgetting to block her mouth with his right hand, because of her following scream of agony and pain, that was reduced to mere muffled sound.
Maria couldn't even begin to process why he had hit her again after she had agreed, when she felt something sharp and cold touching her neck.
Kain: You know what this is, right? You know... what I just did to you, I can as easily do to your precious daughters or worse.
Maria' face went completely pale, as if she had seen her worst nightmare, she started struggling far more than she did before, although it didn't last long, since she stopped at the feeling of pain hitting her right below her neck, in her collarbone.
Kain: You would do well in not do that kind of shit again. Now.... this is how everything is going to happen. You are going up to your room, clean up and change before giving us a lift to the mall.
Maria: ….
The mature blonde said nothing in return as she felt helpless for the first time in her life, not even when the love of her life left her to pursue his career had she felt like this. Not only had she been molested, beaten, stabbed.... but the worst.... the worst of it all was the person that did all of this, threaten her daughters with the same kind of treatment or worse.
Did she believe him? Yes. Even if she didn't, she wouldn't risk it. Her daughters were the most precious thing to her.
To quote a wise man - "Not al treasure is silver an gold lad."
Kain: I don't want to hear anything more from you. Go.
Standing up, he waved her away while turning towards the door, of the entrance, where a clicking sounded all of the sudden.
Maria quickly regained her bearings, at the fact of someone entering the house, and bolted to the side. She had managed to do this by pushing herself off the ground, hiding behind a wall, that was directly connected to the entrance, where Kain stood, waiting. It provided the perfect cover for her, since one couldn't see her from the entrance, except for Kain, and anyone that was at his position. This was because he was in an odd position that allowed to stop the person, that was entering, but, at the same time, could see her.
The door opened up revealing Laura peeking inside.
Laura: Kain? What is taking so long? "What were those noises I heard?"
Kain: Oh, nothing much. I just lost track of time while talking with your mom.
Laura: Where is she?
Kain: She said something about wanting to check something before taking us to the mall.
Laura: What!? Mom is taking us?
Kain: Yep, and I even made her reconsider about that little agreement you made last night.
Laura: Huh?
Kain: After all...
Stopping mid-sentence, he gazed sideways to Maria, that was glaring fiercely at him, before continuing.
Kain: …. she was kind of a bitch regarding your situation. One would think that, after you went through, she would be more caring and lenient.
Maria rested her back on the wall, in fear of being spotted by her daughter, while she listened to their conversation. The problem was, in the case, Laura took a step forward and looked towards the left, she would be able to see her feet, but it wasn't as if she had another alternative. She couldn't go forward since she would be seen by Laura and to her left was another wall, so she could only continue to press against the wall, in an attempt to squeeze her voluptuous body, something that was difficult to accomplish due to how massive and firm her boobs and rear were, not to mention her incredible long and thick legs, that added another problem to the situation.
Just then, when she was during her very best to not be noticed by her daughter, while listening to their conversation, she noticed something glinting in Kain's right hand. She immediately recognized it to be, confirming her guess previously. It was a kitchen knife.
Thinking of what he had done to her with that thing, she lowered her gaze to her neck and found a small wound leaking blood. It didn't hurt much, and she could see that it wasn't threatening at all, since it was rather shallow and small, the problem was the culprit behind it and how close it was too her neck.
It was a matter of his hand slipping and her neck being cut.
Maria: "I can't leave him alone with Laura! I need to be there and keep an eye on him."
Kain: You should wait by the car while I tell your mom something that I just remembered.
Laura: Ok.
Laura didn't find anything weird during her conversation with Kain, in fact, she was rather feeling happy overall due to the fact of spending time with her mother and the fact of Kain 'convincing' her mother about their agreement.
Sticking out her tongue at him, she rushed out of the house, leaving behind Kain shaking his head and sighing at her silly act before going to the first floor of the house.
Kain: Oh, not bad. Not bad at all. I thought you were all fat.
Opening the door of the main bedroom of the house, he came to a sight that would immediately cause any other young man to erupt. Maria stood in the middle of her room treating her wound while only in her black, simple, underwear.
Maria: What do you want? Isn't good enough to humiliate me like you have? My stomach is still numb and in pain, or do you want to sexual harass me again?
Maria' voice sounded calm and cold, with an unbelievable amount of rage in it. In response to the obvious anger in her tone, Kain just smiled while stepping towards her.
Kain: I find it rather interesting.
Glancing into the emerald eyes of the angry mother, Kain smile widened as he turned to the left side, looking at Mara through the corner of his eye, while bringing out his knife, that was seemingly hidden in his sleeve, as he began playing with it like it was some kind of toy.
Maria: Is that right?
Fear crawled through her back, causing her to take a step back, while she tried her hardest to maintain her cold expression and tone.
Kain: Wouldn't you find it as well? I can see that you are rather intelligent and not a complete cow, as you appear to be. Still, you can't see through the hidden meanings.
Maria: What do you want?
Narrowing her eyes in anger, Maria mustered her courage to take a step forward, right next to him while looking down at him.
Kain: aiii..... do you want me to beat the shit out of you again?
Maria: ….
Maria said and did nothing in response. She simply maintained her gaze, of looking down, at the young man, who continued playing with the knife in his right hand, smiling.
All of the sudden, Kain stopped playing with the knife and grasped onto its handle, holding it with the sharp edge touching and drawing a little bit of blood from the porcelain skin, of Maria' stomach.
Maria: W-What are you doing?
Kain: It seems that it's pointless to focus on you. So....
Speaking, he began dragging the knife down until it stopped at the black panties, a shiver went down her back as she forced herself to not take a step back.
Kain: …. maybe I should change my targets to your little lamb and redhead.
Maria' neutral expression immediately fell at the words of Kain, as the mature blonde began trembling with rage.
Maria: Don't you dare!
Speaking through her gritting teeth, she almost growled at the smiling young man.
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