《Modded Reality》Chapter 11 - Better Animals Plus


Wilton wakes up and grabs the broken rib bone. He takes his flint knife to it and carves the end to be a much nicer blade-like point. He heads to the lake where he collects trimmings of the sugarcane. This time he also collects trimmings of rush plants, tall grass-like plants growing in abundance around the lake.

With that in his inventory, he crosses the lake, and on the other side, he tries to shake off the water.

The halfling looks around finding the tracks of the deer on the bank of the lake. He follows them into the woods. On his way, the tracks stop at a berry bush. He picks five blackberries.

Wilton pushes on until he eventually comes to a clearing where there are three does and one stag. He raises his hand as his spear pops into it. Pulling his arm back he winds up the shot. He throws the spear at the deer. It slams into the deer, slashes down its side, and the small group of animals takes off running.

The halfling gives chase. Following the tracks and the blood. He follows for at least an hour before coming across the deer again. The doe he hit is licking its wounds. He raises his hand again, summons the tomahawk, and throws it at the doe.

With a meaty thunk the ax head slams into the side of the deer’s neck. It hits the ground, kicking, and writhing as the other deer flee without it. Wilton clambers onto the deer and ends its life quickly with his bone knife.

Wilton skins the dear, field dresses it and starts to make the trek back to his burrow with the corpse. Along the way, he stops when he notices a few leaves sprouting out of the ground. He digs up the roots finding sweet potatoes. Only two, but if they grow here he will find more.

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