《Soul For Gaia》07. Night Before Adali
Night Before Adali
ELVIA, the biggest Elves Kingdom in the world that located right in the middle of the South continent Da'at. The country stretches from East to West and if combined with Two other Vassal Kingdom's who are on its western and Southwest, it really looks like splitting the Da’at continent into two parts .
As the name suggests, this Kingdom was occupied and run by the Elves. Magical race created by the Forest God, his perfect creation. Why is said to be a perfect creation? It is because apart from the Elf, forest God does not create other races. Though the Elf race itself has some tribes that have characteristics that are quite different from each other, these tribes still rated as a single clump called the Elf without failed creation.
In General, their bodies look no different than a normal human. It's just that if seen at a glance, there’s one part of their body that is most striking and that is their ears that taper. This applies to all the tribes, though some tribes have more unique characteristics in color, such as hair, skin, eyeballs and some extra limbs.
The elves have the charming countenance, be it men or women. What's more they are famous for lifetime youthful appearance, is very rarely encountered elderly Elves. Probably due to the long period of their age, even can reach thousands of years for the sepesial portion of them.
There’s quite a lot of other races who feel envy to this blessings of longevity and youthful form, normal humans in particular. This also resulted in lively trading Elf as a slave, and the country who frequently fought with Elvia because this issue is Rapoz. A Kingdom who hold human supremacy, its territory located in the South of the continent Da'at. Although the Central Alliances have often mediate on this issue, but in the end, the war still continues to erupt again and again.
This is most likely due to negative doctrine is embedded in there, a mindset that was already rooted as well supported by Rapoz goverment itself over the years. The doctrine that makes most people who live in the South of the continent did not like the Race created by the Gods, they said if race other than humans are descendants of the traitor who sided with the evil Gods who once want to exterminate the human race for good.
And maybe, also because of the fact if they never though losing the war (war always stops in a ceasefire initiated by the Alliance of the Central continent). They think that if they ' human ' and technology at their disposal, is far more superior than the race create by gods. And always call the Forest God as a coward who didn't have guts to appear on the battlefield, also downgrading the Elf’s races by calling them Ape who lives backward in the medieval world.
Well, they are not entirely wrong. Because the Forest God are not so fond of civilization and advanced technology, so the Kingdom of Elvia and the inhabitants living in it looks like were still in the days of the middle ages. And the Elves themselves very accepting this, due to an advanced civilization is synonymous with the destruction of nature that they love. It is not known whether they are pure feeling comes from the very heart of them or of the rules of the Gods who created them, but until now no protests and objections ever heard from residents. However, that does not mean they reject the technology and sciences. They understand how to use technology and science to some deggre, and not only that. The elves had amazing intelligence to create their own technology especialy in magic, it's just that they don't particularly like if technology from outside ruining the natural culture and civilization that they like. It also led Elvia to become a very famous place as Tourism object, especially travelers from Central continent that saturated with a very advanced civilization there.
If the people of the Kingdom Rapoz and other Country located to the South of the continent Da'at look down on the race other than human, this mindset simply inversely proportional to those who live in the central continent of Norn. Although they live in a society that is more advanced, they always worry about impending war between races. Because if that's case happen, the God who houses them will also join the fight for name supermacy. Although in some cases they did not dare to intervene, but usually if a war between two races going on the Central Alliance will use all means in order for it to stop immediately.
Why is this so? Due to the feud between the two kingdoms which also involved two of their Gods respectively, resulting in the loss of almost the whole land and island that connects the continents of North and Central. Change the Greenland into giant lake of salt water and some other small sand barren land, just in a matter of days. It's like a nuclear war, only without the effects of radiation. And if the war continues, it will mess up the Mainland's weather which resulted in the daily life of the residents and the entire world economy.
Back to Elvia, the Kingdom has 29 large areas. Azel, at this very moment are on Jansen area in southern Elvia, an area bordered with two Countries namely Aellery and their great nemesis Kingdom of Rapoz. The name of the region comes from a river which flows there and split the region into two parts East and West, the West is bordered with Aellery and the eastern borders with Rapoz. Jansen is a colossal river that combined results of three other different streams, two from Mount Darras on North and one from Mountain Saleas at the East.
And because a Covenant between forest God and the Sea God, thus making the bridge city 'Odhert' and the citadel town 'Dahluc Sina' as the safest places for crossing Jansen river. And also because Odhert is way more closely from their location are, so they decided to head there until then headed for the capital.
"Oi blonde, still can afford to run???
It's been eighteen hours since they left the town of Edda where they parted with Arban and Emeline, ten hours ago they also had stopped to rest for one hour. They're already passing several villages on the way here, but nonetheless decided in order to break through the night and rest in the later morning at Adali for it may stay a few hours until they got there.
After sunset, the forest became darkened cause many giant trees that grow here. The trees they encounter may be hundreds or thousands years old, with a height that can reach even hundreds of metres and its diameter not less than five to ten meters. Even the night sky and stars are not visible due to heavily foliage above them, although Azel has the compass and the way they go through is all here. Nonetheless, the darkness surrounding them may save something dangerous for them, making Azel do second thought for stop and rest for a moment.
“No problem Zel-chan, my best record is 3 days continuously without sleep"
"Stop calling me Zel-chan, it's disgusting"
"Then stop calling me blonde Zel-chan"
Kain continued to call him that way since they left Edda, said Azel is a good and generous guy so it is suitable for him. Azel himself want to beats him because he was called that way, but he held back to conserve energy and it will also make him look’s immature.
‘This blonde is a brat inside, so for now I just conformed to what he will. Soon or later he'll call me Azel-san ... for sure. But, three days eh? It's quite remarkable’
With such a thing in his mind, Azel continues to go on.
"Listen, this may be the time we take a break for a moment. Although we can run all night, it doesn't mean our stamina was not reduced. And attacked in conditions less prime in the darkness like this, we could have been scattered and that isn't a good idea "
"Ah, Okay"
"Well, let's find a nice place"
For a while back, Azel smelling some familiar scent that he do recognize. The longer time pass the scent grew stronger, Azel quickly change their direction to follow that scent. Shortly thereafter, they seemed to be out of the Woods and arrive on a quite vast grass field. There is a large tree that grows in the middle of this field, and many white flowers grow as if deliberately planted there in circular form at few metres away from the tree. The aromas that Azel preceive is comes from this white ‘flower of Artemis Hamlet’. White flowers with maroon spots and has a different pattern on each of the lids, these flowers has scent that was hated by the monsters and other wild animals. Thus, it could be said if this floral fragrance naturally expel them. Although the scent that does not apply to the demons, but this is still useful in many occasions such as the sign for travelers if they are already close to a safe area. Because it is very rare for demon being around outside the dungeon, and if any such thing happen, the city guards will immediately resolve it.
This flower is a new innovation that was discovered some recent years in Ishtora, a discovery that gets a lot of appreciation and awards from many countries of the world. Not only that, Azel is also very familiar with the figure behind the invention. That person is one what Azel refer to as one of the three Holy Bitch of Istora, a narcissist female with severe naming sense and takes these flowers with her own name. Ayisigi Artemis, woman who also called as Moonlight Maiden by most of her fans. A good friend of Eustella Antiope so called Smilling Maiden, also the leader of a vile group that make Azel life becomes painful for a year back. Well, usually a country will test the results and effects of innovation from another country for few years. Probably due to Elvia very accepting of all natural discovery with open arms, thus they did not hesitate to directly apply them in the field like this. So far there has been no complaint is heard, so maybe these flowers are indeed actually working according to their functions. Even Azel also admit it, Although the cold-hearted bitch really really make him irritated.
"Ohh, this place looks nice. Ehh? .. I know this tree, I saw the same one in the Edda. The name is ... "
Kain were talking about a large tree that grows in the middle of this feild, trees that look like Banyan tree's just whole leaves are red blooded.
"Kalpa Tree, one of the Foundation of Forest God Barrier "
"Ahh Yes Kalpa! Umm? The Forest God Barrier ? "
"The tree exudes a kind of wave energy which functions like radar to a certain radius who is also connected with Adilheida, it was to detect the enemy if it is used in the war. You see around this place??? Most likely this place used to be one of the camp command when the war happened, but maybe for now abandoned to be use again when it needed. Well, for now it may be used only to detect demon that out of the dungeon. If there is any leakage of the dungeon without or with the knowledge of the dungeon keeper, then this tree or rather the guards protective barrier in Adilheida will inform the neares city for location of demon is so the guards can take care of it before victims fall "
"Wow cool"
"Every Country has methode of their own, but Elvia seems really good to take advantage in nature. By utilizing the ' dragon pulse ' that lays in the Earth, press the costs as low as possible, semi permanent and easy to maintenance ... brillian"
"Dragon Pulse?"
"It is a natural flow of mana wh ... No, forget it"
Azel slightly annoyed with Kain question which doesn't seem to be stopping with one explanation, and he was far more upset at himself because of the ongoing answered his question... might better not need answered. Not long after that they set to rest, Azel slightly shocked when Kain took out a pile of firewood from his ring. Using the unverbal spell level one ' Fire Blast ', the pile of firewood that is already compiled now began to light up.
"It's really handy, you're awesome Zel-Chan"
"It's just a first tier of fire magic, anyone could use it even a brat like Emeline! (I lie) Don't you want to learn it? "
"But my Mom said ... "
"Enough with your mother, she is not here. Isn't it true that you've already more than seventeen years old? Yer an aduld, don't you want to do something over the wishes and the decisions you own? "
"Ehh ... but "
Azel is quite upset over the meek behavior of this blonde, he know by look of his eyes if Kain are eager to learn magic. But the fear of his mother are much larger, and Azel instinctual said if it's not good thing.
Not long after Azel finally managed to convince Kain to learn magic, using logic in which magic is pretty much helpful in daily life even though it's only one tier magic.
It looks like Kain has already done the previous Elemental agreement, so the ritual of the agreement does not need to be done. Azel has already guessed this, because Kain already use the ' Magic Enchanment ' it is already reasonable because it is one kind of the magic spell. Plus Kain was a ' Holy ' Child ' which makes him have a high compliance with all elements except black elements.
That when he realized and also wonder in the heart, that this is the first time he could get so familiar with a ' Holy Child '. Because usually the relationship between ' Chaos Child ' and ' Holy ' Child ' is very much bad, it can be proved by what happened with him and the six ' Holy Child ' of Ishtora. Maybe the whole 'ARK' member will also think same with Rozene as exceptions, no doubt cause her strange fetish.
The cry of amazement came from Kain who has just managed to cast a spell, make all questions in his head before as if shattered. Kain tossed a few magic spells to burn the grass around them because of Azel forbade him to touch the flower of Artemis, he looks like a child who got a new toy.
"Playing with fire then you will get burn, I think enough for now. Save your mana, we still have to run a few more hours "
"You're right Zel-chan"
"Oh Well ... If you can follow the flow of the mana and understand the mechanism of how the spell works, then you will be able to use magic without chanting. Yahh, need enough training and experience to get to that level "
"Well ... I did feel something like flow, it gathered together at one point in the Palm of my hand ... with rotating air flow ... and "
Kain performs movements as grasp something in the air with both hands, then an orange dot suddenly visible and from there all of sudden a fire spurts out.
"Hey! I made it! "
Azel jaw as if fall and continue gaping for saw it, because he knew it would take four months at minimum for normal people to be able to master it.
"Does this blond brat genius?"
And the question that is pops in his head as immediately answered with regards to what happened shortly thereafter. A burning fire in the hands of Kain is getting enlarged, but suddenly spinning shrink and creates a fireball that now seemed to be drift around his chest high. This of course makes Azel more shocked, because he doesn't teach him anything about the ' Fire Ball ' spells.
In his unfinished sense of wonder, Azel feel if there’s kind of wrong thing with fireballs Kain made. The fireball was gradually enlarged... Yes enlarged ... and shortly the size has already larger than Kain head himself. When the great fire ball suddenly vibrate like crazy, that's when Azel fully aware of what is happening.
"Wh... What did you do!? "
"Eh eh eh eh this fire became more engorged when I give mana so I tried pulling it into the little spot that rotates inside but ... uhhh ... I dunno, It turn increasingly difficult to control Zel-chan! "
"Erase it erase it moron!!!! Do not create fireballs at a size you can’t control! Or it will explode!"
"Ehhhh! So how Zel-chan!!? How do I erase it!!! "
"Stop, stop the mana supply while you keep the rotation, when the timing fit then release it!!!"
And at once the vibration on the ball of fire subsided, its looks already stableat first. but few second after the fireballs then slightly widens at the core, creating a towering spiral flame and burn a few kalpas tree trunks above them. Azel’s jaw once again fall, because Kain was just doing a weak version flame spell level three ' Flame Pillar '. But he quickly gain his composure and warth back, and yelled onece again to Kain.
"I'm not telling you to release it with a strong rotation morooon!!! I ... Oh damn it ... ' Water Splash '! "
Azel want to extinguish the fire with a water spell, but he forgot if he has given 'Water Spell Ring' to Emeline. After cursing a bit, he then began to recite a spell. But before he finished it, something from the top of the tree fell to the ground not far from them. It was a huge centipede with a body like a transparent glass, some part of his body is burned probably due to Kain fire spells before.
"Fuck hell?"
After floundering on the ground as if in pain for several seconds, the centipede is now raised his head and suddenly spit out the Green liquid like acid towards Azel. Azel successfully dodge it firmly, while Kain now grasping his sword and ran toward the centipede while shouting ' Candle of Carnage '. With short distances Kain can instantly cut centipede it into two parts, a slash with full force.
"Slash of Light!"
A huge white fire spurts out of the wound on a Centipede that now tumbles dead, and maybe because he panicked for the previous sequence of events. Kain without conscious, used quite huge mana so is makes flame that generate is also huge ... huge enough to be able burn the major part of Kalpa tree and make Azel yelled at him again.
"What did you do dumb blonde!!! Do you plan to make us get into jail!? "
"Sorry Zel-chan, I'm a little freaked out but ... this sword is really nice!"
"Nice mine ass ... but ohh shit, nevertheless I also think this is an accident. But why is there a fuckind monster here? Artemis flowers should be ...hmm? wait’d minute"
After putting out the fire on a burning trees and monsters with water magic, Azel, immediately check the body of the dead monster. Azel immediately know for this is not a normal monster, this is a magical being created for a specific purpose.
"This is Eyota, a hacking monster"
"The name of this transparent Centipede monster is Eyota Zel-chan? the first time I heard and saw it "
"Eyota is a term specific to any kind of monsters created to hack or sabotage enemy radars. It's another form of Familiar, well Familiar normally used to convey messages or reconnaissance activities... quite same actualy. These monsters ... no, I guess more precisely should be referred as warfare equipment. With this Kalpa tree as its target ... means ... "
"Hmmm so is not regular monsters huh? Well, burnt flesh aroma of it are indeed very sweet"
"What do you mean by ..."
Azel then aware of sweet smell flowing in the air that seems to come up all of a sudden, he's holding his breath quickly, putting up his ‘shadow armor’ and pulled out his sword. Instinct and all of his five senses sharpen, as if to say if danger is still not through.
"Ahh Yes ... ehh? My left arm is difficult to set in motion "
Some arrows seen flying towards them, Azel immediately drove it with the ' Earth Wall '. The arrows coming from the West and the wind carried the sweet aroma comes from the East, Azel aware they besieged from two directions. Suddenly Kain kneel with one leg on the ground after feeling the pain from her hands, he was plucking a little needle from his right hand. Azel soon check out his left hand and also find a small needle embedded there on his clothes but his 'shadow armor' prevent it, he quickly makes another ' Earth Wall '.
"Shit, those arrows was just distraction. Kain don't let yer guard, stay with me"
“Ughh sorry Zel-chan”
"Say that later, now drink this potion. Damn it!!! Why I didn't notice it earlier ... That Eyota is a fuckind huge pole sign"
Even without the light of the Moon, her silvery white hair is shining and elegantly waving in the dark night forest of Adalı.The cold air that seems to freeze skin’s does not dim the morale that flared up in her chest, her pace with nimble movement certainly like in a hurry to pursue something in the distance. Her sharp blue eyes somehow indicate a rage emotion that is stuck under her cold expression, it's all because she was upset. That it's not because the task required her to ran in the Woods in the middle of a cold night, also not because of her subordinate who was behind couldn't follow her running speed so that she had to restrained. She was upset because she could not reach what is desired by the Queen, her self esteem as a warrior as if hurt is because she can not give a great achievement of results to the Queen that she admired.
The Queen gave a direct order to her and two of her colleagues, other ' Pillar Knight ' to stand by and prepare for any situation that will occur in Adali. Without clear details, at first she thought the war would happen. But with the number of troops that did not reach thousand people, maybe this is all just a regular field exercise that was a little different. Because the Queen is not a person who likes to do things that are not necessary, especially by moving three 'Pillar Knight' that became the mainstay of the Kingdom. Maybe this time war exercises will be a little more special than usual, a race between ' Pillar Knight ' perhaps.
But that kind of thought seems incorrect, the Queen actually had a specific agenda. After a month of field exercises, held two weeks ago to be exact. A group of young Knights from the Central continent, came to Elvia to ask permission from the Kingdom. Several groups of young Knight who is sent directly by the Council of the central continent Alliance, to find some fugitive people in the region of Jansen, so they said.
The Queen undertakes their requests, and send the group of these young Knights to her. They say if this was a case of abduction, but the conditions and term that they submit, creating a huge word of ' why ' appears in her head. Why they just give two images if there are three people in the pursuit? Why did the Council of Central Alliance ... no, but Ishtora is sending their six precious ' Holy Child ' in one package? Why do they insist on working alone if it asks for help from the Kingdom, if so? wouldn't it be better If they come as tourists and do not tell anything to the Kingdom? Why must in Jansen? Are the abductor is derived from this Kingdom? Everything is still mysterious, but she herself does not deny if there is a big thing was going on.
The Queen was not a person who keep a secret if it is not very important, especially to the 'Pillar Knight' that contains people she choices personally. No, with the three ' Pillar Knights ' in the post. This becomes very clear that the Queen want us to do something about it, a really serious matters. Therefore, she makes the assumption if the third person that image is not given to the Kingdom is the key issue. She is also a ' Holy ' child ', but for dealing with another six ' Holy Child '. She needs more than just a luck.
Two weeks have passed, and yet there isn’t one thing that is meant happen. And before she asks for help from the Slacker Arban, a man who she hate whole heartly.
A message from Adilheida came to her, the message that says if the signal from the kalpa trees located not far at the south of Adalı suddenly disappeared. Wasting no time, she brought twenty subordinate and move as a ' Vanguard '.
"My Lady, I noticed there was smoke soaring on the direction we are headed."
One of her subordinate who was running right behind her left says so, her subordinates ran with one eye closed. It's not because of one of his eyes was blind, but one that covered his eyes connected with 'Familiar' birds flying right above them. This is used because Adalı is a very dense forest, thus the sky and the stars are not visible from below.
The woman who called My Lady giving hand signals such as asking for something, the subordinate immediately threw a red crystal ball to her. After holding the Crystal, she also closed her left eye. Immediately view from the eyes of a bird flying above her visible, there is indeed a thin smoke in the distance. Predictable from the direction. She assume in her mind if it came from a secure area where the ' Kalpa Tree ' locate.
"I got a bad feeling, we need to move quick. Run as fast as you can "
Not long after they arrive at the destination, the smoke they seen earlier comes from mostly burnt kalpas trees. She's a little surprised for there’s anyone would dare to do that, for there is a special kind mechanism provided to Kalpa. If there is damage to the trees of the Kalpa, then the tree will issue a special kind of wave for recording the condition around the tree when it happened.
From this recording was later known what really happened back then, whether natural or not. But it seems this one case leaning more towards the later, seeing the condition of this place which is quite messy. She noticed there were two ' Earth Wall ' with some arrows which embedded there, seemed not long before there is a fight going on here.
"Fix Kalpa tree immediatly! and search for clues in surrounding, footprints, blood, weapons and whatever that necessary! "
“Yes!!!”x many
Slowly she approached a charred trees with stares closely at two Earth Wall, while the subordinate is spreading to all directions. She is plucking an arrow which embedded there, because the arrow was the first thing that most striking here. Before she examined it carefully, she is distracted by the voice of his subordinate who reports.
"My Lady, we found the corpse of a monster was buried here"
"What? Not possible, Artemis flowers should have been expelled them. "
Soon she walk closer to the buried carcasses not far from theTree, from the looks of it, it like a Centipede monster torn in two. After review it carefully and do some tests like cast some special spell, although initially disbelieve the woman immediately shows surprised expression.
"This Eyota..."
"Akelnor! Immediately inform the capital for we have find Eyota here, with red paper! And also to Tieh and Elzar, tell that we in red alret level three! "
"Yes My Lady!"
Tall Elves named Akelnor immediately pulled out a sheet of paper that has two sides colours, red and white. He quickly writes a message on the side that is white with black ink, and then after it is finished he folded the paper and shortly thereafter the paper was released a lit red light. The light was slowly changed shape into a butterfly and fly away to suddenly disappear shortly.
' This is really a serious matter, with eyota here means someone or some people can get into Elvia illegally without us notice. Is it Aellery? or Raposz? or both? For the worse case, this will surely be a sign for war gonna erupt soon, but wait... the timing... is this not too odd and strange if it occurs when... those young Knight from central continent comes '
The woman thinking hard by folding both hands, perhaps because this is not a trifling thing and may be the only clue.
' This explaining why they split up in several groups and examine every town in Jansen region, perhaps to put up this Eyota secretly. And when they've got the third-person, they could hack and makes our radar signal can't track their movement, and go safely, perhaps leading to Aellery or Raposz. Brilliant enough plan, but it looks it will not realized now. Something has happened here, and it ruined the whole thing, maybe some travelers spotted something strange on the kalpa tree, there ... This might be due to a campfire. The smoke makes eyota became angry and then attack them ... but how about this arrow? ... hmm maybe I'm not too quick to take the conclusion, no? '
Before she thought further, one of his subordinates once again approached her to report.
"My Lady! Kalpa tree improvement is completed. Nevertheless, it will take quite time so that the tree back to function as it was before "
"Good ... anything else?"
Without looking and not letting go of her gaze on burnt corpse of eyota, she replied. But the next answers from the subordinate fairly attracted her attention, and make her turn.
"Yes My Lady, we also found some footprints that are vague. It looks like it leads to Adalı, of the direction we came "
"Did we missed it? Come, we need investigate it fast "
With the situation which is full of uncertainty, she is aware if she need takes all the clue for avoiding missteps. Most likely, whoever the owner of footsteps, would give her the most obvious clue. And not long after, they found the two bodies. Which seemed to put it away, in a hole under a large tree.
"Are they've been killed?"
"No my Lady, although weak. I can still feel the heartbeat, which is another one too. These needles might contain toxins, but not quite deadly. Just to makethem paralayzed and fell asleep, normally done by the robbers mostly. Moreover, the black-haired youth here has more needles embedded in his body, It looks like he fought until the very end "
' A Robber? Is it true? '
The woman went back to thinking. She folded her hands and pay attention to the circumstances around them.
"Observe the footsteps of yours, is there another trail besides ours? "
"No Mi Lady, the place is clean as we came"
"Ho, that's unusual. If so, Summon a few wolves so they sniff the area. And also have both of these men awake, we need to immediately hear their stories "
"Yes Mi Lady!"
Concurrent with the subordinate of her answer, and quickly do what is commanded to them. Some of them create a glowing magic circle, and from the magic circle appear some wolves that immediately do its job.
A the other Elf issued a bottle of potion here with a syringe, and injected the liquid from the bottle to the two young men who passed out. Of course after unplugging all poisonous needles from both their bodies one by one.
"How long until they wake up?"
"About twenty minutes Mi Lady"
"That's too long, we need a fast-moving. Potion bidders it already mixed with their blood right? "
"Yes Mi Lady"
"Then zap them up"
"By your command, Mi Lady"
The Elf put his Palm on the left chest of the youth who have blonde hair, he chose him because of the possibility of toxins in his body is a bit more than the other. With a gentle hand pressure, the Elves sent a shock of electric flow into the heart of the youth. With the shock wave, the youth that suddenly moves and shout.
"Uwaaaa! Uhhhkghh My Heart ... "
He rolled a little for a while and then took a breath in, for a moment he looked up to see the people who surround him, one by one.
"Who are you guys? ... No, judged from what you guys wear ... whether you guys are part of the Royal Knights of Elvia? "
The Elves only silent and some of them move backward to give space to an Elf woman who slowly stepping forward. It was an Elf with long beauty white silvery pony-tail hair, her blue eyes are just as brilliantly with an emerald green gemstone embedded and seeming to grow on her forehead. The hallmark of the Moon Elves, and judged from the situation. This woman also is the leader of the Knights who was standing before him at the moment.
"I named Odesha Nefili Schmaltz! One of the Knights-Pillar of Elvia! Let me know your name, o commoners! "
A dashing pose, with the sword in hand stretched out on the neck of the young man. Aware of its position, the young man could not do anything other than respond.
"K ... Kain mam! "
"What are you doing in this place Kain!!?"
"We're just taking a break from our journey towards Adalı, and we were suddenly under attack!"
"Under attack? By whom? "
"I don't know, only arrows that can be seen. I passed out when we tried to escape, Zel-chan said this was an ambush and need to quickly go from that place "
"Zelchan? you mean the black-haired guy there? "
Kain shout his name and tried to approach Azel who was still unconscious, but the sword on his neck had forbidden it.
"I haven't finished talking to you, commoners! Remain in your position! his condition did not require any concern of yours! We have done the necessary! "
"Re really? He'll be fine right? Zel-chan is a good man "
"I swear under my Queen name! Now, do you know something about a monster who died near the tree of Kalpa? "
"Ahhh ... Yes in fact I killed the monster is. The monster is all of a sudden just attacking us, and we also were attacked shortly after successfully killed him ""So, you guys attacked once you guys kill these monsters."
Odesha feel there is a bit off from the story, if the Knight’s of Central Alliance was attacking them, why they don't clean the Eyota?
' No, this young man said he did not see the people who attacked them. Is that the reason? '
But then Kain looked like to say a few things.
"Um um ... "
"Is there something else? Say! "
"Umm, actually I am the person who burned the tree. I'm so sorry, it's all an accident! No, it's all my fault! When zel-chan taught me about magic tricks. I somehow burn the branches of the tree of the Kalpa and the monster is suddenly attacked us, I freaked out and use my new sword to perform a powerful attack that burn the monster along with the tree. My sword ... "
Kain realized that if he could not find his sword, he is still grasping it before he passed out. So if the sword was dropped, there should be around here. But not only that, he also can't find Carrier Ring on his right hand thumb.
She closed her eyes while sheathed her sword and then draw a deep breath, Odesha asking her subordinates without turned her face.
"What about the wolves? What they found something? "
"No Mi Lady, this place is clean without any suspicious scent. Even the footprints of this two young men could not be found. Like things that carefully planned to avoid us, whether Rapoz? I mean, the Eyota"
"It's too early to decide such matters, although that possibility still exists. Anyway... "
Odesha hold back her words, and turned toward the other Elves.
"Akelnor, did we received something?"
"No Mi Lady, is Mi lady want to send another message "
"No, for the moment"
Odesha now turn towards Kain that are still sitting on the ground. He stretched out his hand and drew Kain to stand. Kain is like a person that just wake up from a dream, he seems unable to stand upright.
"Seemingly you've been attacked by a gang of robbers, this is also our fault as the party that served as the Royal seat. Therefore, I promise we will catch the perpetrators immediately. "
"Is that true? T thank’s. Umm about the tree ... is ... "
"You don't have to worry! We already fix it! and thanks to you guys, we found a insidious Eyota! as a reply for what you guys do, we'll give you the accommodation in Adalı while waiting for us to catch the culprit! "
Having said that, she turned her back and walked with more serious gaze. Although he didn't get the important information from the youth. at least he has Eyota as irrefutable evidence to hold anyone considered suspicious. The thing is, it belongs to who? If he was arrest the young Knight and the next they are proven innocent, this may affect foreign relations with many countries in the Central continent's.
Given their status as a Messenger of the Alliance, and also the Knights from the continent it is not the ignorant people who made fundamental mistakes like this.
It makes the Odesha think more hard, she sure if this was not a normal robbery. But for now ...
'With this, Our Queen will definitely agree we spy on them. This will be easier by using the power of the Kalpa trees, though if it was rejected at last our Queen must be allow us to use familliar and other method. Cat’s in the bag, you people has made dangerous enemy here whoever you are. Look’s like there is no need for us to ask his help, that damn scum'
"Good! now! Take these two young men and Eyota with us! We return to Adalı!"
"Yes Mi Lady!" x many
- In Serial38 Chapters
Adventures of an Old Dreamer
There once was a boy that lived in a village with no name in a remote corner of a province in a grand empire. Every villager had their place, and his was a shepherd's. Despite that, or perhaps because of it, the boy was an avid dreamer, yearning for adventure between each book he read. Decades go by in the blink of an eye and the young boy grows into an old man, yet remains a shepherd, watching his flock live and die in an endless cycle of life. Yet, the old man dreams on about adventure, never too old to indulge in his delusions. One fateful night, however, his endless prayer gets answered. Two immortals fall from the sky, and from their corpses, the old man acquires the means to strength in order to adventure. What does the world have in store for Lao Chen. --- A Xianxia with a little twist. Rated gore and traumatising, potentially triggering. Enjoy!
8 215 - In Serial20 Chapters
Odd, How I Got Here
I somehow got teleported...or something of the such into this new realm. Hopefully I can survive in this world I've only known of from anime, games and fanfiction... "Not much hope into this, huh?" Ooooohh...not, at, all... Well, time for f***ery and beyond... (This will teeter between T and M for safety, and sadly updates will be slow) ((Coverart from Valley ingame via Steam image capture, and with slight edit by me))
8 344 - In Serial52 Chapters
This is a story of a young boy, Lin Feng, whose passion for cultivation dies once he opens his meridians, he decides to leave his family and settle on a small Mountain, to kill his boredom, he starts painting, carving, farming and other hobbies. What he doesn't know is the things he thinks are normal can make cultivators lose their minds. Join Lin Feng in his daily normal life. The cover isn't mine, just found it on google. If the artist wants it removed just dm me and I will remove it.
8 117 - In Serial38 Chapters
That One Girl // Sam Pottorff
Ally is just a teenage girl who has to live by herself and she doesn't have any friends. She gets bullied everyday and it sucks. But what happens when she meets the famous Sam Pottorff?
8 162 - In Serial29 Chapters
Gambled World
What happens when God has a serious gambling problem? What also happens when he is a terrible gambler and is in serious debt? Why he uses Earth as collateral of course!
8 66 - In Serial11 Chapters
Son of the Council
When Percy's new half brother, John Smith, turns his friends against him and plants evidence that leads the council to believe that Percy is an enemy of Olympus, he is executed for high treason along side Thalia. Or so they thought. He is brought before the Primordial Council and given a second chance at life, but this time he will be the son the of the entire Primordial Council.P.S I know this is a lot different from my other book but I like this sort of thing so deal with it
8 149