《Player of Trials》Diary and Revenge


-Day ?

Hello the future me. I hope you are enjoying your powers there which are gained with my hard work. Or you don't, I don't know... However, today I started writing this diary. For what? Of course not to go crazy. With what? With a piece of coal, which I found in a goblin cave in previous trials. As you know, there is no one here. So my only conversation friend here is this diary. I started not only writing this diary, I also started my training journey to beat those undeads. Training non-stop until my body can't take it except for rest and sleep time really puts a lot of weight on my body. Not like I complain, because training really pays off. I will not give up! Plus, undeads will not kill themselves for me. So this job is left to me...

-Day ?

Hello my dear diary! Everyday schedule; wake up, swing sword until I receive one strength point, then sleep. I don't know how much time passes here, so I do not know how long it has been since I started my training. But it must have been three or four days...

-Day ?

Hello again!. Today I tried new training ways to increase other stats. And good news, I found a way to increase my agility. How? Simple, just running around until I can't move my legs for hours. I wonder how come I didn't think this before. Also, I realized something today, getting attribute points from doing training has become harder than before. If I used to swing my sword 600 times before, now I have to do it at least 1200 times to gain a single point. Like my current level only allows for this much gain from training...

-Day ?

Run, swing and run again. I have already gotten used to this lifestyle. It must have been a week and a half, I don't know for sure. But I felt this much time passed throughout my training. Whatever, after finding out how to increase my agility, I tried to increase my intelligence by doing meditation. Unfortunately, trying meditation for hours didn't give me anything. Maybe I am missing something. I don't know, but I will find out, eventually. And training has become harder. I can't even properly get points from doing it. I think I may stop soon...


-Day ?

I decided to stop my training today. I don't get points anymore. This must be my current limit, so I will rejoin the trial today. Now, let's see how much I progressed...

Lifting his head from his diary, Leon put it in his inventory and stood up.

'Status' he commanded in his mind.

[LEVEL: 6 (110/1250)]

[HP: 150/150]

[MP: 80/80]










Looking at his newly gained power 'This should be more than enough,' Leon congratulated himself.

Prepared everything, "No meaning of losing time here. System, start the current trial." Leon said aloud.



As the familiar scene began to appear in front of Leon, he clenched his fists with excitement. What Leon felt during that moment was like the exact feeling when you work hard to prepare yourself for the exam and finally face it.

The smell of blood and corpses permeated the air as soldier's corpses appeared after light created them. It was so terrible that If someone asked Leon what the hell was looking like, he would've shown him this place.

After light did its job, like before, a dark smoke got into the soldiers' bodies to turn them into undead. Rising one by one, they looked at Leon with hate.

"Seems like you guys missed me, too, huh? Too bad I like friends who are alive," Leon joked as he pulled out his sword from inventory.

Preparing himself to attack, "Now come!" Leon shouted.

*Gahh!* Undead screamed as if they were answering Leon.

Both undead and Leon started running towards each other. Unfortunately, not for a hug, but to kill!

Like a meteor with unstoppable power, Leon killed the first one coming towards him before it could even react, sending its head to fly. With this start light, Leon cut, punched, kicked every undead that came to him. Leon was like an angel of death that descended on the battlefield as each sword swing cut through the air and sent another foe to hell. No undead managed to survive from his attacks, even if they managed to do it, not giving them any chance they were welcomed with another attack. He was like a wind with his quick movements he did and dodging their attacks among them. The more seconds passed, the more undead bodies fell to the ground. Leon was unscathed. Not even a single scratch can be found on him.






As they rose one by one before, they fell one by one now with the sword strikes of Leon. Until every single one of them died.

Standing among the center of their soulless bodies, Leon was amazed at his own strength. As if the previous time he died was only just a joke. Killing all of them took only 3 minutes. Even this is enough to show the difference between their power.

Before the trial was completed, he didn't forget to collect some armor here. Because what he took from goblins is neither protective nor comfortable.


[YOU'VE GAINED 450 EXP] [LEVEL: 6>7 (360/4000)]



Later, the panels disappeared while everything turned back to its previous state. Leon, standing on the white floor, suddenly screamed, "THIS WAS AWESOME!!!" remembering how he crushed those undeads. This is the happiness that comes after hard work.


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