《Modded Reality》Chapter 1 - Origins


In a square room stood seven around a circular table. Standing before them with feet of coal, grey slacks, a brown shirt in rags, and wildly unkempt black facial hair covering the beautiful smile of a bald man. He stood on the table and turned to look at each of his new creations. Each one was new, was scared, was naked.

“You have all been made by me to populate this world and help me destroy a great evil that resides within it.” The man speaks with an unnaturally loud voice.

The seven figures stare on with a mixture of fear for the presence of the god and respect for their creator.

“I will see that you go out into the world with the ability to create more of your own people. And to each of you, I shall grant a boon.” The man looks upon his creations with love.

“First, to the halfling, I give you this farming tool. With it, you will grow fields of plenty. From straw, you will make your kin.” The man leans down and gives the halfling the hoe. “Now tell me your name.”

“I am Wilton Goldtopple. I shall always have food to share with you, my lord.” Wilton takes the tool, bowing his head.

“Go into the world, Wilton. Leave this congregation and find your new home.” The man nods to the halfling.

Wilton will take a step away from the table. His eyes dart around to look at the other seven. He turns and faces the dark of night outside the temple doors. He takes a few steps forward, before looking back over his shoulder.

“Remember Wilton. I am always with you.” The god smiles as Wilton gathers his courage and steps through the temple’s exit.

In a second he vanishes from view. This startles the others. Whispering begins as the dwarf leans toward the gnome. The goblin and orc scoot closer together. But the human sits patiently while the elf closes their eyes tuning out the noise.

“Good luck.” The god says remorsefully.

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