《Seducing the Ladies Around Me》Chapter 21 - Silver Lady


Chapter 21 - Silver Lady


Malisa became a bit distraught as she pondered on what to do. Unable to come to resolution, she turned towards Jia Chin and spoke to him about her worries.

"Leon... I don't think that we could get it sold today. I will try coming back a few days later.

Jia Chin had heard Malisa's talk with the guard just earlier and couldn't help but ask her,

"But, he said that you could meet that person, right? I don't think that we should be returning back empty handed."

Malisa somehow became even more unease at Jia Chin's words as she asked him,

"You would be left alone that way. This place isn't really a safe one at all. What would I do if something happened here while I was inside?"

Jia Chin tried to give his sister-i-law a reassuring smile as he confidently spoke to her,

"Sister-in-law, you really are worrying to much. Even if this place is a little weird and creepy, I can hold out here for a while at least."

Malisa had a bad premonition that Jia Chin would become embroiled into something troublesome as soon as she left her side. She couldn't help but chide him softly,

"Then.. should I really go? You must stay really vigilant then! Don't trust anyone and don't move from this place. If anyone strange approaches you, then ignore them and try running away from the place if it cannot be helped."

Jia Chin became a bit surprised at how much concern his sister-in-law had for him. Even if he knew that the concern was for the previous Leon and not for him, Jia Chin still couldn't help but feel very happy inside.

"O-Ok then. I will be good here. I hope."

Malisa wasn't really satisfied with Jia Chin's response, but she decided to meet the owner of the auction house after all.

Jia Chin watched her go into a tunnel some distance away while he was left standing there all alone.

In reality though, shady places like these were the bread and butter of thieves and bandits. These were the perfect spot to diagnose off their stolen goods.

Having been a somewhat successful thief in his previous life, he was too used to places like these. In fact, he almost felt more in tune with places like these than some bustling marketplace.

And while standing near the closed auction tunnel, Jia Chin couldn't help but notice a few individuals going into a tunnel next to him. He concentrated hard and tried to pick up their conversation to avoid being bored all alone.

"The organs were all very fresh. I think that we might get a very good price for them."


"I think so too. We really have it a bit too much trouble getting our hands on thee things. Apparently Dark Sorcerers need that stuff so bad that they even start to act like crazy. A shame that it is not so easy to fulfill the overwhelming demand for this good. It is not so easy to get so many little ones nowadays. The guardians really guard them very well."

"But, not everyone is so careful with the little ones nowadays too, you know? How do you think we got this one? There is a very strict criteria for it to be from a still breathing one, that is the reason why it is so hard to get. Most of them just bleed to death before we could even do something about it."

Jia Chin stopped overhearing anything beyond that and shut down his cute senses to not pick up something disgusting. He knew of the Devil Cultivators from his previous world who indulged in such dark arts, however he wasn't very enthusiastic about it at all.

The thought of silencing these guys forever did surface in his mind, before he let it go, since his opponents would certainly be much more powerful than them.

'Well... If I can check their info with the system, I can certainly know about their strengths and weaknesses.' Jia Chin thought to himself as he looked at those guys again.

While Jia Chin was distracted by this event, he filed to notice someone running towards him as the said person ended up colliding with the distracted Jia Chin in one of the most inhumane ways possible, as both the person and Jia Chin tumbled down to the floor.

Jia Chin had been hit square in his groin area somehow and while trapped within such a painful situation he still tried to bear through the intense pain. As he looked down towards his chest to scold the person, the person's cloak was pushed back as it revealed a masked woman's face.

Although her entire face wasn't visible in this case, the visible features of her face, like her eyes, nose, eye brows, face contours.. everyone of them painted her unasked beauty which seemed to be very enchanting. And all of that beauty being hidden away by her from the lusty eyes of the perverted men of the world.

Like an angel hiding herself in the plane of mortals.

There was one thing that brought Jia Chin from his dazed state, and that was the presence of tears running down her face.

As the woman looked at the dazed Jia Chin, she swiftly pushed something to him and quietly spoke,

"I don't think that I can hold them back for much longer. Please.. hide her and keep her safe. I will come back to get her soon."


Before Jia Chin could even speak up to her, the woman stood up and ran into one of the other tunnels. Not long after that, few armored men ran into the hall followed by an extremely angry old man.

The old man was wearing a strange robe covered from head to toe in various runes and arrays.

"Darn it! That bitch must not escape. Sold goods belong to the respective owners. W-We cannot afford to offend them! Quick! Spread out and search! She still must be hiding somewhere around here. Don't let her get away, you morons!"

Upon hearing the words of the old man, the armored men spread out as they started to search and inspect the tunnels in a rush.

Before they could approach Jia Chin though, he quickly shoved the child inside his robes and stood up as he held her close to his belly. He arranged it so as to give an impression of a fat guy holding his belly due to some discomfort.

Due to the poor quality of the cloak, Jia Chin didn't attract the attention of others, as he started to wonder about what just happened to her.

'That woman from earlier.. she must have wanted to rescue this child from some ill fate. If I return her to those men, surely the fate of this little fellow would be worse than I could even imagine. I am sure that they would not let her stay alive. And if those Mage freaks got their hands on her..'

Jia Chin's body shuddered as he imagined the poor fate of the child that he was holding.

"N-No! I absolutely refuse to participate in such a vile affair. Hah.. let's just keep her hidden and bring her out from this messy place. Hopefully her guardian would come back to get her back soon..'

Jia Chin didn't even get a proper look at the child yet, as she was covered up in a cloth when she was handed over to him. In the end, he decided to keep a lid on the affair, as he wanted to let the child a chance to live, rather than ending up becoming a strange potion ingredient somewhere.


Malisa's body was strangely tense as she went deeper into the tunnel. It wasn't her first time here though, as she knew exactly what was at the end of the tunnel.

After a bit of time, the tunnel opened up into a somewhat large room illuminated by Magic artifacts surrounding the room in every direction. All kinds of luxurious and strange artifacts, along with a few weapons were being show cased on the walls of the room, as they radiated a mysterious aura around them.

They weren't the most attractive feature of the place though, as a huge bed was positioned in the center of that room.

The bed wasn't vacant either, as two individuals were having the time of their live on top of it. At least from the moans they were releasing, one of them was loving it for sure.

Two women were busy piling their bodies on the top of each other. One of the woman was busy teasing the other with an artificial organ attached to her. It was a fake one for sure, but the woman being teased was screaming in a mixture of delight and agony, as her eyes had become completely unfocused and saliva dripped down from the side of her sensual lips.

Both of the ladies were beauties in their own right, but the one with the fake organ had an even more impressive beauty.

Her body wasn't slim but very toned instead, as some muscles were visible on her arms, legs and abdomen. Her eyes had a crazy look full of desire as her hips kept teasing the vulnerable woman underneath her. Her silver colored hair bounced around according to the movements from the woman.

Without stopping for a moment to rest, the muscular woman turned her head towards Malisa a she winked towards her and licked her lips before she spoke,

"Hey there Mali. Wanna join us right now? I will surely send you straight into the paradise."

Malisa felt very bothered by the strange offer and would have decapitated her if she was someone else. Unfortunately, the woman in front of her had always been like that, ever since Malisa was first introduced to her.

Malisa sighed heavily and took out the Monster Core from her bag, placing it on a table beside her as she spoke to the woman,

"I came here to sell this urgently. Give me any price you think is appropriate. I will be leaving soon."

The silver haired woman smirked as she deeply kissed the vulnerable red haired woman underneath her and continued the kiss for a while, before she finally broke the kiss, leaving the woman beneath her absolutely breathless.

She then turned to look at Malisa and said,

"Playing hard to get, are you now? Well, it's alright. Someday... I will get you m*aning under me just like this one. I am dying to have a taste of your sweetness, Mali."

Malisa tried to ignore the woman's words and instead started to observe the artifacts on the wall of the room.


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