《Emma's Growth Spurt》Chapter 6
Daniel felt almost guilty as he headed back home, his car packed with groceries for Emma. Even though he knew he had done the right thing to voice his fears to Dr. Hartman, he still felt that he had somehow betrayed her. He knew that Emma would not be at all happy to discover that the two of them had been secretly talking about her, and about how the living conditions inside their house had deteriorated. But what was Daniel supposed to do!? Emma was 8’1 now, or maybe even a little taller, and she had become far, far stronger than she realized. Daniel was well aware that she had not meant to hurt him the other day, but the fact is that she had — his back was still sore from flying backwards onto the table. Emma’s concerned face was still rushing up at him in his mind. He harbored no ill-will towards her, none at all. In fact, he was beginning to pity her to an extent that made him emotional. But something had to give, and he was happy to have secured an appointment with Dr. Hartman for Emma in three days.
Emma was lying on the sofa, browsing through some of the giantess forums, when she heard Daniel pull up in the driveway. She had actually been having something of an amusing time on the forums these past few days. As a way to help her cope with her condition, she had begun to cultivate a presence in the giantess community. She still definitely saw the array of fetishes as strange (and sometimes downright shocking), but she was finding that the kind of attention she was getting online was in many ways preferable to the attention she was getting in real life. She knew that Daniel loved and cared about her deeply, of course, but recently, she couldn’t help but feel a bit irritated at his anxiety that surrounded her condition. It felt a bit oppressive and unnecessary; she knew that her condition was of unknown origin, and she knew that she had definitely grown way larger and taller than she could have ever believed possible. But the way that Daniel was looking at her recently…it was like he just didn’t know what to do. Whereas before Emma had felt like he was being too lighthearted about the whole thing, now she felt quite the opposite. She had come to terms with whatever “this” was, and recently she had even been feeling better than she had before her condition began. She was more confident, and cared less about what people thought. They were all so small, anyway. But Daniel had just turned into a worry-wart.
Emma exited out of the GiantessCity forum as she sighed and stood up off the sofa, swinging her big legs around, which had been hanging way off the far end. She had just finished posting pictures that she had taken of herself next to her height chart, which she had totally outgrown by this point. The response from the giantess community had been quite exciting — she had already received dozens of messages and replies after she had posted a few earlier pictures, back when she was “only” 7’10. Most of them had been quite polite, but there had been a few weird ones who had demanded that she crush them under her feet while they orgasmed on her toes. Emma had made a face upon reading these messages, and she had deleted them immediately.
‘Gross!’ she had thought. ‘Some of these guys are total perverts!’
But the vast majority of the attention she was getting was positive. And even though Emma wasn’t putting too much stock in her online persona, she had to admit that she was feeling pretty good about becoming a “big deal” in the community. It made her feel special, almost regal…which was definitely better than feeling anxious and stressing about her “sickness.” She wasn’t sick — she felt totally fine!
The sofa groaned out loudly as Emma stood up. She almost felt like speaking to the sofa out loud, telling it to stop being so dramatic, but she just shook her head as she went to help Daniel unload the car. She wasn’t going to stay annoyed at him; she was going to make a concerted effort to remember that his anxiety and discomfort around her were only the result of the fact that he loved her and was worried about him. She would try her best to make him feel as comfortable as possible, to show him that he really didn’t have anything to be afraid of.
“Ooooh, look at all that food!” she laughed, ducking her head under the door frame as she walked out into the garage. Daniel was already laden down with grocery bags, but there was still plenty more to carry.
“Haha, yep!” he said, his voice strained over the effort he was putting in to carry all the bags. “Most of it’s for you, honey.”
“Aww, how sweet!” exclaimed Emma, taking a mere two steps to reach the car. “Here babe, let me get the rest of those — you’re already holding too many bags as it is.”
Quickly, Emma bent down at her waist, and reached her huge hands into the back trunk, loading up her fingers with grocery bags. Daniel watched her dumbfounded; he knew that Emma had become quite strong, but just to see how casually she lifted up the bags with her fingers…well, it was all a bit much for him. He was carrying eight bags in his hands, and he felt quite weighed down. Within fifteen seconds, however, Emma had loaded up each HAND with eight bags each. One bag was hanging from each finger, leaving both of her thumbs free. Like she was lifting nothing, Emma raised both her hands and gave Daniel a double “thumbs-up” sign before stepping back, extending out her foot, raising it higher than Daniel’s head, and using it to slam the trunk door shut. Daniel jumped a little as the trunk made a loud noise, banging shut, the entire car shaking on its wheels in response.
“Ooops, a little too hard there,” Emma chuckled. She made her way past Daniel with the grocery bags, holding her arms out straight forward so that both her elbows were at 90-degree angles. Daniel couldn’t fail to notice, with Emma’s arms held out this way, that the groceries she was effortlessly carrying were right in his face. He stumbled backward a bit to avoid them slapping him — he knew that Emma didn’t mean anything by it. She simply didn’t understand where her body was in the space.
A few minutes later they had put all the groceries away. Emma had been telling Daniel about the giantess community, and she was trying to ignore the fact that the conversation seemed to make Daniel even more anxious.
“You’re…posting pictures of yourself?” he asked. “On…like, a sex forum?”
“A fetish forum,” she had corrected, hiding her annoyance, “And yeah! You should read some of the things these guys are saying — they’re totally into it!”
“Well…I mean,” said Daniel, scratching his head, “Don’t they know that it’s, uh…like, not just a fantasy? That you have a, um…you know, condition?”
“Oh whatever Daniel,” Emma chuckled, waving off his anxiety with a big hand. Daniel could actually feel the air current of her hand’s nonchalant movement. “They get turned on by size stuff in all kinds of forms. It’s not like I’m harming myself by posting the pictures — it makes me feel kinda good, actually. Like I have some admirers, you know?”
“Y-yeah…yeah I guess,” said Daniel dubiously. Emma was almost to the point where she felt like openly expressing her irritation, but she reminded herself to calm down, and that all of Daniel’s energy was coming from a place of love. She decided to take a more lightheartedly informal approach, instead of cultivating her irritation.
“Aw, honey, haha, you sound so down about it all!” laughed Emma good-naturedly, reaching down and giving Daniel’s face a bit of a caress. As she did so, she saw him flinch a little, and she realized that it was because she had lowered her hand towards them maybe a little faster than she had intended. But what was the problem? She had control over her body!
“Look! I’ll show you,” she said brightly, turning and walking with a few booming steps over to their bedroom. Daniel followed, noting that he had to take about two whole steps for every one that Emma took. She ducked under the doorway, leading Daniel to the height chart, which was still taped to their bedroom wall. Daniel immediately saw that Emma had been busy with the chart; it only went up to 7’10, but apparently, she had continued measuring herself earlier that day, and had marked “8’1” with a red marker, 3 whole inches above the top of the chart.
“See? Haha, Daniel, these giantess guys went absolutely crazy when I took some pictures of myself next to this chart.”
“I...uh, yeah, I can see why,” said Daniel, still feeling very uncomfortable with this whole thing.
“Some of them were totally like, ‘oh that’s not a real height chart,’” Emma continued, stepping up to the wall. “Seems almost like they’re used to getting fooled or something, and are overly insecure about getting duped, you know? Poor guys...but anyway, I took out a tape measure and actually showed them the whole thing, and that convinced them...you know, plus the shots of me standing in the doorway and totally dwarfing the door frame, haha!”
“Uhh, wow, yeah,” said Daniel blanky. He wasn’t sure how this was helping anything, but Emma just kept going.
“And like, of course they’re all like, ‘do you have a boyfriend,’ and I said yes and then they all wanted to know how tall you were, and look! I marked it for them! They just about lost their minds!”
Daniel followed Emma’s pointing finger, and saw that she was pointing right about at her breast-level, to the 6’1 mark, which had also been marked in red.
“They...they get off on...like, how much taller you are...than me??” Daniel asked, alarmed.
“Yeah, honey!” laughed Emma. “Isn’t that hilarious!? Like you’re already taller than a lot of them anyway, but, like, it’s just because you’re actually my partner that really gets them going, you know? I mean, it’s like…” and here she gestured her hands in between them emphasizing the size difference, “This is REAL, you know. This isn’t a fantasy. You...actually barely even come up to my breasts now. For these guys, it’s like a literal dream come true. The way they talk, I don’t think they’d even be able to function as adults if they were with someone as big and tall a me.”
“That’s...um...that’s very interesting,” said Daniel, making an effort of his own to meet Emma somewhere in the middle. He felt like engaging with this bizarre community was going a step too far, but he could also see how much it was entertaining her and making her feel...was it happy? Giddy? Daniel couldn’t tell.
“And, oh -- don’t even get me started about how much they love the process of the whole thing,” Emma went on. “Like, look at this, Daniel, check this out.” She suddenly crouched down, bending her knees and scrunching up her torso to make herself smaller. The effect was that she actually ended up looking bigger, since her head was now hovering right around 6 feet, but there was obviously so much more length and size in her limbs that was being purposefully stifled. Emma giggled at the effort she was making and crouched down even further, until her head was right at 5’8...the height she used to be.
“So, I took some pictures of myself like this, right? All crouched down, right at the height I used to be. Can you remember that, Daniel? When I was 5 inches shorter than you? Haha, it feels like a whole lifetime ago.”
“Yeah...it does,” said Daniel truthfully.
“And then...I get a little bigger,” she said, rising up to 5’11. “And every time I make myself bigger, I take a picture, see? Just so they can visualize the process, right? And then...haha, look at that! I’m 6’1 again -- we’re the same height!”
Daniel looked straight into Emma’s face and managed to smile and chuckle a little at her little game, even though he was still feeling like she might have gone a bit wonky with this whole size business.
‘Maybe it’s just a temporary psychological effect,’ he thought to himself, “Like a kind of coping mechanism or something.’
“And then -- oops! Now I’m 6’4!” laughed Emma, rising up a little more, out of Daniel’s reach. He watched her go with an odd sense of hopelessness.
“When they turn away for a second...boom! I’m 6’8!” exclaimed Emma. “And I still have soooo much height to go! Look at how bent my legs still are! And at 6’8!? Haha, and then I get bigger, bit by bit, and on and on...7 feet, 7’4...7’8...and then when I hit 8 feet and go just a bit over, yeah...I think I can safely say they lose it!”
“That’s...wow,” was all Daniel managed to say. He glanced around the bedroom, wanting to find some kind of a distraction, and his eyes fell on an old stack of shirts that Emma had been wearing weeks before, back when she was “only” 6’8 or so. Absentmindedly, as a kind of nervous tic, Daniel picked up one of the shirts. It spilled open before his eyes, which went wide in surprise. This shirt was absolutely huge! It would have been incredibly baggy on him...And it was for back when she was SO much smaller than she was now!
“Haha, oh wow, look at that, one of my old shirts!” chuckled Emma. “God, look at how tiny it is -- I can’t believe I used to actually fit into that thing.”
She suddenly felt a little under pressure in the bedroom; Daniel’s energy was starting to feel stifling, and so Emma ducked under the door and walked out, continuing to talk.
“But anyway, honey, that’s just a taste of how I interact with those people. It’s totally harmless, really!”
“Well, I suppose so,” said Daniel, putting the shirt down and following her.
“And besides,” she said cheerily, walking back over to the sofa, “It kinda makes me feel…powerful, you know? I mean, haha, don’t get me wrong — a couple of the people were gross creeps and went way too far in their messages. But, I mean, it feels good to be called a goddess!”
“Is…is that what they’re calling you?” asked Daniel, not even bothering to hide his discomfort. All of this was definitely getting out of hand.
“A lot of them call me that, yeah!” she giggled, turning around right as she got to the sofa. She reached both of her hands up slightly and palmed the ceiling, grinning down at Daniel. He was eye-level with the top of her stomach now.
“And, I mean…I’m definitely an amazon at this point,” she continued, smiling down at him with a toothy grin. “Everyone and everything is just…so damn small, haha. So I figure, why not go with it? “Goddess” seems appropriate now, don’t you think?”
Daniel knew that she was just being playful, and so he tried as best he could to bury his discomfort and smile up at her.
“I…I guess so, Emma,” he said good-naturedly.
“Mmmmm,” cooed Emma, suddenly sounding a little horny. “Maybe you should come over here, Daniel…the goddess needs a massage.”
She stepped back and collapsed down onto the sofa, intending to sprawl herself out like a cat in a sexy, inviting pose for her boyfriend. But as her massive body came down upon the sofa, it suddenly split in half under her weight, and Emma and the pieces of the sofa crashed to the ground. As it all happened, Emma’s brow was furrowed, with her mouth opened slightly in surprise.
“Emma!! Emma are you ok!?” cried Daniel, rushing forward. He had never seen anything like it — she had literally destroyed the sofa with her huge ass.
“I’m…fine — I’m fine!” she replied, still surprised at first, but then quickly recovering so that she brushed off Daniel’s advances. Even sitting down amidst the ruins of the sofa, the top of her head still reached Daniel’s shoulders. He made several groping attempts to help her up, but she easily batted his hands away.
“Freaking thing snapped in half like a matchstick!” she exclaimed, shaking her head in irritation. “What brand is that sofa!? I mean, is it under warranty? We should return it and get our money back — what a rip-off!”
Daniel was startled to see the extent to which Emma’s perception was now divorced from reality. He looked up at her huge body, her curves slightly shaking and jiggling as she dusted herself off. Even as she did so, she inadvertently smacked her hands on the ceiling, causing her to curse a little…Daniel saw some of the sheetrock in the ceiling start to crack…a little cloud of white dust fell to the floor…and he suddenly knew that the house wouldn’t last three more days with Emma inside. He had to call Dr. Hartman again, and set up something tomorrow.
The next day, Emma had enjoyed a nice morning stroll around the block. At this point, she had become good at ignoring all the stares from anyone who passed her by, and she had her earbuds in (taped to her ears, to keep them from falling out) so she wouldn’t have to hear any uncouth comments. She had finished the first lap so quickly that she had gone ahead and done another one. When she got back to the house, she noticed several unfamiliar cars in the driveway. Feeling a bit puzzled, she ducked in through the front door.
She was met by an array of people: Daniel, Dr. Hartman, one of his medical assistants, another doctor who she didn’t know, and Ms. Bisset. All of them were sitting in chairs, which had been organized into a semicircle around a much larger armchair, which was clearly intended for Emma. She froze in her tracks, looking at everyones assembled, and immediately perceived that they all seemed nervous…especially Daniel. She felt something like anger rise up in her.
“What’s all this?” she asked abruptly, taking out her earbuds.
“Wh-why don’t you, uh…have a seat, honey?” Daniel was clearly even more nervous than he looked. His voice was almost shaking. Emma just stood there, unmoving. What the hell were all these people doing here?? And why did it all of a sudden feel like something serious was about to happen? She had just been enjoying a lovely walk, only to come back inside and find these people staring at her with all these serious expressions.
“Go on Emma,” said Dr. Hartman, who was the only one who seemed like he was acting normally. “Have a seat. We need to talk about something.”
“Talk about what?” asked Emma, almost defensively.
“Go on dear,” encouraged Ms. Bisset, gesturing to the seat. Emma finally relented and slowly sank down into the big armchair. Now all of them were sitting, but Emma somehow still felt like she was standing — she simply towered over everyone. No one’s head even came up to her chin…not even close. She folded her big hands across her knee as she crossed her legs, feeling quite huge in the midst of all these tiny people.
“I’m…I’m sorry, Emma,” said Daniel emotionally. “B-But…but we had to do something. This has…this has all gotten out of control.”
“What has?” asked Emma, looking sideways at her boyfriend. “What are you talking about, Daniel?” She got a quick flash of a sick feeling in her stomach. “Is this about me accidentally hurting you the other day?”
“I…well, yes, a little,” said Daniel. “B-but…It’s…it’s more than that, Emma. I don’t think you realize how fragile…everything in this house is compared to you.”
“Yeah, ok, so we have some knock-off furniture,” said Emma dismissively. “That sofa was kind of a piece of junk. We’ll just get something sturdier to replace it — that’s all!”
“No Emma,” said Dr. Hartman. “I don’t think you understand.” He pointed up at the ceiling in the living room. “You cracked the ceiling the other days, Emma, without even realizing it.”
Emma just sat there, looking up at the cracks without saying anything. Had she really done that?
“Face it dear,” said Ms. Bisset kindly, “Not even the clothes I’ve made you have been able to contain your growth. This condition has developed into something…a bit more serious.”
“But I feel fine!’ protested Emma, looking down and around at the others. “I know I’m…BIG and everything, but…but I just have to, uh…get used to everything being so small around me. I’m just not used to it yet!”
“That may well be, Emma,” said Dr. Hartman, “But when Daniel told me that you were over 8 feet now, I decided to get others involved.” He gestured over to the older doctor sitting next to him. “Emma, this is Dr. Kline — he runs the Institute for Growth Disorders, which is not too far away from here. I told him about your case…and…”
“And?” asked Emma, her eyebrows going up. This all seemed a little dramatic…ridiculous, even. Just because she had broken a sofa and pressed a little too hard into the ceiling?? It made her feel irritated, and as she looked around at everyone, she couldn’t help but feel that THEY were the ones who didn’t have the correct perspective on everything. Their little legs and arms, their tiny little bodies all sitting around in their kid-sized chairs…who were they to lecture her about things, anyway!? Of COURSE she looked too big to them — it’s because they were so small!
“And…we both think, and Daniel, you’re with us on this, as is my assistant and Ms. Bisset as well, that you should…go to the Institute for…for treatment.” Even Dr. Hartman seemed a bit nervous to say these words.
Emma just looked at him blankly for several long moments.
“Go to the Institute?” she repeated. “Like…to live there?”
“It won’t be permanent of course, Ms. Emma,” said Dr. Kline genially. “It’ll just be for a certain amount of time, so that we can attempt a variety of our treatments. We treat all different kinds of growth disorders, you see, but I must say, Ms. Emma — we’ve never had a woman as…as big as you.”
Emma felt a flash of annoyance at this new doctor for referring to her size as a “disorder,” but the kind and measured way he spoke made it difficult to feel hostile towards him.
“So,” she ventured, “There are…other people like me? Who are…bigger?”
“Oh yes,” said Dr. Kline, smiling as he nodded his head. Emma suddenly realized that she appreciated his energy. She wished that Daniel was watching and taking notes — the new doctor’s warm friendliness was already making her feel reassured about this whole thing.
“And…and what about Daniel?” Emma asked. “Will he be able to come visit me?”
“Of course,” said Dr. Kline. “Not every day, but at least once a week, if he wants.”
“I’ll absolutely want to!” Daniel burst out. “You’re not gonna be alone in this, Emma.”
Even though she was feeling an odd sense of surreality about this whole “intervention,” most particularly around how tiny all these adults looked, Emma suddenly felt overcome with emotion when Daniel spoke. She immediately got out of her chair, fell on her knees, and walked over on her knees to Daniel’s chair, engulfing him in a massive hug. Everyone smiled, even as they marveled at how Emma’s body just seemed to swallow up her boyfriend’s. She was a few inches taller than him in his chair, even though she was on her knees.
“Ok,’ she breathed into him, hugging him tightly, “Ok, that…that sounds good. I’ll do it.”
Later on that night, Daniel still hadn’t seemed to have recovered from the seriousness of the day’s events. Emma was feeling her own private versions of anxiety around going to this new “Institute,” but, all in all, she wasn’t feeling too over-encumbered by the whole business. If anything, she was feeling a little giddy…or maybe it was just…horny. The prospect of not being able to see Daniel more than once or twice a week had hit home just how precious she found him, and how much she wanted to feel his body against hers. After a little gentle prodding, Daniel brightened up, and seemed ready to engage in her play.
“Oooo, so you wanna kiss me, big guy?” she teased, shaking her naked curves at him in their bedroom. She stood up to her full 8’2 height (she had gained almost an inch during the past couple days), rising over 2 whole feet taller than him. Daniel, also naked, bounded off the bed and stood before her, his erection obvious as he stared up past her large breasts, which hung over his head.
“Of course I wanna kiss you!” he said spiritedly.
“Mmmm, then why don’t you show me how badly you want to,” she teased, pouting her lips down at him. “Come on! Try and reach my lips!”
Daniel just stood there for a moment, not knowing how to respond. There was simply no way that he could possibly reach her lips without the help of some kind of stool or…furniture or something else to stand on. Unconsciously, he rose up to his tiptoes, which got him absolutely nowhere. Emma giggled down at him softly, almost surprising herself by how much she was enjoying this play. She even leaned forward and down a bit, kissing the air repeatedly, taunting him with her lips.
“*Mwah* *Mwah* *Mwah*…come on Daniel! Don’t you wanna kiss me!?”
“YEAH I wanna kiss you!” he exclaimed, feeling a little emasculated. “But I just…I can’t reach you, Emma!”
“Awww, what a pity,” she purred, leaning down even further over him as she shook her huge head down at him. To Daniel, it seemed like Emma’s face was in the sky — he was looking straight up at it hovering over him.
“Guess I have to help you, huh?” she continued, and she bent down even more. Now her pouting lips were only inches from his, but he still couldn’t quite reach them. He teetered on his tiptoes some more, straining up towards her, but all he got was air, and a few more gentle taunts.
“Oh! Oh!” she teased, going back up a little more out of his reach, over and over, “Not quite! Ooops! Oh! OHHHH…Mmmmmmmm, there we go!” She had finally descended enough to envelop his lips in a kiss.
A few minutes later, after they had made out passionately (with Daniel feeling like he was getting mauled by an admittedly huge and sexy wild animal), Emma was on all fours on the bed, shaking her big ass in Daniel’s face.
“Mmmm, put your cock in me,” she moaned.
Daniel didn’t need to be told twice. With Emma on her hands and knees, her ass was the perfect height for him to slip his hard cock into her pussy, as he stood on the bed behind her. He was almost crazy with desire at this point, and he moved forward to penetrate her. But he quickly found that Emma’s ass cheeks were so huge — and so deep — that he couldn’t even reach her vagina without running into resistance from the twin meaty orbs of her ass. Grunting with effort, he pressed and pressed as hard as he could against them, but they just wouldn’t give way. Each cheek probably weighed about a quarter of Daniel’s entire body weight, and they were easily stronger than his attempts at getting through. The minutes passed by, and Daniel became drenched in sweat as his discouragement and humiliation grew.
He heard Emma giggling softly into the pillows. “Haha, come on, Daniel! Can’t you even reach my pussy?”
“I’m…trying,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Well…haha…it, uh…it doesn’t really seem to be working,” chuckled Emma, after another few futile attempts, turning around slightly and raising her eyebrows at him. “I’m…not sure you’re big enough to get in, haha.”
“Of…course I’m big enough!” exclaimed Daniel with energy, really throwing himself with abandon into Emma’s ass cheeks. She looked back at him from her crouched position, and couldn’t help but giggle again. She knew that he was feeling emasculated right now, but it was all just a little too funny not to laugh. He was trying sooooo hard, and he was getting nowhere. It was kind of cute, actually, how seriously he was taking all of this.
“Wellll…” said Emma matter-of-factly a few moments later, “I don’t think you are, Daniel. Haha, I’m not being mean or anything…I’m just…haha, Daniel, I’m just being honest. I can barely even feel you back there.”
“B-But — ” he began to protest, but Emma suddenly turned around on her hands and knees, facing him head-on.
“Here,” she growled sexily at him, extending her tongue and licking her lips. “Let me take care of that little cock of yours.” Moaning in pleasure, she bent down and forward and took his entire cock and balls into her hot wet mouth, taking care to suck gently but insistently. Daniel felt profoundly humiliated on many different levels, and Emma inadvertently calling his cock “little” was just icing on the cake. But the pleasure she was giving him was too intense for him to dwell on his feelings of emasculation, and he soon lost himself in a sea of searing desire as Emma hummed and moaned as she sucked on him, not stopping until he had shot his load into the back of her tonsils.
The two of them lay in bed next to each other, with Emma’s side sagging noticeably as her feet stuck way out beyond the edge of the bed.
“What about you?” asked Daniel in a small voice. “Aren’t you gonna get off? Can I…help in any way?”
“No, it’s ok honey,” said Emma, petting his head with her large hand. “It was enough for me, giving you pleasure like that. Don’t worry about it, ok baby?”
She was telling the truth. It HAD been enough for her, to tease him, to overpower him, and to draw his essence from him. It was a new kind of pleasure, and she needed to sit on it and think about it some more. In the meantime, she found her mind drifting away to the Institute, where she would be going the next day. It made her pensive; she felt far away from everything, even Daniel. But she squeezed his little body up against hers with her arm, determined to hold him close the entire night long.
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