《The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!》It's Going to be a Long Week... (Part One)
It's Sunday. Aika wakes up with the morning sun out the window hitting her eyes.
"Umuhh…" She rubs her drowsy eyes and then stretches her back and arms.
Perhaps it's because it was her day-off from school and all nonsense it usually entails. But, Aika stares at the scorching sun and smiles. She finds herself in a good mood for once.
That is, until she rolls her body to the side and finds a certain lizardman leaning over her mattress while resting chin under his hands. Staring at her with a goofy grin on his face. Her own face goes blank while processing the situation.
"Sensei was right. Ai-Chan's adorable sleeping face is so soothing and cute! I could watch it all da-BLEH!"
Bink is immediately greeted with a kick to the chin first thing in the morning and crashes against the celling, getting stuck in there.
"Sigh…What are you doing here Cockroach? I thought I made it very clear for you last time! Never step into my room again and rot in the attic if you want to live here!" Aika has started to get used to her new reality and despite kicking Bink in the face by reflex. She lacked the usual temper and sighed instead.
Bink answers as his body falls and land on his neck. He gets up while putting his neck back in spine back in place.
"Geez! Keep abusing me like that and I might, fall in love with you and decide to never leave this place! Jokes aside, I just dropped by to say your father was shouting for you earlier! But you were sleeping so innocently that I couldn't bring in myself to wake you up. All my tiredness and worries washed away just from looking at you sleeping so peacefully…"
"Stop right there! You are giving me shivers. Besides, I doubt you of all people had anything important to do after we left Arcadia."
"How rude! I'll have you know that I had run back to school after that meeting for something very important! Just because I've might've had too much fun and went all-out singing till my throat went sore long after sun had set afterwards doesn't mean I was sitting on my ass doing nothing!"
"Ugh! Can't I not wake up and get a headache at what? Eleven in the morning?" She picks up her phone to check up on the time.
"Hold up a moment! What did time you just said?!" Bink suddenly became frantic.
"AH‼! I lost track of time! I'm gonna be late! See ya later Ai-Chan!" Bink quickly transformed into his human form and jumped out the window.
(What was that all about? Hm?)
Now with the disturbance gone from her room. Aika noticed there was a letter on her cupboard with messy handwriting.
{Went to visit the Sensei's place to play with nya! I'll come back by evening to help you with 'that' thing you asked nya!}
Under Nyamo's name written on the letter was a heart stamped with a pawprint.
Aika sighs a second time before getting off her bed, change clothes and preparing herself the day…
After a hot shower to wake up and lift her spirits. Aika does her homework and goes down the staircase after she was done. Only to find her mother slouched on the couch, soundly sleeping. Just like Aika herself was a moment ago until Bink had ruined her mood.
"Zzzzzz…no more...I can't fit that many more popsicles in my…zzzz…"
Makoto was drooling, one leg spread over and a textbook practically glued to her face. The only thing she was wearing was a very loose blouse and tiger-striped panties. Her assets practically to burst out of her shirt. A single desperate button is all that remained and barely keeping the two mounds together.
"Geez! You are going to catch a cold if sleep like this Mom! What would you do if any of Father's subordinates or anyone from school saw you like this?"
Aika proceeds to put a blanket over her mother.
(Pretty sure I heard about this before from one of Father's gossiping about it before. But, weren't the buttons on her clothes custom ordered to be made out of titanium or something? Just how massive are those things?)
"Myah…" The motion ended up waking her up.
"Ai-Chan…Sorry. I had to stay late taking care of a student who got gravely injured on the head and had to restrain him because he kept trying to escape."
"Sounds like you had tiring day Mother."
"Yeah…I had review the questions for the upcoming biology exam and then tend your father's men injuries until late at night. They ended up making me drink with them until dawn."
"You should know how to say no to them at this point this point. They just want someone to party with while they recover. Almost like it's their last day on Earth or something."
"Ahaha…Maybe. Your dad calling for you in the kitchen…You should go-zzzz…" Makoto falls asleep mid-sentence as she huddles her legs together like a small animal.
(Guess I should see Father wants. He barely came home this month...Besides…)
The alluring smell of maple syrup and something else sweet once again made Aika's stomach grumble and had full control of her thoughts and feet.
"Pals for life! Paws alike! Go! Go! Nyanko-Rangers!"
Mr. Tsun was humming the theme of an anime that has recently as he flipped pancakes. He is wearing a silly apron with the cutout of hot bikini model imprinted on it. A gag gift Shinji gave to Akira as a birthday gift a long time ago.
It barely fitted on the giant Mr. Tsun was. His bulging muscles and pecs only accentuated the figure on the apron even more. Noticing the door behind open. Aika's father turns his head as he greets his daughter with a big smile.
"Good morning sweetie! Did someone had her beauty sleep today? It has been some time since you woke up this late!"
(Someone is in a good mood.)
Aika noticed her father being more talkative than usual. His energy was contagious.
"Morning Father! I haven't slept this well in weeks! Were you you looking for me?"
"Yeah! We know it's not your forte. But I want ask your help with the housework today! I made you pancakes with the freshest patch of blueberries that just gave fruit from my personal garden!"
Aika was already on a chair with knife and fork in hand before herself even realized. Her body was pulled by her stomach and moved on its own accord.
"You sure aren't pulling any punches! Not that I mind with a bribe like that. But I thought Aki-Nii was charged to take care of that sort of stuff?"
"Your brother apparently made a new friend yesterday and made plans to meet up with him at the amusement park today. So, Aki asked us to take care of it for just this Sunday!"
"Aki-Nii? He made a friend? By himself?" Aika was as confused as glad for her brother. Although, there was something in that story that rubbed her the wrong way but couldn't say why.
"I'm just as surprised as you! Since he is a great kid and barely ever us for anything or acts selfishly. I've decided to indulge this once! The seventeenth is coming too so I couldn't bring myself to say no to him. Honestly though, I'm personally hoping that it's a girl…"
"You are starting to sound like pig Father…"
Mr. Tsun was unable to contain his laughter and chuckles at his daughter comment.
"Hahaha! He's rubbing off on me you say? That might the case! But can you honestly blame me? The last time he ever went outside to meet someone around his age other than you, Setsuna-San or Yozo was the Maeda's little gi-"
"Father!" Aika quickly stopped him from continuing whatever he had to say as she slams her fist against the desk.
"Ouch!" Realizing his mistake, Mr. Tsun covered his mouth and burned his other hand on the stove by accident at the same time.
Aika glared at father but in a different manner from how she does with Shinjirou. It was one of reprimand instead of disappointment or anger.
"Sorry. I was so excited that I forgot our promise to never talk about this topic unless he is the one who brings it up..." Mr. Tsun started to get a bit emotional and teary eyed as he wipes one of his eyelids clean with large sausage-sized fingers as he places the pancakes on the plates on the desk and his mug from the counter.
"Luckily for us, Aki-Nii's not here to hear it. So no harm done. Just be more careful next time. That would definitely sour his mood for days…"
"Yeah. My bad…" He scratches the back of his head as he looks the other way.
Uncomfortable silence filled the room as they ate their pancakes. The mood was dour enough to make the divine sweet taste and smell bland in front of the sweet-toothed pair of father and daughter.
Aika desperately looked for another topic and spoke the first thing that came over mind.
"Oh! Speaking of promises. Is there a particular reason why they have so much weight to both you and the Pig to take them so seriously?"
Instead of answering, Aika's father raises his face looking befuddled and raises one eyebrow as he sips his coffee.
Pressured by the way he looked at her. Aika continues explaining.
"The Pig ran his mouth and made a promise about-"
"Pfttt‼! Did he make some sort of promise with you?!"
Mr. Tsun spat out his coffee, quickly closed the distance between them and put his large hands over her shoulders. Aika never saw her father exasperated as he was now and became even more nervous as a result. She bit her tongue as she spoke up.
"No-Not with me pe-per se! I-It's more like I was collateral of something he promised to someone else. He sounded serious about it and it got me curious…"
"I see...* Sigh*. Guess it's time to reveal about another secret about me and our family…" Mr. Tsun stood up and turned the stove fire back on again. He then puts his hand next to the flames for almost a minute and then showed the back of his left hand towards his daughter.
"Father! What are you do-"
Hidden beneath the flames was a detailed tattoo of a long-haired woman sitting down, hugging a shield close to her chest and between her legs.
"Wha…" It was very intricate and highly detailed. So much so that Aika was stunned speechless by how beautiful it looked.
"Me and my brother…had the weight and meanings of promises drilled into our skulls and beaten down onto our bodies at a very young age. I have no idea what he might have promised but I will tell you this. Shin probably thinks he drove himself into a corner now that he gave his word and will do everything in his power to accomplish it no matter what you, me or anyone tries to do in order stop him."
(Father is right. The Pig seems dead set about this. I can see him even pitting himself against Arcadia in case we actually lost this ridiculous bet or die trying…)
"I'm not going to interfere with whatever he promised or put into question why, how and who that someone is either. If possible, I would like for you to respect his decision go with whatever he says too. Trust me, in all the time I've known him. I assure you Shin always find a way to prove himself reliable at either the strangest of times or down to the wire. He is manlier than me in that regard! I still have lot of room to improve if I want to catch up with him! Haha!"
Akito gently ruffles his daughter's hair as he jokes and seems to reminisces about something. For some reason, his smile seemed very distant to her.
"But Father! He's…alright." Aika noticed there was something off about the way her father carefully worded himself. But she couldn't pay much attention to it. She kept staring at the figure on the back of his hand. As if it was beckoning to her.
(The style drawn on the tattoo and the woman in that symbol looks strangely familiar for some reason…Ugh...But I can't point it out why...)
Aika kept rubbing her forehead as she furrows her eyebrows. She felt as if she was on the verge of remembering something very important but couldn't reach it no matter how hard she tried. It remained vague in her memories.
"Almost forgot! One more thing. Don't tell your mother about anything we've just discussed."
"Mother? Why?"
"You know how Makoto is. Wouldn't want her to worry if this turns out to be nothing serious…"
The kitchen door opened with so much force that Aika jumped and quickly looked behind her in surprise. Mr. Tsun reached for the pistol secretly hidden behind his waist by reflex but stopped soon as he saw the man was by the door.
"Huff...Huff…" The man with the scorpion tattoo was the one responsible. That is, Akito Tsunaboshi most loyal subordinate and second in command of the Tsunaboshi family. He was out of breath and completely distraught.
"Bo-Boss! One of our sentries just called! The Vermilions are causing trouble on the Bellflower District!"
"Again?! We've successfully pushed back their attempt of an invasion just yesterday! Haven't they learned their lesson by now?!"
"Beats me Boss! They are even taking hostages this time around!"
"Shit! Have they made any demands yet?" Mr. Tsun voice turned firm and just as imposing as his figure.
"Negative! They haven't made any! We still don't know what they are after either!"
"Shit! We can' afford to have the another police investigation snooping around and sticking their noses on that area! Gather every man available! Order them to prepare and meet us by the Hummingbird plaza! Business owners and their families takes utmost priority! No killing either! Did I make myself clear?"
"Yes Sir!"
"Sorry Ai! I'm very afraid of finding the house burned down when I get back but you and your mother are holding the fort today! In case me or Aki is not back by nighttime, order takeout food with my credit card. We can also talk more about this at a later late!"
"Ah…" Before she could even respond, her father and subordinate were already gone as they rushed by the back door with guns in their hands. There was an unusually sharp glint on her father's eye that it stood out in her mind. It was very similar to Shinji when he's angry.
(That's right…I forgot about our family little 'secret'…)
Considering everything that has been happening between Arcadia and her uncle. The legacy surrounding the Tsunaboshi family and what it entailed didn't completely hit home for Aika until that very moment.
"I see that they aren't trying that hard to hide their guns from you anymore nya…" Nyamo was suddenly next to Aika as she answered and ate leftovers on her father's plate and who has completely spacing out.
She didn't notice her cat getting near but broke out of her trance once she saw Nyamo chomping the breakfast laid there.
"You knew about this?"
"Of course I *chomp* did nya! Hard not to when he keeps stepping on me by accident while sneaking out in the middle of the night and then coming back injured so many times nya!" Nyamo kept stuffing her mouth with pancakes as she spoke.
"You never bothered to tell me because?"
"My instincts told me it was better if you heard it directly from him someday..."
"*Sigh*That's sound like something you would do. Anyways, you came back early. I assumed you were only coming back by evening or once the moon was out."
"That was the plan! But Sensei ignored me as he kept constantly making or taking calls back and forth as he wrote pages and pages of something non-stop! I get the feeling he probably has been like that whole day after we separated yesterday and is still going at it now nya! He looked busy and so serious the whole time that I got bored decided to leave him alone nya!"
"Free spirit as always…What about the Midori's?"
"Ayumu took Kuro-Kun to the vet for a routine check-up. Crow-San and Karasu got a Mind Mail ordering them to go to Arcadia immediately. So I took a morning nap under Sensei's belly and then came back!
"Did something urgent came up?"
"I dunno! Karasu sounded a bit restless and Crow-San was sweating bullets when they left. But I get the strange feeling that it isn't anything demon related nya!"
"Your instincts are usually on the spot-on too. I guess that's one less thing to worry about them… I rather not face Setsuna for now either since she will either tease me relentlessly or trick me into answering her questions about our little 'situation'. Mind if we start practicing those Mana focusing exercises and practice those beginner spells Agnicia-Sama taught me now instead of during the night?"
"Eh?‼ I just woke up and ate! That's so cumbersome! Can't we just go out somewhere and play-"
"I'll buy you three sets of tuna and eel-roe from that sushi place you like it so much."
"ALRIGHTY NYA! TUNA BOAT HERE WE GO!" Nyamo sets a small barrier and illusion at their backyard with fire her eyes.
"Sigh...The fact I am now used to and have learned how to sway every one of you idiots this easy scares me..." At the cost of her entire allowance that she saved for the last two months. Aika ordered the promised Nyamo's favorite meal (Even though she mischievously decided to secretly put half of the price on her father's card at the last second)
She then went back in the living room and checked if her scantily clad mother was still passed out there and put another blanket over her. The first one left her legs still exposed because her chest kept pulling them up.
Once she was sure her mother was out like a log. Aika went to the immense family garden she knew it from memory so well and started practicing casting simple magic spells with Nyamo's help for the rest of the day. For she had nothing better to do with her Sunday…
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