《Essence Academy》Chapter 8: Essence Core
People in higher ranks are offered discounts on food items, exclusive training offers, and temporary access to the teachers’ canteen. In contrast with the sad-looking canteen for students, the teachers’ canteen was the very image of a fancy dining hall Adrian (and most nobles) had grown used to.
The only reason why he didn’t use the teachers’ canteen was because of Kiara Syhold’s constant nagging.
In lower ranks, they receive harsher treatment. Fewer food portions, remedial classes, and worst of all—rank discrimination. They are looked down upon by those who have a higher rank than them, yet the academy turns a blind eye to it.
Those in the middle ground receive neither benefit nor “punishment”.
A week has passed since Adrian and his class partook in the assessment exam, and the difference in their rankings was made clear through interactions with teachers and other people.
The burn in his hands has gotten much better after receiving more treatment from the school clinic than he needed—one of the perks of being a high-ranking student. The pain has ultimately subsided, but some parts of his palm were still unhealed.
Groups of friends already formed within the class as everyone became less tense and nervous, in comparison to their first day at the academy.
Velhold, Kaval, and Matti had the “cool boys” title, usually picking on Dust who also seemed to be their friend.
Gark, Maki, Iris, and Aph have also joined together after inadvertently working together during the assessment test.
Rancent and Maria are silent, but they seem to have a good chemistry right off the bat as childhood friends. Rancent also acts as the vice president of the class if Kiara “doesn’t want to.”
Flare and Sylphia remain to be silent, lone wolves. Some have tried to approach them, especially Rancent and Kiara, but they weren’t as receptive as the others.
Meanwhile, Adrian and Kiara’s dynamic were pretty one-sided to say the least, but it was only what it looks like from the outside. Kiara’s charismatic and energizing personality seems to glow at its best whenever she’s talking to him, and Adrian has been slowly opening up to Kiara despite his conscious attempts not to avoid doing so.
“Good morning, 1A,” Imperium Master Tek entered the room as the class instantly quieted out. He was holding a small, black leather notebook that he always brings to his classes, but he brought something new today.
He held out a spherical object the size of his hand and showed it to the class, except that it wasn’t exactly spherical at all. The object was patterned with long triangular beams, continuously moving up and down like a chaotic, disorganized wave.
The surface of the object was glossy and chromatic, like a mirror that reflects only white light.
“Does anyone know I’m holding?”
Kiara and Maria raised their hands.
“Yes, Shimyria?”
“It’s called a geodesic polyhedron, Master Tek,” She answered. “It’s a shape made up of multiple pyramids with a common vertex, forming a spherical structure all over its surface area.”
“Correct,” Tek nodded. “This shape is special. It doesn’t have any other practical applications except for one. This is the shape of essence cores.”
Their teacher’s explanations were long and complicated, but Adrian simplified them in his mind so he would understand them better.
Artificial essence cores are created by utilizing a geodesic polyhedron shape, allowing all of the mana particles to be compressed in an infinitesimally small point at the center of the polyhedron. These particles can then be used as a power source for magic processes that cannot be otherwise reproduced by modern machinery.
For example, lifting multiple boxes of cargo from merchants.
The applications of such are limitless, but natural essence cores are a hundred times more potent than artificial ones because of its ability to evolve.
It’s also important to mention that essence cores in humans do not have a physical form, but due to the nature of tapping your chest to show the core menu, it has been widely accepted that the heart is the essence core of humans.
Artificial cores were first created by reverse engineering the cores of monsters before it disintegrates. When a monster is on the verge of death, its polyhedron core stops circulating mana particles all over its body, letting it disintegrate along with the monster’s carcass and its power absorbed to those who killed it. That is also how people with an awakened essence core acquire skills when killing monsters.
Essence cores also work differently in family hierarchies. One can expect that if someone’s father is a summoner, then their child will most likely grow up to be a summoner as well.
When a monster is defeated or killed, its power level is added to the mage who killed it as well as one of their natural skills. However, if the same monster was defeated for a second time or more, the power level is added only after it is divided by two. For the third time, it will be divided by three, and so on.
“For some apparent reason, there are some mages who don’t increase in power level even after defeating many monsters,” Tek warned. “If this were to happen, they are considered “frozen.” This is an extremely rare phenomenon that requires further study.”
Adrian was tutored and trained by professionals before his admission to the academy, but he never knew that essence cores had so much intricacy within them. He initially understood it as “the heart of every mage user.”
But now, they delve in the most important prospect of all. Imperium Master Tek’s specialty—magic skills.
A skill can only be cast depending on the caster’s mana capacity or power level.
There are three types of skills: active skills, passive skills, and summon skills.
Active skills require the caster to continuously cast a skill within a certain amount of him, ranging from less than a second to even minutes.
Passive skills activate instantly and will remain active unless the caster decides otherwise, but it also saps the caster’s mana depending on its intensity.
Summon skills are a special type of active skill. A monster can only be summoned under two conditions: if the caster has sufficient mana to do so, and if the monster is fully submissive to its caster. In a way, it is an active skill with a casting time and a passive skill that saps the caster’s mana for as long as it is still alive.
If a summon is defeated, the caster would restore some of the summon’s remaining mana and the skill will be put on cooldown.
75% of all mages with awakened essence cores do not have access to summon skills, but the 25% minority possess it, in exchange for a lower proficiency in the schools of elemental magic.
It is also entirely possible for casters to possess skills that are lesser than their power levels because of the nature of acquiring them.
There are only two ways of procuring skills: slaying monsters and skill capsules. Skill capsules are small, three-inched capsules containing a portion of a monster’s essence core. One can acquire a skill this way by crushing it.
“For today’s activity, you will be participating in a mock battle between one of your classmates. And once again, it’ll be supervised by—”
“Ayo, 1A! Give me some interesting moments again, ‘kay!” Magister Lavery entered the room. As she did, their status bands buzzed.
“Another quest?” Adrian mused as he tapped the screen on his status band.
//NEW QUEST REGISTERED: 1A Summon Mock Battle//
//LOCATION: Training Court 2 – Northwest//
//Quest Rules and Objectives://
The class will be grouped by pair. Each pair will participate in a mock battle with each other using only their summons. You can only use two summons at the start of the battle. Once defeated, they cannot be summoned anymore. You will be considered a winner if your opponent cannot continue with the duel or if both their summons are defeated. NOTE: Your summons do not need to actively participate in the battle. Winners will be awarded 25 RP and 25 D-Coins. Losers will lose 25 RP and 25 D-Coins.
Tek explained the rules further, “RP is short for “Ranking Point.” It’s another one of our point systems, determining how students get ranked. The ranking scores are always revealed before quests, and the assessment test establishes how threatening someone is,”
Lavery placed a small, rectangular remote on the desk. Upon pressing it, a bright screen with 1A’s individual ranking points were shown.
Adrian Valdanes – 204 RP Kiara Syhold – 203 RP Velhold Orloc – 197 RP Rancent Alial – 189 RP Flare – 164 RP Aph Kin – 154 RP Matti Garankun – 132 RP Maki Feister – 128 RP Sylphia Korro – 126 RP Kaval Toirbim – 116 RP Gark Masadora – 100 RP Dust Felkin – 99 RP Maria Shimyria – 96 RP Iris Suril – 87 RP //
He affirmed. “Creativity is a useful tool that makes the difference in power levels obsolete. Use it well.”
The courtyard was a grassy area with a rectangularly-mowed area at the center. On the perimeter of the mowed area, small cubes are embedded that automatically enclose the area in an electric dome. The voltage was only slightly lower than the lethal dosage to ensure that whoever touches it will be instantly incapacitated.
Those who will battle will step inside that area.
Each pair was chosen randomly by both their instructors, lasting 10 minutes each. Once the other battle is finished, the next pair will start with their mock battle.
“Please enter the area. Kiara Syhold and Velhold Orloc,” Lavery announced.
A battle between Rank 2 and Rank 3. With Adrian experiencing Velhold’s power firsthand, he wanted to see it from an outside perspective. He wanted to see Kiara’s performance more, mostly because of how she ended up being the 2nd ranker compared to Adrian who didn’t do anything other than to avoid threats.
And so, the green haired boy delved into a state of thinking once again.
What were the criteria for the first-year assessment test? Is there a hidden scoring system rather than completing the quest and winning?
Their instructors also asserted that the ranking points are to show how “dangerous” someone is. Adrian recognizes himself as the weakest link in class, but their teachers would’ve seen his weak performance at the ranking as well in comparison to Velhold who was practically wreaking havoc.
Aaahh! I don’t get it anymore!
As Adrian decided there was no use thinking over it, he decided to watch the mock battle between Velhold and Kiara.
Velhold put his hand on the ground as he cast, “Summon Skill: Eaglegram! Summon Skill: Wind Angel!” Two summons emerged from the ground. Adrian has seen Eaglegram already during the test, the one who took down his Hawking in a single attack. The Wind Angel had a white sphere above it that seemed like its head. There was nothing below its head other than a smooth, cloth-like gown. All in all, it was half the size of his Eaglegram.
While everyone else was watching them intently, Tek and Lavery were holding a small device containing a kind of dictionary for monsters.
Eaglegram (453 PL): monsters that can only be found in the mountains of Dezabel. They are the apex predators of the air in Dezabel, continuously avoiding bigger threats on the ground with their speed in flight.
Wind Angel (1422 PL): water-dwelling creatures that ironically cannot breathe in water. Instead, they continuously produce a wind capsule over themselves under the water, absorbing microorganisms as their food. It is also said that the sheer power of their wind capsule is enough to change water currents and are usually the cause of currents.
Lavery had a big smile on her face, as she was looking forward to the spectacle that was about to uncover. “Orloc’s summons are quite strong!” Lavery commented. “Even the Wind Angel alone is enough to knock that princess-looking girl out of her footing if she doesn’t know what’s coming.”
Kiara cast her skills, “Summon Skill: Tremaia. Summon Skill: Water Angel.”
Tremaia emerged from the ground looking literally liked a mossed rock, with four limbs supporting the corners of its irregular form with its completely white eyes.
The Water Angel looked the same as the Wind Angel, except it was colored blue.
Tremaia (10 PL): slow-moving rock creatures that wander in groups. Because it doesn’t have a natural predator, it is usually cleared by adventurer guilds for a low cost.
Water Angel (1723 PL): creatures that ironically wander in the sky. They are known to cause storms if a cloud coincidentally encounters them.
Lavery offered her comments after seeing Kiara’s summons in a confused and uninterested tone. “The Water Angel is an advanced monster, known to produce rainstorms, but a Tremaia? It’s a monster, but it’s literally just a rock!” She complained.
With the 10-minute time limit started, Kiara and Velhold started to battle.
Small cubes emerged from outside the battle area, and a translucent blue plasma connected from cube to cube, enclosing both of them in.
A strong wind enveloped the whole area, causing everyone to be almost blown away from the wind. The grass followed the whirling motion of what was assumed to be the Wind Angel’s magic, and it would be even more powerful in a closer proximity. In spite of that, Kiara remained unfazed.
Velhold’s eyes widened, surprised that she was still standing without moving an inch even after the Wind Angel’s powerful wind magic. “She’s stronger than she looks. No one has been able to stand up to the sheer strength of the Wind Angel unless they have the skill for it. I could only do so because of my Ground Snap passive.”
As the Wind Angel’s gust slowly lowered in strength, he undid his Ground Snap, allowing him to move again unlike earlier where his feet was “connected” to the ground.
A wicked smile appeared on his face. “Come at me!” Velhold taunted Kiara as he swiftly charged towards her.
He cast two passive skills at the same time: Alpha Claws and Leap Strength. Alpha Claws coats his fingers with claws from an Alpha Bear that could cleanly cut through metal, while Leap Strength is a versatile skill that increases his ability to jump in different directions.
Kiara responded by casting a Levitate skill to her Tremaia summon and throwing it towards Velhold. He simply cut it down with his claws with ease. The summoned Tremaia was divided into clean, vertical pieces before disintegrating in thin air with mana particles.
While it didn’t slow him down, it disrupted his focus from Kiara for a few seconds.
That was all the time she needed to cast her skill, Ice Cast: Sword. A sword made from ice fed with mana particles, making it just as durable as an iron sword yet still susceptible from melting through heat.
A shiny, cyan-colored sword appeared just in time to block Velhold’s double-clawed attack aimed not at her, but towards her Water Spirit.
“Now’s my chance! Eaglegram!” Velhold ordered Eaglegram to bare its claws towards Kiara’s last surviving summon, but they were both thrown away as she cast her Air Explosion skill.
A powerful gust sent Velhold back to the other half of the field, while his Eaglegram hit the edge of the battlefield, electrocuting it as it dissipated into mana particles. Seeing his one summon be defeated from a single skill just sent him into an adrenalizing rage.
He charged once again toward Kiara, as he furiously sent slashing attacks. Each of his attacks were being effortlessly blocked or parried no matter the angle he chooses it from.
“Tch… Am I this predictable?!” He said to himself, to which Kiara replied in a plain, honest expression.
“Don’t worry, you’re just slow.”
Velhold lost his temper even more, but he sent out faster attacks with his Alpha Claws that everyone from afar found it difficult to follow. His temper didn’t hinder his thinking, however.
“If I order my Wind Spirit to do something, I’ll just get blown away. She hasn’t used her Water Spirit yet, so why did she summon it in the first place?”
Velhold uncast his Alpha Claws and switched to a fully aggressive stance.
“Air Ravine!” Velhold cast, knowing how incredibly dangerous it is if Kiara were to ever get hit by it so he purposefully aimed at bit to her right side. The pink hair saw through the attack, as she only took a single step to the left to avoid it.
His skill was fully absorbed by the electrocuting fence.
“Why aren’t you attacking, Syhold?!”
“This match doesn’t interest me at all, so I might as well show off to everyone!”
“She’s just playing with me…!” For someone like Velhold, there was no greater insult than what she said. He completely lost his temper as he cast one of his Greater Skills, Crimson Carrion Gauntlet.
Before he could fully cast it, he realized something—Syhold?
“HEY! Are you the daughter of—”
A name was uttered out of Velhold’s mouth. Because of the distance, no one but them heard it. In the blink of an eye, he felt a stinging sensation on his cheek, and a flash of light that he could only describe as “what looked like reality breaking like glass.”
A thin film of blood was dabbed on his fingers as he touched the sting on his cheek.
His Wind Angel was torn into pieces.
The electric dome around them flickered for a quick second.
All three of those happened at the same time before he could even process it. Velhold looked at Kiara’s expression that instantly sent goosebumps up his spine.
He knew what her expression was and her lifeless eyes.
It was an expression distorted with intense rage and loathing.
“Hey… Velhold,” Kiara said in monotone. She placed her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t utter that name anywhere, okay?”
Kiara only pressed his shoulder slightly, but the black-hair’s legs instantly gave up, making him fall on his rear. At that moment, the pair’s status bands buzzed.
//Kiara Syhold vs. Velhold Orloc – Kiara Syhold clears the quest!//
The plasma-emitted cubes retreated back into the ground. Kiara was the first to come back to where everyone was waiting, but she still had that same, lifeless look on her face.
“Kiara, nice work,” Adrian congratulated her as she returned to his side, but she didn’t respond.
“Ahh! Adrian! What is it?” She snapped out of her trance, but she seemed troubled.
“Should I worry about that? Should I ask her?” Adrian thought, but after noticing her fast-paced battle with Velhold and winning, he shook his concern off.
“Nope. There’s nothing to worry about.”
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The Caring Dungeon
NOTE: I, as an 'author' am on a(n) (indefinite?) Hiatus. Without getting into too many details, the person who convinced me to write, who was my muse and my everything, is no longer in my life. I think about writing and I get physically ill and ache in ways that transcend the physical. I want to want to write, but I cannot find the energy. Life events, combined with apparently thin-skin when it comes to personal attacks on this platform, make it impossible for me. The messages, comments, and reviews I recieve(d) were so detrimental to my mental health that I've already removed one story from this website. This one remains up only because the criticisms located in this work are about my writing, and not personal attacks.I just felt like I should put something out there for anyone who is thinking about starting this story. It is not completed. I don't know that it ever will be at this point. I have lost my muse.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Not everything in this world is natural, and it's only natural to fear the unnatural. Fortunately for Manning, he was natural. Unfortunately, he found himself to be in a very unnatural state. Manning was trapped inside of a gemstone, called a dungeon core. Luckily for Manning, he found himself capable of using his newly found unnatural power to make a nature filled forest. With the help of Cara, his unnatural roommate, and Ash, his nature spirit companion, Manning dreams of covering the continent with the most beautiful and dangerous forest it has ever seen. His only other goals are to protect himself and Cara, and if he could ever remember, recover his memories. This is my first time attempting to write anything. Updates whenever I can find the energy and desire to write.
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