《Morninglight》013 Calben


Elaine awoke from her bed, her hair a mess and deep circles under her eyes. She staggers over towards her small kitchen, pours herself a cup of water and look at herself in the mirror, admonishing the terrible state she is in.

"I would never have thought that being the chosen champion of a primordial being was so detrimental to my sleep." Elaine felt sorry for herself, remembering her dream last night were she was training with Nyalith.

Trying out her new abilities she chants the familiar set of hand signals but nothing happens, frustrated she tries again but the same result happen, nothing. "Its so much easier in the dream than here, I have to ask Nyalith why the next dream."

Pushing that issue to future her she instead begins to comb her hair and braiding it into a single braid inlaid with a handful of flowers from the garden. Happy about the result she grabs one of the apples from the kitchen bowl and head outside to see if any of the animals need help. Sitting near the small pond she grabs one of the branches from the nearby trees and begins rhythmically carving the branch. After a while she hears a chirp coming towards her, looking behind her a small light brown colored bird perched down on Elaine's head. Casting a spell to understand the animal Elaine asks it how its morning was.

"Its a beautiful day miss druid, but me and my friends have spotted a large group of men traveling towards the forest several hours away." The bird explained.

"That is concerning, we haven't had people coming here in a long time, except for those cultists and the horrible creature from before." Elaine told the bird, still worried about that creature that ate her kin.

"I can come back here when the people have arrived at the edge of the forest, I must warn you, they have a lot of weapons."The bird said before flying away to look out for the people treading closer.

Realizing that the forest would become active again after many years Elaine concluded that she first needed to settle the problem with the village and the monster. Heading back towards her home she goes inside, grabs her staff from the wall, her knife holstered into its sheath and grabbing the murky colored cloak from the chair. Before heading out she walks over to her small coffer and picks up a small bag filled with silver and copper coins left behind by her mother before her disappearance. Then she heads out again towards the village, leaving the forest for the first time in eight years. Before leaving she goes over to the pond with several different flowers and herbs, throwing them into the pond while chanting suddenly from nothing a thick mist began enveloping the grove and the surrounding forest, protecting her home from intruders and nosy people, summoning her steed she heads towards the village she faintly remembers from her childhood.

After an hour of traveling Elaine finally stands before the ruined forests that's creeping closer towards her home and the center of the forest. Dismounting from the elk she thanks it for its help and then the steed is gone with a flask of green light. Continuing the journey on foot she continuously look around for any signs of people or monsters nearby, not seeing anything she finally arrives at the edge of the forest after an hour of traveling. Lifting her hood up to cover her face she heads towards the village.


Arriving at the wooden gate of the village she sees standing at either side two armed guards wearing simple plate armor and simple swords in their sheath. Walking up she gives them a quick glance before entering, the guard on the left didn't give any remarks but the other guard had a smirk on his lips and walked over to his friend.

"Hey man, did you see the girl that passed through here just now?" The guard asked.

"Not really, her hood covered her face, what about it?" He asked.

"You should have seen her face man, she was gorgeous, exactly my type." The guard spoke as lustful images panned though his mind.

Elaine didn't hear the two guards conversation, she instead directly headed towards the inn to ask for information. While walking through the village a lot of people were stopping in their business to look at the stranger.

"Mommy, look how pretty that lady is." A small child told her mother.

"Shh Frida, she is of cursed kin, do not look at her." Her mother reprimanded her daughter as they quickly left the square. Elaine wondered what the mother meant by cursed kin but before she could ponder further she arrived at the front door of the inn. Taking a huge breath she opens the door and headed in, before her a small crowd of people were gathered at the small tables, talking to themselves while enjoying the food and drinks the inn offered to its patrons. Noticing a few regular clothed people but mostly people wearing armor she understood that this inn was a meeting place for adventurers to exchange information and pick up quests from the village. She could sense a few lustful stares coming her way, trying to ignore them she located an empty table near the corner of the inn, sitting down she had to only wait for a few moments before a barmaid noticed her presence and headed towards her to pick up her order.

"Good afternoon miss, can I take your order?" The young barmaid asked. Looking at the cloaked female before her she could see the fair skin and her piercing blue eyes that resemble a sparkling lake in the summer. A tint of pink appeared on the young barmaids cheeks.

"Good afternoon, I would like to have a glass of juice and some information." Elaine ordered, not noticing the barmaids reaction.

Shaking her head to get rid of the blushing she asked, "Do you have a preference to the juice? Our village pride themselves on our apple juice from the area."

"Then I have to try it." Elaine responded with a half smile, nodding in confirmation the barmaid headed back towards the counter.

While waiting for her drink she looked around the half crowded inn and noticed that a group of three male humans were looking over in her direction while talking to each other. After a few moments the barmaid came back with the juice but before Elaine could thank her one of the men had arrived at her table and began speaking to her.

"Well hello pretty lady, haven't seen you around these parts before. Are you an adventurer?" He asked while trying to put up his best smile. Elaine thought he looked stupid but thought she could get some information from him.


"I'm not, I am but a simple traveler." Elaine answered while sipping on her tankard, amazed by the freshness of the juice.

"Well miss, are you staying in Calben for a while or for the night." The man asked, hoping to join her in her stay.

"i'm heading out today. I was wondering if you could answer some questions about the area, haven't been here before." Elaine lied, trying to gain information. She could see that the humans eyes lit up in excitement.

"Well of course, but I think you should take of your hood, its pretty warm in here." The man said, trying to get a clear view of the mysterious female. Understanding that he won't talk unless she does so she reluctantly unbuckled her cloak, the hood falling down and the man was enthralled in the clear blue eyes.

"Now, my questions. Have there been any activity in this village where people have gone missing or food has been stolen?" Elaine asked.

Hearing that the female in front of him spoke to him he cleared his throat before answering. "Well miss, you seem pretty knowledgable already about this village. Yes we had some people disappearing into the woods near here, the Cymbal forest if you didn't know. The last person was missing when four people headed towards the forest and only three returned. Three days later one of the people that left before had gathered several corpses of deer and elk, the village chief was amazed but some were unsure of how." The man explained while looking over Elaine's features.

trying to remember any features from the man that killed his companion Elaine comes up with nothing, instead she asked the man for the location of the village elder.

"Of course I can lead you to the elder, please follow me." The man requested.

Chugging down the rest of her juice she places two silver coins on the table and left the inn with the man, walking across the village square they take a few shortcuts through the roads and after a few minutes they stand outside the village elders house.

"If you are planning to stay in Calben, meet me at the inn tonight and I can treat you to dinner and ale." The man said flirtily. Thanking him for the help she knocked on the door, understanding his service was no longer required the man left Elaine alone and a moment later an elder man opened the door, white hair covered his head white a short well trimmed beard.

"Good day miss, how can this old man help you?" The elder man asked, confused why a stranger would be knocking at his door.

"Good day village elder, I have some urgent news and it would be best to speak without any unwanted people overhearing our conversation." Elaine answered. The village elder was confused but understood that the girl in front of him was serious led her inside his home and called his daughter to pour a glass of water to their guest.

"What news were you talking about miss." The elder asked, straight to the point.

"Not to long ago, did an elven female disappear from your village and days later one of your villagers showed up with deer and elk meat?" Elaine asked, already knowing the truth.

"How did you know? Yes, an elven adventurer was tasked along with three villagers to scout the outer parts of the Cymbal forest to scour for food, our village has been in need of food since one of our traders was killed while handling business in the cursed north. Why do you ask?" The village elder asked.

"I'm sorry but you village has been infiltrated by cultists of the same monsters that destroyed the north, at the time I was traveling along the edges of the forest and saw a group of four people. Tailing them I saw one of the men killing the elven adventurer and offered it to one of those monsters for food." Elaine explained, looking over to the village elder she saw the shocked expression of the village elder.

"Are you sure miss? this is serious if true." The elder asked.

"I'm sure, I saw the man impaling the elven female with his sword and offered it to the monster." Elaine answered, pictures of the events scoured her memory. "I can resolve this issue if you want, but you have to give me a week to prepare, do you accept?" Elaine went straight to the point, not telling him about the monster or her connection to the forest.

"I guess I have to for the village sake, meet me at the square in a week and I will help you find the murderer." The elder agreed to her help. Nodding her head in agreement Elaine thanked the village elder for the hospitality before being led out.

"One moment before you leave, what is you name if I may ask." The elder asked.

"Elaine. Don't tell anyone of our conversation." Elaine answered and reminded him of their arrangement. Nodding the village elder closed his door as Elaine heard a similar chirp coming from one of the roof tops. Seeing the same light brown colored bird she waves at it and it flies down to perch on her shoulder, casting the same spell as before she asked if it had any news of the caravan.

"I have miss druid, the people have entered the outer parts of the forest and one of them have attacked one of the woodland fairies living there, we have to go back." The bird explained.

"Then we have to head back immediately. Please show me the quickest way back to Cymbal." As Elaine spoke the bird began flying and Elaine began sprinting behind it, frightening the village people. Rushing out the wooden gate Elaine ran until the guards couldn't see her any longer. casting a spell her steed appeared and began racing behind the bird towards the enemy attacking Cymbal.

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