《The World isn't as Ugly nor Beautiful as You Think》My Friend
It's total silence.
None of them moves for an inch.
Roni's body is lying there.
Kiki suddenly reminds the moment they met for the first time.
They met when they were in primary school. Kiki, at that time, was an introvert who was always bullied. One day, Kiki was sitting on his chair to avoid any eye contact afraid of being bullied. And then, a boy walked towards him.
'Hi, Kiki!' He greeted Kiki.
Kiki didn't reply the boy, he just glanced at the boy and bowed his head back to his La-la-land.
'My name is Roni. Let's play!' He asked Kiki.
Kiki raised his head and turn his head to Roni.
'You want to be my friend?' He asked anxiously.
Roni smiled at him and gave him a hand.
'Of course, friends must care for each other, right? I don't have any friends, just like you. Therefore, let's befriend! I don't want to see such a long face of yours anymore.' Roni said.
Kiki smiled and took Roni's hand.
Roni took Kiki outside. They played and laughed together. The long face of Kiki had turned into a face full of happiness.
They always had a good time together. They played together, studied together, laughed together, took a bath together. (It's normal, isn't it? It would be not if one of them were..... Well... it's for R18+ version.)
One day, Kiki was heading to school, when he reached the school gate; he saw Roni got tortured by some of their classmates.
'Why the hell you get along with that bastard? What a hypocrite!' One of them said.
'Aw, come on! Why don't we kill both of them anyway?! That bastard will come in a second anyway.' Another one of them added.
Roni looked suffering by getting punched, kicked, and stepped consecutively like that. Not to mention the bruises from his head to toe.
Kiki wanted to save him, but he had no courage to save his one and only friend. Suddenly, he remembered what Roni told him the days before,
"I don't want to see such a long face of yours anymore."
Remembering it made him cry.
"I have to save Roni!" Kiki said in his mind with a great amount of determination.
Kiki took 2 planks near him, and ran toward them and fought them fiercely. 1 versus 8, isn't it obvious? But, Kiki defeated all of them. Kiki then helped Roni stand up.
'Are you OK?' Roni asked sadly.
'Why? Why did you fight them? You shouldn't have done this.' Roni asked in exhausted.
'Why?! They tortured you! Isn't it obvious that I had to save you?! Kiki answered.
'But why? Why did you do this? I am neither smart nor rich, why Kiki? Why?' Roni asked.
'Because you are my friend... You are the only friend I have! I don't wanna lose you!' Kiki exclaimed crying.
'Kiki....' Roni said exhausted closing his eyes.
Kiki went into a panic and took Roni to the infirmary.
Later, Roni opened his eyes. He saw Kiki sit next to him with his long face.
'Kiki? Where am I?' Roni asked.
'You are in the infirmary, just go back to sleep already.' Kiki answered.
'Did you take me here?' Roni asked.
Kiki just nodded.
'What's wrong, Kiki?' Roni asked.
'I am sorry, Roni.' Kiki said.
'What for?' Roni asked.
'I am expelled.' Kiki answered.
Roni remained silent.
'Those 8 ruffians are sons of an official. They threatened the headmaster to expel me, otherwise, they'll sue him. Even my parents kicked me out. They said that I was nothing but a burden.' Kiki explained dripping his tears.
'Kiki...' Roni said patting Kiki's shoulder.
'If it's anything about power, then I have to be stronger than them! I'll show those imbeciles that this trash can make them depressed! They will be something more disgraceful than a mere shit!' Kiki exclaimed with a great amount of determination.
'Kiki! Calm down!' Roni exclaimed dripping his tears.
Roni tried to punch Kiki, but Kiki caught Roni's fist.
'I am sorry, Roni, You are the best friend, no, you are my best soulmate I've ever had in my life.' Kiki said punching Roni's face hard.
Roni lied on his bed.
'Goodbye, my best friend. I will never forget you.' Kiki said leaving the infirmary.
Roni closed his eyes dripping his tears endlessly. Kiki cried in front of the door and walked leaving the school immediately.
Kiki started training to become stronger by beating up some thugs, bad boys, mafia and police for years.
One day, Kiki was being chased by police for murdering the president's son. He kept running fast, but the police kept chasing him.
"They are so persistent! What a pain in the ass! I just can't let them arrest me! I am not strong enough to kill all of them!" Kiki said in his mind agitated.
Kiki ran to the nearest narrow alley to hide. He hid behind a garbage can and frankly, the police couldn't find Him. Then they left the alley and continue the pursuit.
"Talking about elite force, they are so pathetic!" Kiki said in his mind exhausted.
Suddenly a guy in a polka dot with white base color and black circles cloak appeared before Kiki.
Kiki was surprised. He pulled his machete from his pocket immediately and pointed it at him.
'Stay away from me! Look, sir, I have a machete with me and I'm not afraid to use it to cut your flesh if you don't step back!' Kiki threatened him.
He kept walking ignoring Kiki's threat. Suddenly his machete was cut. Kiki was surprised seeing what just happened to his machete.
The white cloak laughed in a horrifying voice.
'Boy, do you want to be stronger?' He asked.
Kiki looked interested in his offering.
'Is it possible?' Kiki asked.
'Of course. Do you have a thing which is priceless in your life?' He asked.
'No.' Kiki said in blue.
'Don't worry; I have another way to make you stronger.' He said.
'How?' Kiki asked.
'I'll plant the power source on your heart, but you will never be able to show any hospitality to anyone, but I won't take your conscience.' He explained.
'It means I will never be able to be Roni's friend anymore, right?' Kiki asked in blue.
'Well, sometimes you need to make a sacrifice, right?' He replied.
'I do wanna be stronger! I do want to make those imbecile depressed so bad that they would worship me! Give me power!' Kiki exclaimed.
'Very well, what kind of power do you want?' He asked.
'I wanna be as strong as a rhino!' Kiki answered.
'Enjoy your new power.' He said disappearing leaving Kiki by teleporting by using his Iru.
The berserk Kiki destroyed the houses, cars, and innocent folks around him.
'Everyone will worship me!' Kiki exclaimed laughing in his horrifying voice.
"Hey..." Alfi said
"What?" I asked.
"Why the hell you put his story anyway? How much money did he give you?" Alfi asked.
"Hey, it's a part of the story. It's called filler, a short story that actually doesn't relate to the main story. Then why did I put it? It's because I had no idea what to write, so to avoid the reader's bad review for me slacking off, I decided to put Kiki's story to attract them." I explained
"But why his story? I would agree if it were Herman's or Kartika's. Anyway, it's a comedy fantasy story, right? We just don't need such an inferior story!" Alfi exclaimed.
I get irritated and pushing Alfi's forehead with my index finger.
"Hey, you little scum! Do you think I write a mere pure comedy story?! A story that focuses on 1 aspect won't do any good! A story like Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso which has a sad story has a good comedy aspect to make people enjoy the story! And what do you mean by inferior story anyway? Your story is lower than this one! A Nijikon who doesn't care about his life and he is a weirdo and perv? Hah! Don't make me laugh!" I exclaimed irritated.
"Do you think I wanna be like this?! I do love Megumi wholeheartedly, but why didn't you make me have a superpower like Superman or Goku? What did you give me? Iru arm? How useless! And you gave me 12 holy weapons, right? Do you think a plunger deserves to be called holy? What a stupid author! A protagonist should be a figure who inspires everyone, not a figure who always be bullied by netizen!" Alfi yelled at me.
"Writing a story with the handsome, strong, rich, and gallant protagonist? Like the hell, I would! Such a story makes me sick! Such an inferior story makes the woman admire such guy that the ugly I end up being a Nojikon!" I yelled at Alfi.
"You asshole! Your Waifu is a hag!" Alfi insulted my waifu.
"Your waifu is a doujinshi material! (Doujinshi I mean here is the 18+ ones AKA porn.)" I insulted his waifu.
'What the? Wanna fight or something!?' Alfi enraged irritated.
"You asked for it! Don't ever think your stupid weapons can kill me!" I replied.
"Cut the crap already! Back to work already!" Someone shouted from the first floor.
Alfi and I stop fighting.
"Who's that?" Alfi asked.
"My mom," I answered.
"She's so beautiful, but after knowing her age. She doesn't make me horny anymore." Alfi said.
"Agreed," I replied.
I take my cell phone and play a song.
"Well, let's get back to work!" I said.
"Oh, Nandemonaiya again eh? Doesn't it bore you?" Alfi asked.
"Nah, this is the song that made me meet Mitsuha," I answered embracing my Mitsuha dakimakura (hugging pillow with your loved anime character)
"What a pathetic Nijikon," Alfi said.
"Hmph, like you are one to talk," I replied.
"Well, I'll be back in my world. Good luck." Alfi said.
"You too! Please defeat Kiki." I replied.
"You're the author. I am just a mere character on your story whose fate is on the likes of your hand." Alfi replied.
I chuckle and say, "Right, well, back to work then!"
Alfi jumps and enters my book. I continue writing this weird story with Mitsuha by my side with the song that made us both meet playing. (Let's just say I write it on the book OK? I have to write it first before typing it and publishing it on the blog. And believe me, typing is more tedious than writing.)
Kiki destroys the bind of the magic curtain and Herman's nails shackle so easily.
'No... No way!' Herman said in surprise.
Kiki gazes Alfi deeply.
'How dare you killed my best friend!' Kiki enraged.
'Hey, didn't I help you? You are supposed to thank me, you know?' Alfi said calmly.
'Helping? What do you mean?' Kiki asked.
'You used to loot him right? It's a pity to see him suffer like that, right? So, just let him rest in peace, OK? Not to mention you don't need to loot him anymore, right? So, you have to thank me then!' Alfi explained arrogantly.
"What a liar! Roni did it voluntarily." Kartika said in her mind.
'Cut the crap already! You did kill him, you bastard! Why the hell I should thank you anyway?' Kiki exclaimed irritated.
'Then? Why did you loot him?' Alfi asked.
'I accidentally heard Roni asked his parents to buy him a PS4, but they didn't want to. So, I decided to buy him one, but since I am jobless and I have no money.... 'Kiki explained.
'Then?' Tanya Alfi.
'I planned to keep looting him and saving the money that I afford to buy him a PS4. That's what friendship is!' Kiki explained.
"Stupid." Herman thought.
"Moron." Kartika thought.
"Dummy." Megumi thought.
'Now I understand why you have such bizarre power: turning into a rhino-shrimp-hybrid man. You are otak udang! (Literally meaning: shrimp brain. the pun has the same meaning as pinhead/idiot).' Alfi said.
'Shut the hell up!' Kiki enraged running towards Alfi.
'Megumi, weapon number 1!' Alfi exclaimed pulling a plunger from his bracelet (Megumi just pushed the halation) and shooting small fireballs to Kiki.
The fireballs stooped Kiki.
'A plunger?!' Herman exclaimed in surprise.
'Oh, not again.' Kartika said irritated.
'Do you know the weapon?' Herman asked.
'Kinda.' Kartika replied.
'Let me introduce this guy.' Alfi said aiming it to Kiki in the voice of SPB (sales promotion boy or the poor guy who sells unimportant stuff in a mall, he always bugs people by presenting his goods before them of a sudden). 'T41 gun, a gun which has 3 kinds of bullets in it.' He added.
'Shit!' Kiki exclaimed.
'Peluru Pertama: Kabut Panas (Bullet No. 1: Heatwave)!' Alfi exclaimed shooting red wave to Kiki.
'Hot! Hot!' Kiki exclaimed rolling around the ground.
'Amazing!' Herman exclaimed in amazement.
'Incredible!' Kartika exclaimed in surprise.
'Peluru Kedua: Kabut Busuk (Bullet No.2: Stink Wave)!' Alfi exclaimed shooting brown smoke to Kiki.
'I can't breathe!' Kiki exclaimed.
The smoke makes him out of breath.
'That's a deadly wave for ya.' Herman said in amazement.
'Why do I feel something bad will happen?' Kartika said wondering.
'Peluru Ketiga: Tai (Bullet No. 3: Shit)!' Alfi exclaimed shooting a massive black ball to Kiki.
'Herman, let's get outta here!' Kartika exclaimed in a panic pulling Herman's hand.
The ball hits Kiki perfectly that he dropped very hard.
'SHIT! IT'S HURT, YOU ASSHOLE!!!' Kiki shouted irritated.
'Yup, that's Bullet No. 3: Shit.' Alfi said arrogantly.
'Stop playing around you dumbass!' Kartika and Herman exclaimed irritated.
Kiki goes berserk that he shouted so loud.
'You dumbass! No more Mr. Nice Guy!' He enraged jumping to the middle of the lake. 'Do you know why this lake is so famous? The lake once was a site where rhinos bathed...' He added.
'Oh, so you take a bath there?' Alfi asked calmly.
'Of course not you scum! Forget it already! There's no use to talk to the likes of you! This place used to be a place where we had a good time.' Kiki enraged.
'Oh, so you both used to take a bath here?' Alfi asked.
'Shut the hell up you son of a bitch! This place will be your graves in no time!' Kiki enraged.
The water looks raising from the surface forming a big wave that ready hits them three.
Alfi pulls his Magic Curtain immediately and turns it into a surfing board as their footing.
'You are gonna die here!' Kiki threatened them.
'Nah, Nah.' Alfi said shaking his index finger. 'You are the one who will meet Roni there.' He added with full of confidence.
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What do u think , if ur life partner already has been choosen even befor you birth and now u have to find ur partner where is she , this is the story of those two who were destined to be together , and no one else can change their fate even if they wanted to change their own fate , this is the story of AIDEN and LUNA , Those who are destined to be end up together no matter what happen they have to be together for the greater good . Join their adventurous journey in which there are so many herdals and how they pass them .
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