《Modded Reality》Chapter 15 - Gods


In a square room stood six around a circular table. There was one empty seat. Atop the table was their creator god with his busy black beard and a wide smile. He turned to the other six. It’s been a few seconds since he left. When the next one of you heads through that door it might have already been several days for him.

“Before we decide who is going next I will bestow a gift upon each of you and tell you how you can create more of your kind.” The god speaks as he turns to the human. “Why don’t you introduce yourself.”

“My name is Aadan Musa.” The dark-skinned human says as he shifts in his seat.

The man watches the god with curiosity but speaks with a reserved tone. Something about him feels like he is sizing up the god. As if he’s wondering if he could take their creator in a fight.

“Aadan, I will offer you a companion. A wolf to hunt beside you.” The dust in the room gathers in a whirlwind before settling next to the human in the form of a wolf. “And as far as populating the world goes. For every one of your own bones offered in sacrifice to me from it a human will grow.”

“My bones?” Aadan scoffs. “You aren’t serious.”

“I am deadly serious. I need your people to populate the world, but I know that in creating you I made you just as capable of evil as you are good.” The god says.

Aadan grits his teeth and turns his cheek to ignore the god.

“I am sorry it had to be this way.” The god sighs.

He turns to the elf. The elf woman has yellowish-gold skin and dark brown hair. She sits at attention ready to listen to the creator. The creator merely has to nod at her for their to be an understanding between them.


"My name is Thalia Gildithas." She says quietly as she bows her head.

“Thalia, you will receive the boon of a Thaumometer.” The creator hands a device to the elf.

She takes it gently and turns it over in her hand. It's a glass hexagon with a gold frame. Carved onto the frame are thirty-five small symbols of power and six crystals are embedded into the corners of the device. She looked at it questioningly.

“That will show you magic auras, help you find anomalies, and tell you the magical essence of anything and everything in the world.” The god sighs. “But with your power will come sacrifice. To populate the world will require blood, time, and a great amount of care from you. Where your blood hits the soil, plants will grow, that may grow more of your kind.”

She nods in understanding. Not wanting to speak in the presence of the creator.

He turns to the others. Ready to offer them their gifts and more guidance.

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