《The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!》It’s Going to be a Long Week… (Part Two)
Aika's uneventful Sunday ended and Monday came.
It's third period back at Merry High. The girls just ended P.E and were in the locker room changing. The others had already showered and left, leaving only three of them behind. One had pink hair and the other was wearing an eyepatch.
"…Then he tried to grope my ass! In the middle of the station! Said he couldn't take it anymore after some making out and non-stop sniffing me post volleyball practice! Can you believe it?"
"Eh! Gross! What a scumbag! So, what did you do?"
"I slapped his hand away and grabbed his ass back with all the strength I could muster to teach him a lesson! I'm fine with it as long he keeps in his pants when we are outside or at least when there's nobody around!"
"Your time with Ero-Sensei counselling is starting to get his personality into your head! Also didn't you two started dating for what? Not even a month now?!"
"Kyahaha! That was all my own doing though! Besides, we've known each other since middle school and been at each other's necks for a long time now! I know about all sorts of shameful secrets about him and he knows about mine! All I have to do to tame him is simply mention his ankle fetish and he gets quiet very fast!"
"The fact you can tell me all this with a straight face is kinda scary and worries me for future of you two…"
"But forget about me! How was that mixer? I heard Bink-San invited you and Miki to that!"
"After tongue lashing us, yeah. There was a lot of boys to choose from since almost all girls were busy fawning over the mysterious transfer student's angelical voice."
"Ah! I saw that! Someone streamed it live! His popularity skyrocketed after that! After that duet with Akira-Chan, he's already being placed with hers and Yozo's level. If I weren't for my boyfriend now, I would be trying my luck with him too! People even started changing the school title of 'Dual Beauties' to 'Elegant Triage' too! Isn't that right? Akira-Chan?"
"Eh?" Huddled against the corner was the third girl(?) left behind.
Akira was doing his best to avert his eyes from the two fresh out of the shower and half-naked girls in front of him. He was waiting for them to leave so he could change from the bloomers back into his uniform, otherwise his flat braless chest (and well-toned pecs underneath. Courtesy of his father genes and daily archery workout.) and jockstrap be exposed. The dangling eel hanging between his legs would come out to say hello to them otherwise.
A lot of his detractors started to back off and even often approach him more casually since Bink's scolding. His secret fan-club also had some of their duties eased and no longer assigs hidden bodyguards following him at all times anymore. Only keeping watch when he is on his way home and he doesn't have club practice.
"I…uhm…yeah. I had a lot of fun too…" Akira blushes as he shows a faint and cute smile. Even the girls felt their hearts skipping a beat after seeing such sight.
"By the way…Akira-Chan. I was wondering this for a while now. Despite how pale you are, how do you keep such a smooth, beautiful and glossy skin?! I've been trying everything from milk baths to foreign treatment from overseas and nothing seems to work! Tell us your secret!" The eyepatch begs in tears as she focuses all her attention on Akira's exposed skin.
"Oh! I also wanted to know about that! That might set my already pent-up boyfriend into overdrive even more but I don't care! Wow! Your hair is so silky too!"
"Wa-Wait! Watch where you two touc-kyah!" A soft moan leaves his lips as the girls started rubbing his arms and skin.
"Woah! Even your fingers are soft with no calluses despite all the abuse from archery and your arms are ripped! Makes me wonder how your legs looks like by comparison…" A mischievous grim surfaces on the pink haired one as she stops poking his stomach and slowly slides her hand down Akira inner thighs.
"A-Anywhere but there please-"
*Rustle, Rustle! *
"Hm?" The eyepatch girl looked behind her and tilted her head in confusion as she stared at the mildly shacking locker on the opposite site.
(Did sound just now came from that…locker?)
Right as she is about to reach for the handle…
*Knock! Knock!*
"Ahem! Excuse me! Sorry but could you girls please speed things up over there?" A man's voice sounded from behind the door.
"Yeah, it's me! Listen! The water from the showers on the first floor stopped working so the second years are on their way to use this one! So like I said, do you mind hurry before they get here? We are already late enough for class!"
"Sorry! We are almost done!"
After a few minutes, the girls leave in tow. Once a few more passed, so does Akira in his usual uniform.
"Sigh…That was a close one…Thanks Yozo-San!"
"Don't mention it Akira-Chan! But you really should start using the shower on the Teacher's Office that Sensei had prepared for those sort of situations!"
"Ahaha…I keep forgetting about that. It's embarrassing to go there on my own every time too…"
"Better than getting caught is it not? You should hurry on now! Unless you wanna be late for next class!"
"Ah! Yozo-San! Wait!"
Yozo stops his tracks the moment Akira holds him by the shoulder. The latter is blushing mildly and rubbing his thighs together.
"I…uhmm…made a new friend… I would like to introduce you to him during lunch break. Can you come?"
"Ugh, do I really have to?" He was more than glad to spend his free time with Akira. However, knowing what it was about, Yozo couldn't help but hesitate.
"I-I made a lunchbox enough for the three of us too! So, I… hmmm…"
Noticing the saddened look on his face and puppy dog eyes. Yozo felt complied and reluctantly agrees.
"Gah! Fine! I'll promise to go! Please stop making that face! My heart can't take it when you do that!"
He turned back again and Akira stopped him for a second time.
"One more thing…"
"What is it now?!"
"How did you knew I needed help there?" Akira points his finger at the changing room.
"Guh!" Yozo bit his tongue in surprise. He looked the other way to try and hide his blushing face.
"C'mon! We are childhood friends! That is par for the course! Just call it instinct or something like that!"
"Childhood friends…hehehe…I see! Thanks Yozo-San!"
Yozo averts his eye away from Akira and scratches his chin in embarrassment.
(Can't exactly tell you the truth anyways…)
Back at the changing room…
"Phew! That was dangerously close! Good thing I had Shades on speed dial!"
Shinji quietly steps out of the locker as he swipes the sweat off his forehead and stares at his phone messages. He then switches tab to his photo gallery.
(Who would've thought my nephew would be getting his popular phase this late in the game! I'm jealous but I stumbled into a gold mine because of it! Ah, shit! I can't sell these! They are way over line from what I usually sell! I can't edit these so easily either! Gah! Why does my gentlemanliness and good conscience always have to get in the way of easy money?!)
Shinji started to tear his hair out as he musters the willpower to delete the photos of the two girls practically all over his nephew.
(Oh well. I have to get going to the gym now. Guess I'll have to settle with what I have set in store with Ai-Chan for this afternoon…)
"Hehehehe…" Shinji laughs like a creep as he remembers the paper bag he left back on a chair in his office.
"Are you okay, Tsunaboshi-San?" The teacher asks Aika concerned when she suddenly trembles as he walked past her by the hallway.
"N-No! It's nothing!" She felt goosebumps running down her spine for some reason…
Later that day. At the Sekihara estate…
"Alright kid! Prepare to be amazed!"
"I can't wait to be disappointed Sensei…" Sei answers without turning his head away from his TV. He is concentrated playing a FPS with a blank expression on his face. His hands are moving so quickly holding the controller that all you can see is a blur.
"Amazing nya!" Nyamo gasp as she stares at the kill score on Sei's account that is five times the entirety of all his other team members combined.
Shinji waggles his index finger in response.
"Now now! I know your preferences and planned things accordingly! I prepared something simple yet effective for today! Without further ado, let's welcome our one and only model for this occasion…Ai-Chan!" Shinji rolls out a red carpet at the doorway and waits for his niece to walk out of it.
"…" But she doesn't step out. Only silence was present.
"Ahahaha…excuse me for a sec!" Shinji scratches the back of his head as he walks over door and closes it behind him.
"Ai-Chan? C'mon! Just do it like we rehearsed!"
"This is so embarrassing! I'd rather die!"
"No getting cold feet now missy! We are in this to win it!"
"He's right! Be more confident in yourself nya! You got this Ai!"
(You two morons are getting way too into this!)
"Fine!" Aika takes a deep breath before reaching the doorknob.
When door opens again, Aika steps out having her hair tied in a pair of buns. She is using eyeshadow and blush makeup that makes her look mature and wearing a gorgeous china dress with a silver bangle on her wrist and ankle.
"M-Meat buns are my jam bu-but…go-going on a date with you isn't so bad either…st-st-stupid!" Aika balances herself using one of her legs in some sort of martial art stance as she says her line hesitantly, tongue tied and completely red from head to toe.
"Oh…" Sei decides to ignore his match for a moment as he analyzes Aika costume, still with a blank look on his face.
"This is so humiliating…" Aika couldn't take any longer and tries to hide her face in her hands, frozen in place. Steam erupts out of her eardrums.
"HERE IT IS‼" Shinji screams enthusiastically.
"The hair buns that multiplies the cuteness and innocence on a girl's face! Makeup for the adult contrast! The alluring thick gap between the china dress! The highly coveted Tsundere act! The petite body and flat chest that are actually accentuated by the-"
"Bleh‼" Aika immediately knee-kicks her uncle in the face.
"The Tsundere bit is an incredibly fitting though nya!
"Thanks but no thanks. Not interested in violent women. I commend you for remembering another one of my favorite characters and trying to catch me off guard Sensei. I'll give you a B for the acting and accurate Fey Li cosplay. But's that about it. Now there's the door, close it on your way out you two." Sei had turned his attention back to his game and ignored his visitors who left ungraciously.
"I can't believe you actually convinced me to wear that stupid thing! It was all for nothing too!" Aika vents as she follows her uncle to the less vigilant side of the town. Nyamo was resting on top of Aika's head.
Anyone in the vicinity that saw Shinji immediately tried to hide or ran away from the two.
(Kittypaws seems to be sleeping a lot more often than not since our skirmish with Scribbles…I should ask her if she is okay when we have the time…)
"I'm just as surprised as you that it didn't worked! But relax Ai-Chan! We have until Saturday to settle things out!" Shinji proceeds to pull his niece by the arm before she decides to storm off and travel back from this side of town on her own.
"Fuck off and let me go!"
(Shit! Since when did he had this much strength?!)
"It's up to you. If you really want to go back, then be my guest. But I am escorting you back to the safer streets in that case. It would be your loss though. The place we are going now is in your interest after all."
"Care to explain where the hell are you taking me then?! In my opinion, the sooner I get rid of you for the day, the better!"
"Bwahaha! Chill out for a bit! I told you that I was going to make it up for forcing you to cosplay without your consent once Monday came around didn't I? Oh! We're here!"
The two suddenly stops in front of an incredibly old store built in traditional eastern style. The store sign reads 'Hasegawa Fireworks'.
"Some kind of store? Just what the hell are we-"
"Yooo! Granny Hasegawa! You have customers‼" Shinji cuts off Aika as he screams at the same time he opens the store sliding door.
Inside the large store that seemed much smaller from outside was stands full of rockets, sparkles and even eastern cannons stacked practically everywhere you could see. Even cannonballs and round-shaped fireworks of the most powerful kind could be found neatly stacked in a cardboard box. The kind of things you find in a normal convenience store was placed in a very small corridor section on a corner.
As the two approach the register, a familiar man who was leaning behind the counter stood up, revealing that he was wearing a worn hakama.
"Welcome to Hasegawa's! How may I…Oh! It's you Sensei."
"C'mon Shades! That's not how you are supposed greet a customer! Bwahahaha! You look great as I did in that uniform!"
"Yo-Yozo-Senpai?!" Aika quickly blushed as she retreated and hid behind her rotund uncle.
"Haha! My bad Sensei! But Hanabi-San told me not to consider you a customer anymore."
"Wait really?! I worked behind this counter for such long time back when I was even younger than you, know her for that long and that's how she treats me? Geez! Talk about cold!"
"That's because you keep window-shopping and only drops by because you want to see Yozo-boy. The only reason I haven't blacklisted you yet Shinji-boy is because you gave me such a diligent and reliable part-timer! Just be glad you don't have a bounty on your head around these parts like your father does..."
A short old woman who reaches Aika's knee in height but with breasts half of Makoto's (which should still be considered large by any standard. Especially given her stature.) suddenly appears walking next to Yozo. She is wearing a very old and traditional kimono. She also had something akin to a sparkler hanging in her mouth like a cigar.
"Ahaha…You flatter me too much Hanabi-San."
"…and here I was planning make a new business proposition with you for the black market…busty old hag…" Shinji mumbles under his breath.
The outburst of surprise in Shinji's niece made the lady turns her attention towards Aika.
"Oh! Ai-Chan! Wow, you grew up so much! You look like more like your mother with each day!" The old lady statement managed to pull Aika back into normalcy.
"Except when it comes to the chest department…"
"Uh, forgive me if I'm being rude. But do we know each other?" She politely asks while her uncle is left bloody on the ground.
"Kind of. You were just a little baby the last time I've seen you! But, Sasori-Chan talks about you a lot every time he comes to visit!"
"Her grandson. Your father's right hand. You know, the dude not as gigantic as him but still remarkably tall man with the scorpion tattoo on his face. Seems like he still hasn't grew out of his bad habit and learned how to keep his big mouth shut or sticking his nose at other people's businesses. Heh. Typical of him."
Like usual, Shinji was already up and fully recovered but said that with a snort and warm smile. He wipes the blood off his face, shirt and scrubbed off the stains left on the tatami mattresses with a handkerchief alongside the bottle of water and bleach Yozo had on hand ready to hand him over. He already knew such events were common occurrences when both Shinji and Aika were involved.
The mental image of the two side by side pops in Aika's mind.
"You're his grandmother?!"
"Ohoho! I get that reaction a lot! He's really big isn't he? He always were such a healthy boy!"
"Anyway, don't you have business to do in the bathroom Ai-Chan?"
Shinji interrupts her angry retort as he pushes the makeup case he used on her earlier with the cosplay behind her back and then winks at her.
(Oh.) Aika understood the hint her uncle was trying to tell her and nodded.
"Ohoho! It's the second door towards the staircase! Make yourself at home!"
Hanabi giggled as she pointed at the corridor. Seems like she caught on what Shinji was planning too.
"Ex-Excuse me!" She quickly bows and skittled away. Leaving the three alone by the counter.
As Aika went freshen up. Shinji discreetly picks up a small bag from his back pocket and places in front of Yozo. It makes a metallic clink sound as it touches the counter.
"Anyway, I just dropped by to give you this."
"Ohhh‼! These are all military grade stuff! Amazing!" Yozo eyes sparkles like a child in a toy store once he sees what's inside.
"I've found some interesting spare parts to mess around with our little baby girl prototype! It wasn't easy getting my hands on but I also found a night-vision scope for cheap!"
"Ohoho! You can thank me for that! Since its for my favorite employee! I even threw in a nice discount!"
"It might hamper with stability due to its increased weight though. So we should do some testing and target practice before putting it to practical use!"
"I can't wait to get home and tinker! Thanks Sensei!" He reached for the bag but Shinji pulled away from him at the last second. He waggles his finger in front of his face.
"Nuh-uh-uh! Not so fast Shades! I might be incredibly busy from tomorrow onwards! So, I want you check on Akira on the 17th for me and play ball with his new friend from now on."
Yozo glimmer faded for a moment as he turns serious all of a sudden.
"I was already going to do that even if you didn't ask me Sensei. He might be a little annoying. But I can see that your little plant is genuine to our cause. I promise be nice with him…unless he gives me a reason not to."
"All of this is in preparation for my master plan in aiding Akira's graduation goal. I too promise that this is for a good reason!"
The two settle with a firm handshake.
"I wanted your opinion with something else too Shades."
"Hit me Sensei."
Shinji pulls out his phone and shows Yozo a picture of Aika posing in the china dress from earlier. Pantyshot included.
"I usually would NEVER take a picture of my niece like this. Let alone show it to anyone. But, you are an exception. I want to hear your honest thoughts about it."
"Wow! I could barely recognize it was Aika! She looks cute in it. I guess? If I'm being honest. I am more curious over how you managed to convince her change into that. She will absolutely murder you if she finds out that this picture exists!"
Shinji then deleted the picture and put back his phone.
"Sigh…That's it?"
"Yeah! Something wrong?"
"Nah. This is kind of what I expected out of you. That makes you my accomplice. Would you have preferred if it was Aki in it instead? Bwahahaha!"
"C'mon Sensei! Stop teasing me! You know it isn't that simple!"
"Yeah! Yeah! I know! Which reminds me. Same time next week?"
"Yes please! Your counselling helped me sleep a lot better at night!"
(Sexually unaware as always huh? You have a long road ahead of ya if you really to put his eyes on you Ai-Chan…)
As he pulls out his lighter for a quick smoke. Old lady Hanabi raises an eyebrow in curiosity once she saw the object in his hands.
"So you still have that silly trinket we crafted when you were little huh?"
"…" Shinji flinched a bit before her sudden question.
One look from them and Yozo nodded as he went to the back of the shop to sort out stock, leaving the two to talk privately.
Wordlessly. Shinji slides over his lighter over the counter towards her.
"Thanks dearie! Oh! The core is practically intact! Color me impressed! You actually took good care of it."
Hanabi lights the end of the sparkler in her mouth and analyzes the object with an appraising eye before giving it back to him.
A long moment of silence passed until Shinji started conversation again.
"…It serves as a reminder of my losses and that some of my sins will never be fully atoned. No matter what I do and things can never return to the way they once were..."
A strange sense of melancholy surfaces on Shinji eyes and face as he fiddles with and rubs his lighter tenderly. He then suddenly clutches it tightly. As he reminisces about memories of his long gone past.
"Perhaps. I can see how you reached that conclusion, given everything that happened back then. Out of your own accord no less. However, what are you saying now. Is it coming from your time as the man once known as 'Demon Teacher'? Or that 'boy' that came before it?"
"Relax sonny! I'm not one to judge and say how you should live your life! I'm just a bit concerned. I know you since you were little. It might be hard for you to believe but that makes me care for you akin to a second grandson of mine!"
"I sometimes wonder if you could maybe loosen that noose you keep on hanged you neck every day from time to time? There is nobody else around to untie it for you anymore…"
Instead of answering, Shinji glares at the old lady with a menacing aura.
"Look, I am the first one to agree with you. The past is the past. It can't be erased. Just ask your father if you happen to have any doubts about what regrets really means. But, you certainly aren't that misguided and lonesome little boy anymore either. 'Devil Incarnate' is what they used to call you back in the day wasn't it?"
"..." Shinji decided remain silent instead of answering.
"Such a downgrade...I wonder what might have caused it?"
The old lady asks with a sarcastic grim plastered on her face.
"I'm starting to understand from who Sasori got his loose lips and meddling nose from..."
"Ohohoho! Just ignore this old woman's rambling if you so prefer! But, do take care of your precious little trinket in that case okay? It's one of a kind! In more way than one…"
"Don't worry Granny. I will..."
By the time Aika and Yozo came back, the usual playful mood and laidback manner had returned as the day went by…
"…Alright. I got into this stupid getup you prepared Pig! Why is it so bloody dark in here?"
Like yesterday, Aika took her time changing and once she gathered the courage. She stepped into Sei's bedroom. However, all the lights were off. It was so dark in there she couldn't see anything.
Spotlights suddenly appeared above her and revealed a catwalk akin to one of the ones you would find in fashion contests.
The voice of her uncle could be heard loudly echoing across the entire room through speakers.
"Would our one and only contestant please step forward. Please, do it stylishly if possible!"
(I am SO going to murder you one of these days…goddamned Pig…)
As she complies with Shinji's command, the spotlights focused on what Aika would consider a walk of shame. She is wearing nothing but her school swimsuit on her.
In front of her were three rotating chairs facing their back towards her like those you find in talent shows.
As one of the spotlights moves away from her towards one of the chairs. The first one to face her in her uncle, with a mic on his hand.
"Here it is! Ladies and gentlemen! Our one and only model! She is absolutely oozing with cuteness! Not even the murderous stare she is giving me is enough is enough to deter me from her adorability!"
The second chair turns around as another spotlight focused on it has Nyamo wearing a headset small enough to fit her feline head.
"Oh my! It seems she is missing one crucial part of the getup we had it prepared nya!"
"Woops! She looks so adorable acting all this shyly that I almost forgot about it! Heh!" Shinji grins at his niece with a silly look on his face.
"Nyahaha!" Nyamo laughs and follows suit.
"Grrr…" Grinding her teeth and diving into a deeper color of red. Aika puts on the cat ears she had hidden behind her back. The vein on her forehead looks on the verge of exploding.
"*Sniff*" A single tear runs down Shinji's eyes.
"Geez! Are you crying Sensei?"
"Sorry! It just that being a judge of a bikini contest was one of my greatest dreams! I've just realized this is the closest I will ever get to that! Her body also barely changed from when she was ten! I keep recalling her cuter phase and can practically hear her calling 'Oji-Chan' in my head again-"
Aika throws a nearby shoe lying around at his face with inhuman speed and deadly accuracy.
Shinji manages to shield himself with the chair at the last second before facing her again. He then blows his nose on a tissue and takes a deep breath before resuming his role as the announcer.
"Sorry for the slight interruption folks! We should give our own scores before letting our guest for today's show give his! Drumroll if you please!"
As Nyamo picks a small pairs drums and have it pointed at the mic. Shinji enthusiastically pulls out a plaque with '9' written on it. Using her tail, Nyamo pulls a '8'.
"Such strong results! How will our guest react? Without further ado! We have invited the Goblin Lord of Shut-Ins! SEKIHARA….SEI‼!"
Soon as the spotlight shined upon the third chair. It shows Sei eating a bag of chips potato and looking at his phone with a completely look disinterest on his face.
"C'mon Sei! It's not a fair contest if you don't at least check what I have set in store for you!"
"Fine…" A single side glance from him at the Aika trembling with anger was all it took and Sei quickly gives out a '0'.
Defeated a second time. Shinji brought Nyamo and his niece to 'Imps Cafe". A place Shinji started to frequent often when he has the time.
He was hoping treating the latter would be enough to calm her strong desire to put him six feet under… at least for today.
"Pwah! I can't believe that a swimsuit in cat ears combo didn't even fazed him! He's really not the same kid that I used to know!"
Shinji pouts as he chugs a glass full of beer in one go.
(People usually don't bring their own drinks to a establishment nya…)
"I can't believe you thought THAT was going to work!"
Aika stabs her uncle hand with a fork.
"Ouch! Hey! I thought the costume was pretty well planned on my part! It's the angry look on your face and eyes full of bloodthirst that keeps souring the deal!"
"Don't you dare pin the blame on me fucker! Also, WHAT ARE THESE THINGS?!"
"Ge! Ge!"
Aika points at one of the many small beings amongst the waitresses in maid uniforms inside the cafe making weird noises. They are even smaller than a child and have long tongues hanging from their mouths. Some are mischievously playing pranks over one another. Others are busy writing the customer orders, serving the food and cleaning the tables or floor.
"I don't know it either. I have been frequenting the place for quite some time now and never found it out. My bet around the community is midgets in weird costumes. Others think it's the one of the owner's many children. Nobody ever found the truth about it. People who asked too many questions about that sometimes disappear too so I try not to give much thought."
(Never would have thought that the café took its name literally. I never saw a group of imps this large not causing mass mayhem and acting this organized before either nya…however is leading them must be incredibly powerful…)
"Other than treating you two like I promised, I also some business to attend here. Figured I might as well bring you along and see 'her' reaction. Bwahaha!"
"Her? Who the hell are talking about-"
"Sorry it took me this long to attend to you masters! We are so busy today but Naonyan is finally here for all your nee-Oh. It's you."
"Howdy! Business seems booming today huh?"
"That's probably because Owner and the Boss are away receiving a shipment of ingredients by the docks and not scaring away the customers again. Your order will be the same as always right Sensei and your friend here will-Gwah‼"
Aika's jaw drops on the floor once she sees the waitress in a maid costume with cat ears and tail. Who too also freezes once she saw the girl sitting across her uncle's seat and drops the tray in her hand.
It was a certain girl with a pompous attitude Aika knew it well.
"There was the looks I was hoping to see on your faces! BWAHAHAH!" Shinji laughs hysterically and slaps their table repeatedly. Nyamo too held back her laughter and stole a slice of cake from the tray while nobody else was looking…
Shinji and Aika are left waiting on the alleyway behind the cafe.
"Nyah! So fluffy and delicious!"
Nyamo has a blissful look adorned on her face as she devours the slice of cake she stole it earlier and hid above a window of a building nearby.
Naomi finally appears and closes the door behind her as she sighs.
"This better be worth my time Sensei! I had to take my break earlier because of you!"
"Now now! No need for hostility! I just thought that two should see each in this way! Since both of you get along so-"
"I knew you were stupid. But are you blind AND stupid?!"
Aika and Naomi says the exact same thing in unison as each punches each side of Shinji's face.
"Ouch…" The man swipes the dust off his blazer as he slowly stood up, ignoring his swollen cheeks. He then pulls a small envelope from inside and hands it over to Naomi.
"Our profits for this month finally came. I also got the receipts; in case you think I'm screwing you over."
Naomi expression sharpens as she quickly picks the envelope off his hands and counts the large amounts of money inside.
"Good. About time this came! I would have to forage for food on the mountains again otherwise."
"Ya know Naomi-Chan…maybe we could discuss the share of your cut? 80% is a lot to-"
"Never gonna happen Sensei. You wanted me to sell my soul and help with your Peeping Network? Than that is my minimum alongside our free of charge editing classes. The fact you have skills on this area better than mine pisses me off to no end!"
"I already told you that's just because I am older than you! Experience comes with tim-"
Aika shouts in surprise.
"W-Would you look at that? Break time is over! See ya!"
Forgetting her enemy was even there, Naomi quickly turns back and tries to escape from the situation.
"Wait! Naomi-Chan!" Shinji stops her before she is able to close the door by putting his foot between it.
"Please send my regards to your grandfather and thank him for the info I bought from him the other day! It was very handy!"
"Got it. I'll tell him once I get home Sensei."
Now that Naomi was finally being able to leave. Shinjirou lights a cigar before facing Aika again. His expression from moments ago were now gone and he was completely serious.
"I know you have some things to say to me or Naomi and might want to report me to the authorities. But I'll appreciate if you listened to our story before making any sort of rash decision."
"That isn't enough to describe my feelings over the matter. I also know you are smart enough to talk your way out of a police investigation. So please! By all means, make your point before that dumpster over there becomes your grave…"
Aika cracks her knuckles as she points with her chin at the dumpster next to them.
"Thanks for the understanding. First, I would like for you to cut Naomi-Chan some slack. Both of us have personal circumstances to maintain with our special little network. Her family, the Fujisaki's used to be one of the Tsunaboshi largest rivals and one of the best information brokers in town. Even Mrs. Sekihara values their information gathering greatly."
"…Their involvement in this sort of thing doesn't surprise me. I've heard Father dealing with them through Sasori over a month ago. They looked very shady to say the least."
Shinji facepalms himself.
"Sigh…Of course he did…well…I guess that makes things easier for me to explain. Look, Naomi parents were not nice people and a very greedy bunch. Even by the underworld standards."
"The apple didn't fell far from the tree did it?"
"On the contrary. They messed up badly while trying to scam a certain group. Not only they got caught but ended owing an insurmountable amounts of money. They lost their fortune overnight and ended being chased by loan sharks and even worse people. In the end, they skipped town and decided to abandon Naomi, when she was still little to her grandfather without notice alongside shoving their debt onto him. Nobody heard from them again. Their family fortune didn't even come close to scratch the surface of their enormous debt. Which is why you see her doing she possibly can to make money."
"I never knew she had such fucked up circumstances…"
"Naonyan has a lot in common with Edgy. She says it's so she can go back to her lavish lifestyle but I know better. All Naomi actually wants is to clean her grandfather's name. I know it sounds like a lame excuse to keep doing shady stuff myself but I figured I might as well some fun while helping her out."
Aika answers sarcastically.
"I'm serious. As you heard her mentioning earlier. I only sell pics strictly in underwear and personally make sure to censor every student's faces, naughty bits that might slip out. I also edit entire people if I deem necessary and make sure to keep things under wraps that I can control in case anything goes wrong. I've learned my lesson after what happened with your brother."
"That still doesn't excuse your actions…However, you must have contingency plans in case your pet project falls apart. I will wait for my chance to report you in time. Let the Pig-feeder accrue her gains until then."
"You don't need to pity her. She might not look like it but Naomi is much stronger than she appears to be and just like you, she doesn't take crap from anyone. I would safely bet she will figure a way to clear all their debt in maybe three to five years. If the 20% that remained with me didn't mostly went towards my gambling predicament first! Bwahahaha!"
"Whatever. Can we get going now?"
"Actually, I still have one more funny business to do here before going home. You can go ahead if you want. But you would lose out on something big. Hehehe…"
The way her uncle phrased it without saying what it was outright with a mischievous made Aika very curious. She decided to stay back and check it out whatever he uncle has in mind.
After almost half an hour of silence. A familiar pair of students stepped out of the same backdoor Naomi used.
"Ah! Sensei! Long time no see!"
"How's it going you two?"
Shinji flashes a friendly smile.
It was the athletic Yuripe and nerd of the chess club Yagami. Naomi childhood friends.
"So you two followed your friend all the way here too huh?
"We figured Naomi-San would need the extra help and be more comfortable if she had someone familiar in the staff to help when we heard she applied and passed the interview! Ha-ha, she couldn't even clean a table when she first started! I help her with difficult customers while Yagami helps in the kitchen!"
"She has such great friends! It makes this old man have tears in his eyes!"
"…Sensei. You are scheming something aren't you?"
The boy steps in the conversation and stares at the teacher with a doubtful look.
"Well…you got me Yagamin! These pair of tickets happened to fall into my hands the other day! I figured you two would want a place to celebrate! So here ya go!"
He shoves two of tickets that he pulled out his back pocket into the boy's hands. Once closer inspection. It was tickets for the new amusement park centered mainly around couples that have opened recently. The news was practically flooded with the astronomical popularity it received from day one.
"What are you talking about Pig…" Aika eyes widened in surprise once she took another look at the tickets and finally figured it out what her uncle was talking about.
"Wait a moment…YOU TWO ARE DATING??‼!"
The two quickly blushed at Aika's statement. It was very surprising. Given the stark contrast between them.
Unable to answer, they looked at each other eyes and then averted them as they nodded.
"I figured her new perfume had an underlying reason to it! The hickey on your neck just now sealed my suspicions it for me though!"
"H-Huh?! N-No way!!"
Yagami reflexively puts one hand over his neck as his girlfriend got so flustered her eyes started to swirl. Both red like a tomato.
"Just kidding! But your reactions just now confirm that your relationship has developed this far already huh?"
Their faces flushes into an ardent red in embarrassment for getting caught in Shinji's pace as he teases them.
"…How long has it been since you confessed?"
Shinji shifts his focus towards Yuripe.
She mumbles under her breath while showing three fingers in front of him.
"Isn't it great Yurinyan? All your efforts finally bore fruit!"
Shinji shows a warm smile as he gently pats Yuripe on the head.
She answers her teacher with radiant and gentle smile.
"Sensei. How do you know she was the who confessed first and not me?"
"Just who do you think has been feeding her love advice over the past year? It was obvious for anyone with half a brain that you two liked each other since forever ago!"
(I never noticed that…)
Aika felt dumbstruck for not realizing it sooner and having her uncle of all people to point it out for her.
Yuripe quickly looks the opposite way as the boyfriends looks back at her with surprise at their teacher claims.
"…We both also knew that you would never take the first step. Despite the obvious feelings for each other, her popularity between boys and girls alike as the Track Club captain and your self-consciousness over your appearance intimidated you so much that it kept pushing you back. So I told Yurinyan here that if she really wanted a relationship with you. She had to be assertive and go on the offensive first! I wasn't expecting her to go this hard though! Bwahaha!"
They suddenly turned serious and disregarded Shinji's teasing.
"Sensei. Could you promise not to tell anyone? We don't want anybody to know it yet! Especially Naomi! We don't fully know how she would react at the sudden news. Our guesses is that she would probably try to distance herself from us in order to gives us privacy ."
"Isn't that a good thing though?"
Aika asks from the sidelines, incapable of holding back and not to intrude any longer.
"We cherish her friendship just as much as our relationship! We wouldn't have even met each other if it weren't for her! She needs someone to help through her hard times! We promise to tell her ourselves once she can stand up on her own two feet! So please!"
The couple holds their hands and bow before the two.
"Relax! I'ts juicy news, but I give you two my word! But I want you two to promise something in return then…"
The atmosphere tensed as everyone waited for Shinji's to continue as he beckoned them to get closer.
"I'm not one to say that you two should or should not have fun but...just don't forget to use protection when the time comes okay? We already enough problems to deal with here!"
The whiplash made Aika falls backwards in shock as the two go red in the face for a third time.
"Relax! I'm just kidding…or not! BWAHAHA‼"
(Naomi-Chan sure is blessed. She has a very passionate grandfather, great friends and could very well become a powerful figure in the city with an iron fist. That is, once she learns how to put her troublesome personality aside. You better watch out Ai-Chan. Once she realizes how easy it is for her to improve and put a single step forward with her life. She won't be able to stop her strive for success and could very well leave you in the dust…)
Later that night. It's the night of the blood moon phenomenon. Its reddish light waxes over the window of Aika's bedroom.
Nyamo was fixated on staring at it with a pained and confused expression on her face.
Meanwhile, Aika was contorting herself in her sleep with her eyes open as her deep blue eyes started to pulsate vibrantly.
Once it started, Nyamo eyes started to glow blue as well and the gemstone in her forehead surfaced, glowing the in same color as she calms down. Both then quickly lost consciousness and fell in deep slumber.
(Urgh…where am I? Can't see…)
Aika's vision was hazy and she couldn't see anything other than abstract forms.
Distant voices could be heard echoing in the back of her mind. No matter how much she tried, Aika was unable to understand what it was saying. She instead tried to reach out for the figures in her mind.
(Soft and round...is that a…tail? These shapes…a rabbit…and the other…a horn?)
Before she was able to finish her own thoughts. Darkness loomed upon her vision and Aika stopped her thoughts immediately as she quickly fell into a deep state of sleep.
Unchanging by its surroundings and circumstances. Time waits for no one and moves forwards once more. As the red moon goes down and the bright sun shines over Merry City. Heralding the dawn of new day…
- End795 Chapters
I Am A Prodigy
Ye Lingchen was a regular high schooler who struggled with exams and expectations from his parents.
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A world with two moons
Ever been in love? well I know I weren't at first except... I met them 1 by 1 with different circumstance's and situations. I did not even know that we were meant to be together. hell I did not know it was still possible for me to learn what is love. and to actually fall in love. with all the crazy things that happened I though that I would forget all about love and such. but I was wrong. at the end of things it came to me. not just one, not two. but A lot of them came to me, chased me and showed me how much they love and cared for me.It all started when I met her, she was my very first love. she was my everything and now she is part of my everything. I lost her then I found her again this time I shall not let her go and so the others that love and cared for me.I really am glad that I manage to came to this planet. I have a harem*cough* I never knew life could be so wonderful if we just have to live it fully and enjoy it while we can.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING- this FF will contain Mature content as I update this,* Sexual *Gore *Foul language's---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(I warned you guys, now enjoy yourself and have fun reading my FF)
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The story follows a boy who hates his name. After the suicide of a close friend and peer role model, he's on the brink of the same fate. But he doesn't follow her. Not even as his resolve to keep going is tested time and time again once he's sent into the worlds of magic and monsters he once longed for. (I do not claim ownership of the cover art. If the original artist would like me to take it down, contact me here.)
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Kingdom Come
Thiara is a planet ruled by four great Kingdoms. These Kingdoms share the monopoly on all production and control their citizens' lives with an iron rule that has prevailed through millennia. The last bastion of freedom are the last two "free" continents - the archipelago chain of Namaria that is home to pirates and raiders, and the continent of Zeshan. Aroha and Rylan are two residents of a small port town in Zeshan, but when the Kingdom of Camar raid the town for slaves for their fields, the two are thrust headlong into an adventure that will take them further from home than they could ever have imagined possible. They will encounter all manner of new challenges, allies and dangerous magic as they try to save the people they love from slavery. All the while, a lonely king on a powerful throne is plotting something sinister himself and the world will feel the full force of his machinations.
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I Don't Seem So Bright in a Well-Lit Room
The universe is a very strange place. It will take even stranger heroes to save it."Absurd. Existential. Ridiculous. Tragic. Comic. The antiheroes of "I Don't Seem So Bright in a Well-Lit Room" are a kind of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern with space packs, inadvertently colliding with their destinies against a starry background of witty wordplay. With a vision as sprawling and limitless as the loveably goofy universe in which it's set, Browning's wit, wisdom and heart are always at play, combining to form a wonderfully panoramic and very silly heroes' journey that visits every trope of its overlapping genres and draws moustaches on all of them."- Marcel St. Pierre, author of "Vengeful Hank" and "Cliché and Wind Go Hitchhiking".(Sci-fi /Dark Humour/Absurd) *Completed! Enjoy! Highest rankings:#1 Adventure#1 Action#1 Science Fiction/Sci-fi#1 Misadventures#1 Absurd#1 MindbendingAnd all because of YOU. Thank you.*Now available in paperback from Story Well Publishing anywhere you like to order books! www.storywellpublishing.comMerch available at:www.theseanbrowning.com
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Its a very well defined formula: the world goes through ridiculous shift where the laws of physics go belly up while everyone gets a videogame status. the hero adapts to the system,
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