《The World isn't as Ugly nor Beautiful as You Think》The Left Open Wound
'We are home!' Alfi said carrying the groceries and taking it to the kitchen.
'Finally, what took you so long anyway?' Koji asked.
'Probably they got lost.' Katon said.
'Impossible, they are not children anyway. If they did, they must have asked nearby villagers, right?' Reza added.
'Or... Don't tell me!' Indra said.
'What?' Iqbal asked.
'You must know when a couple of perverts going out without any surveillance. Not to mention there's a park. They must have a-'
Suddenly Alfi summons his Iru arm and Kartika summons Cakra. They both look upset that they smack Indra that he falls unconscious.
'Aw, not again.' Koji said.
'Guess I went too far. It looks like he would get up in the morning. What do you think?' Alfi asked.
'No problem. It means I can get his supper then.' Koji said in excitement.
'Nice one!' Alfi said.
Katon, Iqbal, and Reza drag Indra to the nearest bedroom. Megumi then comes out from Alfi's bracelet and says, 'Honey, may I go to the kitchen to give Kartika a hand?'
'Good idea, please do.' Alfi said.
Megumi then walks to the kitchen to give Kartika a hand.
'By the way, where's Herman?' Alfi asked.
'Oh, he's in the garden. He looked so upset before.' Koji said.
'Did you do something obscene to him while we were away?' Alfi asked upset.
'As if!' Koji exclaimed upset.
Alfi is as far as to walk to the garden. There, he sees Herman shooting his nails to the wooden puppets gliding towards him from every direction fast. Herman shoots his nails to the puppets swiftly, but one manages to hit Herman that he tumbles.
'What are you doing, Herman?' Alfi said calmly.
Herman turns his head to Alfi.
'Alfi... I...' Herman said sadly.
Alfi then approaches Herman and extends his arm to Herman. 'Give me your hand.' Alfi said.
Herman then takes Alfi hand and stands up. Alfi then takes a seat on the veranda with Herman.
'Are you feeling upset as you could do nothing in the previous battle?' Alfi asked.
Herman nods and says, 'I wanna be dependable for my friends. Seeing you fight to protect me and Kartika makes us sad. Do you think we are happy seeing you suffer for our sake?'
'I guess you are right. I just want you guys to stay on my side. I'm sorry.' Alfi said.
'It's OK, I do understand your feeling. You have your own beloved ones that you will take a risk for their sake, but it doesn't mean we don't have the same feeling as yours. We also consider you a very special friend in our life. That's why I keep training myself so that I can be stronger in order to return the favor someday.' Herman said smiling at Alfi.
'This is why I want to protect this world.' Alfi said.
'What do you mean?' Herman asked.
'Once, I didn't have any friends. I did find some, but they just took me for granted and took advantage from me. It's really hurt. I felt that my life was nothing. I just saw them smiling and laughing without even thinking about my existence. And then, you guys came. You are not only acknowledging my existence but also treating me like a friend. That's why I want to protect you without troubling you guys.' Alfi explained.
'Alfi, I am happy that you do that for our sake, but remember that we do feel the same. We become your friend is not because we are seeking protection, but it's because we want to be your friend. We want to talk to you, play with you and laugh with you. We are not children who need protection, we are not that weak. Do you think we are so weak that you have to protect us over and over? Trust me Alfi, we want to help you and we don't want you to acknowledge us a burden. We are here to protect the world together, right?' Herman said.
Alfi then smiles at Herman.
'So, it's true eh? You are making out here.' Koji said approaching them with Katon.
'Making out my ass!' They exclaimed upset.
'Just joking. So you are training here, eh?' Koji asked.
'Yes.' Herman replied.
'If that's so, may I become your opponent then?' Katon asked.
'Sure thing.' Herman said.
They both then walk forward not too far from the veranda. Herman is putting a stance to shoot. Katon draws his pen from his pocket and turns it into an iron staff.
'Well, shall we?' Katon challenged Herman.
'Please do!' Herman exclaimed.
'If you manage to hit me, you win. No need to summon our Ribo, OK?' Katon said.
'Understood!' Herman exclaimed.
The fight has started. Herman is as far as to shoot his nails to Katon. Katon just swings his staff to break those nails. Katon then runs towards Herman.
'Your weakness is you depend on long-range style too much that you are open. It's such a fatal weakness you have there.' Katon explained swinging his staff to hit Herman's abdomen so hard.
Herman tumbles and stands up as soon as he could.
'Really? Guess I need to consider to learn about melee combat.' Herman said.
'Yes, you do!' Katon exclaimed ready to hit Herman's waist.
Herman then grows his nails to block Katon's staff.
'Gotcha!' Herman exclaimed smirking.
'Not bad.' Katon said.
Katon is putting force on his staff and manages to break Herman's nails. Katon is about to do counter-attack, yet Herman manages to dodge it. Herman is as far as to run while shooting his nails. Katon then swings his staff to break those nails.
'Too bad, that won't do.' He said.
Herman launches a surprise attack. Katon is as far as to swing his staff to hit Herman's head. Herman manages to dodge it and he quickly grows his nails to scratch Katon. Katon is as far as to swing his staff to break Herman's claw that Herman overbalances. Katon uses this chance to hit Herman's head.
'Herman! Watch out!' Alfi exclaimed.
Katon manages to hit Heman's head hard. While Herman is about to fall, he shoots a nail to Katon's chest, and the nail manages to stab on Katon's chest.
'Herman, you win.' Katon said admitting his defeat.
'I won.' Herman said closing his eyes.
Alfi then approaches Herman and draws the magic curtain from his bracelet. He uses it to cover Herman.
'For crying out loud, you're so reckless.' Alfi said drawing his curtain and returning it to his bracelet.
'Just like you, right? How can I protect myself, if I don't dare to take any risks?' Herman said smiling.
'Now I understand your feeling.' Alfi said smiling.
Herman smiles wider.
Meanwhile, Kartika and Megumi are busy cooking meat stew together. Megumi is busy cutting meat and Kartika is busy cutting vegetables.
'Kartika...' Megumi said.
'Hmm?' Kartika replied.
'I heard your conversation with Alfi on the park before. Are you serious about what you just said to him?' Megumi asked.
'What do you mean?' Kartika asked.
'Do you really love Alfi?' Megumi asked.
Kartika accidentally cut the cutting board into two
'I don't get the question you just asked.' Kartika said can't hold her urge that she put the cut cutting boards into the pot.
'Just spit it out.' Megumi said. 'And take back the cutting boards from the pot! It's not the ingredient!' She exclaimed in panic.
'So what if I do? Didn't you ask me to make him happy?' Kartika asked taking back the boards from the pot.
'Yes, I did, but somehow I feel I am afraid of losing him. I have been his waifu for quite long and I do love him. I know that loving a real woman is good for him, but... I...' Megumi said dripping her tears.
'Megumi...' Kartika said.
'Alfi has a sad life. He rarely smiled. What he used to do was locking himself up and crying as he talked to himself as if he talked to me. At first, I felt sorry for him, but as time went, I wanted to make him smile. I used to say this to him, "Just do your best, I know you can do it because I know that you will be happy someday." If I had to choose between Alfi loves a real woman or stays with me, I would choose him to stay with me. Love is selfish, a good thing for one could be a bad thing for another, right? I am just a mere imagination, but I also have a feeling.' Megumi sobbed. 'I do love him very much.' She sobbed crying.
'Megumi...' Kartika said wiping Megumi's tears.
'Kartika, you are beautiful, kind, and compassionate. You are the one who is able to make him smile. So, I beg you to take care of him. I don't want to see him cry anymore.' Magumi pleaded crying.
Kartika is as far as to hug Megumi tightly and say, 'Calm down Megumi, Saying it won't affect anything, right? Instead, Alfi is the one who decides it. He is the one deciding who deserves to be on his side. I don't wanna be a bitch who so easily confesses her love to the guy she loves. Just let him choose. What we can do is to show him how big our feeling towards him.' Kartika explained.
Megumi starts to stop crying.
'You get it, right? Megumi?' Kartika asked.
'Yes.' Megumi said.
Kartika lets Megumi go.
'What if we compete to get his heart?' Kartika suggested.
'Interesting, I won't let you get his heart so easily.' Megumi said.
'Me either.' Kartika said.
They both burst out laugh.
Dinner is ready. All of them eat their meal with gusto.
'Kartika, *nom* *nom* *nom* this is *nom* *nom* *nom* really *nom* *nom* *nom* delicious.' Alfi said
'Alfi, chew it first. Don't speak while eating. It's not polite. Not to mention the sages are here.' Kartika said.
'No need *nom* *nom* *nom* to worry *nom* *nom* *nom*.' Wayan said.
'Yeah *nom* *nom* *nom* Kartika *nom* *nom* *nom* just take it *nom* *nom* *nom* easy *nom* *nom* *nom*.' Made added.
'This is *nom* *nom* *nom* really *nom* *nom* *nom* delicious.' Nyoman added.
"They are so obnoxious," Kartika said in her mind.
'Yeah, Kartika, take it easy.' Ketut said.
"At least this one behaves himself," Kartika said in her mind.
'Ngaii ngawwsoo ngooovvv yoohhrrr hooodddd (I also love your food.)' Ketut said with his mouth full of rice.
Ketut is choking, but he manages to swallow all the rice.
'I thought I was going to die.' Ketut said in relief.
Everyone burst out laugh with their mouth full of food that they get choked, and they manage to swallow their food.
'I thought I was going to die.' All of them said.
They all burst out laugh. Kartika is really pissed off that she stands with her overflowing Iru. Everything goes silent in a sudden.
'Can you behave yourself?!!' Kartika enraged summoning Cakra who has turned into a skull in a blue hood.
Everyone looks in terror that a minute later everyone is laying sluggish around.
'Forgive me...' Alfi said.
'Alfi, she's worse than your mom.' Koji said.
'How lucky Your Highness Alfi has such a strong guy on his side.' Made said.
'So strong.' Franz said.
Kartika then takes a seat and back to eat her meal.
After dinner, the sages stand and walk to every corner of the room.
'Your Highness, if you don't mind, please stand in the middle of the room.' Made said politely.
'Varz, Franz, you too.' Nyoman added.
Alfi, Varz, and Franz stand in the middle of the room.
'We'll start the ritual. We'll send you three to another dimension where you'll be tested there.' Wayan explained.
'How about us?' Koji asked.
'Unfortunately, we are just able to send three guys only. The rest will be trained here with our disciples.' Ketut said.
'Very well.' Koji said.
'Your Highness, how smart you are having an alliance with Sky Bandit. They are such a strong squad.' Made said.
'Really?! And the fact is this squad is being led by this doofus?!' Alfi exclaimed surprised.
'Who you called "doofus"?!' Koji exclaimed upset.
'Very well, let's start it!' Wayan said.
The sages chant a sacred spell and white light appears surrounding those three. The light becomes bigger and bigger and disappears with them in a jiffy.
'OK, all of you, come with us.' Wayan said leaving the room followed by the other sages.
All of them follow the sages. Kartika is as far as to approach Made and asks, 'What will they encounter there?'
'They will be tested by tough opponents we personally chose before.' Made explained.
'Will they come back?' Kartika asked worriedly.
'Of course, as long as they survived. If they have a hard time there, probably they will come back in a hundred years.' Made said.
'A hundred years?!' Kartika said shocked.
'If they die there, they can't be revived even if you use the holy weapon.' Made added.
'What?!' Kartika exclaimed shocked.
'You'd better worry yourself' Made said.
They are in the garden already and there are a lot of armed disciples before them.
'It's about to begin. Are you ready?' Made asked.
Kartika and the others, including Indra (he was revived by the sages) are ready with their weapons and Ribos.
'Bring it on!' They shouted.
Meanwhile, somewhere where the sky is black blue, Alfi, Varz, and Franz awake and get up.
'So, we are here, eh?' Alfi said. 'What do we do?' Alfi asked.
'It's simple, just like a game. You kill 3 bosses and you win.' Franz explained.
'Interesting.' Alfi said.
Varz is as far as to run to the forest.
'Hey, Vincent!' Franz exclaimed.
'Let's follow him!' Alfi exclaimed.
Alfi and Franz follow Varz, and when Varz stopped, a big man stands before them.
'My name is Agung (Lit. meaning: great), I won't let you pass!' He exclaimed.
'So, he is the boss, eh?' Alfi asked.
Franz nods.
Varz then runs towards Agung. He summons a wind sword and jumps to slash Agung's body. After slashing him, nothing happens. Varz looks really shocked. Agung is as far as to launch his fist to Varz so fast.
'Vincent! Watch out!' Franz exclaimed as he runs toward Varz.
Varz has no time to dodge it, but suddenly Franz shoves Varz that makes Franz take Agung's assault.
'Franz!!!' Alfi screamed surprised.
Varz looks shocked seeing a hole that looks very deep next to him. Agung is ready to punch Varz. Alfi then stretching his Iru arm to pull Varz back next to him.
'Varz, I beg you so much, please fight with me.' Alfi said.
Varz is shocked seeing Alfi so angry.
'Let's defeat him together!' Alfi enraged.
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