《The World isn't as Ugly nor Beautiful as You Think》Doki-Doki?
'What?! What do you mean?!' Alfi asked in shock.
'You are Alfa! The protector of the world I have been looking for!' Kartika explained.
Alfi is totally confused about what the hell is going on. Then he unbuttons his jacket and takes it off. Now he just wears a plain white T-shirt (Don't worry, he still wears his jeans.)
He tries to take a breath for a while and asks the bowing Kartika. 'What do you mean? Please tell me!'
'Raise your head Kartika, please tell me what happened!' He added.
Kartika gets up and back to her seat before him. Kartika still doesn't believe what she has seen back there. She grabs the cup before her and has a drink trying to calm her down.
'Well...' She said putting the cup back. 'There's a prophecy from the ancestors, once, back to the centuries and a dozen years ago....'
"Curse you, stupid author." Alfi thought irritated.
'It's said that our country, Indonesia will be invaded. All innocent and non-innocent folks will be killed with no mercy.' Kartika explained.
'Wait.' Alfi said. 'You said that I was world protector right? But, why they attack Indonesia only?' He asked.
'They attack Indonesia for its rich natural resources to make a mass weapon. But, there's no further information about the materials.' Kartika explained.
'Are we going to be colonized by Dutch again? (Indonesia once was colonized by Dutch for 350 years.)′ Alfi asked.
'No.' Kartika replied briefly.
'Alright, go on.' Alfi replied
'Thus, it's said that the doer behind this invasion is a group of folks with polka dot cloak whose objective to build their very own Utopia.' Kartika explained.
'Wait, polka dot cloak? What a weird enemy.' Alfi said confused.
'So you are.' Kartika replied calmly.
Alfi remains silent in an irritated state.
'Well.' Kartika said. 'The only one who can defeat them is you, Alfi, a weirdo who uses an iron bracelet as his weapon. Your fate is to protect this world.' Kartika explained.
'Did you mean my bracelet?!' Alfi exclaimed pointing his bracelet which is put on his right wrist. 'This bracelet is so priceless for me. I will never use it as my weapon! Just cut the crap! Megumi is really important in my life!' Alfi said stroking his bracelet gently and gently kissing it full of pure love (disgusting!)
'Disgusting.' Kartika said in disgust. 'I am getting worried since our enemy is on the move now.' She said seriously.
'How do you know?' Alfi asked in wonder.
'Didn't you see it? There are a lot of corruption cases, separatism cases, racism cases and such? They did all of them! They use their power to control people's minds and have them do as they wish.' Kartika explained.
'But, how do I defeat them? How can I save the world without knowing my own power?' Alfi asked.
'Did you remember the light that came from your bracelet when you tried to save me?' Kartika asked.
Alfi nodded.
'That's your power. Your bracelet is your Jowa or the source of your power. Jowa is a very special thing for one's life which has been charged by the owner's wild imagination. The more meaningful the thing in his life is, the more power it holds. The wilder his imagination is, the stronger his power can be.' Kartika explained.
Alfi is paying attention to Kartika's explanation in a huge passion.
'My Jowa is this pendant.' Kartika said holding her sapphire pendant tightly. 'This pendant is more than a thousand years old and has been passed down for generations, the chosen one precisely.' She said.
Alfi strokes his bracelet gently.
'The user of the power must have a wild imagination, more than commoners have. He has to have gone through special steps: eternal happiness, eternal sadness, eternal hatred, eternal love, and darkest despair.' Kartika said. 'I think you have gone through those steps, but too bad, you still can't control it.' She said.
'I think so....' Alfi replied briefly. 'I have gone through endless misery. I planned to go without knowing where to go at first; I didn't care what would happen to me either.' He said.
Kartika looks sad.
So does Alfi.
'If you don't mind...' Kartika said. 'What made you think so?' Kartika asked.
'Let's just say that I have no reason to live in this world anymore.' Alfi explained.
Kartika remains silent with the sad look on her beautiful face.
Suddenly Alfi pats Kartika's head gently. 'Don't worry, I know you have been looking for me and I am sorry for troubling your family. I promise I'll live longer to accomplish this task.' Alfi said gently stroking Kartika's hair.
Kartika starts pouring tears.
'Why are you crying?' Alfi asked gently.
'What are you talking about?!' Kartika asked slapping Alfi's arm which had fun stroking her head.
Kartika wipes her tears dry. 'It's OK if you don' want to. You may leave and die. I am just enough to defeat them.′ Kartika said in a grumpy state.
Alfi laughs and smiles stroking her hair gently.
'What?!' Kartika said in a grumpy state.
'Sorry, I am not interested in dying anymore. Thank you.' Alfi said smiling at her.
'For what?' Kartika asked grumpily.
'For giving me a new reason to live in this world.' Alfi answered smiling at her.
Kartika's face turns red that she's speechless. So does Alfi.
Alfi takes a breath and says, 'By the way, what is the name of this power?'
'Doki-Doki.' Kartika answered briefly.
'What?!! Doki-Doki?!' Alfi exclaimed in shock.
'Yeah, what's wrong?' Kartika asked calmly.
'Isn't there any weirder name than that?!!' Alfi exclaimed irritated.
'It suits a weirdo like you perfectly. Besides, the ancestors are the ones who named it. Doki-Doki in an ancient language (Why so serious? I'm just making up you know?), means something overflowing endlessly. Doki-Doki is our pride! And you are our leader! A small group that will save the world named Wibu led by a super weirdo.′ Kartika explained calmly.
'I'm not a weirdo! Anyway, why's Wibu (AKA WEEABOO, the one who is interested in Japanese stuff like anime, figurine, hentai and such. It's called Otaku in Japan and considered trash. If Otaku is trash, so WEEABOO is the lowest class in society.)? Doki-Doki is weird enough and now's Wibu. The ancestors are weirdos in every way! ′ Alfi said irritated.
'They are not, but you are.' Kartika insulted him calmly.
'Hey, you stupid author! Why the hell did you make such a story!!!!!!!' Alfi yells at me ignoring Kartika's presence.
'Now you talk to yourself again. What a weirdo.' Kartika insulted Alfi again.
'I'm not!' Alfi yelled at her irritated.
These 2 weirdos keep fighting over something unimportant. Suddenly, they hear a loud explosion that the whole room is shaking, but good grief, they are just fine.
'What was that?!' Alfi asked shocked.
'Wait!' Kartika said untying her pendant and pressing the sapphire.
She sees Gedung Sate (Literally meaning: Sate building but the name is Gedung Sate anyway, Sate/satay is meat skewers, commonly chicken or lamb with peanut or sweet soya sauce dressing. Just Google it) which has been changed. The building which is known as Gedung Sate is covered by grilled meat, looks like mixed of chicken and lamb. Hmm, I'm hungry...
'No way! Polka dot cloaked group! They are invading Gedung Sate!' Kartika said in a shocking state.
'It looks like a mountain of a skewer. By looking at it, I'm getting hungry.' Alfi said strong his stomach.
'Cut the crap, you idiot! We have to stop it immediately!' Kartika said embedding the sapphire of her pendant to the middle of the carpet, to the motive precisely.
Suddenly a giant Ayam Jago bowl (Just Google Mangkuk Ayam Jago) pops up. It's so huge as a mountain. The bowl has a rooster prow on it and a big and bushy rooster tail set on the rear.
'Come on Alfi.' Kartika asked him going through that giant bowl (there's no door, she just entered it. You must know what I mean.)
Alfi's still there admiring what he sees right now.
'Come on Alfi! We have to go immediately!' Kartika said coming out from the bowl.
'Awesome!!!!' Alfi exclaimed admiring it. 'Hey, can I print that rooster prow? I want to change it into eagle head!' He said in excitement.
'Whom the hell you want to paint?!!' The prow yelled at him.
'Cool! It speaks!' Alfi said impressed.
'Of course, I do you, lowlife human!' The prow yelled at him.
'Hey, can I call you Pinto?' Alfi asked him passionately.
'It's a chicken, not a horse! Hurry abroad, you weirdo!' Kartika said irritated.
'Pinto? Tee hee, I like it!' The prow said giggling. 'Alfi eh? Come in like Kartika did! It's ok, just go ahead!' He said letting him in.
'Ok pinto!' Alfi responded on excitement grabbing his jacket and putting it on as usual (just look at the picture), then he runs through it (Literally).
"I just knew that this cock is as stupid as this weirdo," Kartika thought irritated.
Entering Pinto, he doesn't believe what he sees now. He's in a wide room. There's an elevator on his left, a 5-star restaurant on his right and a front office with 2 beauties standing with a smile on their faces before him.
'What do you think?' Kartika asked friendly.
'Awesome! It's so cool!' Alfi exclaimed in excitement. What a loser.
'It's one of the features of Doki-Doki. You can use your Iru to create something on your mind in a jiffy. You can make the entrance, physical form, facility and such as you will. You know what? There are 50 floors, 5000000 rooms, swimming pool, 5-star gourmet restaurant and basement in Pinto. And each room can adjust your needs as well. For instance, you want to play games and you enter one room and voila! You're in an arcade!' Kartika explained.
'What is Iru?' Alfi asked.
'Iru is the light that your Jowa creates. Like the time you tried to save me.' Kartika answered.
'What an amazing power.' Alfi said admiring it.
'Right!' Kartika said in a good mood. 'Let's check-in!' She asked.
'Check-in?!!!! Did you mean we are going to....' Alfi said in excitement. His heart beats quickly as ever.
Kartika hits Alfi's head.
'Of course not you moron' She said irritated.
'Well, I have no money.' Alfi said showing his thin wallet off.
'You don't need to pay. Just write your name on the guest list.' Kartika told him.
Alfi writes his name on the guest list.
'By writing your name on the list, you're registered on Doki-Doki insurance which means you can inherit your power to your descendant if you want to.' Kartika explained.
'What if I don't marry anyone?' Alfi asked. 'I have married Megumi already!' He added.
'Moron.' Kartika said irritated walking to the elevator followed by Alfi.
'By the way Kartika...' They heard Pinto's voice. 'Who is this guy?' Pinto asked.
'Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce you. He is Alfa.' Kartika answered introducing him to him (Dang, another dangling! I mean, Kartika introducing Alfi to Pinto not Pinto to Alfi, though she will introduce Pinto to Alfi. Well, go on.)
'What the heck?! Your Highness Alfa?! For real?' Pinto exclaims in surprise.
'The one and only.' Alfi said proudly.
'No wonder we can get along so easily.' Pinto said giggling.
'What do you mean?' Alfi asked in wonder.
'Pinto has been accompanying my family since the first generation. Pinto is only able to get along with people who have a pure heart.' Kartika said.
'Well, Kartika is the only left. She's the only one who can summon me to find you, Your Highness.' Pinto added.
Kartika looks blue and Alfi notices it. She holds the sapphire on her pendant tightly.
'Kartika...' Alfi said. 'I'm sorry.' He said awkwardly.
Kartika just smiles at him and pulls him to the top. They both walk to the nearest rail enjoying the view of the city under the moonlight.
'Alfi.' Kartika called him.
'Yes?' Alfi replied.
'Show me your power.' Kartika asked.
'Ok, but how?' Alfi asked.
'Touch your bracelet with full of your feeling that makes it so important in your life.' Kartika explained.
Alfi follows Kartika's hint. He touches his bracelet tightly.
'Remember your precious memory, happiest memory, saddest memory, and your most painful memory.' Kartika explained.
Alfi tries to remember them sequentially that he drops his tears. In his consciousness, he is in the dark with no one around. What he can hear is a mysterious voice says "Why do you live in this world?" His conscious screams hysterically as if he's being tortured with no mercy.
Suddenly a light comes out from his bracelet. Alfi slowly opens his eyes and he's surprised seeing what came out from his bracelet.
There's a beauty as big as an index finger standing on his bracelet.
She's really beautiful. She wears a beautiful red dress, she has a pigtailed blonde hair and smooth white skin.
'Hello, My dear Alfi.' She greeted him warmly.
Alfi drops his tears more.
'Me...Gu...Mi?? I...it's you right? Megumi? My precious Megumi?' Alfi said in a shocking state.
'Yes, honey.' She answered smiling at him warmly and hoping from the bracelet and turning herself into as big as Alfi.
Alfi then hugs her tightly and cries a lot. Megumi hugs him tightly as well.
"His life must be pathetic." Kartika thought feeling sorry for him.
'We are here!' Pinto said.
'So fast!' Alfi said still hugging Megumi.
'Look!' Kartika pointing a guy in polka dot cloak standing in front of Gedung Sate.
Alfi sees the guy and says. 'Who's that?'
'That guy is our opponent.' Kartika replied.
'What kind of opponent is that?!' Alfi exclaimed in a shocked state.
'Like I said before, as weird as you.' Kartika responded calmly. 'Let's get off! ′ Kartika said taking Alfi's hand.
'Alright.' Alfi said trying to jump from the rail.
'Wait!' Pinto said preventing Alfi to do so. 'Let me do it.' He said emitting light from his beak.
The light catches Alfi and Kartika (Megumi has come back to Alfi's bracelet of course.) and sends them to the ground.
Alfi and Kartika run toward that guy.
'Who are you?!' Kartika yelled at that weird guy.
The guy puts off his cloak and he looks like an old and fat guy with a thick mustache and wears Madura (one of the ethics in Indonesia) red and white striped T-shirt.
'Madura guy?' Alfi said in confusion state.
'This building is supposed to belong to Madura! Why the hell is it doing in Bandung?!' He said in anger with his Madura accent.
'I agree.' Alfi agreed.
'Why the hell do you agree with him?!' Kartika yelled at him.
'I have been wondering since I was a boy, why the name is Gedung Sate? (Scroll up for the details, I don't want to waste my time to retype it and waste so many words, oh I just did) It's not a satay restaurant nor such anyway. So what the heck is this building supposed to be? ′ Alfi explained.
'Yeah! He got the point!' That guy added.
'Hey pops! May I ask for some satays? I'm hungry.' Alfi asked him stroking his stomach.
'Sure, sure! Which satay? What dressing?' The guy welcomed him with a great taste of hospitality.
'Chicken satay with peanut dressing and sweet soya sauce grilled it with lontong (long rice ball). Oh, don't forget to add rice with soya sauce too.′ Alfi ordered in excitement.
'Ok! Just call me Taye (It's a common word that Madurese (is that how I say it in English?) says every day just like Hanamaru (Love Live Sun Shine) says "Zura" so often. But, believe me, the name is pronounced differently.)′ He replied swinging his Satay fan (braided thin wooden used as a fan to cook satay, well... Just Google it) to the sky and a plate of Satay Alfi ordered feel down to Alfi's both hands.
'Awesome!!!!!!' Alfi impressed.
'Easy.' Taye said blushing.
'Hey, Megumi! You have to try this! It's more delicious than the one near our house.' Alfi offered Megumi.
'Feed me!' Megumi said in a spoiling voice.
'Say aah (believe me, it's not like what you think.)′ Alfi said feeding her.
'Oh, so you're Doki-Doki user eh?' Taye asked.
'Yup, are you Doki-Doki user too?' Alfi asked in excitement. 'You're so cool that you can use Doki-Doki to cook such delicious Satay!' He added in impressed.
'Stop it, you make me blushed.' Taye said blushing.
Those 2 weirdos are having a good time in front of that Gedung sate (got the twist eh? Come on; don't make me explain it again.)
Kartika and Pinto look confused about what the hell is happening there.
'Yup, so that's true, Doki-Doki users are weirdos.' Kartika said irritated.
'Yup, especially His Highness Alfi.' Pinto added. 'And you too, Kartika.' He added tempting her.
'Alfi! Kill him quick!' Kartika yelled at him so loudly.
'Just a sec Kartika! Let me finish this!' Alfi said with his mouth full of meat hurrying to eat his Satay.
Suddenly, some wooden sticks look falling from the sky. Those sticks look falling aiming Alfi.
Knowing that Alfi dodges them successfully.
'Hey, what the heck?! You made me lose my satay!' Alfi said irritated.
'So, you're the one called Alfa eh? The leader of Wibu right?' Taye asked in a different voice.
'Yeah.' Alfi replied briefly.
'If that so, I will have to kill you.' Taye said. 'Arang! (Coal)′ Taye exclaimed launching hot coals to Alfi from his Palm.
Alfi dodges them. Taye keeps launching those hot coals like crazy. Seeing that, Alfi runs as fast as possible trying to die those coals.
'Kartika! How do I defeat him?!' Alfi exclaimed in panic.
'Use your bracelet!' Kartika answered.
'Never! I refuse to break it! I love this bracelet as I love Megumi!' Alfi exclaimed irritated.
'You don't need to break it! You just have to remember something that makes your bracelet so important in your life, and when it's shining, imagine something that's helpful to defeat him!' Kartika explained.
'Wait, it's imagination fight, right? How can I win? The two of us must imagine a way to attack and guard right?' Alfi said (he's still running anyway.)
'You just need to destroy his Jowa!' Kartika replied.
'Where is it?!' Alfi exclaimed in a panic because the sum of the coals is getting increased and they are launching very fast.
'His Jowa is...' When Kartika is going to tell Alfi where Taye's Jowa is, suddenly Kartika is imprisoned in a giant satay.
'Kartika!' Alfi exclaimed in a shocked state.
Suddenly, the hot coals hit Alfi successfully that he falls down painfully.
'Your Highness! Kartika!' Pinto exclaimed flying in the air.
'Alfi!!!!' Megumi exclaimed in fear. 'Get up dear! Alfi!!!!' She keeps trying to wake him up.
'Shut up!' Taye exclaimed walking towards Alfi. 'How pathetic! Cut the crap already! World protector my ass! You're just a lowlife stupid brat! How dare you oppose us, Waku-waku!' Taye insulted Alfi.
'What a weird name.' Alfi said resisting the pain he suffers.
'Shut up!' Taye yelled at him and kicks Alfi that he is thrown away. 'Too bad, you and your girlfriend will be a welcome statue for my palace. Farewell, Your Highness Alfa.' He said launching hot coals to him.
Suddenly, Alfi's gone and he comes to do to counter-attack by hitting Taye's head with his bigger arm which has been layered by his Iru which is a mere silver light. Alfi hits him strongly that Taye's head gets stuck in the ground.
Alfi is standing right behind Taye who is trying to put out his head from the ground.
Then, Taye successfully sets his head free; he turns his head and sees the berserk Alfi.
The look of his face is really fearsome with his light hand which is ready to beat Taye up anytime.
'Don't you dare to hurt my friend!' He said in anger. 'Set her free!' He yelled at Taye.
'Never!' Taye refused.
'Then, you leave me no choice.' Alfi said ready to beat Taye up. 'I don't care what will happen to you!' Alfi threatened Taye.
- In Serial10 Chapters
The Alchemist's Apprentice
Roanoke City: a utopia built upon the pillars of greed and knowledge, ruled under the iron thumb of the Concilium. Only those who stand under the banner of the Bronze Apostate dare to defy them. Our story focuses on Cyril Aumont; an eccentric, up-and-coming alchemist currently making waves within the aristocratic Primis District of Roanoke City. Everything that could be going right for him, has. But his seemingly endless well of luck will soon lead him down a path of discoveries that not even the aptest of alchemists could begin to explain. ‣ Social Media
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(author: This is gonna be a long synopsis I apologise. This should be a prolouge but as you will see I have a seperate prolouge, please forgive me. This fiction as a warning beforehand is as basic as it comes, prettymuch following all story conventions of both the mecha and school life genres. I am mostly writing this to figure out my writing style before I begin something truly creative and uique. I dont wanna ruin something I worked hard on by being illiterate. Also illustrations are at a minimum because all I have access to is MS paint.) In the year 2028 humanity (accidentally) created the means to travel great distances through space in a short period of time. This has led humanity down the road of great technological advancement and also led to the spread of humanity across their home system and just begiining first steps upon other solar systems planets. In the year 2033 the human colonies in space broke from the chains of their old countries creating hyper advanced societies disregarding nationality and any other defining factor. Two space societies formed the Solar Empire a monarchic society with its capitol on the moon Titan which controeld the entire human home system aside from Earth which still remained divided into seperate contries. The other was the Extra-solar Leauge. A mysterious society outside of easy contact range with any other humans besides themselves. To help with construction and other work outside of sealed and breatheable atmospheres of their cities and ships the Solar Empire and Extra-Solar Leauge created what became known as Advanced Movement Shells(AMS). These machines are best described as huge exoskeletons or "mechs", and they aided greatly in getting things done by increasing strength, durability, and the amount of tools able to be used. They also aided in quelling rebellions among extremist groups forming in these new societies. Finally in the year 2050 the Solar Empire having divinated their emperor, and now beliving themselves to be their religions chosen people, the Solar Empire declared a holy war of conquest against all the nations of Earth in order to conquer it under the idea that all humanity was required to bend to their divine emperors rule. The first month of the war whent badly for earth as the divided nations fell one by one due to the Empires superior weaponry among other technologies which made their forces nearly invincible. The AMS were used to great effect due to their almost "magical" level of technological advancement. Some nations able to put up some kind of defense created their own versions of these technological terrors. From there the war became a brutal stalemate and suddenly was won by the forces of earth. Why this is still hasn't come to the light of the common man, but one thing is for certain it took a heroic effort from one, or many people to win it for humanity...
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The Alpha's Mistake
"B-but we... we're m-mates...""Look. You were a good fling but I hate even the slightest thought of you being my mate and The Lunar Moon Pack's Luna. Which is why: "I Dmitri Kingston, reject you Ariana Descartes as my mate and future Luna.""I-I ... Ariana Descartes accept your r-rejection as your m-mate and future L-Luna of the Lunar Moon Pack"."Good. Now get out".~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meet Dmitri Kingston: Heartless, rule breaker, heartbreaker, bad boy and next in line to be Alpha of the Lunar Moon Pack. In other words a complete player, with the looks of a Greek god and an ego bigger than our universe it was no surprise that fate had played a game with him by choosing Ariana Descartes to be his mate.Meet Ariana Descartes: Shy, good girl, rule follower, humble, and in general a kind, helping person. In other words the complete opposite of Dmitri Kingston. The day she goes to Dmitri's 18th birthday was when her life changed. All she had ever dreamed of since she was a young girl, was to find her mate and live a happy life with him. But that changed when she met Dmitri. Now Ari is rejected and pregnant-by her ex-mate Dmitri. Not wanting any trouble she flees to the human world for guaranteed safety for herself and her unborn daughter. And for 3 years she lives in a quiet serene environment with her beautiful daughter Elora.But there's a catch to it. Ari has to come back for a few days to visit her sick father, which means that Elora will have to accompany her. Has Dmitri fixed his player ways?How will everyone else react to her appearing off the radar for 5 and a half years?But most importantly: is Ari ready to face her mate who rejected her after a night of 'fun'?#onenightstand- 69 on 28/7/20Cover by @mybooksaretrash
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