《Kain, The Apocalypse Overlord》Chapter 3 | Laura Deusa
Just as she was lost for a moment in her thoughts, Kain moved away towards the stairs leading up to the 'attic', that was his bedroom, before stopping and reaching, trembling, into his backpack.
Kain: O-oh.. r-right... t-this is for you, L-laura.
Laura, snapping out of her mind, was stunned as Kain held out the newest release of her favorite manga, Naruto, while avoiding looking at her as he had his head down towards the wooden floor. She didn't know what was that pulled her in that manga, she just felt a connection with one of its characters.
Laura: K-Kain... you didn't have to... h-how did you get this?
Kain: O-oh... I-i just t-thought that y-you wanted it.
Laura: ….
Kain: ...y-you don't like it. I knew it. I am such a loser. I should just----
Kain couldn't continue as he was pulled into a hug by a sobbing Laura.
Laura: Don't say that! You are not a loser. You are the sweetest boy I know.
Kain: …. t-thank you. "Checkmate"
With his face buried in the warm, deep valley, of Laura' breasts, Kain smiled in his mind at the success of his plan.
[5 minutes later]
The two of them were now sitting, on opposite sides, at the dining table, that stood in the middle of the largest room division of the house, that was a combination of living room and kitchen, such that it had two doors leading to the main hallway, on the ground floor.
Kain hid his face behind the cup of hot coco, he was holding on to, while sipping on it from time to time, Laura, on the other hand, was talking excitedly about Naruto with a deep blush in her cheeks.
Laura: So you see "I can't believe I did that! HAAA!!!!" Naruto managed to "I even.... I even...." HAA!!!
Laura couldn't hold out anymore as she buried her face in her hands, not being able to look at Kain in the eye. It wasn't that she regretted what she did, she, in fact, felt, rather, very happy about it. Just the memory of Kain' smile after their hug brought her mind to ease and a smile to her face. The thing was that she had never gone past a kiss before, and now she had just buried his face into her breasts. Although it was her brother(stepbrother), she couldn't come around it.
Kain: "This is going well. Now.... I just need to wait for her to trip."
Kain, on the other hand, wasn't having any trouble regarding their hug from before, he was savoring the sweetness of the hot coco going through his body and what Laura was saying.
Laura: ….
Kain: ….
Laura: …. I...am sorry.
Kain: …. "come one. come on. You are almost there."
Laura: I am sure that you didn't like that. I am sure that you would rather have a beautiful girl your age without these lumps of fa....
Kain: ...I-i didn't not l-like it.
Laura wasn't able to continue with Kain timely interruption, as he hid his face behind his cup, the best he could, although it was without any success as the deep blush of his cheeks was crystal clear.
Laura: …. "...n-n-no w-way...."
Kain: I-i kinda..... l-like it.
Blushing even harder almost turning into a tomato, Kain lowered his head further into the table, while Laura just stood there with her eyes bulged in complete shock.
It was the very first time a man complimented her, and the first time in a couple of years.
Her mother used to praise her grades a lot when she was younger, but the moment she started reading comic and manga, it went downhill.
Kain: A-after a-all.... y-you are b-b-beautiful. "Fuck. It's hard to pretend to be timid."
Laura froze in her seat as Kain' words sank into her, causing her to blush immediately with the color of crimson-blood, as she hid her face behind her hands while peeking through her fingers at Kain' blushing face.
Laura: B-b-b-beaut-tiful.....d-do y-you really t-thin-k t-that? D-don't y-you think that I am disgusting with all of this fat a-and not liking what other girls l-like?
Laura couldn't believe her ears. She suffered so much in her life due to her tastes. Beginning to the discovery of them back in school, followed by a harsh bullying from her supposed 'friends' constantly calling her a cow, because of her big breasts.
The depression she had gone through, because of the loneliness and bullying, caused her to reject any options of college, which enraged her mother and broke their relationship, slowly.
There was even a case of a boy, when she was in middle school, that said that he liked her, until he saw her young sister, Amy, and immediately ditched her for her thinner and prettier sister.
Currently, after not going to college or managing to find a job, as she cracked under the pressure of the interviews, she slowly increased in weight and her breasts enlarged as well. All of this leading to her have a belly, which was not appreciated by the youngsters in today's youth.
Kain: No! Of course not! You are the sweetest and most caring person I know!
Laura froze once more at the compliments from Kain, not to mention that it was the first time she had heard Kain speak so firmly and without stuttering.
Although that only last a single second as he smashed his head on the table blushing.
Laura: "Cute"
Laura smiled gently, a warmth embraced her heart for the first time in a long time, at the sight of the embarrassed Kain.
Kain: I-i am g-going to take a b-bath!
Kain hurriedly walked out of the living room, leaving a blushing and smiling Laura behind.
Kain: "Done. Now whatever I ask, with the right words, she will do it for me. Easy as taking candy from a kid."
He knew that this was all possible because the function, Profile, that provided information about Laura.
It was the biggest cheat he currently had. With a Profile he would be able to, basically, obtain a lot of information of a person and keep it only for himself. The problem regarding that function was that he didn't know how to activate it, such that he didn't have one of his father, he also didn't know how he was going to manage and process the bundle of information, each profile carried.
Unknowingly to him, the door of the bathroom was slightly opened as a pair of blue eyes, behind blue glasses, were peeking through the small opening inside.
Laura: "W-W-What is t-that?"
[15:30 Monday]
Maria: ufff..... this is bad. This is really bad.
Maria had just finished parking, her car, in the garage, of their house, when she leaned back on her seat and rested her head, that felt very heavy, on the head-support of the seat.
Maria: Chief no longer trusts me to finish the project.... otherwise why would he bring that bitch over!!!
Maria' eyes twitched in anger as she slammed her right hand on the board of her car.
Maria: After all the work I had! Overtime! Agony! Stress!
Clenching her, hurt, hand hard, like a fist, blood began trickling through the gaps to the board of the car.
Maria: He is just going to give it to that bitch!! And what!? Throw me out!!!
She was about to explode and slam her bloodied fist on the board, when she felt her cheeks being squeezed forcibly. Opening her eyes in shock and looking around, she found no one besides her in the car.
Maria: ...what...the...fuck...I was beginning to forget about what that little pervert did.... how does he dare do that to me!? I am going to deal with him by sending him to bed without dinn--- no. Anything else but that.
Maria boiling anger ceased when recalling Kain' thin and skinny figure. She wasn't blind to not notice the bruises the kid supported every single day, being a mother herself, she felt a strong anger and hatred in her heart towards such actions, entailing her current husband, who she knew was the main responsible for the suffering of the young man.
Nevertheless, she had to think of her daughters above all else, even if that meant ignoring an abused child. It had become difficult sometimes, such that she had developed a fake image of the siblings in her mind, to help her ease the pain and agony. A pervert and an exhibitionist. It was the only way for her to sleep, somewhat, peacefully at night.
Although Kain ogled her boobs and ass whenever he thought that no one else was watching, or when he though that she wasn't paying attention, it was something that she was already used to, after all, he was just a teenage boy and she was.... well her. As for the girl, she didn't have much interaction or care about her, since between the two siblings she was treated far better. The difference was like between the Heaven and Earth, where Kain always had bruises while Sarah didn't.
Maria: aiiii.... I should just forgive him this one time.
Sighing, and breathing a little to calm herself down, Maria opened the door of the car and stepped out holding on her briefcase.
Maria: Huh? Is that the Tv of the living room? Don't tell me Amy is skipping school again!?
Maria was beginning to get mad for real. She just had one desire in her miserable life, and that was for her two daughters, the treasures of her life, to have a good and stable life. This was something that she thought was only achievable through college and work, after all, she had encountered many people that had forsaken college and are, currently, living miserably.
Maria: Wait. Let's think things through and not lean on the negative. It may just be Laura. Yeah.
Feeling the need to know who it was, she, in the hallway of the ground floor, approached the door, leading to the living room, since the other one, right beside, lead to the kitchen part, and slowly opened it before peeking inside, finding something she wasn't expecting to see in her life, something that shocked her instantly.
In the living room' couch, Laura and Kain were sitting down side by side.
Laura, to Maria' surprise, seemed to be holding on an actual book instead of that crap she held normally these current days.
Meanwhile, Kain was doing some strange movements that looked to be exercises, he didn't have a shirt on, leaving his upper body completely exposed to the cold air. He was, currently, lifting a crocked metal bar, that looked, at first glance, to be trash, very slowly, with his whole arm trembling. After all, the difficulty increased a lot when doing things slowly.
Maria: "What the royal fuck?"
If Maria hadn't already pinched herself, she would have thought that she had fallen victim to some kind of chemical on the lab and had fallen unconscious. Fortunately, it wasn't the case.
Rubbing her eyes, she stared attentively at what was happening with her ears perked up to see if she could hear anything that could clear some doubts she had at the moment.
Laura: Kain!
Kain: What is it?
She didn't have to wait long, as Laura suddenly called out to Kain that was slowly lowering the crocked metal bar on his right hand.
Laura: I found it. You were right. The technique of Tsunade, in Naruto, has an interesting backstory and theory. I never knew.
Kain: I told you that Naruto is the best one to look into that kind of stuff.
Laura: Wow.
Laura was so immersed in her research on the concepts used by the authors, of some works she had read and seen, that she failed to notice that Kain was no longer blushing or stuttering while speaking with her, furthermore, with his chest bare naked right beside her.
Maria: "It was Kain that put Laura up to this? Although it's related to the crap she likes, it's still something else. That book is even that of biology. The thing is.... what the hell is with Kain? How come he isn't embarrassed or stuttering like usual? Especially in that state."
Kain: You can see how it can help you?
Laura: Yes, I can see it now. Knowledge shouldn't be underestimated and ignored.
Kain: Exactly. Although you should use your intuition to discern truth from lies.
Laura: Huh?
Kain: You should know that the information allocated in the internet is mostly wrong, either made up or based on the opinion of a person, instead of a veridic fact. It's the same as I tell you that our planet is flat, but the truth proves that it is round, and yet during years, in the past, it was believed that it was flat. It wasn't based on a veridic fact, but on an opinion of someone.
Laura: O-oh.. right. Thank you Kain.
Maria: "I can't punish him now for what he did in the morning. Laura hasn't picked up anything besides those shitty books for a year now, this is an improvement, although a shitty one but still one."
Tears slowly filled Maria' eyes as she had been stressed-worried about her daughters. The younger one was a complete mess that wouldn't talk with her no matter what, except for asking money, and she could feel the animosity she felt towards her, although she didn't know the reason behind why. As such, she wanted her most level-head daughter to get out of her shell and live her life. She believed Laura to have the potential to be something big in the future, and she regretted not being there when she needed the most, but she had her own problems to deal with at the time.
Kain: Oh, I just thought of it.
Laura: What?
Kain: If you are more curious about this, then I think that the best person for you to ask is your mother.
Laura: Mom? W-Why?
Laura' eyes bulged as she didn't expect this suggestion from Kain.
Kain: She is a scientist.
Laura: K-kain... you may not know this... but I can't speak with my mom.
Laura stutter slowly vanish towards the end of her sentence, as it was replaced with sadness.
Maria: "Laura...."
Maria' make-up was ruined by now with her tears, while she was doing her best to contain, and suppress, her sobs, to not give up her position and presence to the two in the living room.
In wanting for her to want to improve her future, had she been so pushy and stubborn with her daughter.... that she was about to lose her?
Kain: A conflict of ideals?
Laura: Huh.... yes. She would never understand.... it's better this way anyway. I have only disappointed her till now.
Laura' eyes were wet with tears, as she mustered her courage and strength to mutter the words.
Maria: "Laura...."
Maria was about to burst into the living room and hug her daughter, to apologize to her when something shocking happened.
Kain: Oh, ok.
Kain' plain and simple choice of words left the pair of mother and daughter frozen in their places. One didn't know what to say, while the other was fuming in anger.
Laura: J-just like that?
Kain: Laura.
Kain stopped lifting the crocked metal bar, looked over at Laura in the eye, before speaking.
Kain: It shouldn't come as a surprise that my father is a complete cunt.
Laura: K-k-kain.... language!
Laura was once again shocked by the choice of words from Kain, she wasn't the only one as Maria felt the same, although she was nodding in confirmation with what he just said.
Kain: It's the truth.
Kain redirecting his gaze to the Tv, that was muted at the moment, since they were talking with each other.
Kain: With that I can say for certain what a terrible parent is, and I don't think that Maria is one.
Laura: ….but---
Kain: That is my opinion.
Just as Laura was about to speak, Kain interjected instantly.
Laura: ….
Kain: I don't want to change your mind regarding her, but I just wanted to get it out. I know that she can be a pain in the ass, and donkey worth of stubbornness with her opinions. The thing is... I like you Laura, and it pains me to see your relationship with your mother like that, when it could be better.
Laura: ….
Maria: "Kain.... i … i didn't know..."
Kain: I think that you should is take some time and talk with her.
Laura: …. I understand. T-thank you Kain.
Kain: It's nothing. That is what friends are for.
Laura: mmmm
Laura, smiling a little, bent, a little, and kissed Kain on his left cheek, before returning to her seat with a deep blush filling her cheeks.
Kain: "Really? Alright."
Kain' eyes held a certain feeling for a short moment, as his own cheeks blushed, seemingly, result of what Laura had just done.
Meanwhile, Maria was no longer peeking into the living room, she stepped into her bedroom and laid on the bed.
Maria: I should thank Kain for this, but I don't know how.... hmmm.... putting that to the side for now. I should prepare myself for my conversation with Laura.
[20:30 Monday]
Four members of the family were sitting down at the dining table. Sarah, Kain, Laura and Maria, since Amy hadn't returned home yet and Jack, the man of the house, was gone in a trip.
Sarah stood up from the dining table and left towards her own room, without cleaning or removing her plate from the table.
Kain: Laura.
Laura: Oh, thank you Kain. Here. Oh, let me help you.
Standing up, from the table, Kain picked up his plate and Laura's. Laura, blushing a little, thanked him before following him, while picking up Sarah's and Maria's plate.
Maria watched their little interaction with a neutral expression. No one could see what was going through her mind.
Laura: Huh? Kain?
Laura feeling a pull on her shirt, shifted her gaze over to the side finding Kain.
Kain: I think that you should go for it.
Laura: Wha..huh? Now!?
Muttering loudly, Laura eyes constantly shifted with different emotions.
Kain: Better early than later, besides I am here with you.
Smiling sweetly, Kain held her hand tight causing Laura to blush madly as she slowly nodded her head.
Laura: Mom. We need to talk.
Maria was still sitting at the dinner table with her neutral expression, looking at her phone, when she heard her older daughter causing her to lift her head, calmly, and gaze at the two.
Maria: About what dear?
Laura: It's about---
Laura couldn't continue, as Kain put a hand over her shoulder while gazing intensely at Maria.
Laura: Kain?
Kain: ….
Laura: Kain?
Laura, turning to him, was about to shake him, when he opened his mouth with a smirk.
Kain: Its nothing. I apologize for interrupting your conversation, it's just that I noticed something.
Laura: Huh? What?
Maria, on the other hand, was beginning to lose control over her neutral expression, with a small drop of sweat running down the side of her face. In fact, if one were to look at her back, they would find it completely wet with sweat. She wasn't as relaxed and calm as she was showing, she in fact was rather stressed over the conversation she knew she was going to have with her eldest daughter.
She was feeling even more nervous under the gaze of Kain, she didn't know what it was but his gaze left her very uncomfortable.
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