《The World isn't as Ugly nor Beautiful as You Think》Conference
Those mysterious 6 are taking a seat around that wide hexagonal table.
'We've lost 3 persons.' The blue one said.
'We have to do something! I just can't take such disgrace!' The red one said mad.
'And their new member, Herman has succeeded to summon his Ribo. And he's getting stronger that he can break Kiki's thick skin.' The yellow one said.
The green one looks tingling.
'What's wrong?' The blue one who sits next to him asked.
'Nothing.' The green one replied.
"So you're in eh? I'm looking forward to it!" He said in his mind.
'Well, let's continue shall we?' The yellow one said. 'Alfa currently has mastered the third holy weapon, Duy-duy and we can't let him master any weapons any more than this. Otherwise, he will be a big threat to us.' He added.
'Don't worry.' The black one said. 'We just have to lure him to the region which occupied by strong members. The legend said that Alfa would defeat Waku-waku once he had mastered all of the holy weapons and assisted by 4 weirdos.' He added.
'So? How do we prevent it?' The white one asked.
'I've got a plan to do so.' The black one answered calmly.
'Cut the crap!!' Kartika yelled at her driver.
Alfi and Herman who are just back from training walk to the top and see Kartika yelling to her Driver. They both then approach her.
'What's wrong Kartika?' Alfi asked in amazement.
'You look so distressed, what happened?' Herman added.
'Just look at it!' Kartika exclaimed showing her driver to both of them.
They both read the notice on the screen.
'Cut the crap!!' They both yelled at her driver.
The notice says:
Due to the conference to change our strategy, our operation will be terminated. Back invading Indonesia by tomorrow at 10 A.M.
'Is Waku-waku a department store or something?!!' Alfi exclaimed pissed.
'But, speaking of chance, we can take such a chance to make a strategy as well.' Kartika said.
'What do you mean?' Alfi asked.
'The enemy notified us about this strategy conference to defeat us on purpose, right?' Kartika explained.
'Hey, your driver belongs to Taye. Isn't it obvious if they notify us?' Alfi said.
Kartika remains silent.
'Ok, where were we before?' Kartika said ignoring Alfi. 'It means we have to make a strategy to defeat them. I'm sure the enemy we will face next will be stronger than the ones we have defeated.' She added.
'That's right! We should make a strategy immediately!' Herman agreed.
'Pass!' Alfi said in sudden.
'What's wrong, Alfi?' Kartika asked.
'I have something to do. It's urgent.' He replied.
'What is it? Tell me!' Kartika asked.
Alfi then lies on the corner near the railing. He pulls out his smartphone from his pocket and starts playing Love Live! School Idol Festival.
'Urgent my ass!!' Kartika yelled at him irritated.
'Oh, you play too?! Is there any internet connection around here?' Herman asked in excitement.
'Of course not. I turn my Iru into Wi-Fi with 1 terabyte/sec speed.' Alfi explained keeps playing. 'Why it's so urgent? Umi event is running and I have to get her no matter what!' He added.
'Alfi...' Kartika said with a different voice.
'Alfi...' Herman said with a different voice.
'Herman, please give him something that will fix his behavior.' Kartika asked him firmly.
Herman approaches Alfi.
'Alfi.' Herman called him.
Alfi pauses his game and turns his head upward. 'What is it?' Alfi asked.
'What a brilliant idea you got there! May I use it??!!' Herman asked admiring him.
'Oh, you wanna play too?' Alfi asked happily.
Kartika just stands there getting pissed and more pissed.
'Yup! Umi is my waifu!' Herman said in excitement.
Alfi bursts out a laugh and says. 'Oh really? Then, I won't do anything to your waifu, I still have Megumi on my side anyway.'
'But, I lost my smartphone on Garut. What should I do?' Herman asked in blue.
'Don't worry.' Alfi said taking a strand of his hair and pulling the magic curtain from his bracelet.
Alfi then covers the hair with the magic curtain and once he pulls it, the hair turns into a smartphone. Alfi then gives it to Herman.
'Let's play!' Alfi challenged Herman.
'Ok!' Herman replied in excitement starting to play.
Kartika is getting pissed and pissed more.
"Am I the only normal one here?" Kartika said in her mind pissed.
'Yay! Full Combo!!!' Herman said with pride.
'Dang! I missed it!' Alfi said in disappointment.
They both are enjoying playing such-shameful-game-for-them together.
Seeing that, Kartika summons Cakra.
'Let's give them something they never forget!' Kartika said firmly.
'Understood.' Cakra replied briefly.
Cakra then kicks their ass black and blue.
'Kartika, I would join make the strategy, if you asked me properly.' Alfi said with his face full of bruises that his face looked like a painting of massacre.
'Yeah, can you at least let us go? We can walk by our feet.' Herman added with the same condition as Alfi.
'No way! I bet you would run away if I did that.' Kartika said in sarcasm walking with Cakra dragging their feet.
'Oh come on, let me play for at least a round. My LP is still damn full!' Alfi whined.
'Me too.' Herman added.
Kartika then goes downstairs which makes Alfi's and Herman's head hit the stairs several times that their heads get bruised more.
'Ok, ok, I get it. Can we take the elevator instead?' Alfi asked in pain.
'If only you both can stop whining.' Kartika said in sarcasm.
'Yeah, we won't whine anymore.' Herman said trying to convince her.
Kartika then turns her body to both of them and smiles at them.
'Very well.' Kartika said walking to the elevator with Cakra keeps dragging their feet.
'Please let us walk!' Alfi asked in pain.
'No way!' Kartika refused.
The three then take a seat around that small black triangle table.
'May I ask something?' Alfi asked.
'Sure.' Kartika replied.
'Why is the room like this? We look like hanging out instead of having a conference.' Alfi asked.
'This room adjusts itself by the sum of people who use it and since it's just 3 of us, the table adjusts itself that it looks like a table you find on fast food restaurant.' Kartika explained.
"Really?" Alfi asked me.
"Just stop whining already!" I scolded him.
"You should have made it better! Like a conference room of UN for instance." Alfi said.
"Are you mad?! A description for such a room takes around a hundred words!" I yelled at him.
"And you almost take 100 words for this dialogue," Alfi said in sarcasm.
"Enough! Just back to work already or I'll make the ending of this novel into where you fail saving the world and end up being their sex slave!" I threatened him.
Alfi looks frightened.
"Ok, ok, I get it," Alfi said irritated.
"See ya!" I said back to write.
'Alfi!' Kartika said.
'Yes?' Alfi replied.
'Let's continue, shall we?' Kartika asked.
'Go ahead.' Alfi replied briefly.
'Considering the enemy we have encountered, I think I have found their strategy pattern.' Kartika explained.
'What do you mean?' Herman asked.
'Anggun for instance, we encountered her on Garut and her power is manipulating diamond. She did say that Garut is the city of the diamond.' Kartika explained.
'So?' Alfi asked.
'Allow me to explain, the enemy always spawn on a landmark or tourism object. And his power must have a relation with the landmark or object he occupies.' Herman explained.
'Exactly! And I just found Taye's log on my Driver.' Kartika said.
'A log? It sounds interesting.' Alfi said in excitement.
'Who is Taye?' Herman asked.
'He is the very first enemy we encountered. We encountered him on Gedung Sate and his power is manipulating sate as well. He did say that Gedung Sate was supposed to be in Madura, not Bandung.' Alfi explained.
'What a stupid way of thinking.' Herman said awkwardly.
'It is. Then, how is the log?' Alfi asked.
'It's just a poem.' Kartika replied.
'Read it.' Alfi asked in excitement.
Kartika reads it.
Oh sate...
You are so delicious.
Especially when you are served hot.
Gedung sate is fake!
It's not a sate restaurant!
It's just an office.
I'll take that.
And I turn it into sate restaurant.
Just for you.
Oh, I love you.
Oh sate...
(Seriously, writing such a poem makes me starving.)
Kartika does read it with a whole of her soul.
'Whoa! What an amazing performance!!' Alfi exclaimed admiring her.
'Yeah!' Herman added.
Kartika is chuckling and strokes her own hair because she's blushing.
'Thank you.' Kartika said in blushed.
'Good grief I killed that moron.' Alfi said.
'Well yeah, can we move to the next topic?' Kartika asked.
'Sure.' Alfi replied.
'Wait!' Herman said. 'We may be able to predict what kind of enemy we will encounter next.' He added.
'You've got a point there! If we can predict what power our enemy we will encounter has, we can make a strategy to defeat him easily.' Kartika added.
'Really?' Alfi said. 'Let's try then!' He added.
'What if the enemy spawns on the Surabaya monument?' Herman asked.
'Probably we'll encounter a shark-crocodile-hybrid guy.' Alfi answered.
'Make sense.' Kartika said.
'How about Borobudur temple?' Herman asked.
'Maybe temple man or sculpture power.' Alfi answered in doubt.
'Temple man? What kind of human is that?' Kartika asked in amazement.
'Well, probably he can turn his enemy into a temple or even he can create a temple and throw it to us just like Anggun's fighting style.' Alfi explained.
'It doesn't make sense at all.' Kartika said irritated drinking water from her cup.
'Then, how about sculpture power?' Herman asked.
'As I know, Borobudur was built manually and some sculptors involved for sure. It looks like his power is to sculpt us that our joints become stiff and we turn into a temple in the end.' Alfi explained.
'Why I got a headache all of sudden?' Kartika said touching her forehead.
'Wait, why the hell we talk about this? It's the author's business, not ours.' Alfi said.
'Can you be more idiot than this?' I asked in sarcasm.
'Well, let's move to the next topic, shall we?' Kartika said avoiding listening to Alfi's telling his idiot theory. 'Alfi, have you mastered all of the holy weapons?' She asked.
'Not yet.' Alfi answered. 'There are 3 weapons I haven't mastered; they are weapon number 6, 9, and 12. Including Duy-duy, the four are forbidden ones.' He added.
'Oh yeah, you did tell us that Duy-duy requires sad memory to use it.' Herman said.
'Yup. If I am not focused while using Duy-duy, the consequence is not a joke.' Alfi replied.
'Really? What is the consequence anyway?' Kartika asked.
'The manual said, once I lost control of Duy-duy, it will turn me into a platypus-dugong-hybrid guy.' Alfi answered.
'I wonder, please show me!' Herman asked in excitement.
'Hell no! There are so many things I haven't done with Megumi!' Alfi said pissed.
'Like what? Doing dirty stuff with her just like yesterday?' Herman tempts him.
'Yeah.' Alfi said blushing. 'Eh, of course not!' He added after back to his sense.
The table is split into 2. Alfi and Herman turn their head to Kartika slowly with a scared look on their faces. Kartika looks pissed at their behavior.
'That's enough! I can't take it anymore! I will get outta here! I thought you are the one! But, I was wrong!' Kartika shouted dripping tears.
Alfi and Herman remain silent. Kartika then leaves her seat, and Alfi goes as far as to grab her hand.
'Don't go.' Alfi said firmly.
'Let me go!' Kartika sobbed.
'Never.' Alfi said.
'Why?' Kartika asked.
'Didn't I promise you something? I will fight against Waku-waku with you. Saving the world together.' Alfi answered.
'Saving the world? Cut the crap! Are you not afraid of death?' Kartika asked.
'Of course, I am not afraid of death!' Alfi exclaimed.
Kartika then turns around to Alfi.
'What did you say?' Kartika asked pissed.
'I am not afraid of death.' Alfi answered firmly.
'Don't you know how damn priceless life is?!' Kartika yelled at him. 'I had been looking for you for years, even centuries. What will happen to the world if it's protector dead?!' She added.
'I won't die!' Alfi exclaimed.
Kartika suddenly slaps Alfi so hard. Alfi sees Kartika so angry with tears on her cheek.
'I'd been looking for you for centuries, Alfi. Do you understand what I mean? I've split myself several times just for looking for you. I've seen this world since it was a wonderful place to live until it became hell! But, I still want to protect this world! That's what made me able to meet you. I do want to protect this world. You have to be stronger to protect this world. I even will give my life if necessary as long as the world is safe!' Kartika shouted aloud while crying.
Alfi slaps Kartika all of sudden. Kartika is shocked by what just he did.
'Alfi! Why did you do that?!' Herman asked shocked.
Kartika sees Alfi gazing at her. Kartika hasn't seen Alfi like this before.
'I am sorry, Kartika, I do understand the burden you had back there.' Alfi said. 'Thank you.' He added.
'W... What do you mean?!' Kartika asked shocked.
'If you weren't there, I would die for sure. I was a friendless loser who didn't have anyone to talk to. I used to talk to myself as if I had a chat with Megumi. But, after seeing you guys, I can laugh and have a wonderful life. You both make want to stay alive. Why I always do reckless things while fighting? Because I don't want to lose you guys, I'd rather fight alone than sacrificing my friends!' Alfi explained.
Kartika turns her head down.
'Are you sure you won't die?' Kartika asked in blue.
'Of course! You are my only reason to live my life. As long as you're on my side, I will be just fine!' Alfi said happily.
Kartika drips her tears. She as far as to hug him tightly and cries on him. Alfi just strokes her hair gently.
'Don't worry Kartika, I promise I won't die.' Alfi said gently.
'You idiot!' Kartika sobbed.
Kartika lets him go and smiles at him.
'Alfi.' Kartika said.
'Yes?' Alfi replied.
'Please don't do stupid stuff while fighting.' Kartika said.
The three then burst out a laugh.
'Wait.' Herman said. 'Kartika, you did say "split myself" right? What do you mean?' Herman asked.
'Yes, I was sent by the ancestors to find Alfa, the world savior. And I have a special skill every time my age gets 40, I will split myself and back to 20. Just like an amoeba.' Kartika explained.
'Are you multiply yourself?!' Alfi asked shocked.
'Nope, my other split becomes Iru which doubles up my strength.' Kartika explained.
'How old are you anyway?' Alfi asked.
'I am around 1500 years old.' Kartika answered.
Alfi and Herman are shocked hearing it.
"I don't want to make her mad anymore," Alfi said in his mind in terror.
'Anyway.' Alfi said embracing them. 'Promise me not to leave me Ok?' He added happily.
Kartika and Herman embrace him.
'Same goes to you.' Kartika and Herman replied smiling at him.
Kartika's driver rings. She checks it and she's shocked seeing the latest notice from Waku-waku.
'Oh no!' Kartika exclaimed shocked.
Alfi and Herman read the notice.
Brace yourself!
We are going to invade Bali on 8 spots. Let's show them who we are!
'So, they are on the move eh??' Alfi said.
'Stronger enemies await.' Herman said.
'We have to be ready!' Kartika said.
Alfi stretches out his arm followed by Kartika and Herman doing the same. Suddenly 3 hands join.
'Don't forget about us!' Cakra said smiling with Megumi and Kolonel.
Alfi smiles and says. 'We are Wibu! In spite we are weird and nuts, we definitely will...'
'Save this world no matter what!' They shouted together.
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