《Class Incognito》Den of the Wolves (2)


The school and the city were too much for both me and Elios.

The number of buildings were making my head spin so both of us settled down in a cafe. He order a Caramel Machiatto while I ordered a Black Roast.

"You still drink like an old man, big red." Elios noted.

"I don't like sweets that much remember?" I retorted playfully while sipping the black coffee.

"If you say so. Anyways, our schedule is going to be hectic. We need to pick up our uniforms and confirm the lodging. Dad said he made sure that the place we're staying at is in mint condition.

"Dad gave you the villa's key, right?" Elios asked and I nodded. The key was a card with the symbol of the Noan Orphanage.

"Still, Dad didn't told us that he had multiple villas for us." Elios pondered.

"Kinda. Dad was always good at keeping secrets, remember?" I reminded him.

Elios and I shuddered, he knows exactly what we did and if we lie, he would know. Like when Conner secretly bought his fisticuffs, Keith with his caligraphy set, and my new hat.

We finished our drinks and head for the atelier. There were numerous students who are already wearing their uniforms, some have jackets with the Lupus Alma coat of arms, a Blue Dire Wolf. Elios and I head inside and picked up our uniforms, for Class A Scholars, Elios was given a light brown uniform with a red neck tie, along with a black and red arm band with platinum steel studs. My uniform was navy blue, with a yellow and black tie, with a white and red arm band with onyx stone studs.

"You want something else E?" I asked and his eyes lit up when he saw the leather backpack and I immediately said no. But I can never win against my brothers' pouty faces. The only drawback for being an older brother.


"Thanks big red! I promise I'll make it up to you." Elios said with a huge smile.

"You and Conner both. Keith is the only one who fulfills that promise." I reminded him and he just smiles mischievously. So much for being mature.

The bustling streets are jam packed with students ranging from 13 to 18. It made us even more dizzy when we reached the shopping district. Different shops and boutiques gave us a sense of dread with our money. I mean we aren't poor, but Mom and Dad taught us to be frugal and only buy things that are completely necessary.

"Do we have to buy our books yet?" I asked.

"Not exactly... We still haven't met the teachers so they might assign the books when we get there." Elios puts in so we decided to just shop for food and toiletries. We finished our trip from the ever busy and neon colored lights of the district to head for the residential sections. When we get to the villa, Elios and I had our mouths open.

The villa, painted in pure white, was so huge it could fit an entire clan. The lights were installed with lapis lazuli lights, the gate was made out of gilded gold, with the symbol of the Noan Orphanage. The whole villa was made up of feldspar walls, onyx pathways, marble ceilings and polished opals decorated the arch leading towards the garden. We were this rich?!

"Welcome home Young Masters Elios and Marc. Seems you've bought some... Supplies for the kitchens." The head steward said. He was a middle-aged man with brown hair, silver eyes and a warm smile.

"Big red... Is he?" Elios recovered fast and went inside first.

"Ah pardon my manners young masters, my name is Hal, and I am the steward of the Sylvanus Villa. Rest assured, my brothers will be overseeing the other villas." Hal assured us and at the same time, our phones rang. E and I put it in speaker and Conner and Keith were all shouting.


"Are you guys seeing this too?" Conner shouted through phone.

"Han says hi to his brothers." Keith said.

"Tell them to go drown in a ditch." a voice came from Conner's end.

"I like my steward. His name is Hay." Conner said excitedly and we hear a clap as if they high fived.

"Hal, Han, and Hay?" Elios asked.

"Triplets, aren't you three the Glossalia Brothers?" I asked.

"So you've heard of us?" Hal raised an eyebrow.

"No... I read your mind." I said in a light tone. "Halcyon, Hayden, and Hansen. Those are your names right?"

"Yes indeed young master Marc Callahan." Hal smiled at my answer. "At any rate, please make yourselves at home. You four can chat later."

We nodded and said good-bye to Conner and Keith.

"Call us later okay?" Conner and Keith told us.

"Nah." Elios smirked and turns off the phone.

"Yeah... no." I said and turned off the call.

Elios and I head to our rooms and the room was even more surprising. The bed had red curtains, the pillows were soft like clouds, the whole room is insulated and has been embeded with emeralds.

"Shit..." I said in awe. This place is an overkill. Hal called me for dinner. And to be fair, I was expecting a full blown meal, but I was met with the familiar food we always had in the orphanage. Egg and Potato soup, roasted venison, and peach cookies.

"Dinner is... just like how I remember." I said and, tears suddenly fall down my face. What is happening.

I looked at Elios and he too was crying. We looked at eachother and at our surroundings. No children running around, no constant wails of lost toys, broken vases, or even Conner's incesant voice.

"Shit... I can't seem stop crying." Elios sniffed.

"Me too... Damn, since when did I became this emotional?" I wiped my eyes.

Then we heard the sudden click of a phone. We looked at Hal, who was recording our reactions.

My face felt hot and I bent the knife I was holding.

"HALCYON! DELETE THAT!" And the villa was turned to a battlefield. Little did we know that Hal already sent it to our parents and the kids. And that Hal's ability was Transmission.

That next morning, I woke up early because Classes B to D are expected to be earlier than those of Class A. So I told Hal to make sure Elios is awake with at least 2 hours before his time.

"He's a heavy sleeper, so be sure to see him actually get up. Also, he has a weak stomach in the morning, so even out the water and don't add too much milk in his oatmeal." I said.

"You seem to have quite the knowledge regarding your dear brother." Hal said. "If only I have you as my little brother instead of those two brainless ingrates."

"Hard Pass." I said bluntly. Picking up my bag and fastening my blue coat, I head out towards Lupus Alma Academia. Off to a new start, inside the Den of the Blue Wolves.

"Well... wish me luck. Off to start my day as a Student once again." I told myself in a confident yet shaky voice.

I mean... What could possibly go wrong?

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