《The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!》We Need to Talk
"…and there we have it princess! The Tsunaboshi Residence! Hope the carriage was up to your liking! Bwahaha!" Shinjirou exclaims jokingly at his niece, after parking the bicycle in front of her house.
Aika immediately let go of him, still silent and rushes to the door while thinking to herself:
(I will definitely need a through shower after this...)
However, before Aika managed to reach for the doorknob, the door before her opened and she bumps her forehead against something.
Looking upwards, Aika finds a very tall and bald man with a scorpion a tattoo covering almost half his face. Looking like some sort of henchman one would find in the movies. Such as "The Hogfather" or in the Yakuza.
If it were not for her father whose size completely eclipsed the man in front of her, with his two meters and ten centimeters tall, being much more imposing with his sharp eyes and for the fact that that she used to meet many men similar to the one in front of her frequently since she was a small child
Despite all this, her father is just as terribly shy and gentle as Akira if not more. Others tends to mistake his face and features for someone incredibly intimidating. Hence the core of the problem interviewing new teachers. It’s difficult to people to approach him for this very reason but very easy to befriend him once you manage to get through that.
Any other girl her age would probably be on guard by now and maybe have the police on speed dial but Aika is used to it at this point.
"Shit!" Noticing the man in front of her, Shinji immediately gives a sour look and slowly steps away, light enough so the man and Aika doesn't realizes him trying to sneak out.
"Ah, Milady! You’re finally here! Thank goodness! I don't think I could manage to hold your father in place for much longer! He was very worried about you, ya know?" The man says while cordially bowing before Aika.
"Ah! It's ok. Sorry for worrying all of you..." Aika answers rather stiffly. She still feels weird by the way her father's subordinates and acquaintances tend to call her.
"Please Milady! I was only doing my duty! Although, Makoto-Sama was the one who did most of the job and managed to calm Mr. Tsun’s down! He still melts like butter in front of her! Haha!" The man gives off a small chuckle.
"…Anyways, your whole family was nervous and are waiting for you inside! I must be going now. I still have some calls to make for your father and- wait! Shinjirou-Sama?! Is that you?!"
"Urk!" The man ultimately noticed Shinji, who was trying to quietly open the gate between the Tsunaboshi’s residence and the streets.
"Y-Yo. L-Long time no see!" Shinji greets the man with a rather stiff expression on his face. On other hand, the man was very surprised at finding Shinji here for some reason.
"Were you the one who brought Milady home?! Geez! The Boss could’ve have told me! Wait a moment! Does that mean you are finally-"
In a speed Aika never saw her uncle run before, or anyone in that matter. Shinjirou bolted towards the man and covered his mouth with one hand.
Actually, it would be more appropriate to say he ‘teleported’ there rather than he ran. The flowers across the large and verdant garden in her home that her father has pride in raising and taking care of it had either had many of its petal scatter around or forcing them sway against the wind in one direction.
Aika could swear to have seen a trailing red glint from her uncle's afterimage before his back ended up facing her.
"Why don't you and me go speak somewhere else? We might end disturbing the neighbors if we talk here. If you catch my drift…"
Shinji spoke in a low and intimidating tone. Even though you were in the dimly lit entryway of her house in the middle of the night, the veins on Shinji’s hand were standing out because of the large amounts of strength put behind it.
While she could look on her uncle's back from where she stood, his voice alone gave both the man and Aika's shivers down their spines.
She saw had her uncle sometimes be someone rather unrelenting and headstrong about some things in the past. But, she could not believe a clown like him was capable of speaking in such manner.
The man, went blue on his face and absolutely scared out of his mind, only let out that single sound, not daring to respond and merely nodded at Shinji repeatedly.
The moment he faced back at Aika, Shinji had already returned to his usual goofy self and left dragging the man by the leg.
"Well, Ai-Chan that's our cue to leave! I have some things to talk with this silly willy! Sweet dreams my dear niece! See ya by the evening! Bwahaha!"
Despite warning against disturbing the neighbors a second ago, Shinji's laughter could be heard down the entire block.
(What the hell was that all about? Meh, Whatever. I'm too tired right now to even care…)
Aika couldn't believe her boorish and carefree uncle acting that way and decided to think in it was just her head playing tricks, ultimately stops giving much thought about it. So much has already happened for her mind to register everything and completely forgetting what just happened. Then, Aika exhausted, finally opens the door.
Unluckily for her, Aika's night haven't ended just yet...
She had not noticed from outside but, now that she entered her house, Aika realized that the lights in the living room connecting to the stairs towards her bedroom were still turned on.
(They must have been waiting for me all night long… Hopefully, the Pig made himself useful and managed to convince Father with a convenient excuse while not lowering his opinion about my ‘part-time job’ and order me to quit…)
The moment she cautiously enters the room, Aika finds her brother making some coffee by the open-kitchen counter (now wearing a cute, wooly pajama and animal flippers), her mother, who was innocently sleeping on the couch at the very corner (who was not only also wearing flippers, but also a cow onesie) and a towering shadow silently staring her from the dinner table. The shadow was actually her father, the dark lighting contrast, made him look even more fiercer than usual.
"Ah! Nee-Chan!" the moment Akira's saw his little sister's face, his face beams with both joy and relief, and rushed to hug her.
"I'm home! I'm sorry for getting here this late without calling and worrying you all!" Aika apologizes fast she can and bows at her family repeatedly.
"Hm." Aika's father nods back. Not saying another word.
Akito Tsunaboshi. Aika and Akira's father. Head principal of Merry High AKA ‘Mr. Tsun’. A giant of a man. His hand's the size Aika's entire head. Curt and just as shy as his son.
"No worries on that front Nee-Chan! Uncle texted me earlier and explained that you had an um… 'accident' during work and you called him for help. But uh…well...you see… Mom had already fell asleep by the time he texted me and Dad was way too embarrassed to go and buy some at the convenience store himself…So I went and bought it for you instead… good thing the cashier didn't suspected me for a man at all...hahaha…"
"Huh." Their father nods his head once for a second time.
"?" Aika tilts her head in confusion at her blushing, muttering brother and his defeated laugh at the end. Even her father's face was red as a tomato.
"…Anyways, I didn't know which ones to buy so I bought three different packages. Hopefully one of them suits your needs..." Akira points his finger at a item on the center of the table.
“!” Aika finds the certain item to be something that is very important for woman and their hygiene in this modern age and some stomachache medicine laying right next to it.
"O-o-oh th-thanks..." Aika mumbles without knowing how to react further.
Aika unconsciously clenched her fist hard and roared inside her head. She was red from head to toe in both rage and embarrassment, cursing her uncle in her mind repeatedly and swearing to stab him the next time she sees him.
Returning to her senses, Aika tries to change the subject and bows in front of the two again.
"I'm really sorry for getting home this late! Please don't make me quit my job!"
Her father finally smiled and finally said something that consisted more than a single word:
"Don't worry about that. Shin explained in the text how much this job means to you. So I'll let it go this time. But from now on, I want you to at least tell one of us beforehand if you are going to come home this late."
"Thank you…Huh? He did?" Aika felt rather surprised by her uncle's gracious save. She was half-expecting to argue throughout the entire night to convince her father otherwise.
As she raises her head, Aika notices a note pinned against the table.
"Huh? What’s this?"
"Ah! Setsuna-San left it for you before getting tired of waiting and going home."
'You were taking too long so I am going home for today. Thanks for food!' A detailed drawing below it shows what it looks like to be a girl with glasses in a full belly, expressionless and giving a thumbs up.
(Classic Set-Chan... Huh? What’s this?) Aika thought to herself before noticing something else written on the back.
'PS: I haven’t not forgotten our deal. I'll drop by on Sunday to claim my reward.' Next to it, is the intricate drawing of what appears to be Setsuna holding a book against her chest, hearts swirling in her eyes and surroundings, laughing in a creepy and showing off a V-Sign.
"Of course she didn't..." Aika was left completely speechless. Because she had not only forgotten about the promise to her best friend this morning but also because she could perfectly hear her voice while reading the note and picture her best friend doing exactly what is on the drawing once she gets her hands on that magazine. Aika shook her head in shame and waves her family good night.
"…Since its getting this late. I'm going to my room and get some shuteye. Good ni-"
"Wait. Sit down. We are not done yet." Her father cut her off with that curt reply. Aika was immediately shook awake. She understood by the tone in her father's voice meant it was something big and sat across him by the dinner table.
"There's another matter today that we had to discuss with you. I was planning to explain this over dinner but that ship has already long sailed… It's time we tell you about my second job and what it entails."
That was enough to pick Aika’s curiosity. She noticed Akira sitting right next to her father and pressing his hands in front of her. As if saying "Sorry. But, I already know it for a long time!"
"…Where do I even begin? I… Uhmm…" Akito mumbles before thinking what to say. Akira puts his hand over his father shoulder.
"Dad. Do you mind if I start then?"
The silent father shakes in head.
"…Nee-Chan. Do you remember Setsuna-San joking about Dad being a Yakuza earlier this morning? Well…Turns out, she wasn't necessarily far off the mark…"
"Eh?" Aika failed to process the information given. Their father continues from that point.
"Since it’s late at night and you must be tired I’ll make it brief for now and explain in more detail another day. The Tsunaboshi name has been feared as a criminal organization for many decades. We traveled around the world in the last two hundred years, never staying in one place for too long. Your great-grandfather had returned our roots which is right here in Merry City and we have been stationed here since then. Our family has some odd traditions and customs that I'll try to explain another day."
"Wait! Time out!" Having too much to process at once, Aika rushes to the fridge and pours a cup of water to help her calm down.
Her father chuckles.
"Akira reacted the same way as you when he found out."
Aika then glares at her father incapable of any words.
"I already know the things you want to ask. Firstly. Yes, your mother is aware about all this. In fact, she knew it from the very first day your grandfather took her in and helps me with paperwork related things. Secondly. I think I revealed this secret to your brother around three years ago? Lastly. I pretty much turned a new leaf for the entire organization and structure, transforming into a mostly clean and legitimate business. Your grandfather was the one made the foundations for that and I continued from he left. The only illegal thing left that we actually do is keeping gangs hand off our turf. After all, we are responsible to help families and businesses safety. Not that there are many people around willing to butt heads with us. You both might see me as a pacifist. But during my adolescence, I tried too hard in becoming something I was not and ended up taking things way too far. The Name Bloody Giant has much weight around the city. Even if it was only active for almost a year…" Their father stops talking then looks out the window and stares the moon waxing above.
"…one of your men told me that the nickname Mr. Tsun was given right after that, when you finally settled down with Yuri back in high school! Despite your initially objecting, it became some sort of codename…fufu!" Akira said, teasing his father and prodding him with his elbow.
"Oh? You are definitely telling me who told you about this later! Haha!"
Feeling the same aura her Uncle, Bink and Nyamo had despite having something very serious to discuss, pissed Aika off and genuinely made her feel sick to the stomach.
"But why that someone is you?!" Unable to keep herself in check anymore, Aika lashes out at her father with anger and disappointment as she stands on her tiptoes, trying to grab her father by the collar. Even though he was still sitting down. The somber, heavy air and uncomfortable atmosphere was palpable.
"The role was supposed to be given to the first child. Which means it was going to my brother's. But because of…special circumstances. I had to take up the mantle. Oh right! Before you think about it, it was not his fault that things turned this way nor anyone for that matter. In the end, it was simply how the cards fate dealt to us had turned out in the end…"
Mr. Tsun flashes a sad smile as he seems to remember about something very sorrowful to him.
"I know you are heated and want to hear more but we better leave for another day..." Their father points his chin at Makoto.
“Ugh…” She is turning and frowning in her sleep because of the commotion.
Noticing the forlorn expression on her father's and not wanting to wake up her mother either and complicates things further. Aika decides to give up on demanding answers out of him. At least for today.
"We will definitely talk more about this later!" Light on her foot as she possibly can, Aika storms out of the room and goes upstairs.
"That’s Fair." Her father responds, returning to his curt self, allowing Aika to finally walk away and go to her room.
Feeling overwhelmed by the barrage of things and information happening in just one day. Aika plops to her bed face-first.
Following her father sudden revelation, Aika felt that her hatred for her Uncle grew even more. Thinking that it must be somehow his fault that her family is involved in this situation.
But for now, she has no energy to even feel anger towards anyone. Not even the Pig.
"This is so fucked up…Hope this is all a nightmare that I will wake up from soon." She mutters while rubbing her face against her pillow."
"Unfortunately, this is all real Sweetie!"
"!" Aika turns towards the celling. Where the voice came from and finds a certain spandex-wearing demon practically glued there.
She barely managed to contain her shout before it attracts unwanted attention and asks Bink oppressively.
"Where in the hell are you doing here?!"
"A certain someone asked me to watch over you just in case some demon tries to attack or enact revenge on you while you remain powerless! Don't worry, I won't be a bother! If you need me, I will be by the attic. That place is so dusty and cozy for little old me! I love it!"
Aika couldn't find more energy in her to flare her anger and gave up on questioning him.
"Do whatever you want..." As she lays on her bed and turns off the lights while Bink passes though the wall like some sort of ghost.
(Sorry for lying to you Ai-Chan. But Nyan and Sensei were right. You would have had never accepted me being here if I told you the truth…)
A few hours earlier.
The Shinjirou had shoved two pocky sticks against his nose and mouth. The demon and the cat merrily laughing at him.
"Hyahahaha! I never had this much fun like this ever since sweet Aika shoved me inside a mailbox! Actually, it has been thousands of years since I last laughed this hard" Bink laughs away.
"…Which brings me to my next topic." Shinji eats the sticks, calmly puts the bottle in his hand on the floor and asks with serious face but his fingers are fidgeting.
"Do…demon and devils having blood contracts or deals a real thing or is it just a superstition thing?"
"Oh? That! they are totally real! Not that common nowadays though!"
"I see. In that case…" Shinji gets on his knees and prostrates himself before the demon in front of him.
"I have two things that I wish for you to do for me Bink. Is it okay to ask?"
"Of course, Sensei! As long it is within my reach!"
"Thanks… Number one. Please protect Aika from the things where I can’t! She despises me way too much so I cannot always stand by her side even when she needs someone. So I’m begging of you! Please protect my Niece!"
"Err. Sensei? Are you certain of asking this of someone who tried to harm her just an hour ago? In any case, if you didn't notice, she kind of hates my guts too…"
"After sharing a drink with you, I know you can be trusted. Besides, she doesn't have to know! As long she is safe, use force if you need to! Me being close will only cause to her to get away from me and hurt her more while damaging that stubborn, prideful ego of hers!" Shinji shoves his head even lower and does not even feel bothered by the littered and dirty ground around them.
Bink ponders at the teacher rather difficult request.
"…What about the second one?"
"Number two is something related to my nephew. I will try to form a concrete plan before telling you about it but am asking you right now anyway."
"Don't get me wrong Sensei! I would love to do what you want. But they seem kinda hard for even a demon like me to-"
"I beg of you! In return, I promise you will never let have another dull moment in your life for as long as I live! Every day will be just as eventful as today!"
Shinji grovels even further. Bink crosses his arms and thinks about it.
A few minutes of thinking later…
"Okay Sensei! Your words tugged at my heartstrings! We have a deal!
The two firmly shakes hands. Shinji looks at skies above and finds the bright full moon shining in all its glory.
"…Ya know, instead of doing a blood pact. We could always do something that is tradition in my family…One sec." Shinji rushes to his office and returns with three cups and a bottle of very expensive sake.
"My family has a fixation with promises. Especially so if it's swearing an oath by drinking under the moonlight. Those are considered sacred. 'You might as well be dead if you break a promise or at least face the consequence of your failure for the rest of you damned life!' is something my old man always says... Oh! I forgot to ask, is it alright for you to drink too Kittypaws?
"I never drank before but it sounds tasty so count me in, Nya!"
As Sensei pours the cups, Bink glances at Sensei's profile. Thinking to himself.
(Guessing Ai-Chan and her brother have no idea how much Sensei loves or cares about them. Not that I am qualified to talk about family anyways…)
Back to Merry High. Having already finished 'talking' with the Tattooed Man and reaching to his office, Shinji unlocks the door and glances at the clock on the wall now indicating it's 5AM.
"Shit. I forgot the lights on..." Ero-Sensei mutters to himself
(There is still quite a mountain of paperwork to do too... I took enough of a break for now.)
Shinji stretches' his arms, sits down on his chair and reaches for the bottle that was already placed right next to him but his hand freezes at the last moment.
(Guess I had enough for today…)
He opens his desk drawer and changes the bottle for an expensive-looking fountain pen.
"Hey, Kittypaws? You still here?"
"Nya…yes. I'm here but my head is still woozy..."
"Guessing it's the first time you experience a hangover. I'm going to finish up with work soon. After that, there is something I would like to try… could you help me?"
"Sure thing. Nya…" The cat answers weakly as she lazily lies with her stomach face-up against the rising sun and compress placed on her small, feline head.
"Alright!" Shinji smacks his cheeks to pump himself up, dispelling the drowsiness and the incoming hangover. As he returns to what he was doing in the evening previously to his earlier break gym storage "break". Grading tests, planning student assignments, what will be covered on the followings tests and lastly, planning group projects between boys and girls who asked him to pair them up secretly. As they asked him to be discreet about it...
Not only that but he also had to call a multitude of parents, in order to cancel his scheduled tutoring sessions during the weekend. Promising to make up to them by doubling his hours next week and not charge a single penny for it.
As he usually does, Ero-Sensei only had clocked out of work on a Saturday evening...
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