《Emma's Growth Spurt》Chapter 5
‘Oh my god,’ thought Daniel to himself, as he stared up at Emma’s big, wide shoulders, up at her chin, and way up into her eyes. He knew that she had grown a lot over the past week, but nothing had prepared him for the shock of actually experiencing a one-foot height difference in person. She was positively gargantuan — and even though it was still her sweet, pretty face that was smiling down at him from way above, Daniel could not help but feel instantly intimidated by her size. Everything about her — her feet, her calves, her thighs, her hips, her breasts, everything — was far, far bigger than he had been prepared for.
At the same time, Emma was equally as shocked, but for opposite reasons.
‘Jesus he’s short!’ was her immediate thought, and she looked down at his briefcase that he was holding in his hand. The briefcase itself, along with the clothes he was wearing, looked so adorably small to Emma that she almost started giggling — it was a nervous kind of laughter that started bubbling up from inside her, but she was able to stop it before it became audible or evident on her face. Everything was just too bizarre to have one single reaction like that. All she could do was stare down at him for several long moments. Like Daniel, she had not been prepared for the enormity of the size difference in this moment.
“Uhhh,” said Daniel a few moments later, awkwardly breaking the silence. “Y-you’re…wow, Emma!”
“Yeah,” she said softly, nodding her head down at him slowly. “Wow is right.” She suddenly felt a strange surge of affection for him in his awkwardness, and she bent down again, arching her back at an odd angle as she bent her knees, desperate to get at him for another hug. Daniel backed up a step in reaction to her descending figure, but he quickly realized that he would not want to be seen as evading an affectionate maneuver. He accepted her hug, and once again, he felt the air leave his lungs as she squeezed him. More so this time, he felt the almost crushing weight of her bulk come down on top of his shoulders, and he staggered in place, nearly losing his footing.
Emma didn’t notice, though. She had her eyes closed with her arms around him, hugging him tightly in genuine affection. Even though they had made up after their fight the previous week, this was still the first time they had actually seen each other since that unfortunate moment. She began to get a little teary as she leaned a little more into the hug, causing Daniel to stumble once again.
“Emma…” he said in a weak voice, all he could manage without any air in his lungs. “Ok…ok, Emma.”
“It’s just so nice for you to be home!” she said a little thickly, and without quite realizing what she was doing, she straightened her back up a little bit, since she had bent down forward at an awkward angle. At the same time, though, she did not let go of the hug, and the effect was that she actually lifted Daniel off the ground for a couple seconds without even meaning to. She had simply forgotten how tall she was. A second or two later, however, she seemed to realize what was going on and loosened her arms. Daniel dropped a few inches back down into the floor, letting out a kind of nervous laugh as he did so.
“Ahaha…ah…yeah…yeah, it’s nice to be home,” was all he managed to say.
“I just…I just can’t believe how small you are!” Emma burst out a moment later, flashing a huge grin down at him. She felt like she was soaking up a surreal moment, and she really didn’t know how she felt about the greater-than-expected size difference. But she did know that she was so happy to see her boyfriend that her joy at seeing him trumped any other identifiable emotion she was feeling, and so she turned it up a notch, just to make sure he knew that she was happy, and not shocked, or confused.
“I…I’m not the…eh…haha, well I could say the same thing about you, honey!” laughed Daniel nervously. “Just the opposite, haha!” He had been about to correct her and say that she, in fact, was the one who was big — he wasn’t small. But that would have resurrected the very fight he did not want to repeat, and so he just went with a diplomatically cheerful rebuttal.
“Yep, yep, I’ve gotten a little bigger,” said Emma, nodding and looking around the kitchen.
‘A little!?’ thought Daniel to himself.
“But anyway, here, let me take your bag!” she said brightly, wanting to do something nice for him right away. Daniel felt her snatch his briefcase out of his grasp, and he looked down just enough to see her hand extended next to his. He felt something like a cold sweat begin to break out across his brow, even as it was mixed with a strange kind of arousal. Her hand looked comically big next to his.
“Woah, this thing is light!” she giggled, waving the briefcase one-handed around the kitchen a little without meaning to. It really did feel as light as a feather to her, even though it weighed around twenty pounds.
“Haha, careful Emma!” laughed Daniel. “That’s got all my computer stuff and everything in there.”
“Oh…yeah, ok, sorry!” she said, smiling contritely and striding over to put it down by his desk. Daniel noticed that Emma only needed about two and a half strides to get all the way through the kitchen. Emma didn’t really seem to notice, though. As she bent down, her tight pajama pants strained audibly against her huge ass and wide hips.
“Oooh, I gotta remember not to bend over too quickly,” she chuckled, straightening back up. “I think it might be time for me to shop for some new clothes.”
“That’s…uh…that it looks like that might be a good idea,” admitted Daniel.
“You really think so?” she asked immediately, her face falling a little in concern. “Is it that obvious?”
“Hehe, uh, I mean, honey…it’s…it’s fine! You’re still growing,” said Daniel, trying to sound natural and casual. But from his point of view, Emma’s pajama pants, which were supposed to be quite roomy, looked so tight that they resembled spandex.
The next day, Emma physically went into the office again, but she quickly discovered that she could not adequately perform her job without her size and stature getting in the way. All of this made her feel more annoyed than anything else. She felt totally fine! Why couldn’t everyone else just get over it and move long with their day? More than once, though, she caught her co-workers lingering at the door to her office for too long. She heard people whispering out in the hallway; she tried to shake all the unwelcome drama off, but eventually she was directly confronted. Monica walked slowly into her office, approaching her desk cautiously. Emma looked up — even though she was sitting down, her head still rose a couple inches above the 5’5 Monica’s. Emma’s eyebrows arched expectantly, even as she tried to bury the irritation that was threatening to rise to the surface.
“Uh…Emma?” asked Monica tentatively.
“Yeah?” asked Emma, trying to sound normal. But she didn’t feel normal; her ass already hurt from being squeezed into her tiny office chair.
“Y-You’ve…you’ve really gotten…a lot, lot bigger and taller recently,” said Monica slowly.
“Sure have!” said Emma, smiling. ‘God, is she really wasting my time with this?’ she thought to herself.
“There’s…there’s something just not right going on, Emma,” said Monica, still timid, but firm in her conviction. “I mean, like…before, when you were just a little bigger, it was already, uh…pretty weird. But now, like…there’s something seriously wrong, obviously.”
“Well,” said Emma, cocking her head and shrugging her shoulders as she threw her hands up in the air, “The doctors are running a whole bunch of tests right now. I don’t know what else to tell you, except that I feel fine.”
“Well, uh…that’s…that’s good,” said Monica in a bit of a small voice, taking a little step back. Emma suddenly realized that her voice had carried louder, and perhaps was a little deeper, than she had intended. Had she scared Monica? but she was just speaking normally — why was Monica being so sensitive? Emma abruptly decided to stand up and turn around, to show Monica her figure, in the hopes that both of them could just laugh at the impressive scope of her new curves, but she once again misjudged the tightness of her work pants, and in rising, she split a two-inch hole right down her left thigh.
“Oh god damn it!” snapped Emma frustratedly, rolling her eyes. She didn’t see it, but Monica took another little step back. The amazon recovered, though and just looked down at Monica and laughed, making crazy eyes at her, as if to say, ‘Hahaha, wow, is this even happening!?’
“Oh well, I was gonna go shopping for new clothes today anyway,” she said cheerfully. She made a motion to step towards Monica, but the very act of stepping tore her pants another four inches.
“I….guess I better go now!” chuckled Emma, and she walked gingerly past her stunned co-worker, whose eyes were exactly even with the underside of her large breasts.
Emma passed Keith in the hallway, but for once she wasn’t interested in exploring any kind of interaction with him. The longer she was in the office, the more she felt like everything just…wasn’t made for her. her ass was still sore from her tiny chair, her hands and wrists were sore from holding them at odd angles over her keyboard, and even the new flowers in the corner just looked…well, too close to the ground. She couldn’t even see her face anymore in the long mirror that hung in the hallway. She barely even looked at Keith as she shuffled awkwardly past him, trying her best to both cover up the hole and her pants and move slow enough that it didn’t get any bigger. She was able to notice, however, that the top of Keith’s head barely even reached her boobs. As she passed him by, she felt his eyes on her body, but she didn’t even bother to turn and make eye contact. She just didn’t want to deal with his awkwardly meek admiration right now.
A bit later, she was at the store, trying on outfit after new outfit, and as she did so, Emma found herself becoming increasingly frustrated. Why did nothing seem to fit her!? Surely there were other women like her! Why didn’t the companies make clothes for them then? Anything that possibly fit her hips and ass was invariably far too short in the legs, and the one pair of pants that got anywhere close to being long enough…well, Emma couldn’t even fit her legs into them!
She was becoming increasingly desperate when she felt a tap in the middle of her back. She turned around and saw a kindly-looking older lady, who was wearing a kerchief around her grey, expertly-styled hair. This woman was tiny. Emma’s hips were higher than her shoulders! ‘Aw, a nice old dwarf lady!’ thought Emma genially.
“Hello,” said the old woman in an immediately-amiable voice, speaking perfect English, though in a French accent, “I just noticed that you were having a little bit of trouble there, and I don’t want to presume, but I might be able to help you.”
“You can?” asked Emma, immediately liking this woman’s easy energy. ‘Finally,’ she thought, ‘Someone who’s treating me like a normal person.’
“Yes indeed,” declared the woman, the accented English spilling in a lovely way off her tongue. “My name is Cécile Bisset, and I was a fashion designer in France for many years, before I moved over here to the States, to get away from it all. I do custom-tailored designs for private clients. For someone of your stature, Ms….?”
“Oh, Emma! My name’s Emma.” They shook hands, with Emma actually taking special care not to accidentally snap the old woman’s fingers. Ironically, being treated as normal made her more conscious of how abnormally large she had become, at least for the moment.
“So, Ms. Emma, if you find that you can’t find anything satisfactory, please give me a call here — may I give you my card?”
“Oh! Oh yes! Yes, Ms. Bisset!” exclaimed Emma happily, taking the business card in her two fingers (and noticing, before she put it in her purse, that it looked and felt more like a little scrap of paper than an actual card). “I’m sure I’ll be giving you a call here soon, because there’s nothing that seems to fit me here! Nothing!”
“Well, don’t you worry yourself, young lady,” said Ms. Bisset. “I help people like you all the time!”
“There are lots more like me?” Emma heard herself say, although she felt puzzled by her own words.
“Oh yes,” said the old woman, her eyes twinkling. “Lots of people don’t fit into the established sizes these big companies produce. Let me know, Ms. Emma!”
Emma didn’t even wait for Ms. Bisset to leave. Right then and there, she agreed to pay the old woman to help make her a series of custom-designed pants, tops, skirts, and dresses. Ms. Bisset took Emma’s measurements, and promised a new line of clothes that would be ready in a week. Emma was so happy that she felt like splurging on something to celebrate — getting new clothes had become such a hassle, but now all the difficulty was gone! Feeling almost giddy, she came across a pair of tall black heels with a 7-inch platform that just happened to be in her size.
‘Oh screw it, I’ll get them!’ she thought to herself, laughing. ‘Besides, it’ll be a nice little throwback to when Daniel got me those other heels a while back. He’ll appreciate them!”
Emma quickly found, however, that she wasn’t able to wear her new heels and drive at the same time; she simply didn’t fit in the car. Her head was already pressing into the car ceiling, and with the heels, she simply didn’t have enough room for her legs. Grumbling a little, even as she shook her head and chuckled to herself, she took the heels off, drove home barefoot, and put them back on before going inside.
“Honneeeyyyy!” called Emma as she opened the door, “I’m — ” and here she almost got herself stuck in the door’s entrance. She was so tall in the new heels that the door frame only came up to her shoulders. From his computer chair, Daniel turned and was able to see the huge form of his girlfriend, but with the doorframe completely obscuring her head. He froze in shock.
“I’m…haha, oh wow, this door frame is little…haha…ok, there we go — I’m hommmeee!”
She spread her arms widely towards Daniel, who stood up slowly, looking up at her like he couldn’t believe his eyes. She strode over and hugged him, not even bothering to bend down this time. Instead, she just reached out, grabbed his head in her huge hands, and hugged it to her, squishing it into her lower breasts and upper stomach. The rest of Daniel’s body had no choice but to follow, and he stumbled into her.
“E-Easy, easy, Emma!” he cautioned.
“Oh, sorry, haha — a little too much?” she laughed, looking down at him. ‘Aw come on, Daniel,’ she thought, ‘It’s just a little hug!’
“You like my new heels?” she asked, extending a huge, shapely leg out in front of him.
“They’re…very big,” he said, chuckling.
“Haha, yeah! Just like those other heels you got me before, remember? Haha, I know it was only weeks ago, but it seems like it’s been ages since then.”
“Yeah…uhh…w-wow, Emma,” was all Daniel could say. Privately, Emma wished that Daniel would just quit acting so…nervous around her. Or timid…or…whatever it was. She wished he would act more like Ms. Bisset. But she kept these thoughts to herself and told him the good news about her custom clothes. Daniel agreed that it was indeed good news, and the rest of the evening, and many evenings after passed by, at least on the surface, just fine.
But everything seemed a bit off, both to Emma and to Daniel, but for different reasons. Daniel, for his part, was feeling increasingly worried about his girlfriend. He was looking forward to hearing what Dr. Hartman would have to say about her new growth during her appointment that was coming up. In the meantime, he was just trying to act and behave in his usual steady manner; but internally, he was starting to experience real anxiety. It had been one thing when Emma was as tall as him, or even a little taller. But now she was walking around in those heels, towering over him by almost a foot and a half!? He was looking up at her nipples now! It was all a bit too much for him to handle. And she was still growing, though now at a very uneven pace. She might not gain an entire inch for four or five days, and then on the very next day shoot up an inch and a half!
As far as Emma went, she was mostly enjoying herself and feeling normal, despite the craziness of what was happening to her. She had reached an almost zen-like state of acceptance regarding her condition, whatever it was, and it certainly helped that she was actually feeling good…great, even. Her appetite had increased to the point where she was eating nearly twice the amount Daniel was, which meant that he had to go to the grocery store almost twice as often. Emma again took to working from home, and everything seemed fine — she had her tailor-made clothes, which fit her nicely (and, because of their special fabric, could accommodate another 7-10 inches of growth if necessary — surely more than enough!), and she maintained a sense of youthful energy. Her appointment with Dr. Hartman yielded no more results than before, and the doctor had looked increasingly worried about the continuation of her growth. Emma, however, had spent most of the appointment marveling at how small everything looked in the doctor’s office, from the table she was sitting on, to the sinks, to the doctor himself. It was like she was back in her pediatrician’s office, except now she was an adult. The only thing missing were the blocks and toys designed to keep nervous children diverted.
It was true that Emma had actually begun to get frustrated with a lot of small things: namely, indeed, how small everything was beginning to seem to her. It was becoming harder and harder for her to hold utensils right — why did they have to make them so small, anyway? And the shelves in the house! Only the top ones were any use to her — the bottom ones were so far down, they were almost as useless as the countertops! What did people expect her to do — just walk around in a permanent crouch all the time? As she gained inches over the weeks, it became harder and harder for her to take showers. Her feet and lower legs stuck off the end of the bed. And, after a couple weeks, she could even feel the elastic material of Ms. Bisset’s special clothes starting to feel tighter all over her body.
On more than one occasion, she was surprised that Daniel actually had to ask her to reach things. One time, he was asking where the miscellaneous box was, that had a packet of AA batteries that Daniel needed.
“Oh, it’s on the shelf up there, above the fridge,” muttered Emma from her position on the sofa, her attention arrested by work on her laptop.
“The…top shelf?” asked Daniel.
“Yeah, it’s just like right there, no big deal,” said Emma, not taking her eyes off the screen. A moment later, though, she heard the sound of Daniel fruitlessly grunting and exerting himself, and she glanced up in surprise to see him reaching in vain, on his tiptoes, for the box on the top shelf. He wasn’t even close — the tips of his fingers were at least three or four inches away.
“I…can’t reach it…Emma!” he said through teeth clenched in effort.
Creasing her brow, frowning a little, and not fully understanding, Emma got up from the sofa and walked over to the shelf. By this time, she was 7’8 in her bare feet. She lifted her arm up to eye level, calmly drew out the box, and handed it down to her boyfriend, giving him an odd, confused look before going back to work. She didn’t realize it, but in that moment, Emma standing beside him, reaching up, with her breasts just a bit taller than his eyes, made Daniel have flashbacks to when he was a younger child around his mother. He couldn’t help it — it was the last time he had been around a woman who was that much bigger and taller than he was.
The weeks continued to pass by, and Emma went from 7’8 to 7’10, hit 8’0, and then finally barely cracked past 8’1. Before she passed 8 feet, however, Emma had to deal with the slow, unfortunate realization that she could not proceed along normally with her life. Daniel had already generally come to these realizations, but for Emma, the process was slower, and fraught with frustration and difficulty. First, after she hit 7’8, she discovered that she could no longer wear the platform heels she had bought. For one thing, they had become too painful for her feet (even though she had gotten them a size big, to accommodate any extra growth), but even more obviously, she discovered that she could not walk around the house as an 8’3 woman without knocking things over and making a mess. She simply was too huge; at that height, she couldn’t even raise her hands more than nine inches above her head without them smacking painfully into the ceiling. Reluctantly, therefore, she had to give up the heels, which put her in a bit of a foul mood for half a day, before she was able to shrug it all off and proceed along “as normal.”
But a few days later, she had another growth spurt, shooting up to 7’10, and with this new spurt came the unwelcome realization that Emma could no longer fit into the car. She and Daniel had been about to go out to buy extra groceries. Emma had helpfully offered to come with him, since, after all, she was the reason why their food stocks kept getting depleted at an increasingly rapid rate. She had even offered to drive. But once she ducked her head and gathered up her legs to try and squeeze into the seat, Daniel started shaking his head.
“I don’t think you’re gonna fit in that way, honey,” he said.
“What? No! No, I can totally fit,” countered Emma, jostling down to find the seat adjuster. “I just...need to pull the seat back some. It’ll work.”
“But you were the last one to drive,” said Daniel. “The seat’s already back as far as it’ll go.”
“That’s...no, that can’t be right,” grunted Emma, squirming her cramped curves in the seat, which sighed and sagged under her massive weight. “It’s...hmmmm, well you’re right...it’s back as far as it’ll go. But...here we go! I’ll adjust the back part of the seat. That should work!”
Emma pulled the lever to release the seat’s back for adjustment, and it immediately went backwards, responding to Emma’s weight. But that didn’t seem to help anything, because the end result was that Emma’s head became even further enmeshed in the car’s ceiling. It didn’t matter that the car seat went back; her head, neck, and torso were simply too big and too tall to budge.
“Uhhhh,” said Daniel, not wanting to upset her, but nonetheless seeing the hopelessness of the situation, “I don’t think that’s working, honey.”
“I just...I don’t get it,” huffed Emma frustratedly. “Everything was fine just a couple days ago. Why did we get such a tiny car in the first place?”
“Babe...the car is normal-sized,” said Daniel. “I think...it’s just...you’re the one who outgrew it.”
Emma continued to fruitlessly jostle and adjust her body for a few more minutes, but it was no use. She ended up having to admit that Daniel was right, and that she had completely outgrown the car. She couldn’t even fit in the passenger seat to ride along with him. Begrudgingly, she had been forced to watch Daniel drive out to get groceries alone, as she watched from the driveway.
She had been so annoyed afterwards that she didn’t even return to her work. Instead, she had just started aimlessly surfing the internet, to try and take her mind off the irritation of everything seeming so small. After a bit of aimless scrolling and searching, she suddenly remembered the giantess fetish community. It suddenly occurred to her that this specific online community of people held a curious attraction for her; here were people who actually celebrated hugeness, who were actually attracted to the idea, instead of just being nervous and iffy around it like Daniel had been recently. In no time, she had found the Giantess City forum, scrolled through it, and created an account, openly identifying herself as a 7’10 woman who was still growing, even posting a few pictures of herself standing by a doorway as proof. Unsurprisingly, she soon amassed a fascinated and devoted following.
Over the next couple weeks, Emma used the giantess community as a kind of catharsis, as a way of being able to document her growth without the unwelcome clinical setting (which she was beginning to tire of in general, since all the doctors were now visibly worried). The giantess community simply devoured her posts, asking her all kinds of questions, praising her, and offering to serve her in every way possible. Emma had to admit that she got a bit of a kick out of a lot of the comments these people made. On top of telling her that she was gorgeous, amazonian, and powerful (compliments that made her feel good, even though they were the sexually-motivated words of strangers), a number of people even offered themselves as her personal slaves, begging for the chance to worship her feet, feed her, and grant her every wish. Emma couldn’t help but smile at the desperate energy of some of these people. Be her foot slave? Get sat on by her lovely ass? She had to chuckle and shake her head.
‘These people are something else!’ she thought to herself. A few of them hadn’t hesitated to send her crude messages, about wanting to shrink themselves down and live in her pussy, and asking her to suck them off. A few of them had even asked her where she lived.
‘Ugh...the things some of these creeps say!’ she thought with disgust.
But even though she found a lot of the community ridiculous (and some of it downright gross), Emma still enjoyed having the catharsis and freedom it offered her. No one was burdening her with all the concern she had to deal with from everyone else in her life. It was almost like a fantasy world she could retreat to, one in which she was free to exercise the power of her body however she wished.
This fantasy world seemed all the more attractive, the bigger she got. Once she hit 8 feet tall, she began having real difficulty navigating in the house. The door frames weren’t even as high as her shoulders anymore. Daniel was now looking straight into her stomach when she stood in front of him. He was beginning to lose his composure — how could he keep it together, with her growing so huge like this!? He couldn’t shake the thought that she was surpassing him, growing into something more. But Emma seemed to keep her wits about her. It was annoying, having to type with single fingers on her laptop, and having to sit on the floor instead of the sofa.
Once, when she was still “only 7’10,” she had tried to sit on Daniel’s lap, but he had winced out in real pain and, a moment later, begged her in true pleading terms, to get off. She had done so, but she felt slightly miffed. What was wrong with him? She was just trying to be affectionate — why did he have to be so dramatic? Besides, he was the one who wasn’t able to reach things, who wasn’t strong enough to pull out that pipe she had the previous week, who had to use a stepladder when he was fixing the gutters. But Emma kept these thoughts to herself, not wanting to spoil the surface-level tranquility of the household.
But one day, it boiled over. Daniel was having a refreshing moment of normalcy with her, flirting and rubbing her stomach. Emma was giggling at the touch of his small hands, pushing them away effortlessly with her huge fingers. But he remained persistent, and soon actually began tickling her.
“Hahaha, stop it, Daniel!” Emma laughed. She was appreciating the contact, but she was very ticklish. He kept at it, ticking harder.
“Hahahaha, knock it off, quittttt ittttt!!” exclaimed Emma, laughing harder. But he didn’t stop. A few seconds later, Emma responded more forcefully than she intended.
“I said stop!!” she yelled, still smiling, and pushed into his body with her forearm. What the 8’1 Emma thought was a nudge, however, was a violent shove to the 6’1 Daniel, and he flew off the sofa, landing hard on the floor multiple feet away. Thankfully, there was carpet where he landed. They both looked at each other, stunned. For a moment, Emma nearly panicked, feeling like she had almost hurt him, but quickly, upon seeing that he was fine, her mouth cracked into a grin. Even though he was shocked at her force, he smiled as well.
“I’m gonna getcha!” she yelled, and went after him. Daniel took off and fled from her and she followed in hot pursuit. They ran around the living room for a few seconds, but it didn’t take long for Emma to catch up to him. But instead of capturing him in her arms, she suddenly decided to nudge him down onto the carpet again. She reached out and gave him a shove, and Daniel flew backwards from the force of her push, which had been far, far greater than she had intended. He crashed backwards into their coffee table and lay in a crumpled heap, wincing in pain. Emma immediately knew that she had actually gone too far this time, and ran up to him, her hands over her face.
“Oh my god, oh my god, Daniel!! Are you ok!?! Oh honey! I’m so, so sorry!! I…I didn’t mean it! It was an accident!!”
“I…know it was,” said Daniel, his teeth gritting in pain, even as he managed a pained smile. Emma continued to comfort him, and fortunately he was not badly hurt. In the back of Daniel’s mind, though, a line had indeed been crossed. Emma didn’t know her own strength, and she didn’t accept what Daniel had come to realize: that she couldn’t keep living in this house. She was just too big and strong — it wasn’t safe.
The next day, out shopping for more food for Emma’s titanic appetite, Daniel ran into Dr. Hartman in the check-out line. The doctor’s brow darkened when he saw Daniel’s expression.
“I need to talk to you,” he told the doctor in a low voice, “About Emma.”
Hellbound with you
[WARNING: THIS NOVEL IS R-18]"I love you, despite the danger signs."Abigail is a beautiful oh-so-innocent lady. She is kind and well mannered but she is terminally ill. She knows she will die soon so before she dies, she wants to fulfill her one and only wish - to fall in love. She wants to experience loving someone romantically. But under one strange condition- she wants a man who will not fall in love with her because she doesn't want him to suffer when she's gone. She met Alexander Qinn, the coldhearted and mysterious man. He warns her from the start that he doesn't do love and that he is dangerous. But that made him the perfect man for Abigail. He was exactly the kind of man she was looking for.Their completely different worlds collide, Alexander will start to teach the innocent Abigail about sexual pleasure while Abigail will teach him the joy of doing simple things in life....He handed her an egg-shaped, pink vibrator and then returned to his spot.The girl blinked again as she examined, with deep curiosity, the pink egg-shaped thing in her hand."Don't make me wait. Put it inside," the man ordered and Abi swallowed.Abi had no idea whatsoever as to what this thing was. She had never seen anything like this before. She wanted to ask him what this thing was and what he meant by 'put it inside' but the man was so serious, she was afraid she'd fail the test if she showed him that she didn't even know what this was."Is this clean?" was what she asked instead and the man half-smiled."It. Is. Very. Clean." He stressed out every word.Still unsure about what to do, Abi hesitantly looked at him and then in the next second, she put it inside her mouth.*******●the cover is not mine. all credit belongs to the artist/owner*******follow me on instagram @author_kazzenlx
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Local Flavour: Big Apple (Book 3, the Local Flavour Series)
TV chef Quinn Allen is ready to settle down with Lucy McLean in her small hometown, but will their relationship survive her big-city dreams? *****From the outside, Lucy McLean's life is perfect. She's with the love of her life, Quinn Allen, and they have a thriving business together in tiny Port Ross, Nova Scotia. He wants to put down roots in the town and get even closer, but she's holding back - she can't escape the painful memories of tragic events from the past. A lucrative offer from an enigmatic billionaire has Lucy's head spinning, offering them a chance to get away from it all in New York City. It's a dream come true for Lucy, but Quinn is suspicious. She knows it's a gamble - either the opportunity of a lifetime, or a deal with the devil. Can they have it all in New York, or will Lucy's Big Apple dreams all turn sour?(Book three of the Local Flavour Series)[[word count: 100,000-150,000 words]]
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Black hearts meet Red
I walked down the dark hallway, my eyes scanning the rooms on my way.The door was slightly ajar as I reached the end of the hallway, my hands pushing the door open as I stepped in.Her sorrowful sobs reached my ears as I stared at her little form huddled in the corner of the dark room.Moonlight from the large window fell on her body as she continued to sob sitting on the floor.My stomach twisted in a bad way seeing her like this.A pain seared at the bottom of my heart as she hiccuped making me move towards her.I sat on the floor near her silently, not saying a word.She noticed my appearance as she stiffened for a fraction of second.Her cries had stifled as we sat in the dark with moonlight showering over us."He had broken me into so many piece that it will take a life time to collect all.He ripped me apart from my soul, from my self respect making me crumble to the ground like ash.."Her hoarse yet soft voice resonated around the room making me turn my eyes to her beautiful face."I have nothing left of myself.Nothing."She sounded defeated.But I didn't like hearing those words from her.It killed me to listen the bitter words she swallowed each time she spoke.***She unintentionally stumbles in his life, stealing every fiber of his body.He wishes to make her his but destiny has other plans.As they smiled at each other little did they know that after this they were not going to smile again.It's a story not just about two broken people but with of a girl and boy who's hearts had turned Black.Striving to hold on to living and trying to move on with life will they be able to meet their Red again or will they fall apart along with time.A Romantic spiritual love story that will melt your heart, so get ready to read a tale maybe you've never heard because it's not a story whispered at nights .. <>Ranked # 1- muslimlovestory (12th April 2021)
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