《Class Incognito》Den of the Wolves (3)


The academy was so over the top I feel like I would never get used to it.

6 Buildings color coded, the Prairie Building, or the student dorm is at the southern part of the property. The Forest Building located at the east is for Class-B Students. The Tundra Building at the north is for the Class C-Students. The Mountain Building for the Class-D Students is located at the west, then at the center, are the Valley Building for recreation purposes and housing the staff members and employees. And the Lune Building, which is basically for Class-A students and the Student Council.

The uniforms for each students are the same, B-Class is Blue, C-Class is Green, and D-Class is Red. Most of them are all grouchy in the morning, but school rules. Only those in the A-Class or Scholarships can attend late. But I don't want to take that chance.

"Welcome to Lupus Alma! First years please head over the Gym in the Forest Building. Scholars of every year please head towards the Lune Building for your assigned subjects. This year, you will be learning together with Class A."

That was sudden, But I did expected it. Since I did read the minds of the administrators on the way here. My telepathy has improved a lot, I can now see the memories of the target, as well as exploit it and force them to re-surface, and Elios, who was my guinea pig, is resisting it quite well. Since he doesn't want me haunting him and pretending I am a ghost under his bed. Ahhh good times.

Passing through the gates, I could already tell, eyes were already looking at me. And not the good kind of stares. Like one weakness spells a perfect time to harrass me. I stopped by near the entrance of the Lune Building when suddenly:

"Move! Out of the way!!"

I was too late by five seconds when I saw a flood of ice and snow swept me off and slams me at the hard wall. I was dazed from the impact and I sneezed a little, that flood was freezing. But I got a glimpsed on the situation, I was swept up by a person riding the flood, an ability user capable of using both the powers of Ice and Water. I saw him briefly; sea azure eyes, brown hair, and tanned skin.


"Hey! You okay?" A fellow B-Class Student asked, he was towering over me and was blocking the sun. His croppy green hair was like seaweed and his menacing smile sent shivers down my spine.

"Yes, thank you for the concern, I'm fi-"


My face stung hard. Did he just... punch me?

"How informal. Judging by your shabby appearance and your inability to move away from that flood means you're a commoner!"

Ah... I expected as much. This guy, he's of noble birth. I let my vision down but I can still see his traits. Easy to bruise ego, haughty breathing, and a pendant with a serpent's crest. Scion of the Fen Family.

The Fens are a family that is recently declining because of the sudden dropped sales of Silverite, a rare ore found in the regions of Lysensa. But because of a toxic substance that comes off the refinement process, the need for Silverite declines by the minute. Hence, the Fens are trying to salvage their wealth little by little.

"Look at this commoner, not even kissing my boots as an apology. Seems like you are in need for a beating." He said and snapped his fingers and sharp rocks blast towards my face and smacked it, I could feel my right cheek bleeding.

"So dirt? Ready to apologize?" He asked.

I looked around, almost everyone present were looking on with interest and are enjoying the show.

"I apologize for my rude behavior. Please forgive me." I said while bowing down.

"Heh, now you understand. Now get out of my way!" He pushed me aside with the earth and I skid across the floor, ripping off my uniform and smearing it with mud. Everyone was laughing at me. And I had to keep it in. I had a lot of scuffles before in the orphanage, but I can't do that here. I'm not of noble birth so I have to endure it. For Elios's sake I can't make a scene.

I went inside one of the stalls of the rest room. I took off my coat and my pants first and clean off the dirt and the mended the torn fabrics. When I was done, I wore my clothes again and even if there are some rough edges, it looked good again.


The restroom door opened and I could hear three people coming in, one of them, was the heir of Fens again.

"Hey did you hear? The Noan Orphanage's two eldest sons are attending this year?" one boy asked.

"The Noans? Oh yeah them, the Nobles with bleeding hearts. Disgraceful if you want my opinion!"

'Hold it in Marc Callahan.' I reminded myself.

"Well at least we won't be seeing Conner Ilbert Noan or Keith Arthur Noan. I heard that it was Elios Dracon Noan whom they sent." The Fens Heir said. "What do you think? I bet he's going to be a pushover and will be an excellent page."

'Think about it carefully before rushing out... Remember, you're in uncharted territory.' I held it in as hard as I can, but sky blue mist begins to emanate from my fists.

Fury... That was one emotion I never felt before... And I can understand why Dad and Keith said its dangerous for me to get too upset or angry; I don't have any control with this.

"Still, would it be funny if the kid you had trouble with becomes your page?"

"Shut up Valdwin. Although that's a good suggestion. Maybe he came from that dirty orphanage and decided that he's a noble. Must be the teachings of the whore of a woman who raised them and-"

I interrupted the conversation when I slammed the door open. All three of them jumped, and judging by their expressions, they were shocked. I saw myself in the mirror, my fury was emanating from my red eyes, and my fists were enveloped in a now lightning blue aura.

"Say one more word about my family and I will make sure I'll remove those mouths off your faces." I said in a quiet indignation.

"Y-you again?! It seems commoners have grown a backbone."

"Allen Victor Fens. I suggest you keep quiet if you don't want me to divulge what you wish to hide." I snapped. I never felt this angry before.

"W-what are you on about?" His face turned pale. "I've got nothing to hide!"

"December 13th, you ripped the 'Sash of Night' your friend's sister, Lady Valdwin cherished so much and blamed it on a dog. Thus making the said dog face execution. February 17th, you stood your friend up, Lord Draymore here, because you didn't want to lose face and look guilty. Because of not being able to win a gamble in his name when you went off to the casino."

"W-what?! You! that's slander!"

"Your reaction says it all Lord Fens. And to you fellow classmates, I suggest you contemplate whether you should continue being friends with a declining heir whose family business that revolves around declining toxic stones." I said and pushed them aside. "Oh and before I forget..."

I raised my finger and their zippers went up.

"Your flies were down." I said their faces turned brick red.

When I left the room, their voices of protest made me feel a little calm.

This is one of the many vipers that I will encounter. I should exercise the utmost caution.

The Lune Building was grand, to the point of overdecorating. Every floor, railing, and gilded decals were polished to perfection, no cracks, no stains. Just sheer perfection. This is where Class A students usually attend.

"Excuse me, but are you a Class-B Scholar?" A girl wearing a yellow coat asked she was also wearing the band that Elios has.

"Yes... I am." I said.

"If so, why aren't you wearing the armband?" She asked. "Unless you're lying, and Lupus Alma is not very keen on raising liars among their ranks."

I sighed and took out the red arm band from my bag and wore it.

"Please be mindful next time." She said and tells me to head for Auditorium A.

As I walk towards the entrance of the auditorium, a body suddenly flies towards my direction. And the last thing I see was a yellow coat flying towards me with snow and water.

Am I a snow magnet?

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