《The World isn't as Ugly nor Beautiful as You Think》Whatever
Herman is in the training room shooting his nails to those wooden puppets which move fast and randomly from every direction.
Herman keeps shooting his nails, but none of his nails hits one of those puppets. Herman looks upset because he feels that he is useless for his friends
"I have to be stronger! I have to! I don't want to trouble them like I did in the last battle!" He said in his mind irritated while keeping shooting his nails carelessly
Suddenly, the door is opened and Alfi enters the training room which is full of sharps nails shards.
'So you're here eh?' Alfi said.
Heman turns his head to Alfi and says, 'You haven't gone to sleep yet?'
'What about you?' Alfi asked throwing a can of Coca-Cola to Herman.
Herman catches it perfectly.
'Have a rest.' Alfi said. 'Don't worry, I've channeled my Iru on it so it won't burst out when you open it.' He added taking a seat by leaning on the wall while having his soda.
Herman takes a seat next to Alfi.
'Why do you always do late practice recently?' Alfi asked.
Herman remains silent. He looks sad. He just sits and stares at his opened soda can there.
'I see. You must be so upset since you can't summon your Ribo right?' Alfi asked.
'I guess. Koji said that I had to master my power to summon it.' Herman said in blue. 'But, I can't summon it yet!' He added upset.
'Just take your time, don't push yourself too hard.' Alfi said patting Herman's shoulder.
'I have to!' Herman exclaimed. 'I have to be stronger! I don't want to keep troubling you guys. By seeing Cakra and you fighting Anggun made me feel that I was useless! I am still weak. I really am useless!' He added in blue.
Alfi gulps his soda down and says, 'Very well! If that's so, I'll go training too! I wanna be stronger too!'
Herman is surprised and he says, 'Wait, it's a soda, isn't it? How can you gulp it down in a jiffy?'
'Well, I am used to it, not to mention anything we eat and drink won't harm us, right?' Alfi explained.
'Amazing! Please teach me!' Herman exclaimed asking Alfi to teach him.
'Alright! I'll train battle skill and gulp soda skill of yours!' Alfi exclaimed in excitement.
'Yes, sir!' Herman exclaimed.
They both now are in the middle of the room. They are staring at each other as if they will fight until the end. (And I hope Alfi would die so the book will be finished.)
'To master Doki-Doki, you have to feel the darkest despair which tortures your soul.' Alfi explained.
'Wait, aren't there are more conditions like eternal happiness, eternal sadness, eternal hatred, and eternal love?' Herman asked.
'Yes, they are, but actually, despair is the most important! Why? Because you can't be depressed if you don't have any happiness, sadness, hatred, and love.' Alfi explained.
'I see. If that so, please make me depressed, sir!' Herman exclaimed in excitement.
'This is the first time I see a guy who really wants to be depressed so bad.' Alfi said.
'Hurry! Make me depressed so bad!' Herman asked.
'It isn't that easy.' Alfi said trying to find another way. 'Ah, what if I insult you countless times that you have no reason to live?' Alfi said.
'Yes, sir! Please insult me as you want!' Herman said excitedly.
'OK!' Alfi exclaimed taking a breath. 'Weak! Moron! Trash! Stupid marksman! Impotent cowboy! Jerk! Asshole! Useless comrade!' Alfi keeps insulting Herman that Alfi does enjoy it. FYI, Alfi does enjoy insulting Herman that he can't control what comes out from the shitty mouth of his, that's why I didn't write the insults.
Herman is down, but as time goes by, he is getting irritated. Greenlight, which is his Iru starts burning like fire from his tattoo.
Alfi sees the green Iru covers Herman's body fiercely. Alfi then speaks louder and keeps insulting Herman with inappropriate insults that can be sued to the high courts for defamation and unpleasant acts.
"I can see his Iru burning clearly! If that's so, I just have to keep doing this with more disgraceful insults! This is really fun! Finally, I can be useful to someone! I really am a nice guy!" Alfi said in his mind touched by his doing which is insulting Herman with no mercy.
Herman's Iru is burning more and suddenly politely he said, 'YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!'
Oh sorry, I mean he shouts in furious.
'I'll kill you, Alfi!' Herman shouted mad.
Alfi is surprised and he says, 'Wa... wait! You're not supposed to be mad. Your Iru is flowing now!'
'Shut the hell up! I will definitely kill you and the shitty mouth of yours!' Herman shouted mad.
Herman aims both of his index fingers to Alfi ready to shoot him anytime.
'Wa... wait, Herman, please! Stop it already!' Alfi begged Herman in panic.
''Badai Kuku (Nail Storm)!' Herman rampaging swinging his both arm while shooting his nails from every direction.
In a glimpse, Alfi sees a green figure floating on Herman. He has 2 guns on his hands.
'That's your Ribo, Herman! Stop it already please!' Alfi exclaimed in terror.
'Shut the hell up! Just die already! Badai Kuku! (Nail Storm)' Herman enraged swinging his both arm while shooting his nails from every direction faster.
Alfi then runs as fast as he can as he is being chased by those nails hoping they will stop chasing him.
'It's futile! My nails won't stop till they pierce the thick flesh of yours!' Herman exclaimed in a horrifying voice.
Alfi is getting more panic. He keeps running around the room like crazy. He keeps touching his bracelet, nothing happens.
'Megumi! Megumi! Please wake up honey! Help me!' Alfi shouted in terror.
The whole room now is full of flying nails.
The noise which those 2 weirdos make makes Kartika awakes.
'Awaken already?' Cakra said.
'What happened?' Kartika asked in amazement.
'It looks like those 2 fools are doing something stupid.' Cakra answered.
'God, what the hell are they doing anyway?!' Kartika said irritated.
'Let's check it out.' Cakra said.
'Let's.' Kartika replied.
Kartika comes out from her room and goes to the nearest room. When Kartika opens the door, she finds Herman and Alfi lying sluggishly on the floor. They look like they have been beaten up black and blue, not to mention Alfi's back has a thousand sharp nails stabbed on it.
'Wh... What happened?!" Kartika asked in surprise.
Suddenly, Alfi bracelet shines brightly and Megumi comes out from it.
'Good morning my Alfi!' Megumi greeted him warmly. 'Alfi?! Herman?! What happened?!' She exclaimed realizing the situation.
Alfi's finger slowly touches the halation number 2 and pulls his magic curtain from it. With the power, he has left he throws it and the curtain covers both of their bodies. After the curtain flies back to Alfi's hand, they both are recovered in a jiffy.
They both stand up and Alfi tells them what just happened to both of them.
'You idiot!' Kartika, Cakra, and Megumi yelled at Alfi.
'Hey, but he did summon his Ribo.' Alfi replied.
'Well yeah, but such a silly act almost killed you, right? He went berserk that he wanted to kill you instead of mastering his power!' Kartika exclaimed irritated.
'He asked for it.' Alfi said calmly.
'Well, since you have Megumi, I just followed your idea.' Herman said as if he is innocent.
'But, did he really summon his Ribo?' Megumi asked.
'Yup, I saw it before my very eyes.' Alfi answered.
'But, I can't summon it anymore. Alfi! Please insult me again!' Herman asked.
'Like the hell!' Alfi refused.
Everyone laughs at them.
'We are here!' Herman said.
'Ok! Let's go, guys!' Alfi said.
'Just go without me.' Herman said in blue. 'I am the only one who can't summon Ribo. I think I'll just trouble you guys.' He added.
Alfi pats both of Herman's shoulder and says, 'I don't care whether you're strong or weak. You are my friend and there's no useless friend!'
Herman remains silent.
'With or without Ribo, You are strong. Join us! I do really need your help!' Alfi added.
'Very well, I am in!' Herman replied.
Alfi smiles and says, 'OK! Let's do it, guys!'
'Yeah!' They replied.
The three get off from Pinto. Now they are in Situ Buleud, a lake which is a pride of Purwakarta municipal which used to be a rhino bathing site.
'Situ Buleud eh?' Alfi said.
'What kind of enemy will we fight against?' Herman asked.
'Wait a minute.' Kartika said checking her driver. 'Bingo!' She added.
'Tell me.' Herman asked
'Gender: boy, appearance: bad, hobby: bullying.' Kartika explained.
'What kind of information is that?' Herman asked in amazement.
'It's just enough. We just have to find someone bullies the innocent one.' Alfi said.
'But, this place is crowded. How do we find someone with so little information?' Herman asked.
Suddenly they hear a voice, 'Help! Help!'
'There is it! Let's go!' Alfi said running to where the voice comes friend.
'OK!' Kartika replied following Alfi.
'That easy?!' Herman replied in amazement following them.
When they reach there, they find a high school student is being bullied by a brat in his age (Nah, he doesn't attempt any sexual harassment, they both are boys anyway.)
'Give me all of your money!' The bully exclaimed pulling the victim's collar.
'I told you, I have no money! Please let me go.' The victim asked him.
'Cut the crap!' The bully exclaimed jabbing the victim's head that he falls. (Sounds creepy eh? How if I change it into 'He strokes the victim's head with his fist which is empowered by 100.000 joules force that the victim falls slowly with a red liquid wetting his head?')
"Oy! Cut the crap, you stupid author!" Alfi scold me.
"Sorry, sorry," I answered.
The bully steps on the victim's head and says, 'No money eh? Then how do you call the things in your pocket?!'
'How mean!' Kartika said closing her eyes since she can't hold herself to watch it.
Alfi just remains silent. Alfi looks upset looking at how the brat treats the victim. He clenched his fist tightly.
"I just can't let him do more than this!" Alfi enraged in his mind.
'It's for the school fund. Please! I haven't paid for 5 months.' The victim begged him very much.
'Shut the hell up!' He enraged stepping on the victim's head. 'Like the hell, I care! Give me all of your money; otherwise, you must know what will happen to you!' The bully threatened him.
Suddenly Alfi punches that brat with his Iru arm resulting in him get hurled hitting the wall. 'That's enough!' Alfi enraged.
Alfi looks really mad. His face looks dreadful and his breath sounds heavy like a rampaging beast.
Kartika and Herman run toward the victim who is lying there. Kartika takes care of him immediately.
'Are you OK?' Kartika asked worrying him.
He just nods slowly.
'Thank goodness.' Kartika said transferring her Iru to her both hands and she touches his face with her both hands to heal him.
'Don't move! I'm healing you know.' Kartika said.
'Hey.' Herman said. 'Have you ever seen him like that?' He asked.
'No, I haven't.' Kartika replied.
The brat stands up and he looks so upset.
'What's your problem?!' He exclaimed irritated.
'You are Waku-waku right?' Alfi asked firmly.
He just laughs and says, 'What's the big deal anyway?'
'Then, I'll kill you!' Alfi exclaimed running towards him ready to punch that brat's face with his Iru arm.
When Alfi did punch that brat's face, the brat doesn't move like nothing happened.
'Wh... What?! It's so hard!!' Alfi said in surprise.
The brat laughs so loud while summoning his pink Iru. His Iru covers his body and it gets thick.
'What the?' Alfi said in amazement with his fist on the brat's face.
The brat keeps laughing. His Iru turns his head into rhino's head.
'A rhino?!' Alfi said surprised.
'Surprised already? Please don't, since you are gonna die here!' The brat exclaimed ramming Alfi so hard that he gets hurled and fallen so hard.
'Alfi!' Kartika exclaimed in worry running towards him followed by Herman.
Alfi then stands up staggering resisting the pain.
'That's right! I am a pink ranked member of Waku-waku. Though pink is the lowest rank, don't ever think you can defeat me that easily!' The brat exclaimed.
The victim slowly walks toward Alfi.
'Roni! Don't move! You are not recovered yet!' Kartika said resist him.
'Kiki... Why?' Roni said sluggishly.
'So you're alive eh? Give me your money or I'll kill you!' Kiki exclaimed jumping to the midair and ready to ram the sluggish Roni.
Alfi holds the ram with his Iru arm immediately that he gets shoved for a bit since the ram is so strong.
Alfi is trembling. Looks like Kiki's ram is really strong.
'Don't ever attack a non-Doki-Doki user!' Alfi threatened him.
'Oh, is that a threat?' Kiki asked.
'You afraid?' Alfi replied.
'Your body is shaking. Aren't you afraid of death?' Kiki replied.
'Dead or alive? What's so different anyway? It's none of your business!' Alfi replied.
'Splendid!! Now, die!' Kiki exclaimed running towards Alfi and slams him down with his arm which has turned bigger and armored with a red shell like a big shrimp hand.
Now Kiki has transformed into a monster! his head and body have turned into a rhino body and head, while his arms and legs have turned into giant shrimp arms and legs completed with red scales, not to mention he has a long shrimp tail. I don't understand why I made such a hilarious enemy.
Alfi then stands up and launches a counter-attack immediately.
Alfi and Kiki are fighting fiercely now.
'Herman! Keep shooting him!' Alfi commanded him.
Herman keeps shooting his nails to Kiki, but it doesn't affect him
'Kiki..' Roni said.
'Roni, don't worry. Everything will be OK.' Kartika said.
'Will he kill Kiki?' Roni asked.
'What do you mean?' Kartika asked.
'Is killing Kiki the only way to stop him?' Roni asked firmly.
Kartika remains silent.
'Kiki is my only best friend.' Roni explained. 'He is a bad boy and he loves looting my money, but I kinda love it.' He added.
'What do you mean? He did beat you up like this!' Kartika asked irritated.
'I used to be a loser, what I did were just studying, sleep, studying and sleeping. Some life eh? But, after seeing Kiki for the first time, I felt my life was priceless. He did open up my eyes when he jabbed my face for the first time.' Roni explained.
"What a masochist, but I have pity for him." Kartika thought.
'I don't care how you judge me. I know that Kiki has no friends, just like me. Probably he does this because he envies those who can laugh with their friends.' Roni explained.
'Roni, please come with us! We will definitely welcome you! You won't be alone anymore!' Kartika asked him agitated.
'Thank for the offer, but no. Kiki is my only best friend. Honestly, I want to have a chat with him, play with him, study with him, and laugh with him, but it's just enough. His strong fist which always jabs my face is the way how he expresses his feeling as a good friend to me.' Roni refused.
"Do I have to cry over it or laugh at it? The world is really broken." Kartika thought looking at Roni sad that her tears go dry.
Meanwhile, Alfi and Herman look exhausted. They are still standing before Kiki who doesn't drop any drip of sweat.
'Is that all you got? What a shame!' Kiki exclaimed underestimating them.
'Not yet!' Alfi exclaimed. 'Megumi! Weapon No. 2!' He added.
Alfi throws the magic curtain to Kiki. The curtain binds him and turns itself into an iron.
'Shit! I let my guard down!' Kiki exclaimed irritated.
'Herman! Now!' Alfi commanded him.
'Roger!' Herman replied. 'I'll show you the new skill I've been developing!' He added.
Herman jumps into the midair and spins himself vertically and stops with his lengthened fingers which look like swords.
'Ultimate Skill: Belenggu (Bondage)!' Herman exclaimed shooting those lengthened swords to Kiki.
Those lengthened fingers bind the shackled Kiki that he can't move.
Kiki tries to destroy it, however, the harder Kiki tries, the tighter the bondage bind him.
'The shackle reminds me of something.' Alfi said in his perverted face.
'Focus Alfi! Kill him now and you may do such a thing to me!' Megumi said.
"Disgusting!" Kartika, Herman, Kiki, and Roni thought.
'All right Megumi! Let's settle it once and for all!' Alfi exclaimed in excitement.
Alfi then runs towards Kiki fast. He kisses his bracelet and his Iru shines his Iru arm so brightly.
Kiki is panic since he can't escape from the shackle which binds him tightly.
'I won't let that happen!' Roni exclaimed running towards Kiki fast.
'Roni! No!' Kartika exclaimed in panic.
'Teknik Jitu: Pukulan Cinta yang Tulus (Ultimate Technique: Pure Love Fist) (What the hell with the name anyway?!)' Alfi exclaimed launching his deadly fist to Kiki.
Suddenly, Roni gets in the way and takes Alfi deadly blow.
'Alfi! Stop it!' Kartika shouted dripping her tears.
An explosion comes right when Alfi punched Roni.
After the smoke faded away, Alfi and Kiki looked so shocked, especially Kiki who sees it before his very eyes.
"Roni, you are such an idiot!" Kiki said in his mind irritated.
Roni is lying there with no breath comes from his nose nor his mouth.
Kiki can't hear anything.
What he can hear is Roni's voice says, "No matter how badly you hate me, I will always be your friend."
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