《Reverend Insanity(But it was me DIO!)》Chapter 6: First contact with the Gu masters.



Dio opened his eyes widely.

At some point, he lost conscience whilst he left the world's edge.

There were thousands of questions crossing through his head, for a brief instant, he saw a golden Cicada flowing through a seamless, almost eternal spring-green thin stream which extended almost indefinitely.

The farther Dio saw to his 'left', the more stable and thicker it became and its tone became brighter and brighter, pointing towards a pale green shine.

When he saw far enough, he could even notice some 'crystals' which revealed multiple fragments of a distant past.

Countless heroes, legends and tragedies were revealed in front of him, obviously he couldn't discern their meaning as he was seeing the result of millions of years of conflict, on every corner of the world.

At the other hand, when he looked at the right, the more chaotic it became with tiny drops of a peculiar fluid swinging up and down like a wave.

As it moved tiny sprouts were shoot outside the main river, before quickly being erased and replaced by new droplets of a darkish-green liquid.


Before Dio realized, there were multiples ripples and reactions within the river, as the cicada moved, the previous tides were erased from existence.

Such sudden change of the fluid provoked strange reactions around this 'river', multiple tsunamis befell on multiple other streams.

And quickly multiple tiny tornados appeared ripping apart this fluid.

Whilst this passed Dio could perceive the existence of multiple animals, which came from livestock like pigs to predators such as wolves.

They all released a continuous flux of a green aura, and the strongest among them even held a golden hair who distinguished them above the rest of the animals.

There was an stampede, the animals fell prey to panic, some began to attack others, some paralyzed in fear, some began to run and some even targeted Dio.

Fortunately the purple mantle on Dio's body, expanded by dozens of times, forming a dense dark purple barrier which withstood all the impacts for him.


At some point, Dio opened his eyes.

"Did it work?" Dio said slightly dazed, his head was experiencing a sharp headache.

He struggled to recall the details of what it happened inside of the River of Time.

The browns of Dio lowered, he felt some tiny vibrations before the ground, which even though would be imperceptible for any normal human, made him feel a profound sense of danger.

Instinctively he turned his head.

"Swoosh." A golden ray appeared out of nowhere, Dio raised his hands unconsciously.

"The hell?" An incredible huge force pushed his body, broke many of his bones and cuts on his flesh.

When the beam of light became thinner Dio saw that at the other side there was a 'wolf', this wolf had a golden sparkling fur and it had some strange red stripes all around its body.

Dio tilted his head slightly, looking slightly curious and amused at the creature.

"It seems there's all sorts of chimeras on this world, huh?"

He fixed his eyes at the beast, even though he wanted to crush the creature that had attacked him, he was very careful, after all he didn't knew what kinds of powers would a 'wild beast' on this world possess.

The beast attacked with powerful shockwaves, to try to paralyze Dio but he was mostly unfazed by this.

It also tried to release a potent electric from his fur.

It targeted his organs such as his lungs and heart, most likely to make him fall, slip or at best injure him critically, unfortunately all the damage he received was quickly repaired by Dio.


But that was natural, since Dio took that 'Immortal drink' he integrated himself with Jonathan's body, whilst the Lifespan Gu repaired all the internal damage of his body.

And lastly the other minor effects improved his eyesight, bone, muscular tissue and many other parts of him.

All those factors made him a force to be reckoned.

The creature looked at Dio fixedly, at this point it had already covered enough to charge itself towards Dio.


Dio looked at the wild beast with devilish eyes.

By relying on his own, and the wolf's own speed he managed to use his nails to gouge out one of its eyes, the wolf roared in pain.

As the beast fell prey to the shock Dio slapped his jaw, dislocating it.

Then, Dio grabbed the wolf by its neck, and it began to pierce it with his fingers and nails.

The wolf struggled and twisted under the pain, shock and fear, desperately it tried to escape from Dio's grasp.

"Useless, Useless, Useless."

Dio chuckled.

"I already figured out your limits, for starters, you only have one real attack which is your 'bolt charge.'

During the process of your 'charge' a golden beam surrounds your body allowing you to go on a speed over 300 km per hour.

This aura also protects you during this brief instant, in which you can tear apart the flesh of your target or sink your teeth on the neck of your prey, you can almost ensure an easy kill.

If you fail though, the sheer expenditure and exhaustion your muscle suffer makes you unable to use this move for around 20-25 seconds.

While your body recovers, you can only use other methods to paralyze your target with thunderous sounds or electric shock.

Hah, if you hadn't tried to kill me, I'd have taken you as my pet.

But, now?

Well, you broke many of my bones and made a lot of internal damage, and I need a lot of energy to repair the damage, so isn't natural if you take responsibility for the harm you caused?"

Dio laughed, the force of his grip became thrice as high.

He broke the neck of the wolf, and then began to drain its blood.

"mmm, even though human flesh is more suited for my Vampire body, I think wolf meat is fine too."

The ears of the Dio tingled.

"Oh, right, how could I forget?

Wolves go on packs, so, is natural that you're not the only one who is trying to devour me."

Dio turned his body, a wolf charged towards him.

"Right when he releases his 'charge bolt' I'll pierce its brain with my thumb."

But, contrary to his expectations the wolf passed past him.

And he wasn't the only one, the vibrations of the ground became bigger and bigger, Dio was somewhat confused.

"Are they running because of this earthquake?"

That was a likely possibility, after all, no animal was dumb enough to remain on their caves or hideouts when it was likely that they'd collapse.

Thus, when they left their hideouts it was natural that they attracted other animals who also attracted others and so on.

This could provoke a chain reaction which ended in multiple stampedes.

Dio frowned lightly, many lurking animals such as snakes, rabbits, horses and bulls began to run at all directions.

To add further confusion, he heard many explosions and thunderous sounds emerging at all directions.

Dio had a high attainment and hence he could use his sheer intuition to 'detect' the source of those anomalies, he sneakily began to walk towards source.


He did this because he felt that it was very likely that this stampede was man-made, after all, hunting groups on earth would normally do this to facilitate the hunting.

By scaring thousands of animals, they'd ensure that some would be hurt on the process, animals which they would then proceed to hunt.

"Let's see, if I see any humans, I'd try to convince them that I'm a wanderer, a traveler from many regions, and to give myself prestige I must show my abnormal strength which they'll assume that comes from the use of Strength Gu worms.

If they think that I'm a Gu master my status will be relatively high, and thus as long as I give a half-assed excuse such as I want to go the tavern, to relax myself after a long travel or that I wish to sell the skins of the animals I killed.

They'll probably believe my words, but if I perceive any evil intentions from them I should hypnotize, rob their Gu's, interrogate them, drink their blood, and lastly give the remaining pieces to the surrounding animals so even if they use a Gu to detect its remainings, they'll be on the stomach of a pig.

Which will destroy all the evidence."

Dio quickly analysed, he was actually quite used to such scenarios after all, he had already schemed against two men by poisoning them slowly.

But in fact, he actually had already been making his own personal arrangements.

For starters, he bought the equivalent to poison 10 men, not just one.

With the remaining poisons, he was planning to investigate the substances used, the quality of the material, the diversity of symptoms and how to create stealth poisons, and other things.

But, Fate had other plans for him, right before his parent died he gave him the road to success the Joestar mansion.

Here there were many persons and servants who were constantly cleaning and inspecting his room, if he had brewed any sort of poison they'd have figured out eventually.

So, helplessly he had to destroy all the materials, and had to start all over.

There he played as the 'nice boy', he knew that to get the right to inherit the property of the Joestars he had to be on the last will of his step-father.

He learnt about manners, calligraphy, popular culture, and other areas, to get his recognition and hence, he barely had the time to scheme against them.

Dio frowned.

"I should act quickly, even though is midnight I don't know when the sun will set, so, think quickly.

Let's see, if the humans are trying to hunt animals, perhaps I should go along with them?"

With this thought on mind, he looked at his surrounds, looking for many animals, then he found his target.

It was a white horse.

Dio quickly charged and jumped towards its back, the horse tried to kick him off, but Dio grabbed his neck and looked at him at the eyes and repeated like a mantra.

"I am your master and you shall follow my will."

The horse tried to resist, but quickly he fell prey to his hypnosis.

Dio, then proceeded to order the horse to run and follow the other animals.

"Hah, hah, hah.

This is really funny, it feels like in another world, I could have been a jockey!

But, I suppose it makes sense that I never mounted one, after all, horses are expensive and for the most part of my life I lived, no, I SURVIVED on the streets.

It was only when I got to the Joestars that I had such a chance, yet, I never used it.

My mind was too focused on becoming rich and standing above all, than enjoying my life, but that was just logical, I left a short-term gain to get a long term life of prosperity.

During that time I also meet Jonathan Joestar, Jojo.

He was weak on both mind and body, naive to the point of stupidity, he was so pathetic that I thought that I could break his will and make it a submissive good-for-nothing second-hand inheritor with ease.

But, a flame within his heart that I failed to notice became brighter and brighter under the difficulty, eventually he stood up on the same ground than me, Dio.

Each time when I was at the verge of success he stood against me and won on all but the last occasion.

He's worthy of respect, even after his death his lingering will still stood on my way, if it wasn't for him, the Joestars wouldn't have awakened their Stands.

But, here I wonder, what's our bond truly real?

Previously my mind was blinded, likely due to Heaven's will influence, which altered my wills and emotions, but...

If I think about it, did I truly make those 'choices' on the first place?

I always took the 'logical' choice, for example, going to the Joestar mansion had clearly greater prospects than to become a stealth killer.

My decision to destroy Jojo's self esteem was rather logical.

Yet, without even ever realizing wasn't I driven towards that mask?

All sorts of coincidences happened so I would get that mask, and after multiple fights the mask was destroyed, and new Hamon masters emerged.

The descendant of the Joestars, Joseph Joestar defeated Ultimate Kars someone who affected the world's balance.

So, to speak of, wasn't the purpose of my 'existence', that the Joestar family could stop Kar's ambition?

Taking a step further, right before my fight with the Joestar I left a last will of some sorts.

If I failed, I wanted that someone such as Pucci would inherit my will and so at least, someone achieved true 'Heaven.'

Yes, I lied to him, saying that it was for a greater 'mankind' purpose, as he was a man that followed the will of God.

I thought that he, well, I have a personal belief than most 'altruists' are so, merely because they lack the ability to give themselves meaning through their actions.

To me, they're like shallow attention-seekers who are driven by a 'grander' purpose, such as saving a child or baby, as they believe that the baby may be 'someone' and thus, by saving them, his life was actually worth something.

Thus, if the same people that would sacrifice their lives to save a child were given the chance to acquire the power of for example the Vampire mask they'd sacrifice the child to acquire its strength.

That is because they now have a 'value' which doesn't depend on anybody else.

And for the timidest of people, they also play pretend and fool themselves into thinking that this is done for a greater good.

I'll overthrow this government to save my 'people', hah, hah, hah.

That is done so that in case they fail, they can at least left behind the 'legacy' that they actually were altruist, heroic even.

But that is a mere disguise to hide their egoism and inner nature.

Still, it seems that Pucci is truly the same kind of men than Jojo, perhaps I didn't notice because I was careless, or due to Heaven's will interaction.

But the point is.

Pucci aimed for a 'Heaven', in which everything is predestined and nobody can move away from their Fate not even on the slightest detail.

So, on other words, Pucci was going to become a lap dog demigod, which would create perpetual 'stability' forever, without a chance to ever change or stop this..."

Dio smiled bitterly.

"The signs were obvious, for example my Heaven plan was established by using the 'clues' I managed to gather from Jonathan's Stand which was filled with Heaven's will."

He gritted his teeth."And that's not all.

That puppet Stand, even though it carried the 'scent' of the Joestars, it also felt oddly familiar...

I suppose that the Heavens also arranged those earthly desires that I pent up for a whole century..."

While he was immersed on his own thoughts, a flashing white light woke him up back to reality.

An strange Lizard of over 10 meters tall charged towards him, followed by an even bigger spider.

A black sphere was shoot from one of the 'eyes' of the odd Lizard.

A loud static noise surged, which quickly began to become insignificant.

"Wanderer, I don't know who you're, but you seem to be very powerful, so please on behalf of my Ma Tribe let us a hand.

Of course, it won't be for free, I and my group we guarantee that you'll be rewarded accordingly.

You'll take over 5,500 Primeval Stones and countless of my rank 1 and rank 2 Gu recipes, including our newest specialty the 'Primeval condenser Gu.'

I'll also give you half the slaves I possess on this Gu house and if you will it, this includes the prettiest of my courtesans.

In fact, I let this 'Reinforced Audio Recorder Gu' as a proof of my sincerity.

If I, Ma Shan Hu fail to meet my own promise, then I am no longer fit to be the next successor of my grand Ma tribe!

With this proof and recorded audio, you know I can't afford to lie, as doing so would remove my status as a young master, this is the greatest proof of my sincerity.

Attentively Ma Shan Hu."

His tone was calm and even earnest, but Dio felt a huge rage upon hearing those words.

"You piece of shit, you are using that noisy, loud audio to drive that gigant spider towards me!"

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