《Soul For Gaia》08. One After Another
Author note : Can't do with double chapter, sorry!
The morning at Adali is not much different from other usual morning, the sky looks clear without clouds and make the sunlight shine brilliantly. Truely nice morning the sign of another good days.
Even so, there is a slight change in the daily lives in Adali. For example there's lot of people in the tavern talk about The Kingdom army’s who make camp stastion not far fom their towns wall. It's been over a month they stationed there, makes lot of people speculate from a good thing till the worse thing. And from history learn by them self, they know this is the sign of the worse thing that gonna happen. This confirmed by the presence of three Pillar Knight, so the thought that the war will happen is exists on the people mind. Even though they don't think Elvia gonna lose the war, they start to worry, upset and complained that staples price begin to rise in Adali... especially the housewife.
Azel for different reasons also felt upset and somehow fret right now. He find himself waking up on bed room of an inn at Adali, also find Kain that sitting in char not far from him.
Kain explains everything that happened last night, starting from the Elf who saved them up to about the beautiful kind heart Elf captain excusing him for what happen to Kalpa tree and even give them accommodation here.
Kain explains with a big smile on his face talking about captain Elf this and that, makes Azel a little irritated because he doesn't look like someone who just robbed. However that's not the main thing that make him feel that way.
He was angry to himself who made blunder in judgment that put him on this situation, the attack from the east and west is another decoy to make them panic. Feels the situation unfavorable and make the enemy retreat. In that kind of situation flee towards Adali in north is the most logical choice and that's where the real ambush await them, a simple war strategy but sill effective.
He’s angry for this blunder, not only he become far to weak but also his sense become dull makes him more upset. Still, that's not the main issue here...
"So that's what happen... "
"Yes zel-chan! Lady Odesha even give 200 silv for us freely use! She really kind don't you think!!?"
"Whatever, now let us go... we hunt them before its to late"
"What do you mean zel-chan?"
"I know who... and if I'm not mistaken, tomorrow is the deadline fo us to get our rings back. So right now we race against time!"
"Should we inform the Town Guard’s or the kingdom knight’s!?"
"No doubt they will find them, but most likely they will prioritize the issue of eyota. Besides if we can do it ourself why are we asking for their help? This our shit to begin with!"
"But lady Odesha give us 200 silv, isn't it rude to ignore her like this?"
"HaH! I have something worth more than money inside my Carrier! Don't you have something to deliver too?"
"Well yes.... but still... "
"Let's go! I bet woman like her dislike useles man! You should start to be responsible towards yourself"
"... Okay... but you know, even she kind... she kinda scary"
Then with that they left the inn, the main issue why Azel so worried is because he still clearly remember what happen last night. After Kain drink the remedy potion and gain his strength back, Azel tell him this was an ambush and they need to get away fast. He throw smoke bomb right and left after few second they run to north but soon after they enter the forest he feel something piercing his left arm and leg and with kain fall on his right.
That time, he fully aware that he already fall into enemy trap. With shadow armor on his left hand the needle can be stop but the one on the leg make him bit lump. With the Eyota there, means the worse case the will be killed. Should he take remedy potion and fight to the end?
The answer is NO, this is an ambush! the chance is slim, even he do confidence about kill few of them but if he end up dead that mean no no no.
Let's play dead for now, then who know they just let them go and make this like robber jobs! Then after few minutes lying on the ground and try to continue to maintain his consciousness, he sense and hear something fall on the ground one two three.... it more than teen and its walk slowly closer to them.... Azel take a look from his line sleepy eyes.
Short man, light green skin.... some of them bald wearing leather armor..... bow and bamboo stick..... it’s Goblins.
"Heh heeh heh heh heh this hard to catch but in the end, well done heh heh heh heh!"
"Yeah heh heh heh heh who know they run all night, I'm nearly give up cause they run so fast and this nearly Adali heh heh heh heh"
"What are you talking about there's no way we give up, the client offer us a huge money just for rings heh heh heh heh but you quite right because they stop here makes us can do this more easily heh heh heh heh"
"But what with that monster? Isn't it supposed to be no monster around the Kalpa tree because that flowers? We also planting it near our hiding place, is that mean the flower didn't work anymore?"
"Hmmm that centipede, I'm never seen that kind monster around here.... but who cares heh heh heh heh what important right now is the money heh he heh heh!"
"Yeah heh heh heh huge prize money only for the rings, that's mean we can take other than ring right? heh heh heh heh?"
"Yeah heh heh heh heh this weird request from weird mask man, they probably not want their face seen by us but who cares! heh heh heh money is justice!"
They rise they arms and shout, the race create by Mountain God has known for their greed. Even after the death of their God, they still hold dear their moto...... not very much different from human.
"Yessss heh heh heh heh this is jackpot! look this sword! probably worth hundred Gald!!! heh heh heh heh!"
"Hey this guy have more than one ring! the client said two right? one from each of them?"
"Just take it! who know our client gonna pay DOUBLE!!! heh heh heh heh heh!"
"you right! heh heh heh what a lucky night, clean this place cause we don’t want trouble with local!!!"
"Yea, let's done this quick! With the kalpa tree being burn black, the town guard will come soon! and leave them alone our ancestor promised the Queen we never take life if we want to live here!"
"Yes yes actually this kind of job is really have high risk! Damn that mist monster, to make us lost our job! but heh heh heh heh money still justice!!!"
"Yes yes yes yes!"x many
With that Azel confirm the situation, this goblin is just a simple robber and not planing to kill them. Now what he gonna do? fight them? No! with his conscious that start to fade little by little that's not an option. But at last he gonna need clue to find them later! So Azel rise up and grabbed goblin neck that stand near him like trying to strangle him, the goblin scream!'He still awake!!!' and soon Azel fell pain at his back.... that's how the days end!
The mask client that goblin talked last night make Azel worry, obviously the client is one of hunter they meet in Edda. If somehow the deal happen today, that means 'the end' and Its gonna be immpossible for anyone to find the ring.
That's why Azel said 'we race against time', well this can become more easy if Azel summon 'Gate' his loyal servant. With his ability, hijacking the Kalpa tree to perform deep scan on entire Jansen area to find goblin will very much be easy to done in one day.
But that will be his very last option, asking his servant to find stolen good's for him? furthermore this all because he being robbed by bunch of goblin? the answer is no! even there's thing worth hundred thousands gald inside there, the answer still no! He will not let himself lose face in front of his loyalist, no matter what as master he should keep his dignity.
A shouting merchant slap Azel mind back to Adali earth, before he realize he already in the middle of the town main road with Kain behind him. The voice came from merchant that standing on wooden box to make his voice can be hear louder, lot people gathering around him like wait for something.
Most of them is human and Animus but there also some Half breed elf. Look like something intresting gonna happen, so Azel and Kain stand still for listening.
"We have KOI meat! fresh from Magnild!"
"OHH!!!"x many
"BUT!!! because the recent SITUATION and CONDITION! we gonna SELLING IT! with PRICE 20 SILV for 100 GRAMS!!!
Suddenly there's turmoil on the people who gather, some of them even yell for objection.
"WHAT THE? that four times from normal price! are you trying to trick us!!!?"
"If any of you have complain! Then said that to the Mist Monster and the towns guard!!!"
"I think YOU are the Mist Monster here!!!! you Fraud!!!"
"If YOU have some BALLS!!! why don't YOU go to Magnild and hunt the Koi YOURE self instead of complaining about how thin your wallet is! PUSSHHYY!!!!"
The situation soon fall into heat and chaos, the town guard come to cool it down not long after. Azel quite disappointed for the town guard that come to fast. The sight of a single merchant versus half of his buyer is rare to be seen....
'ckk what a waste! they come when the thing got interesting! I mean look! even the merchant got nose bled, he manage to hit KO few of his costumer! that beautiful uppercut send the balless flying! awesome! He's the MAN!'
After the situation cool and calm down, The nosebleeds merchant now began to sell his merchandise, assisted by associates of his who also earlier tried to break up the fight. Even do complain the costumer still makes line and buy it. Make's Azel wonder what is this Koi thing? he seems ever hear of it but...
That sound of stomach is not come from him, the blonde aside of him watch the line while bite his index finger and said.
"Ahhh I think its nice to eat Koi.... *growwlll*!!"
"Fine fine fine! Let us go to tavern first, we can eat while gathering information there!"
"Yes hehehehehe sorry zel-chan! but you sleep for 6 hours! I'm not dare to leave you cause the elf said you gonna wake up soon!"
"I gotta lot needle than you! And they do not inject the antidote to me, cheapskate civil servants."
Then they both go into the town square just to find another commotion, this time an apple merchant give glare to a... monster? no! its have claw, fang, tail and body like a lizard.... lizardman.... and it still a child.
The merchant give cross hand pose lecturing the lizardman child with a loud voice and the child only hold his hand while looking on the ground. No one helping the child and from the whisper around Azel know that the child who wrong for stealing apple.
Before he decided anything Kain just walk towards the merchant to complain.
"I'm sorry sir! I think you going to far! He just a kid! can you let it go?"
"What? if you protect the theif then you also one of them! I can't tolerate this! this has happened three times on this week!"
"It doesn't mean he did it all of that! right kid!?"
"Ummm sorry... this my second time.... "
"Eh?... well at last he be honest"
"Hah! Look’s like even fail creation can be honest! but he still a theif!"
"WAHAT! Watch words sir! Every creation is equal in front of Gaia!"
"Bah! I'm not part of Gaia church! I worship forest God! Gaia is already dead!"
"WHAT are you talking about! Gaia create the Gods! Gaia is Eternal!!!"
'The fuck? what with this two? why this suddenly turn into debate about God? what about the fuckind apple? it look like Kain already lose the sight of the problem, are he trying to pick a fight with the local? are he retard? most people here is forest God worshiper y'know!
Look they start gather around y'know! haaaaah fine I'm in, I'm not want to slaughter them all just because some apple(actually its opposite), beside I think we can use this kid. Lizardman is race create by Dragon God, even label as fail creation that's only for the appearance'.
While thinking a good idea, Azel walking toward the pile of apples that on sale and grab one of it.
"Oi oldman, how much for one apple?... the pole sign here said 30 zell, is that true?"
"What!? can't you see the situation here? ... well yeah its true!"
"Zel-chan this man..."
"Quite it blonde!!! You make things more worse! Don't you want to save this child? why did it turn to be debate betwen religion? Have more respect!"
"Well I... uhh... ... you right zel-chan... I'm sorry sir!"
With that one case is done, looks like the oldman also not seek anymore trouble. But the main case bout the apple still make him look's upset.
So Azel carefully chose for words he about to say, make's the merchant fully understand his good will. So after short explanation story, the merchant say is he has already lost seven pieces apple this week.
"Hmmm fine then, how about 3 silv and we make this water under the bridge"
"Listen young man this not about money, this kid already done it twice. Who can guarantee he will not be doing this thing again?"
" 10 silv... "
"... wee welll I told you, th this not about money... ... "
" 20 silv and I’ll talk to his parent..... deal?(kiss my ass of course this all about money!)"
"... sure... fine take him with you and you can take that's apple too! hahahaha! you know how to make a deal!"
After pay 20 silv the merchant show them a huge smile, Kain somehow protest due to the price they paid is ten times bigger but Azel just quickly drag him along with the kid said it was nothing and this for greater good.
After the distace between them and the merchant is quite long then Azel stop to look at the lizadman kid. If somehow he don't know about lizadman race he already thought this child is a monster, they do look like monster... even with clothes and pants. The tail that comes out of his pants is downcast like a loser dog... sad.
"Alright kid, what say you?"
"I... I'm sorry... and and thank you... "
"It okay, right zel-chan! just don't do it ever again!"
'Huh, like you have right to said that blonde! You nearly screw the situation! I had enogh dealing with kid... you include'
"Huh, what you called brat?"
"Remi sir..... please don't tell my parent... I ... I... "
"Well, I make sure you still gonna pay it... with your body"
"Ehh you know I'm a girl? umm umm"
"WAIT ZEL-CHAN! you pervert! no! you amoral! and even though you already have Emeline yesterday and now"
"Wha!? what the hell? don't missinterprent my words blonde! that's not what I mean, and what fuck this thing with Emeline?"
"I mean you *growwl*... ahhhh I'm hungry.... "
"Fuck that! let's go to restaurant! and you brat you gonna help us to find goblin after this!"
"Ahh yes sir... "
And they start looking for a place to eat while Kain said no more while his stomach singing and the Lizard girl follow them obidently from behind.
Soon they find a nice place and choose sat near the window, Azel invites the lizard kid to eat with them because she was just standing outside and hesitate to come in. It’s pain, so Azel just drag her again.
"Welcome! may I have your order!"
A beautiful Elf waitress comes and greets them wearing chinese red dress with long cut on her skirt... looking that Azel mind fly for a while and pull back by Kain stomach song. He just realize this place does have Chinese style on decoration...
‘Woah the line eye’s from mainland has invade the world! or perhaps the freak of central alliance, Ishtora more precisely’
"Can you stop your stomach song for a while?"
"What we gonna order zel-chan? well I'm fine with anything as long it delicious"
"Listen when people talking!"
"Huhuhuhu you both funny, are you traveler?"
"Nah, call us tourist! we just arrive from Edda"
"I see I see, are you looking for local food? We do have koi, but the price will be double cause the current situation"
"Koi eh? Hmmm... sure, I want to know what is this Koi thing is. Wait, you serve meat?"
"Of course, our customer not always elf’s and the idea of this place is based of restaurant that owner see in Ishtora!"
"I know it, He would have got inspiration there"
"The price is 50 Silv, are you fine with that?"
Azel surprised by the price, because from what he hear earlier the original price for raw meat is 5 silv for 100 grams. If she said the dish price is double its mean the original price is 25 silv and even 5 silv enough to buy fine dish.
Make him become more curious and order it along with other menu to make it 70 silv, Kain once again protest because the money they have is decrase more than half in just few hour. But Azel just said if all going well they can get back their ring today with his plan. Hearing that Kain just nod and silence in agree, though his stomach said different language.
Not long waiting and the Koi is come, its a... brick? rectangle and red like a brick..????? of course its meat serve like steak pour with white sauce, but... it still look like a brick... small brick.
"Woahh its smell so goood"
"Did you ever eat this Koi thing?"
"Ehh? wha? you never have one zel-chan? I think you should have the first bite!"
"Emm... sure"
Azel took a little piece of the meat with spoon and start to chew it, the meat melt in his mouth give him feeling like his tongue is being twist by the sweetness and hot sensation at the same time followed by the savory meat flavor with raging taste.
Delicious make his 50 silv worth to spend, also he immediately know and remembered the taste of this meat.
"... its Carp?... ahh ya, in Japan Carp is called koi huh? but why here?... oh well"
"How it zel-chan?"
"You can have half of it"
Kain immediately dig in with rice on his plate and Azel offer another half of it to the kid but she decline.
"Why no?"
"We always eat koi if my father return from hunting it! so.... I'd rather the chiken sir!"
"Thank you!... by the way, you said you want me to help you to find goblin?"
"Yeah, we were robbed by them last night. Do you know something about it? A goblin group or village or hideout? anything is fine as long its connect to goblin.
"Well there few goblin village near here"
"I see hmmmm we only got 110 silv left, I hope this enough to bribe them"
‘... no khuhuhuhu only one of them is enough and if not hehehehehe’
Goblin people is like huge family, so they know each other very well and work like mafia who rely on connection to one after another. Furthermore has thing called brotherhood! if you look like this, they do realy look like fearsome MAFIA!... but.
Because the goblin greed nature they often easily being bribe, not only that. Most of them is willing to do anything for money even betrayed their brotherhood, because for them money is Justice!
Probably due to the mountain God create them like that, race with the lowest hierarchy who always become lackey of the Dwarf the more smart one. But now with the Mountain God death, they free to roam across the land... and captured to became slave in lot of country.
Azel gonna take advantage of it and try to bribe some of them. If somehow the bribe didn’t work he just beat the crap of them, of course he know this gonna end up ugly. Azel do believe last night is an exception because the ambush, but in real clean fight he confident to beat them all.
Llisten Kain, most likely we gonna headed to battle field after this. So don't eat to much or... "
"Excuse me! more rice please!!!"
"Listen when people talking!"
And then they finish their meal and went outside, Kain somehow do overkill with the food. He said it been a while he not eat meat, Azel want to angry but seeing he look’s all fine. So he just let him go with words 'you have rubber stomach or something?'
"Goblin eh? So we gonna search them all one by one? are you sure Zel-chan?"
"Hmmm there's something I want to make sure first, you name Remi right?"
"Ye yes sir!"
"Can you tell something from smell on my hand?"
The lizardman kid sniff Azel hand and she tell she can smell goblin from it. Some race create by Gods, has very sharp senses equal to living animal like dog, snake and etc. But doesn’t mean they live with that kind of senses always, unlike the animals, they can be increased-lose their sensory acuity. To be use when it need.
"Can you trace it? if no just tell differentiate also be great help!"
"Well... even its faint... I think I can smell same thing from around here in the town!"
"Eh!? zel-chan? is that mean?"
"Wait blonde, kid are you sure it from around here?"
"Yes! not only that! I can tell the smell both of you mix with it come from weaponry district"
Azel with blank face never thought this will happen. To think the Goblin is selling their weapon day after they stole it, and what's more selling in the city where the victim headed? Their greed know no bound, he glad they moron.
"Alright then let's go!"
Without wasting any time, hey quickly headed to weaponry district. On there, Remi point her finger at a weapon shop. And when they enter it, they find 2 goblin argue with the shop owner.
"What you mean by that oldman? are you saying this sword is fake?"
"No! this sword definitely have good quality both of it! but this Gladius is made from Admantite, this not from around here! where the hell you get it!!!?"
"We told you we found it on the forest! it just laying there!"
"That's mean this was a lose good's! you should bring this to the town's guard! besides judge by quality this Gladius probably worth over 300 Gald! the owner must be seeking of it"
"REALLY! wow that a lot of money heh heh heh heh heh!"
"Just wait, I'm gonna call the town's guard!"
"Wait wait wait, I think the honor should be on us! Heh heh heh heh all we need to do is bring it to the town's guard right? heh heh heh heh"
"Yes yes yes, heh heh heh heh they gonna pay us dearly heh heh heh!"
"... are you sure you not stealing this?"
"Wha? what are you talking oldman! we kind heard person who wanna return the lose stuff to its owner heh heh heh of course they gonna pay us right heh heh heh"
"Is that true????... you just about to sell it though?"
"You have no evidace! we just don't know the value, that why we though it junk! heh heh heh heh heh we no theif!"
Wacthing this a vein pop on Azel forehead and with evil smile along with tongue waving out, he put his right hand on Goblin shoulder.
"Yeahhhh you not theiffff youu just fuckindd robbeeeeerrr haaaaahhh!"
"Ahh the strangler demon!!!!!!"
Both goblin attemps to run but Azel already cast 'Shadow lock' 2nd tier dark magic to prevent one of them escape. Shadow Lock is useless against more strong opponent but these Goblin probably on Intermediate Expert so its work very well. He told Kain to let one of them escape so Kain just stand and watch Azel knockout one of them.
"Ahhhh why I can't move!!!??? uhhhkk!"
"One down! Kain explain the situation to shop owner here, after that follow me by trace scent. I'm gonna tailing those one!"
Then Azel run out from the shop to catch the one who escape, actually he already cast shadow lock at him but not active it. He extend his shadow make it look like string that reach for 300 meters, makes the target cannot hide as long it still attached to it.
And just like his predicted the goblin run out the town, that was good this mean the town guard can not intervene.
Soon the Goblin stops under a big tree, there are two other Goblin who was sleeping there like waiting. Seeing that Azel activated his shadow lock before he wake them and run as fast as he can toward them.
"Hei Hei HEEI wake up!!! this seriuoUSSS!!"
"hah? what is???"
"its the human we robbed last night he ukkkkhhhh I I can't move!!!!"
"HAH? what with that shadow tentacle??? eh?"
"Quarto Gravity!!!"(Azel shout from the distance)
"Ahhh my body is heavy!!!!!"
"hmmmaaaaahhh what are you two doing?....hmm!!!?...There human run toward us!!!!"
Azel give the remain 'just awake' goblin clean uppercut (mimicing the merchant) that send him flying few meters above ground and before the Goblin kiss the soil, he give another round kick make the Goblin face flat with the tree. After that he turn toward the remaining two.
"You fucker!!! Prepare to DIEEEEEE~!!!!"
A beautiful sunny day in Adali forest, truely nice day to go on picnic. But it looks like today is the worse day for three goblin that walk along two young man behind them. These three Goblin walk with hands tied to the back and also their neck is tied with ropes held by black-hair youth, those three Goblin body cover in bruise and wound even one of them is having nosebleed.
Once in awhile the black-hair youth will kick them said they are slow and insult them for whatever reason, but the blone one always look's upset for what the black-hair doing, tell him to treats them with more humane.
"Listen small dick BASStard!!! if you dare mislead us to wrong place other than your hideout! I'm gonna broke your BONE! S-L-O-W-L-Y~ start from your HanD!!!"
"Zel-chan don't be to cruel! they already surrender! I think we need to give them a rest and heal them with the potion they carry! we Already walk for 2 hours non stop, seems that we the bad guy's here"
"heh heh heh heh heh"x3
"What the fuck you Laughing maggot!!! Don't be fooled by the sweet words of this blonde!!! A few days ago, he barely made a minor girl selling her own body just to save his own ass!"
"What you talking Zel-chan!!! Emelin doing it on her own!!!!"
Kain protest to Azel statement, but the Goblin...
"What!!!? so it's true!!? shame on you blonde!!! how could you do that to a minor!"
"Yeah! you blonde demon! We may be a robber but we never doing something like that to a minor! you amoral bastard!"
"Yeah! you probaby wanna beat us too after healing us! because you don't have a chance to do it cause we already beat down when you came!"
"yes yes yes!"x3
"Wha? You wanna make me beat you right now!!?"
"Just be quiet morron!"
Kain come along with Remi few minutes after he beat the goblin down, He also brought their sword and said the weapon shop owner already has a feeling something like this might happen.
The owner gonna take care the one Goblin in his shop and report it to Towns Guard, he then told Kain to not worry and go to his friend side. Like the original plan Azel want to do this alone whitout help from towns guard, and because this gonna be dangerous. He said goodbye to Remi After give her the rest of their money to her, ofcourse she refuse it at first but Azel said she really helpful and this was nothing and Kain also agree. Hearing that Remi sincerely accept it with tear on her eye, bow and words of thanks.
"Oi bastard! are we there yet!!!?"
"Nearly sir! we will arrive in few minutes!"
"Heh heh heh heh"x3(whisper)
Their attitude suddenly got more confidence, of course Azel predict this. If somehow they walk in ambush again, he just make these three into meat sheild or he can cut away the leg of one of them to make it as living bait.
Their order definitely crumble and make more easy to wipe them out in one go, if not? they just back and bring the towns guard~ win win solution!
But their attitude indeed annoying, so Azel kick them again. This time Kain just stand silent, not say anything but look away.(C'mon Kain! Kick them!)
After 15 minutes walking, Azel saw Artemis flower. That’s means the shit is closer, he make a warn gesture to Kain so make him more alert. But the Goblin looks uneasy and panic, Azel hear them whisper.
"Hey why don't they attack yet? we already this close, the guard should see us coming"
"Are they sleep? I mean last night do exhausting"
"Don't be stupid, there's always man who stand guard. Our leader must be think another plan because we captured"
"Yes yes yes, is that means its okay to bring them in?"
"Let's circle around to give them more time"
"Yes yes yes yes"
Hearing that, Azel knockout those three.
"What useless bastard, did they even tryin to whisper?"
"Zel-chan, are you sure about this?"
"You hear them too, right? they not gonna get us anywhere closer more than this, but the hideout must be around here. That Artemis flower is the sign, so let's look more of this flower. The more we seen the closer we got, Get it?"
"You right zel-chan, and I think we should be more careful from now on"
"I know"
Azel and Kain walk slowly from trees to trees, and once awhile look around up and down right and left. And not long after, they seen something unusual or more like a weird scene.
Bunch of Goblin lying on the ground, he see campfire that already off. are they sleep? no! some of them holding a broken weapon in weird way while the other have opened white eye and white buble cameout from his mouth... this...
"Are they dead zel-chan?"
"I don't know, but the one who did this is a pro. Not many signs of resistance... very efficient"
Before they make another move, a goblin fall from above with a huge sound and he’s split blood from his mouth. For awhile he mutter a few words and like tryin grab something from empty air.
"Fa father he help~ s s she gonna kill m m me...... "
And he stop moving... leaving Azel and Kain in silent.
" Ze zeel-chan???? are he... death?"
He didn't answer that and look up above, huge tree house is hanging there support by three pilar that stuck on nearby tree and the wall is pulled by eight giant ropes that also tied on eight differnt trees.
There are a couple of the suspension bridge to connect the house to nearby tree and other... that the hideout. Someone or somepeople inside there has come before them, whoever inside... one thing certain 'that person is strong, violent and dangerous'.
"Kain... I'm going in, are you with me?"
"Are you sure? this definietly really dangerous"
".... theres two thing on my guess, one... they are Elvia Kingdom Knight"
"Ahh yes, is that a good news? it's means we safe, Lady Odesha keep her promise to act fast"
".... Nope... they act to fast. Its feel like they already know this place, even with the deep scan of Kalpa trees. Its at last take a days or two to do maping and checking the area one by one.
Besides the matters of Eyota is not something you should be take lightly, that's about national security! They definitely prioritize thats matter first"
"Don't be pessimistic zel-chan, who know she really in there?"(-_-)
"The problem is my second guess... is the Client, its mean the Client betrayed them and now they plan to wipe out all the evidance!"
"Wha? why they do something to that extend?"(0.0)
"Probably after something inside the carrier ring"
"... no way!!? just for that sword?.... well my mother said its really important stuff.... and yeah I think its really precious, with gold as the handle!"
"Probably weapon with 6th tier or above enchantment spell on it... indeed it expensive but not rare, and whats more its very useless in sucker hand!"
Its another from of spell ring combined with weapon, but 6th tier spell and above is consider really powerful and dangerous not only that it consume a lot of mana.
Even so unlike the speel ring, if the weapon broken it doesn't mean the enchantmen spell disappear that one of the good point, 'but heck! who wanna bring broken sword in the middle of fight?'
Becase the thought like this thats why it not popular and enchantment spell only limmited to staff or mage stuff oriented.
"Well yeah my mother ever cast chantless magic with that sword but... "
"If that sword realy precious, theres no way your mother let her careless son brought it!"
"That hurt Zel-chan!"
"You better start learning to face the truth!"
Its not Kain Carrier so its must be Azel and yeah he brought extreamly rare and expensive stuff in there, on his mind he curse the Dwarf in Mt. Darras.
It must be them who spread the news, thing worth hundred thousands glad is not something you meet every day. He also insult of his stupidy for not go back to Rocka City and return to Adilheida after buy that.
But just like its name, Rocka it desert area with nothing but rock and sand. Seeing a large green white fogy forest runs up to the horizon in the south, his adventure spirit burn strong!... and make him wandering 10 days in Lemerch.
"Huh whatever! so are you in or not?"
"Of course I'm in! Its my duty to deliver it!"
"Good! let's go!"
They climb the tree with the rope that already on there, silently get close to the house and strat peeking from the nearby window. What they seen is something unbeliveble, there lot of Goblin tied on the floor gather on one place in the right side and they look like just awake from nightmare.
In front of them stand in line five people wearing light white armor holding weapon sword, lance... gun? they watch the Goblind steadly, its like if the Goblin try to run they will act immedietly... and kill them.
On the left side there also line of five knight, stand straight like waiting order... they look cold and serious.
And on front side from window were Azel peeking there's handsome young man sitting on chair while reading book near the wall while the sunlight that come from the window on his right, make an impression as if an angel was reading a book is sitting there.
He truely like emotionless angel that ignoring the sin of mortal that happen in front of him....yes thing that happen in the middle of the room is more disturbing and stain the angelic scene.
A goblin lying there also tied with rope, no doubt he looks tired with his pale face looked up but that not the case.
The thing is in front of him there is a woman, a beautiful woman with slender body but still have big nice breast makes the lights armor seems fully tight. Along with bit curly long hazelnut color hair, make her figure perfect.
Her bluery eyes looks pretty like the ocean and with the kind sweet smile on her face make she do look like another angel...... it just that this angel, put her right feet on the Goblin head and stomp it continuously.
"Ara ara ara~ why don't you tell us sooner that you are the leader~ hmm hmm hmm hmm take that!"
"Please forgive meeeeeee misss"
"Ara ara ara~ this not good mr.leader~ what if something really bad happen to your man that I throw out the window earlier? as a leader you gonna take full responsibility right?"
'The fuck he gonna take responsibility!!!? you the one who throw him bitch!!!!!!'
Azel shout on his mind, not because he took a pity for the Goblin but becuse her innocent devil like attitude. Yeah Azel know her, he know every knight that in this room, its 'Eustella Antiope' the smiling bitch also the vanguard of his nightmare.
The man who read a book is 'Gabriel Maximillian Anatolie' often called Snow Angel or Pegasus knight or white sword prince or the silent saint or the apostle of star or paladin of tranquil or whatever! theres lot of title made for him came out from his female fans.
And the other ten? they are personal knight oftenly called them self 'Chevalier' Elite group slected from hundred or even a thousands applicant to accompany the holy child and ofcourse there always exception, Holy child can choose personaly their Knight that meet their own criteria.
That why most of the candidate trying to please them, with many ways. As for Azel, most of them is nothing more than Ass kisser. Blind fagot who agree to anything the holy child do, to the level of extream fanatic.
"Please forgive us!!! We do nothing wrong to yuuuu missss"
"Ara ara ara~ I hear theres lot of Goblin make trouble around here, this is also a justice you know~ now confess your own sin~"
"We have no choise! the mist monster prevent us to do hunting in Magnild!"
"Yes yes yes yes yes!!!"x many
The other Goblin shout in agreement like cheerleader.
"Ara ara ara~ but you can hunt inside dungeon right~?"
"No!! all dungeon around here is level C or B !!! we die if we enter! we do plan to hunt monster but all monster arond here already being clean by the towns guard!
And if we go to Rosston what happen is the opposite! The jolt wolf gonna mascare us!!"
"Yes yes yes yes yes!!!"x many
"Ara~ but that doesn't mean there not any other job right?... RIGHT~!"
"Hiiiii" x many
Eustella twist her boots hard, make the Goblin leader head wipe the floor.
"Forgive Ussss!!! Please forgive usss!!! We only take money! We never harm our victim!!!!!"
"Yes! yes! yes! yes!"x many
"Ara ara ara ara~ but from what I hear, you put your victim sleep before you rob them. Who know what your doing right? For example~ rape the female victim?"
"NOOO!! We never do that!!! I swear never do that!!! Female from other race is scary!!! They heartless demon!!!"
"Yes yes yes yes!!!!"x many
"Ara~ are you bad mouthing me~"
Even she show a sweet smile, a vein on her face and dark aura can be seen. she also try pulling her sword with her killing intent start fill the room, the Goblin's now they just step on landmine.
"Hiiiiii" x many
"No!!! You got it wrong! please listen to our story!!!!"
"Ara ara ara~ I see~ but if I don't like it... huhuhuhu"
"Hiiiii"X many
She make a move like cuting neck with her thumb, even it a simple signal but the other five in the left pull all their arms make the Goblin's turn more pale. Even kain is react.
"Zel-chan that woman is scary, what should we do?"
"Be quiet and hide all your presence, I do some thing later but for now.... "
Azel somehow find himself on difficult situation, not only he hate her because she always be pain in the ass for one whole year back. Eustella herself have grudge against him, a personal one.
Still, negotiation is always an option and unlike the other one, Gabriel can be reason with. But what can he offer in negotiations is a major problem here.
"Now, go on~"
"Thank you! you so kind, well the thing happen few days ago we plan to rob certain two women a dark Elf and a Werebeast that we found them wandering in the woods looking for medical herbs"
Dark Elf? Warebeast? He mean Animus right?... wait? Medical herbs?... is that?
"Somehow the werebeast woman know we coming and tell us to show ourself, so we just surround them with no place to escape!"
"Yes yes yes yes yes"x many
"We told them if they not want to be raped all they need to do is just lefting all precious stuff and they can just walk away!"
"Yes yes yes yes yes"x many
"After hearing that, they whisper to each other and then told us to show our 'wewe' and said they might doing it for free! Of course many of us is happy and we start put down our pants one by one! but you know, what happen after that!!?"
"Uuu uuu uuu uuu uuu" (T_T)x many
" One of them laught hard on usssssss!!!!! She even said 'HUHUHUHU that not even half of my hubby!' while pointed her finger at our 'wewe'. and the other one show her pinkie with insulting face and said 'huh! die retard! we don't need hare we need stallion!' damn theeeem!!!!"
"Kill kill kill kill!"x many
"And we attack them out of angry! but those two really strong and beat us easily! after that just slowly walk away saying 'Go home! worm dick!' OOOOHHHHHH!"
"Uuu uuu uuu uuu uuu"x many
"Thats why we promised ourself that we never attack women from other race again, they humiliated us. We’ll not want to experience that thing again ever!"
"Yes yes yes yes yes!"(T-T)x many
Kain have blank face and Azel do a face palm, they don't know if the should feeling sorry or angry hearing that story. Its like common sense suddenly just jump out off the window, while crying.
Looks like Arban wive's really have hard sexsual frustation cause he leave them for couple days.
'They even considering to cheating? what a bitch, the heck they normaly doing every night?'
"Ara ara ara~ so you do trying to rape women! That's not good mr. Leader~! What should I do what should I do~?"
"That just for bluffing!!!! please forgive us we never do robber job again!!!!!"
Eustella stomp goblin head again on the floor, she show no sympathy to their story or perhaps she just enjoy her queen position.
"What do you think Gabriel~?"
"... give them to the authority"
Gabriel finally spoken, even he do it without take alook at them. For Azel, Gabriel is the most trusted person from the six. He somehow dislike talking and seems always alone, a typical lone wolf. No one know what he thinking, but from what he said earlier he is make a rational judgement.
Not only that he also one of the top 3 on national exam after Artemis, no doubt a genius and with his bishonen looks make him completely flawless.
"Ara ara ara~ did you hear that? We gonna send you to 'Dahluc Sina' and sell you as slave in 'Raposz'! Good for you people~ you gonna have steady job and also being feed!"
"NOOOO!! please doon't!!!!!! if we get out from Forest God barrier the Armor God gonna send his men to capture no they no doubt kill us!!!!"
"Ara ara ara ara~ I hear Armor God do hunting for remmat of Mountain God creation, so its true? can you kindly tell me what he looking for~"
"We don't know!!!! I swear!!!! we just descendants of refugees who came to this land, our ancestor didn't tell us anything aside our history and our former great nation"
"Are you sure~ hmmm~"
"It's true!!! even you give me thousan gald the answer is still same! ehh! but probably this just probably, those Dwarf in..."
"Whose There!!!??"
One of the Chevalier shout towards the sound coming and the other quickly move close to protect Eustella, make a stance ready to fight and prepare for any posible situation even Gabriel show a sharp eye.
Its all because the sound is really close yet they not notice anything till now make them more caution, the sound come Azel purposely hit the wall.
He can't let the conversation continue, because it all lead to one answer and he cannot let anyone to know that answer. So Azel told Kain to wait outside and just walk in to greet them normally.
"Good days... people"
Azel walk slowly from the front door and stop few meters before them, he spoke with deep tone to give them heavy atmosphere and show them his superiority.
Seeing Azel face they not let their guard down, some of them even give more scary looks and rise the sword to fight. Even Gabriel is standing glare at him with seriuos looks.
Because they know, the person that just enter from the front door is really dangerous man. For them its common knowlage that Azel is their enemy, natural enemy.
Different from the other, Eustella is the only one who give him a huge evil smile and surprised expression though for few second. Soon its back to her normal sweet smile and kind face, its like saying 'I found you!' to her hunting target.
"Black Reaper.... "
The man on front fearlessly rise his sword and with the sharp looks he call Azel with his nick name, Azel just smile and with cross hand see their face one by one then stop at Eustella.
She give him joyful smile and walk slowly toward him, but stoped by another female Chevalier.
"My Lady please, We need to make clear the situation. His presence here is so suspicious"
"Ara ara ara~ didn't you know? that the Black Reaper from ARK of Death is ban from entering foreing nation by Central Alliance~? his act is not suspicious but is already a crime! don't you think so? Azel~"
What Eustella said is not wrong, currenly Azel Akasia AKA Black Reaper for a certain reason. Is being banned from entering foreign nation by the decision of councils of Central Alliance, at last that what normal people know. Not only that, some people put a bounty on his head, but that not the problem here. And Eustella is not completely right either.
"Fuck you bitch! The rule only apply for nation inside the Alliance! its not work for Elvia! This Elvia, is on different continent morron!"
Again a vein appear on her face yet before Eustella can say anything.
"Watch you tongue AZEL!!! or else... "
"Or else what? You want to fight me? Chevalier-kun?"
Azel lightly reply with small smile, like mocking him. The man on other side repon with stern looks, and heavy tone.
"Don't always get full of yourself! we already know from the result of your duel with Lord 'Dario' in past year, that you not as strong as you used to be. If we join hand here and now! we... "
"HA? are you said a lapdog, a chihuahua has fang sharp enough to bite my butt? Really?"
Azel rise and kiss his sword to cast 'Black Roses', hear he’s being underestimated by the ass kisser makes him quite angry.
The chevaliers take battle stance and formation, cold and hot aura can be sense mixing together makes the situation more tense.
Even they seems ready to fight to death, Eustella can seen few of her knight tremble in fear... no, She know all of them sweating with pale looks because they just make the Black Reaper angry.
Yes because they know this man that stand in front of them is extremly dangerous entity, the dark rumor about him being the strongest chaos child also the most cruel, merciless and evil is not empty words.
Theres rumour that he conduct an inhuman research and experiment along with one of his colleagues 'Rozene Ishtar' AKA The Crimson Witch, and the rumour are strengthened by the fac that 'The White Wolf Brigade' the Group of strongest knight in Iscandar is coming to Ishtora only for challenge The Ark into duel. With the condition that if they win the guild name The ARK must be disband and Azel along with Rozene will come with them unconditionally to face their punishment for their crime in Iscandar,and if they lose they will let the matter go.
Of course this one side statement made a huge uproar in mass media at every nation at Central Alliance, what kind of crime those two commit? to make other nation try to intervene with Ishtora jurisdiction law? this must be something huge!
This really one side condition and this White Wolf Brigade we talking about, the most elite group that work direct under the King of Iscandar. Their strenght is unquesionable, cause all the member of White Wolf is at the level of 'Saint Class' make the request is total unfair.
But what more surprising is that Ishtora seems turn blind eye on this case! are this mean Istora is afraid? because this request come from King Iscandar himself? no way! Ishtora is a strong nation that equal with Iscandar, this make more people think that this matter is more than its look. Ishtora not want to protect the two of their best student in national exam scale? those two, what they really commit? And before anything clear up and lot people suggest that The ARK, the young guild that just form in few years must decline the challenge and fight them in a legal path... The ARK made unbelievable decision.
Azel, Rozene and Klaud the three founder of the ARK guild, accept the duel challenge and its condition with certain rule. They not want the duel be one against one cause put them in total disadvantage, they want a royal battle 3 vs 3 with Azel, Rozene and Klaude as representative.
With overwhelming confidence the knight of Iscandar accept it and when all mass media give sign that The ARK gonna sink... however, the duel result is jaw dropping. The ARK survive with complete victory! Azel while lose his right hand, with his mid finger on the left insult them in the end of battle and shout:
Thats how the name of Black Reaper, Crimson Witch and White Demon is somehow given to them, and somehow the thing is not end up just like that. Soon after, for unknow reason lot of nation denied and forbid the member of THE ARK to enter their country. But for this matter, Ishtora brought this case to Central Alliance Council and by decicion of The Council the banned limited only for Azel and Rozene. Even now the public still don't know what those two commit, but theres nasty rumors said that they conduct inhuman experiment and reseach with real live human as tests subject. Of course no one belive at first still not long after that, Rozene Ishtar crowned as the top student in Ishtora for her invention about method for purified demon skin, and next year with Azel they invent 'Astral Drain' way to brought back those who on 'fallen' state.
Thing they invent makes lot people speculate with one answer... 'the rumors about them is most likely true' but why Ishtora... no... Central Alliance is silent? because the result is good? is all still mysteries and people start called their guild 'The ARK of DEATH'. That what happen 2 years ago.
Knowing these story that they seen it with their own eye, lot of other people advoid to contact with them. And under normal circumtance no one dare to pick a fight with Azel... but, for the past one year. Dario, one of the six holy child is dare to challenge him into a duel. At first lot of people think Dario is lose his mind(cause the reason for his challenge is not make sense) and this gonna end up ugly, because they know The Black Reaper is on highest tier Saint class while dario is on lowest tier Master Class.
But surprisingly the result is draw, makes Dario challenge him again almost every week with the result always draw. There many assumption about this, and the most possible is Azel just playing around. Cause he has baned by the council he not want to seek anymore trouble by hurting the exalted Holy Child.
But there are also rumors saying that the black Reaper had lost his power, and with the news that he step down from his position in The ARK. Makes the rumor is quite true in sense. Thats why the vice captain Chevalier 'Luiza Danalock' brace himself to taunt Azel.
Still, faceing him head on like this makes lot cold sweat cover his body. His blue eyes shaking behind his glasses, usualy he looks like serious black hair of neatly combed salary man with fearless face. But right now, he just plain heavy breathing loser dog.
He not the only one who think like that, most no all of them is sweating and for few person they can't hide their fear. He’s already regret his own action, even with two holy child on their side the chance still slim. Because all of them is advace expert, while Eustella and Gabriel is the only Master Class level. Even they both strong, still against a Saint Class they all nothing but dust.
Suddenly before the worse happen. A young man run inside and standing between them while raising his both palm, faceing them like in panic. And that young man was kain.
"Please calm down! we come peace! we seek no trouble! we only want our stolen Carrier Ring’s back!!!!"
No one said anything, not even Azel. A plain silence for a while, before one person finally speak.
"Ara ara ara~"
Aside of Eustella who have surprise look while touching her left cheek, every one is fronzen. Few second later she give Azel a smile and eyes full of meaning, is sign that she got something.
Make Azel hit Kain head out of anger, cause he know that woman gonna do something troblesome. Yell at him in whisper tone.
"What you doing blonde!"
"Ouch! that mean Zel-chan! I just want to help clear the situation, cause they have misunderstanding and looks you all gonna fighting!"
"Ye fool! they completely fall on my pace, morron!"
"What are you talking Zel-chan! Don't you people know each other? so why don't we just talk to them kindly?"
"Because they are enemy!"
"Ara ara ara~ I think I understand the situation here~ alright everyone~ case fire! case fire! Luiza put down your weapon!"
"But my lady!!!"
Eustella didn't listen to him and start to walk closer to Azel, the rest of them look towards Gabriel who give them a nod with sharp look.
Seeing this, most of them feel unplesant and worry for Azel. Still, they heve no other option but follow their superior order.
"Ara ara ara~ who might you be?"
"Ahh yes! my name is Kain nice to meet you"
"Nice to knowing you too Kain, my name is Eustella. Hmmmm did we ever meet somewhere? Your face Kinda familiar? Ahhh are you perhaps part of The ARk? That’s why you with Azel here?"
"No, this the first time I meet and hear your name. What is the ARK?"
"Is that so?"
"Heh! Becareful Kain, this woman is SNakE. You already seen her true nature few minutes ago!"
"Zel-chan thats rude!"
"Ara ara ara~ its okay Kain~ besides its undeniable truth that I, out of anger just stomping a Goblin on the head cause he was a leader of a bandit robbers around this area that makes lot of people suffering in trouble, not only that they said they ever plan to rape women too! we can't forgive them can't we?"
"Well... maybe you quite right..."
"Don't fall to her pace!!!! didn't you see that she also throw them out of the window!"
"But zel-chan I already check them, none of them is dead including the one who fall! well he got quite serious wound, but I already give him potion so it be fine!"
"Why the hell you on her side!"
"Ara ara ara~ is that normal to do a kinddness? unlike some disgusting amoral lowest impotent voyeur pervert maggot~"
"Who you call impotent!? and I'm never interested to... uhkkk"
All chevalier somehow can't belive what they just see, some of them let out a little scream cause their lady suddenly pull her sword and without warning attack Azel who defend it. Now their sword clash together make them push it strong with shaking hand they glare to each other though Eustella still keep her smile.
As far as they(Chevalier) knows, The three maiden somehow not afraid to Azel. Not only that, start from a year ago. They even go as far to bully Azel in academy, right in front of public.
Eustella often verbaly abuse him in many occasion with Ay’isgi always back her up in cold ways, while the other one seems really hate him and not hastitated to attack him just like now though not go as far as challenge him into duel. Or maybe, because of this Dario have confidence to challenge Azel into duel.
Makes the Chevalier more respect and look up to them, in many ways and aspect. Nevertheless, this the first time they see Eustella actually attack Azel out of the blue. Usually Azel always back off or just leaving with hates in his eye after lose in argument againts Ella and Ay combo.
"Hoooo? The smiling harlot wanna piece of me? then I say bring it on!"
"Ara ara ara~ aren't you the one who need some thing from me? well it quite odd to see carrier ring with Ishtora seal mark here, so that ring belongs to you~ robbed by this Goblin eh? looks like we were right, the Black Reaper is history now~ are you still want to dance~?"
"Y-O-U....... "
Eustella talking with a whisper tone to him, she know about his current condition will not be able to beat them all. Azel know he on thight position, this woman read the whole situation also use her card right. She definitely plan something and judge by all his painful experiace, this always end up bad... really bad. Somehow Azel know whatever he do this gonna end up like this or perhaps this going on his plans.
"Fine let's make a deal, State yer want?"
Eustella not hesitate to show her evil smile, and Azel know here she come situation .
"........ do you know anything about Koi?"
"... huh?"
- In Serial1269 Chapters
Sword Among Us
When he returned to the World of Martial Arts, the game was filled with blood and battles! Chen Kaixin had chased after the footsteps of the one emperor, two empresses, three princes, seven dukes, and thirteen aces for three years, but during the eve of the Sword Among Us tournament in Mount Hua, he was ambushed by evil bastards, and was killed so much that his level dropped to that of a newbie. He completely lost the chance to join the ranks of the powerful players in the game! In great disappointment, Kaixin quit the game and got drunk so that he could forget his sadness, but during that stormy night, Chen Kaixin found that he had actually dreamed for a total of three years, because when he woke up again, he woke up to three years ago, when he was still a student.
8 167 - In Serial9 Chapters
Re: Ent
A normal(ish?) guy dies and gets rebornyeah that's about itinspired by Re: Monster among other Re: stories on this site, especially Re: Axe From the North Mature content Later on probably, if I feel like it, maybe. Lots of swearing.
8 194 - In Serial15 Chapters
ForeverQuest Online
In the near future, Gary Swamps and his two best friends start playing a new VRMMORPG by the name of ForeverQuest Online. The unique game not only takes in traditional gameplay, but also real-life physical prowess when determining the stats of one's character. The three first start playing the game casually, but soon they discover the 3v3 arena battles and devote themselves to emerging as grand champions. To become the best, they not only have to game on, but they also have to work their real-life skills if they want to stand a chance at winning it all.
8 142 - In Serial19 Chapters
Where the Wretched Sleeps
Arka Arao plays video games competitively online to earn a living. She receives a package to test a virtual reality online game console set in a dark fantasy world called, Helsfate. One day, as Arka was heading back to the city after a grueling expedition, she encounters Stan and Lily, two players who had outrageous superhuman control on their player avatars. Arka had her suspicions of them, and she wanted answers. "We're demons," Stan said.
8 65 - In Serial8 Chapters
Bishop Gravewood is a Wendigo who was born with an abnormally strong physique. He and his sister get captured and taken to the Devphonds Universe into custody of the Laboratory of Other World Species, but they have an underlying motive, to use the blood of other creatures and create weapons out of powerful beings. Bishop must escape before he becomes a mindless weapon and will have to figure out a way to get his sister Natalia, and his friends out of there as well.
8 89 - In Serial10 Chapters
Sear (Alex Summers/Havok Fanfic)
Being a mutant isn't exactly the greatest thing a kid could dream of. Sure you get superpowers and you get to do cool stuff but, that only happens in books and comics. In the real world you are seen as a different person, as a freak, as a danger to the humans. Many mutants suffer the consequences of being different, like Natalye Prime. She was put in a mental institute by her own parents when she was just seven years old. She moved from institute to institute for 12 years until one day Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr found her and took her in along with the other mutants. She reunited with an old friend, gained new ones and caught the eye of a certain male mutant. Will their love be possible? Will it be able to last while they prepare to fight an enemy? Find out in "Sear."I don't own X-Men or the charcters just my character, Natalye Prime a.k.a Sear.
8 166