《Reverend Insanity(But it was me DIO!)》Chapter 9: It actually had a Gu?


An illusory image of a tiny 'moon' appeared, surrounding the body of the spider.

Most of the force of all the impacts were redirected back to this 'moon', a fraction of the moon changed to a crimson tone.

Be it Dio or those Gu masters they're all baffled by this sight.

A Gu, it actually had a Gu!

Or rather, the Gu habited its body.

After all Gu's, normally try to find safe-places, from a powerful target which can ensure their safety, be it on caves or mountains or even the body of a living creature, thus, it was natural that when it perceived a danger to its host, it decided to protect it.

To make matters worse as this was a 'wild Gu', it took the Primeval energy from the surrounds which meant that it didn't require any expenditure of the spider to 'use' the Gu.

Lastly, this wasn't an ordinary defensive Gu.

It was a rank 3 Gu whose effect varied depending on the hour, weather and the state of the moon.

When it was at half-moon the Gu would display half its strength, and now?

There was a Full moon.

A hundred percent activation, this meant that to truly destroy the Gu they'd need to bypass the 100% guard, whilst the beast would progressively become stronger as the 'moon' is filled.

Luckily, most of the 'amplification' power of the Gu was exclusive to Moon path related Gu's.

Currently a little less than a third of the moon had been filled.

Dio looked annoyed at the spider.

"You're really starting to get on my nerves."

The spider stood up slowly, luckily the Gu had only activated after it received a considerable amount of damage.

But, as always, it once more tried to mend its wounds.

Dio and Ma Xu Zhen looked at each other, before they nodded and charged one to the left the other to the right.

The mutant spider tried to dodge them, but it was pointless most of the attacks fell on its body, at this moment it noticed.

Their impacts, the force of their impacts had reduced by three quarters.

Then, it glanced at the moon, somewhat dazed.

With its intelligence it quickly noticed that the moon was its ally, and thus, it quickly decided to ignore those impacts, and it focused on treating its wounds.

After recovering enough, the spider looked at the group, this time, it took a different approach.

This time, it decided to hunt them through sheer brute force!

Obviously, it was a 'controlled' brute force, it abused of its superiority to move through their flanks, taunt them, feint them, and so on.

After all, at this point they must be hitting their limits, right?

Currently, Ma Xu Zhen had already reduced almost all its Primeval Reserves, whilst most of the people inside of the Gu house weren't in a much better state.

The only one with a high amount of Primeval reserves was Ma Shan Hu, but that was at a price, firstly, he was 'burning' to death many of his Gu, after all, no Gu can endure a continuous activation for a long period.

Whilst the foundation that he had carefully prepared to breakthrough to rank 4 had been expended on speeding up his recovery.

In fact, he even had to use as sacrificial Gu's many Gu's which he had been lent and rented to many elders.


Even if he survived this crisis he'd be on a crippling debt!

That and the backlash and internal damage he suffered to speed up his Primeval Essence recovery was truly miserable.

His future prospects were terrible, yet, he still endured silently and prepared himself to the best of his ability.


The existence of that wild Gu and its overwhelming effect, forced Dio to change his plans, the thought of awakening his aperture vanished from his head.

He had to escape, quickly.

But, the beast wouldn't allow him to do so, it was both hungry and angry now.

After many attempts and after receiving many wounds on his previous attempts to flee Dio frowned, he looked ruthlessly at the mutant spider and shouted.

"Don't force my hand, or you will die!"


He released another shockwave, it was considerably weaker, because this time he wasn't given the time to charge his technique.

But, the shockwaves were all absorbed by the moon aurora, thus the mutant spider charged towards him without any worry on its mind.

The spider tried to use its webs to capture Dio, all of his attempts failed, but it was slowly enclosing him.

Dio's browns lowered, his eyelids began to tremble and his fighting intent surged like a tsunami, everyone but the spider felt threatened by Dio's sheer willpower.


He threw a flurry of hits madly, Dio no longer held any reservations.

It was such their sheer amount and strength that even though the spider was barely hurt by those impacts, he was being actually pushed back!

As a 'Stand' user, even if he currently lacked the ability to use his Stand, his Soul foundation was naturally absurd, that and his Vampiric nature made his reflexes inhumane.

Now that he was fully focused, he could see through each of those spider's intents, he attacked at such speed that his opponent barely had the room to breathe.

Also, thanks to his multiple experiences on the streets, he was experienced on using the environment to his favor.

He threw stones, branches, sand, everything, to divert its focus and attack its weak spots.

His 'style' could be described as savage and barbaric, all resemblances of elegancy had already been discarded by him.

To the extent that the bystanders were completely baffled.

Is this the one who is helping us?

Why he does look more demonic than the beast?

This and many other thoughts passed through their heads, cold sweat flew through their heads, whilst Ma Ya Lui felt completely overwhelmed.

A true demon by heart, just how many times has he fought to death before, to have such a twisted mind and intuition?

Ma Shan Hu however felt oddly relaxed, since his youth he had already experienced many attempts of assassination by multiple Gu masters.

Some were simply too extremists and would rather die than to compromise, but, apart from his current attitude when he's struggling before death, his actions have been reasonable.

As long as he's reasonable, is not impossible to cooperate with him.

Still, he wasn't completely sure if Dio would be willing to cooperate on the near future, after all, the fight had already hit new stakes, perhaps, at the next second he'd flee.

He had already and scatter, he had already attempted this in fact, under such circumstances, whilst he tries to flee and move, can truly be a sincere cooperation?


And even if they cooperate, can they truly defeat that mutant spider?

Ma Shan Hu had already considered his possibilities, he knew his chances of victory were slim to say the least.

He sighed.

"If I could flee or beg to save myself, I'd do, after all, even if I suffer defeat and I lose my prestige, reputation and status, I'd keep my life, as long as there's life, there's hope.

If I was alive, I could keep attempting, even if it's pointless to achieve my dream and become a legend, like those of fairytales or legends that I read as a child.

But there's no point in thinking of 'ifs', I'm already bound to die, there's no escape, nor nothing to save myself.

Yet, even if I die, I'll still struggle before death, I'd rather die on battle than to die while attempting to flee!"

Ma Shan Hu gritted his teeth, his fighting intent surged, until he calmed himself down and with a sigh he added.

"That is my resolution as a Gu master."

He activated his Gu Rainbow light for less than a tenth of a second, immediately hitting the door of the room.

Ma Shan Hu opened the door, he activated for another tenth of a second the Gu.

The Gu he used was exceptional, it was a movement rank 3 Gu whose effect was faster than even some rank 4 Gu masters, but it had many weaknesses.

Firstly, it covered one's eyes, secondly it was too fast, beyond a human's vision, thirdly it was too expensive on long durations and was restrictive of most methods to expand a human's constitution.

Yet, due to Ma Shan Hu precise and controlled moves, he managed to divert most of its weaknesses, as he activated for just the right moment to gain speed and to control its own movements.

That and thanks to the Gu's and special training he made since he was a child made him, unbelievably good on controlling his speed.

He moved at an incredibly speed, to finally reach to the battlefield.

An harmonious sound surged while he appeared, he already had activated a Killer Move.

Through a serie of quick movements, from his index and middle finger he created a blue flame, which moved freely like the wind.

Which he used to stab precisely, a hundred of his vital points.

Those 'slashes' and cuts it gave, were light, and even lighter to a creature that only received a quarter of the damage.

The spider attacked him, but he quickly activated for an instant the rainbow light avoiding the spider.

"Earth pulse."

A shockwave happened below the spider, then.

"Watery dirt."

Mud appeared from the ground, catching out off guard the spider.

"A chance!" Dio's eyes shone with a golden trace.

"Space Ripper Stingy eyes!"

Dio's eyes shone with a crimson aura, and a ray was shoot once more, this time, he pointed at one of the 'exposed' areas of the spider.

Ma Shan Hu didn't remain still, he also activated a technique.

"Everflowing muddy stream."

The water fluctuations became increasingly faster, a tiny waterspout appeared.

Naturally, the spider wasn't an idiot, upon noticing of his condition, he tried to drag in, who brought him there, Ma Shan Hu.

A web was shoot towards him, which he dodged by using Rainbow Light Gu.

Dio laughed heartily.

"Hah, hah, hah...

Even if you're immune to most damage, I wonder if you're immune to heat on itself?"

His palms began to vibrate at a shocking speed, he threw multiple heat waves towards that mutant spider, the muddy water began to heat up.

"Now, you'll be boiled alive by me, Dio!"

The spider struggled under the pain, due to that Moon Gu activation his power was rising rapidly, furthermore, due to the high condensation of harmonious Qi of Ma Shan Hu its mind was getting clearer and clearer.

As long as it eat one of them it would naturally awaken a mind of its own, together with an aperture.

Dio, didn't realize this, as his mind was completely focused on destroying it, but, Ma Shan Hu did.

He made a risk-it-all bet, during one of the threads it shoot, he purposely let himself be hit, then, he activated his armor.

It looked shiny and elegant, it carried a five-color intensity, and reflected pure and absolute order, as it all those contradictory Qi's were one.

Fire, Water, Earth and Wind and Light were one, under his control, he forged his own sword, his own armor, and now?

He condensed them all and expanded them, he was combining many Killer Moves into a new one.

His armor became increasingly denser, he then, activated his 'Rainbow Light' Gu which he forcefully condensed into his 5 stream aura.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

He dragged the mutated spider with his hands wide open, he was doing a truly risky bet, after all, this was a new Killer Move.

If any of his Gu or mind gave in even for an instant, the Killer Move would fail and he'd experience a potent backlash and die on the act.

At the same time, his Primeval Reserves were dropping at a lighting speed, he'd not last much like this.

Dio frowned, he wanted to interact but that huge condensation of Light Qi made him shiver, if he was careless he'd be burnt to a crisp too.

"Hah, hah, perhaps I'll die like this, like those who possess the Extreme Physique of the Blazing Glory Lighting Brilliance.

Like a mini-sun whose radiation evaporates everything on sight, hah, unfortunately, I'm too weak to do so, to become a sun, is an ambition only someone of your realm can accomplish.

So, why don't you become one instead?"

Saying this, he raised his arms wide open, he began to condense his shining armor onto a dense sphere of Qi.


A thunderous light shone at all corners, filling everything around it.

The stones, the grass, everything burn into ashes.


After the explosion, debris and silence came in, what was left on the battlefield after this intense battle?

The Gu of the Spider left its body on its own, after all, it was already at its limit, and it didn't knew how powerful would his remaining opponents be.

Ma Shan Hu, he was on the ground, exhausted beyond belief, he had already fallen unconscious but he had a huge smile on his face.

Whilst the spider, moved slowly towards Ma Shan Hu...

At the end, winner takes all.

But, suddenly from below the ground, Dio emerged, he laughed madly.

"I won!"

With a dense red ray, he beheaded the spider.

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