《His Majesty's Personal Trainer》Chapter 23
- Miss... Yoona?
When I left my bedroom, Raphael was already waiting for me in the drawing room. He looked fantastic, to say the least - a black Imperial knight's uniform, covered with silver ornaments all over it, the jacket perfectly outlined his well-built body, a white shirt underneath with a crimson red tie crowned with a silver brooch on the top. If I did not know better, I would have assumed that he was the prince, not just his guard.
Raphael seemed to be equally astonished, he kept staring at me in awe as if I was some miracle appearing before him for the first time. When he realized that he had been staring at me far too long, he quickly cleared his throat and smiled.
- Forgive me, miss Yoona, I did not expect to see you in a dress.
- Why? Do I look that weird?
I suddenly felt embarrassed. Perhaps my body looked too awkward for such a dress and I did not notice it simply because I was indulging in needless self-admiration. I pressed my hands on both sides of my head trying to cover my curled hair and swiftly turned around, ready to disappear back into my room.
- I still have the uniform prepared just in case, I'll go change --
Raphael grabbed my hand preventing me from running away.
- I'm sorry, I did not mean it like that. You look beautiful.
He smiled again and put the hand he was still holding hostage on his arm.
- Let's go, I am your escort this evening.
Although the Emperor's palace was approximately as far from Dorian's as Luther's was, we had to take a carriage in order to keep up appearances. Our carriage was supposed to follow Dorian and arrive at the palace right after him. I hoped to see what kind of attire Dorian was wearing but when we stepped out of the palace, the prince's carriage appeared to have already left. Perhaps Raphael noticed the slight hint of disappointment on my face, he patted me on my shoulder and grinned.
- Don't worry, you'll see him at the banquet. He was summoned to the palace a bit earlier, I guess Her Majesty will announce the engagement tonight, too.
"The announcement of their engagement... It's gonna become official tonight."
When we arrived at the palace, we were instructed to enter the banquet hall through the inner door designated for the knights and personal aid. I have never visited the main palace so to say that I was astonished by how grand it was would not do it justice. The main palace was even bigger than Luther's, it had a huge garden and a greenhouse built specifically for the Empress. Although I was only able to see the back corridor and the banquet hall itself, it was enough to realize the amount of effort and wealth poured into that building.
The banquet hall was a huge room decorated with flowers, statues, and various ornaments. It had a few separations designated for holding conversations or catching your breath from dancing, some of them were already occupied by small groups of acquaintances. There was a buffet with tiny finger food and fruits, the men who looked like waiters were roaming around, carrying the trays with alcohol and water. Dozens of noblemen and noble women were mingling and dancing in their expensive attire, it all looked surreal, even hypnotizing as if each and every one of their movements were programmed to lure you deeper and deeper into a fantastic fairytale.
"I feel incredibly out of place. I regret wearing a dress tonight, I should have worn the knight's uniform instead."
Raphael lead me closer to the wall, the place where the knights of all the nobles were lining up, forming a living wall right in front of it. They were all men - tall, well-built, wearing super serious expressions on their faces, just like the bodyguards you see following politicians or billionaires. Their uniforms were all different - some of them were wearing only black colors, some only blue and white, I figured it depended on the families they served.
- Miss Yoona, I would like you to meet sir Albert Rodewood, he is serving the family of Marquess Thorn, a close friend of His Majesty the Emperor.
A big red-haired man approached me and bowed his head, smiling very friendly. He then kissed my hand and looked me straight into the eyes,
- Raphael told me you were an extraordinary woman, but he failed to mention that you are quite a beauty. It's a shame you have to waste your looks serving as a knight.
I did not know whether it was meant to be a compliment or a lame attempt to humiliate me, so I just faked a smile, threw a quick "thank you" and pulled my hand away. Raphael noticed my discomfort.
- Come on, Albert, if she was not as talented as I told you, she wouldn't have been accepted to the order. Just because she is wearing a dress tonight, does not mean all she can do is look pretty.
It was the first time someone stood up for me like that. I was grateful to Raphael but I also did not want him to ruin his relationships with other knights. Since I was not really a part of the knights' order or was indeed talented, I decided to rectify the situation myself.
- Sir Albert, I apologize if the way I look seems offensive to your concept of the Imperial knight. I will work hard to make sure to persuade you that I am worthy. Please take good care of me.
It seemed that my remark had made the desirable impact, both Raphael and Albert looked somewhat bewildered and embarrassed, and other knights, having heard our conversation, were giggling quietly next to the wall.
Although the knights were supposed to be on duty that night, we were still allowed to drink and dance to our hearts' content. After all I have been through during the past couple of weeks, I decided that trying some fancy alcohol would not hurt me that much. And although the alcohol was indeed going inside my body like mere juice, the food that was served there was a complete disappointment - everything was either too sweet or too salty, some snacks tasted like rubber and were almost impossible to chew, I had to swallow them at once, hoping I wouldn't choke.
- I see you're not enjoying the snacks. The food is usually served as a decoration and is not really meant for eating.
I looked up at the person who said those words - it was one of the knights Raphael introduced me to earlier, but I already had forgotten his name. I was not sure if I was already drunk enough, but he looked really handsome - thick blonde hair styled beautifully, with a few strands of hair falling down his face, bright blue eyes shining under a thick layer of blonde lashes, light pinkish freckles covering his nose and cheeks. His smile formed little dimples on his cheeks, making his face look kind and friendly, the title of a knight did not suit his appearance at all. Perhaps he noticed my prolonged silence, he tapped his gloved fingers on my glass and smiled again.
- The name is Vincent, Vincent Alred.
- Oh, right! You are Duke Alred's nephew, right? The chief of his army!
I was definitely drunk because only after I had blurted out that sentence did I realize how loud I was.
- Wow, it looks like you had enough. May I take this glass away from you?
I nodded in agreement and gave Vincent a half-empty glass of champagne.
- I am sorry, champagne gets me drunk very fast.
- It's alright but I think you should get some fresh air. Would you like to visit the terrace with me?
- Are we allowed to leave the hall?
I was not sure if the knights were supposed to leave the hall during such events. Raphael did instruct me briefly on what to do and not do before we came here, but I failed to ask about that. I hesitated a little and then looked around trying to find Raphael.
- Raphael is talking to Albert and other knights right now, I assure you it's alright to get some fresh air right now.
- I guess... it's just for a little while anyway.
I took Vincent's hand and followed him to the wide terrace attached to the banquet hall. The place was magnificent - it looked like a huge open balcony overseeing the Imperial greenhouse. Although it was already November and I left my jacket in the carriage, the alcohol was keeping me warm. To be honest, it actually felt nice, refreshing, and even a bit romantic. We both looked to our right - there was a couple kissing and giggling like two school children kissing behind the schoolyard in between classes.
- How nice... Although it would have been more romantic if it was spring or summer.
Vincent was still holding my hand, he was looking at me with a warm smile on his face. He suddenly pulled me closer to his body and whispered,
- Do you envy them, miss Yoona? If you wish, I can take you to a more romantic place.
It finally hit me. The alcohol made me stupidly naive, I should have expected that.
"Ugh, here we go. I fell for his kind face and here I am, in a typical "drunk girl at a party" situation. I should just return back to the hall."
- I'm sorry, sir Vincent, you got the wrong girl. I will leave first.
I tried to pull my hand free but his grip was way too strong even for me. I thought about screaming to attract the attention of the other couple but I realized I would create unwanted trouble. I threw an angry look at Vincent but he was still smiling as if nothing was happening.
- Sir Vincent... We both don't want to get into trouble so please, let go of my hand.
It felt like his grip was getting even tighter, I started feeling pain in my wrist.
- I was wondering how someone like you ended up in the Imperial knights' order but I can't seem to figure it out. You are weak, small and even dared to wear a dress when you are still on the duty. I guess you do have a pretty face, but it is my guess it was your body that made Raphael fall for you. He is as tough as a boulder, you must be very gifted to make him give in.
- What?!
Vincent pulled me even closer and hugged me tightly to his body with his free hand. He then leaned down and whispered again,
- Come on, show me how "talented" you are.
I was pissed. I tried to push him away but he was unexpectedly heavy and would not care for my measly attempts to set myself free. I tried to lift my leg to hit him between the legs, but he was conveniently pressing his legs against mine, making it hard for me to move them at all. I felt trapped.
"What should I do? Should I scream? It looks like that couple has already left. Will anyone even hear me in the hall? God damn it, how did I end up like this?"
- Sir Vincent, nothing good will come out of you messing around with me like this, you should consider your position too --
Vincent laughed half-heartedly as if my words did not even deserve to be mocked.
- My position? I am a noble, and you are a nobody. If anything, scoring some relationship points with me will only benefit you in the future.
His face was already too close; the weight of his body, his scent, his touch, everything about him was disgusting and making me sick. I was ready to scream my lungs out when I heard a familiar voice calling my name.
- Miss Yoona?
I looked from behind Vincent's body and almost cried in relief. It was Dorian.
- Prince Dorian!
My words made Vincent flinch and widen his eyes. He almost jumped away from me and looked at the prince with a perplexed expression. Dorian looked angry, he looked me up and down, fixed his gaze on my wrist for a couple of moments and rushed towards me.
- What has happened here?
He grabbed my slightly red wrist and threw a mad look at Vincent. The knight shrugged his shoulders and pulled up his annoyingly kind smile again.
- Ah, Your Majesty, we were just having an intimate conversation, you should not react like this.
Dorian was not satisfied with that reply.
- Why were you here in the first place?
- Miss Yoona felt quite drunk so I escorted her here to get some fresh air.
The knight looked at me with an expression that suggested that I'd better cooperate with his words. I hesitated. Although if it wasn't for the prince, I might have gotten into trouble, I still did not want to cause a mess during such an important event, especially since the Alred family was very important to Dorian's success. I looked at the prince and nodded slowly.
- It's alright, prince Dorian, I'm okay now.
- Sir Vincent, you may leave now. I'll take care of my knight myself.
Vincent bowed his head and left the terrace. Once he closed the door, I felt as if a huge boulder was lifted off my shoulders. I exhaled loudly and rubbed my forehead with my hand. The extreme situation sobered me up - I felt cold and started shivering, although I was not entirely sure whether I was trembling from cold or fear.
Dorian took his jacket off and covered my shoulders with it. I was surprised by his gesture but did not want to look into his face for some reason. I was expecting to hear some kind of scolding from him since I left the hall but he only sighed loudly and put his hand on my cheek, helping me to lift my head.
- Miss Yoona, I'm sorry, I should have been more attentive. I apologize for Vincent's behavior and I only hope that he did not do anything bad to you.
His words were surprisingly comforting. I expected him to scold me or get angry but instead, he was apologizing and looked rather sad and offended. I almost felt as if it was me who was trying to do something despicable just moments ago.
- You did nothing wrong, prince Dorian. Neither of us did. Thank you for helping me.
- Still, he hurt you, it's unacceptable, I will have a talk with Duke Alred --
- Prince Dorian, calm down. It's alright, I'm sure he will not do anything like this again.
The prince's expression grew dark. I could not figure out what he was thinking back then - was he disappointed that I almost got involved in a potentially shameless situation? Or maybe he was regretting inviting me to the banquet because I was attracting unwanted attention on such an important day for him? Whatever it was, it made me feel uneasy.
- Miss Yoona, I'm sorry again. Although it was definitely not your fault that Vincent attacked you like that, I still feel responsible. When I invited you here, I only wanted you to distract yourself and have some fun outside my palace, I wanted to make it easier for you to be here, but anytime I try to make you feel better, you end up in dangerous situations instead.
Dorian's face looked like he was on the verge of crying, I could almost hear his eyes screaming how sorry he was. But it only made me angry. Why was he mad at himself instead of that horrible knight? Everything that had happened to me so far was inflicted by my choices, and even then it was always others who were doing something wrong.
"Dorian is too kind. He has been neglected his whole life, just like I was, and yet he grew up to be this kind, even to a total stranger like myself. But there is still something that we have in common - we cannot be kind to our own selves."
Our conversation had finally made my eyes clear - there were times when I hated my parents for abandoning me and yet, I still had to ask myself in the end "just because someone made a mistake, why did my parents have to go through something they never wanted?". And so, this world was not about me, I came here because someone made a mistake, I was out of place, and just because there were people who still tried to make me fit in here, it did not mean I should become a bother. No matter how quietly I tried to live my life before, I was still unwanted, I was still a bother that made everyone around me feel burdened and responsible against their will. I did not want to live like that anymore.
I took the jacket Dorian gave me off my shoulders and placed it back on his.
- Let's go inside, I don't want you to miss your mother's birthday and get cold. In addition, I heard there was supposed to be an important announcement tonight, so we'd better go.
I was about to turn around and start walking when the prince grabbed my hands softly and looked into my eyes. I have already had enough of hand grabbing that night so I was scared for a brief moment but quickly realized that Dorian's touch was different - it was light and gentle, and it felt like he was rather scared of touching me or just trying his best not to hurt me in any way.
His deep blue eyes were fixed on mine as if he was trying to read my mind through them. I realized that something about them was hypnotizing, almost enchanting, one would want to avert their eyes if they had a chance, but once they were caught in them, there was no escape.
The staring contest was over when Dorian suddenly lowered his face and looked at my still slightly red wrist. He gently stroked it with his thumb as if trying to erase the mark, or maybe trying to cover it with his. He then lifted his face again and smiled.
- Miss Yoona... Would you like to dance with me?
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