《Re:World》Chapter 07: Ancient Tomb
[System: God’s Eye has Been Blocked]
… Huh?...HUH?!?!... It didn’t fail, it didn't get canceled either, it was just blocked... there’s something up with this so-called princess and maid but I’ll have to keep my suspicions at bay for now at least right now I need more information about magic but I can’t exactly ask these two they already know I can cast Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water asking them will only increase their suspicions at me more… At the next village, I’m gonna ask around about a few things. Reiki was completely surprised the reason she was arrogant was not that she was a noble but because she can be without knowing the stats of the princess it would be harder to know how strong she is but her princess title alone would be more than enough Let’s play nice… for now With that decided it was finally the time to start to butcher the boar.
Butchering was fairly simple first you need to skin the animal then get rid of all the entrails and organs after that you just simple drain the blood Reiki made sure to throw all the entrails and organs somewhere far from the camp to prevent other monsters that could be attracted to the scent of blood. After butchering the boar and getting all the guts out all that’s left is the heart of the boar and the entire corpse of the boar meat and all Reiki decided to dig pit all he needed was some long leaves rocks and finally make a fire.
All right, let's make a pit. I'll eat the heart for dinner and have a breakfast fit for a king. Too bad I couldn’t use the boar's hide as a makeshift cloak. I need one of those magical pouches or a bag that’s capable of storing a lot of space and possibly I want one with the ability to freeze time inside of it to eat warm meals on a long journey. The first thing on the list was the leaves since they needed to be long all he needed was about 5-7 pieces.
The next thing on the list was the fire which was easy enough since well there was magic in this version of the world so all he needed was to get some rocks roughly at the same size and a few pieces of decent size would then put the rock in a circle formation and the inside of the rock formation put the wood into place than light the fire. I wonder what a mutated heart tastes like? Was the question at Reiki’s head.
He didn’t know whether this monster was edible or poisonous for human consumption with that in mind after starting the fire Reiki stood up with the heart of the monster in his right hand he walked towards the makeshift kitchen and started to slice the heart placed the sliced pieces on a skewers he then place the skewers near the fire and then waited for the heart to be cooked.
Inside The Extravagant Tent
“Otome-san what do you think? What're your thoughts on how Reiki killed the boar and didn't try to hide it? We both know that the boar he killed is mutated and even a party of 10 on the same level and good gear won’t be able to kill it.” Yuiitsu was sitting on one of the lavishly furnished medium size bed sitting cross-legged her by now she was preparing to go to bed here red dress was now gone now she was wearing a nightdress it was also red in color and simple it didn’t have any frills or laces and she didn’t have any excess fat on her body but she still had volume on all the right places the nightdress was only the length of her hips and her breast was completely exposed thanks to her cross sitting position her crotch was safely covered.
“Yuiitsu-sama I don’t really have a clue he’s just a lowly earth mage he may be able to use the other three type of elements but if his compatibility with the earth is the strongest he’ll never be able to get far in life even you said it yourself he used some kind of martial arts inside the carriage and used some type of control type earth magic to make the last one to submit even if he were to work like this for the rest of his life he would only at best be Rank EE or Rank E if his lucky just like all the other human adventurers so it would be best the moment will be inside the kingdom and then we visit an old friend of yours and just abandon him along the way he seems capable enough to take care of himself."
Otome replied the maid outfit was now gone now she was wearing a black nightdress but unlike Yuiitsu her night dress had a rose pattern at the edges and the length was nearing her knees but it didn’t make her charm any less than the princess her body might be a bit on the slim side but she has the right proportions were it matters without her maid uniform now her body was on full display her breast were firm and perky not big but not too small either perfect for a handful and you’ve would have never thought but her butt was perfectly shaped and was soft like a marshmallow but had a slight bounciness to it.
“Hmm… you’re right let’s just distance ourselves from him and try to avoid any useless conversation as possible and…” Before the princess continued her sentence she breathed out a light sigh. “It’s too bad about he was a potential candidate but I guess now that we can easily confirm he’s an earth mage he’s useless now we might as well help him guide to the nearest guild for him to claim his reward there let’s hope that he remembers our kindness for what we did to him.” Yuiitsu said in an as-matter-in-fact tone as she replied to Otome who was walking towards the other lavishly furnished medium size bed.
Otome didn’t reply and just nodded and bowed light towards Yuiitsu as she put her head on a pillow and started to fall asleep.
Outside the Tent at the Camp
Wow, I actually heard their entire conversation in their own tent as if I was inside the tent next to them. Is the first thing that popped in his mind thanks to one of the blessings Reiki got from those God’s and without even having to focus in his hearing at all he was able to hear what the two girls were talking about in their own tent.
He continued his thoughts. So an earth mage is considered to be the lowest out of the four hmm… Then let’s keep it this way and pretend to be weak so that I can find a different King that’s able to bestow me a nobility title although there’s a high possibility that the king that would grant me a title would have less authority than the princess father… This whole hierarchy system is all a pain in the ass. Why is it that when every anime that includes magic is always noble that belittles others… But finding a different king won’t be easy fuck it I’ll deal with it whenever.
As the heart was finally done cooking over the fire Reiki took his first bite and thought Hmm… it's a bit on the lean side but it tastes just like steak to me. Well I don’t really care as long as it’s edible as Reiki eat up the rest of the heart skewers he then started on the main event digging the pit for the boar first where he started the fire he dug a pit big enough for the boar and the pot to fit in while putting the hot rocks on the bottom of the pit then adding a simple broth in the deep pot and placed the boar inside of it.
He then put the pot in the pit while covering the cover of the pot with leaves to prevent dirt from entering, then by using the dirt as insulation it should be perfectly cooked by breakfast and he thought. An entire boar just for me by breakfast it should be perfectly tender and juicy. As Reiki drooled a bit with a slight yawn he wanted to go to bed and he still had something to do as he crawled inside the shabby tent and laid down with his hands behind his head he thought Status
NAME Akihito Reiki LEVEL 19 RACE Human CODE NAME NONE CLASS NONE TITLE NONE HEALTH 8,590/8,590 MANA 14,400/14,400 AGILITY 288 STRENGTH 288 STAMINA 288 INTELLIGENCE 576 Attribute Points: 95
One look at his new stats Reiki was on the burst of laughing but he was able to keep it in but his expression had a huge goofy grin on it, he thought. It's a good start for killing a single monster but right now what I need most is still information and some armor and weapons although this may seem a lot but without any good equipment I might as well fight a boss using my bare hands... Now what to use my points for I don’t wanna be a mage but with the skills that those God’s gave me they were completely broken they might as well give me a God Tier weapon if it even exists…
I’ll deal with it when I get there… But there something off about this stats is it me or is this off by a level?... Well like I care means more Points for me so 5 attribute points per level I wanna pick a class but I also wanna try out those skills hmm… I’ll save it for now. After thinking for a few moments Reiki began to yawn and after closing his eyes he had already fallen asleep
At The Dead Of Night
[Wake Up!]
『Flash has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500』
At that moment even when Reiki was fast asleep his senses were at full alert and he immediately woke up and used flash but when he was outside the shabby tent there was one thing off about what he heard and thought Where was that voice from? With that Reiki decided to put all his focus on hearing again soon the world around him turned pitch black and all he heard were the sounds of two humans breathing at a rhythm that indicates that both of them are asleep that’s coming from the extravagant tent other than the sound of the wind nothing else was near them for the voice for it to sound so clear Am I imagining voice’s now? Impossible it felt as though the voice was right next to me as he continued his train of thought.
As Reiki was about to crawl back into the shabby tent all of a sudden he heard the voice again
[Walk towards this location.]
[System: User has received information via telepathically.]
Well, this is interesting… And when I thought about going towards the location I didn’t get the feeling of dread so it looks like I’m gonna have a late night hike but to be on the safe side let’s take the earth sword with me. Was the thing that popped inside Reiki’s mind since the feeling of dread wasn’t warning it should be safe I mean what’s the worst that could happen? Nevermind scratch that I just raised myself a danger flag.
[System: Would you like to see the information you have received?]
Sure why not. Is what Reiki thought and then to his surprise he didn’t need to touch yes or no he could just think about it
[System: User has received information.]
[System: Loading.]
[System: Loading..]
[System: Loading...]
[System: Coordinates received.]
Latitude: 10.41685, Longitude: -99.08215, Distortion: 1.03
Well what to do? I’ve got to lose other than it being a bit far but with my stats even if I ran at full speed it should take me about 10 minutes tops plus it gives me the opportunity to control my new strength the last thing I want is to accidentally kill someone when I’m trying to lay low After doing some mental calculations it should take about that long to get to this destination.
Alright now carefully run and the- Before Reiki was able to finish his train of thought he tried to run only to end up destroying the earth below him resulting not breaking but missing a chunk from the ground on where he tried to apply some force and resulting in a *thud* sound from a few hundred yards or so away from them Fuck come on I know this ground is soft but fuck… Other than controlling my mana flow I need to also learn how to control my strength.
On the way to his destination, Reiki tried to control his strength and tried to avoid bumping into anything and resulting in it to break other than the first few tries of trying to run and dashing at full speed and destroying at least 10 trees he was able to run more efficiently after a few minutes of practice.
Alright, that solves the control problem for now but now let’s try to hide my mana flow. With God’s Eye, Reiki can see the flow of mana but that’s only when he wants to see it other than the two case’s of the two girls that he can’t see a minor fluctuation of flow on them he can easily see everything else but the problem now is when he takes a look at his hands he can easily see an abundant flow of mana to others eye it might seem like a small amount compared to mages who started using magic but with a more observations you can see that his mana is actually compressed and concentrated
『 Mana Flow Has Been Activated. Mode: Suppressed by 10%』
This is a good start at least now it’s lost a bit of its color and started to flow more naturally As Reiki ran towards his destination he tried to suppress his mana flow as much as possible to avoid suspicion If possible I want to at least be able to suppress it by around 60% to copy the average mage mana flow After a few more minutes of running Reiki’s control of his strength was now reaching to the point so he can distinguish how much force he needs for every action he makes as the running takes longer he decided to try and hop on top of a trees branch and hop towards to another branch towards his destination to try and develop some agility and possibly even try to conjure some wind magic to see if he can use it to assist him when running
“OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! HOW FAR IS THIS GODDAM DESTINATION!!” Reiki screamed at the top of his lungs after a half an hour of traveling by branch to branch he was able to perfectly control his strength for now and was now able to do some backflips and other stuff that gymnast and parkourist that are able to do that would be able to give him the advantage on some terrain and now he was able to strike his sword even at an awkward position.
[System: User has arrived at the destination.]
“This is it?! This was SO NOT WORTH IT!! What the hell is this place? It's just some patch of the forest with overgrown trees.” After ranting, Reiki heard the voice again.
[walk a few steps northwest from where your standing.]
A few steps northwest this voice says well you know what go fuc- Before Reiki was able to finish his thought he fell down into a deep hole after falling for a about 2 seconds Reiki slammed on the floor and resulted into the floor breaking and caving
[System: You Have Received 452 damage]
“FUCK!” Is the first word the came out of Reiki’s mouth after the sudden after standing up and dusting off some dust from his body this tomb was different but Reiki didn’t know all tombs were the same in movies, games, and anime they were all forgotten, crumbling, and no one would be able to read the writing on the wall and the ones who could can easily be counted on a single hand which lead to a misunderstanding that Reiki thought that this was another tomb with a possibility of a weapon hidden in it.
As Reiki observed the tomb well it was empty the color was already fading that give it a few more years and the tomb might as well be made out of plain rocks the tomb was roughly 100-125 square meter in diameter and there were a few statues here and there but there were already beyond recognition the pillars were still fairly solid so collapsing weren’t a problem at least for a few more years.
And unlike what Reiki expected to find all he found was a single parchment on the floor if the entire tomb color wasn’t fading due to it’s how long it’s been made Reiki couldn’t have seen it but rather than just blindly reaching for it the first thing was to look for traps the last thing he needed was to be injured.
With that in mind, Reiki picked up a rock the was roughly the size of his fist and gently tossed it a few feet away from him but to his surpirsed nothing happened Interesting… Although the rock didn’t trigger any traps their was still the possibility of it of only activating with exposure to mana flow or a certain amount of weight is sensed Let’s take a look at the flow here.
『God’s Eye has Been Activated』
But to his surprise nothing again This is getting weirder by the mi- Before Reiki was able to finish he suddenly turned around and looked at the entire tomb again he felt something but he wasn’t sure what it was but it was something but when he focused on his hearing nothing was spotted nothing was out of the ordinary the rocks were still solid and there was nothing here but that piece of parchment I’m not alone I need to get the parchment and get the fuck out of here whatever that thing is its not out to kill me… yet As Reiki started to walk towards the parchment on the floor.
As Reiki picked up the parchment the system instantly reacted
[System: Parchment Contains the skill Rapid Evolution]
[System:Would you like to use this Parchment?]
“HELL YEAH!! NOW, THIS TRIP WAS WORTH IT!” It doesn’t need to take a genius to know that this parchment in this tomb would easily be sold for a fortune but Reiki didn’t want to give it away and even if he did try to sell it the chances of someone strong than him were too high and the answer was to take the skill for himself he didn’t know but who cares if this was made a thousands of years ago it was guaranteed to be Over Powered in this time were magic slowly declined over time.
[System: User has agreed Process has started]
After accepting the Parchment has slowly started to glow a light gold color.
[System: Absorbing Parchment at 2%... 5%.....17%]
But Reiki didn’t see behind him that there was something moving closer and closer to him it was black and it started to grow in size at first it was at only at Reiki’s foot then it slowly doubled in sized now it was the same size as Reiki but it didn’t stop there now it was the size of a fully grown adult and Reiki didn’t notice its intention because it was neither a living thing or an entity.
HAHAHA! Now this trip was completely worth it I don’t know what this skill does but who cares its mine now and no one can take it from me well I still need to ask that God if Parchment skill can be taken but now it's not the time Is what Reiki was thinking another OP skill to add to the collection who would refuse although he needs to keep it under wraps but the day when he can roam around freely he would be on top of the world yet Reiki didn’t know that behind him were something that was completely black and growing in size it looked like some kind of life from but it wasn’t alive but it wasn’t dead either so its intentions were perfectly hidden because it had none.
[System: Absorbing Parchment at 34%...58%....78%]
COME ON ALMOST THERE Reiki smile looked like the devil himself even if he cursed at the skill he got from those God’s he was still happy deep in his heart.
But fate wasn’t willing to let things go his way... At least not yet
Suddenly the black entity enveloped Reiki whole in a single motion and took away the parchment away from his hand's FUCK! Not on my watch, that skill is mine I don’t know what you are but… NO SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU don’t tell me you're a symbiote or some type of organism but even if you are the first option you are in the wrong universe! Whatever this thing that clung onto Reiki was weird at some parts it was completely solid at some it was a liquid and some its texture was almost similar to a jelly-like substance it’s as if it was slowly dying.
[System: Foreign Entity spotted]
[System: Foreign Entity has Forced Integration]
But Reiki didn’t see the announcement and was struggling to find the parchment and whatever this thing was it wasn’t trying to eat him and Reiki would know because the feeling of dread wasn’t present.
[Don’t Resist she will help you on your journey right now she has lost all its vitality and reverted into her current state right now if you want to know what she is well in simple terms she was made by us she has abilities that defy the logic of this world and would be able to help you in your times of need and I shall give you this weapon design its name is…...]
[System: Forced Integration at 5%... 17%...20%]
Shit fine use me like a fucking host or something but at least give me the skill I’m not going back to the camp empty-handed As Reiki desperately felt around the black entity trying to find the parchment he wasn’t able to hear the last sentence as he was trying to search for it.
[System: Parchment at 100%]
“SHIT!” the process was done and the parchment wasn’t at Reiki’s hand it was somewhere within the black entity
[System: Parchment has been successfully absorbed by a Foreign Entity]
[System: Forced Integration at 100%]
[System: Black Entity Scanning Host]
[System: Black Entity has successfully Integrated to the host]
[System: Requirement Name the Foreign Entity]
[System: Name:_____]
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