Moyo handed Idris over to some people that seemed to emit a sort of warm glow, watching them take him toward the core building ahead of them. The whole of Bastion was in high spirits, they had done the impossible, they had defeated the first wave of a yellow zone for that matter. The sentinels led by Josh were being patted on the back by random people, the mages joking and laughing as they floated down the walls while the few kids around were running about along the fields that encompassed the walls. Moyo stared towards the city of Bastion proper and marveled, it was not the Bastion he left behind, or rather it was not the rough framework it was before. The roads were made of cobbled stones leading from the fields moyo guessed were to be for farming and the likes to the now taller houses that had somehow been upgraded from cottages to homes proper. As he, Annika, and Ayo walked closer, he could see rectangular black structures that sat closer to the fields, the sentinels coming in and out,
“We have barracks now?” Annika asked,
“Amazing, isn’t it?” a voice said to their left as they turned,
Mrs. Martha smiled at them, looking younger somehow, her previously grey hair with white streaks was entirely black now with just one white streak,
“Martha?” Ayo gaped,
“Indeed, I did a few upgrades to the city and myself” she replied,
“a few?” Annika said smiling,
“Just a path I made for myself with a few red dungeon cores that I intend to pay back to lord Moyo,” she said bowing at Moyo,
“Well, if it keeps coming with upgrades like these then by all means” Moyo replied,
“well you should get to see your new city now, a forge, barracks, hospital or healing center as its called in the archailects’ database, among other things” Mrs. Martha continued, gesturing for them to come along as she began walking towards the core building in the distance that was weirdly beginning to look more and more like a castle, an uncompleted one for now seeing as the walls were now taller and having a rectangular shape with what was beginning to look like crystals forming at the bottom of the stone walls.
As they got closer the vicinity changed from fields to fully cobbled floors, the buildings in front were the barracks that shone black like tar, reflecting the sunlight on them. The sentinels came out from them and as one stood at attention, Moyo raised an eyebrow,
“what’s going on?” he asked
“Before anyone can get the path titans sentinel, they are to swear fealty to you, not my doing, its how the path creation system works apparently. Should they betray you or go against your wishes they lose that path along with any attribute points they might have gotten using it” she explained,
Moyo narrowed his eyes, he was right, after all, had anyone chosen just any path from the archailects database, or the aliens had they arrived, they would be sworn to their overlords. He stepped forwards towards them all as they stood straighter,
“I said earlier that I wanted everyone to choose their paths, so I need to be sure that this path you all chose was not from pressure. I don’t intend to lord over people, it’s not my thing, and for my conscience, I ask again, was this choice of your violation?” Moyo asked,
Josh stepped forwards, staring Moyo in the eye
“All members of the sentinel corps are men with wives or something to lose, this new home sir, am I right?” he said to the men,
As one the corps members chorused a yes, Moyo nodded, indicating for Josh to walk along with him, turning to Martha,
“Get Boyle we have a lot to discuss and too little time,” he said as she nodded,
Watching her walk off towards another part of the now growing city, Moyo continued his walk towards the core building, bringing up his stat table. He sat at level 65 with 400 points to add to his attribute table, frowning to himself, he was advancing too slowly. Helping the people of Bastion was good in itself, but he couldn’t lose focus of his main goal, plus the fact that whatever competition was coming up, ajax needed him and he needed to at least get close to advocate. With a thought he dumped all 400 points into endurance, immediately his body began to heat up, and he could feel his bones getting denser, somehow, he was sure he could break the armor of the scorpion boss wave with his bare hands.
Annika touched his skin and yelped in surprise, cradling her singed fingers as she stared at him with wide eyes,
“Moyo, your skin,” she said as Ayo whistled,
He could feel his skin burning and be replaced slowly, just a little bit but he was aware of it, a notification coming up to his Hud,
Your attribute endurance is reaching the 2000 mark, it will have a chance of evolution in synchronicity with your body path: draconic body. you would have a chance to evolve said attribute to a rare tier, if you decline, then it would be unavailable till you hit the 5000 mark.
As his skin began to cool, he could see a faint shimmering on him, his skin giving a rough feeling to the touch, glancing at Annika and Ayo who kept on staring at his skin that continued to sizzle a bit,
“Apparently once any of your attributes reach 2000, you have a chance to evolve it along with your path, if you have a body path from what I’m seeing,” he said,
“Your attribute is close to 2000? all together or separately?” a shocked Josh said from behind him,
Moyo glanced at him, he had forgotten Josh was with them,
“Just my endurance, most of my attributes are close to a thousand or above” he replied,
Scratching his head as they all stared at him in shock, Ayo the less vocal of them with wide eyes. Thankfully he spotted Mrs. Martha coming from a distance along with Boyle who seemed to be covered with soot, grinning he began walking,
“There they come, let’s get this meeting underway,” he told the rest, dimension stepping towards Mrs. Martha and causing Boyle to yelp. Together the de facto ruling group of Bastion arrived at the core building, Moyo supposed he couldn’t call a budding castle just a building anymore.
“I need a name for this building,” he said offhandedly,
“Ife,” Mrs. Martha said
“You said you needed a name for this building that’s slowly becoming a castle, I said Ife” she replied,
Moyo stared for a few seconds,
“Ife?” he asked,
“Indeed, if I’m correct you’re from what was formerly Nigeria correct? assuming we even know if that place still exists with the warp and noncommunication issue” she continued,
“Indeed, and Ife was the ancestral home of the Yoruba people, my tribe,” Moyo said,
“Exactly, hence why I chose it. I was married to an African Moyo, I know the tales of your land and all, well the most popular” Mrs. Martha said with a small smile,
“I appreciate it, and if it’s fine by you all?” he asked the people in the room,
“Ife sounds ancient,” Boyle said with a smile,
“As my lord wants it,” Josh said as Moyo sighed in exasperation,
Ayo nodded, Annika smiled,
“Well, Ife it is,” Moyo said with finality as a gong sounded,
Sector notice:
The kingdom of Bastion has named its core sanctuary and future capital “IFE” due to being the fest in your sector, zone, and planet, you are awarded:
10 rare dungeon cores 2000 gold coins
“I’m beginning to love these first-time bonuses,” Annika said as the room chuckled,
“Indeed, and we have to milk it while it lasts, I’m guessing those in the green zones are getting it easier than we are,” Mrs. Martha said,
“Doubt they would have access to rare dungeon cores as we do in the yellow zone though might slow them down,” Boyle said scratching his goatee,
“About that” Mrs. Martha said,
“It seems cores, any core, depending on the zone could be used to create a stronghold, except uncommon and common cores might just create a stronghold, just with no crystal walls and domes” she explained,
“Well, not sure to call our case a blessing or a curse, seeing as we’re facing monsters’ way over our levels,” Annika said wincing,
“That reminds me, how short are we in gold coins and rare cores?, cause I’m surprised you were able to mint out those many sentinels,” Moyo said cutting in,
“we’re short a few thousand gold coins, and ten rare dungeon cores I used to upgrade my path. The great thing was the coins were not a gift, they were an investment, the sentinels along with any other person who wants a path can come to take a loan from us, provided they participated in battles and paid off the debt at a rate of 10% of any amount they made per battle” she explained,
“Too many calculations for me, as long as the people are happy and it works, I’m fine. I’m more interested in the path you got” Moyo said,
With a smile Mrs. Martha summoned her stat table and showed the room, the limited one, however, Moyo was glad she had the sense not to reveal her skills or attribute numbers to them, it was too early,
NAME: Martha
PATH: fingers of Anansi
CLASS: mage(steward)
RACE: Human
“Anansi?, isn’t that some African spider trickster god?” Annika asked,
“Among other prominent characteristics such as innovation, wisdom, and advancement. Apparently, it’s an offshoot of the mage class and allows me insight into any place I govern, the same way your battlemage class is, or moyos’…oh...wow” Mrs. Martha said coming to a pause, staring at Moyo
“Despite how it’s weird you can see my stat table, what is it?” Annika said glancing between Moyo and Mrs. Martha,
“Apologies if it felt like I was intruding Annika, to be clear I can’t see all your stat table, just the main highlight like the one I showed you. I believe what I’m seeing from lord moyos’ stat is not my choice to say” Mrs. Martha replied as she smiled at Moyo, a glint in her eyes,
Moyo smiled back, waving at her,
“I’ve told you, call me Moyo. Also, you can tell them, pretty sure they’ve all been wondering” Moyo chuckled as Mrs. Martha gave a slight bow,
“First of all, I would always address you as lord Moyo, it is only proper seeing as I’m your steward. Secondly, I’m not sure if you all are aware, but our lord here is a level 65 acolyte with blade path and a draconic body, whatever that means’ she started,
“Wait a minute, I thought only those who went the path of a warrior could get body paths?” Boyle said sitting up on the stone chair that was arranged in a semi-circle with the core in its middle,
“Indeed, however that makes our lord here an odd case, he’s on the path of a sword user, meaning his core holds battle intent, however, he also has a body path that has no use for a body aura” she explained,
“So, you’re like a two-for-one fighter who is currently an acolyte?” Annika asked,
“More or less, oh and absurd attribute level,” Moyo said as he brought put dominion
Immediately the whole room stared at it in fascination, Moyo raised an eyebrow,
“You all are acting like it’s the first time you’re seeing my katana,” he said,
“Then it was in battle, its attention wasn’t on us, from what I can tell, it’s a soul bond weapon right?” Boyle asked,
“Yeah, the name’s dominion Moyo replied,
“Figures, I’ve been digging deep into my class as a blacksmith, a subclass of mage though. What lord Moyo is holding is a rare upgradeable weapon that grows stronger the more he uses it in battle or thereabout, way past my level to forge currently” Boyle explained
“Wow, talk about a one-man walking destruction,” Ayo said as the doors opened and Idris walked in accompanied by two sentinels that saluted and walked out back, closing the doors behind them,
“What did I miss?” Idris asked as Moyo looked him over,
“Feeling alright Idris?” Moyo asked, watching the brawler stroll into the room, the red gauntlets on both his arms somehow been shrunk to some sort of armbands both his arms,
“Yup, Mrs. Martha gave me some sort of healing elixir, worth quite the coins too” Idris replied,
“Which you’ll be paying back right?” Mrs. Martha asked as Idris winced nodding,
“So, as we were saying, we were discussing classes and paths and how Moyo is some sort of two-in-one monster” Annika chipped in,
“And an unprecedented one seeing as it’s the first I’ve seen in the archailect, but I’ll keep searching” Mrs. Martha added,
Moyo rolled his eyes, turning to Annika,
“Before I forget, you three got some rare loots from fighting the wave boss, right?” Moyo asked,
Annika nodded and presented the spear she had gotten from the scorpion boss,
Elemental spear of lightning
Tier: rare (not upgradable)
This spear was created from the hard carapace of a scorpion wave boss, attuned to the element of lightning it can store and channel lightning through it, a perfect weapon for a battlemage intent on the path of lightning
“nice” Moyo nodded,
“Still way higher than my level to make, plus the material” Boyle groaned, Mrs. Martha patted him,
“In time, we’ll get you a suitable path,” Mrs. Martha said,
“we’ll be getting to that soon, Ayo?” Moyo asked as the quiet girl produced her bow and quiver,
Bow of accuracy, Quiver of replenishing
Tier: rare (not upgradeable)
This bow and arrow are the rewards for an archer that has fulfilled their duty of laying cover for their fellow fighters in battle, its quiver ensures they never run short of arrows.
Boyle groaned as everyone chuckled, turning to Idris who grinned and shook his arms. The crystalline armbands that expanded into gauntlets that covered his entire arms, red while pulsing with an orange glow
Gauntlets of might
Tier: rare (not upgradeable)
These gauntlets were made for brawlers, those that rely on nothing but their fists and might. Providing additional damage and critical hits, these gauntlets double whatever damage the wearers inflict on their foes.
Moyo whistled, Idris displaying them proudly,
“Talk about double the hits,” Moyo said,
“a fine addition to the slow-building arsenal Bastion is compiling, you all must let Boyle go through them all in your spare time, the common and uncommon loots we gathered after the first wave may be sufficient for now, but not for long from what I’m predicting,” Mrs. Martha said,
As they were about to continue the meeting, a blue light shone from the core and a notification appeared in the air in front of them,
Due to your fortunate position where a set of law-breaking dissidents decided to set up base on your planet despite the 30 days grace period still in effect, the supreme beings of the archailect have decided to gift you with these materials that would go a long way in helping you all along your paths. We would like to advise you to please keep the incident quiet as the awareness of such vital information could lead to panic and devastating results for both the population of your planet and you in particular.
Tania sun wrath
Vice commander dragon brigade
Ruler on the path of the sun-burning dragon.
The room was quiet, dead quiet, a chill running through them all. Moyo broke the ice first,
“Well, shit,” Moyo said,
“It seems the powers that be took notice of our…actions,” Mrs. Martha said,
“Bad?” Josh asked,
“Not if we play our cards right,” Idris said
“Or if we got strong enough to push back” Boyle added,
“You think we’d be strong enough to push back against not just a ruler but a whole brigade, whoever they are,” Mrs. Martha said,
“Not anytime soon, the best we can do is take the gifts and grow stronger for now” Moyo finished as a golden large box appeared on their front, the notification wrote dimension box.
Seeing as no one was willing to open it moyo stood up and opened it, and stared dumbly at it, they all stared dumbly at it, a list of the items in it appearing in their front,
Contents of dimension box
100 rare dungeon cores 5,000 diamond coins 10,000 gold coins 500,000 silver coins 1,000,000 bronze coins
“Okay, I’m I the only one getting suspicious of our long run of good luck?” Boyle asked,
“I’ve considered it, and they all boil down to one person, lord Moyo,” Mrs. Martha said as they all turn to her,
“it’s obvious this dragon brigade has no idea of the loots we got from the xerrans, they have no idea how far we’ve come, partly due to the having an acolyte that had been so gracious to help us” she explained,
Moyo just scratched his head as they all accepted, the gravity of all he’d done dawning on them. Moyo turned to Mrs. Martha,
“If I’m right, we haven’t opened the rest of the Xerran loots?” he said,
She nodded and pointed to the corner where the boxes sat, Moyo walked over to the seven remaining boxes and opened them all, grinning to himself as he arranged the contents out, his Hud updating with the list of items in it
Scroll of path creation x 20 1,000 ingots of mithril 500,000 gold coins 1,000,000 silver coins 2,000,000 bronze coins Body tempering manual Fledgling crimson-rose path manual Initiate crimson-rose path manual Acolyte crimson-rose path manual Advocate crimson-rose path manual
Moyo rubbed his hands in glee as everyone just began muttering to themselves,
“he’s like a good luck charm” Annika muttered,
“Might as well lock him up and keep him for prosperity’s sake” Idris remarked,
“Wonder if he could touch the metals in my forge for extra luck” Boyle joked,
Moyo just rolled his eyes and clapped his hands to get their attention,
“Alright, we need to move, time’s going and everyone needs to rest for tomorrow’s wave. Mrs. Martha, take the manuals and store them away, we don’t need their paths but we might use them to learn their weaknesses. Also, leave ten thousand gold coins and store the rest of the coins, we need to go through the account later, leave the body tempering manual and path creation manuals” Moyo ordered Mrs. Martha as she bowed a little and did as he ordered,
Turning to the rest he continued,
“Annika, Ayo, Idris, Boyle, gather 40 rare dungeon cores, it’s time we get you all rare paths, I have a plan for tomorrow’s battle,” ….
- In Serial11 Chapters
The Flame in my Heart
A flame inside my heart, warming, comforting, protecting, recovering. A land of wonders and fantasy. Of sorrow and broken promises. Of strange memories that should not have been there. Always with the flame burning, brighter, eternal. -- 1 - Not a native English speaker. 2 - I'm a novice writer, so comments about grammar are appreciated 3 - Placeholder image
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The Polyglot's Rune
Fear. Regret. Memories. They all flashed before my eyes as my life began to fade away. I felt a darkness encroach upon my heart followed by a sinister foreboding. Within that moment I was asked a single question by a powerful, mystical being. “Brave being, do you wish to accomplish a great deed in your life?” “No,” I refused, but the voice did not listen. It summoned me to its world only to try to have me slaughtered. But then, I was saved by him, the princess who disguised herself as a man. He was hellbent on revenge, and he was determined to drag me down with him. This story is meant to be a bit of a mix of genres and cultures, so there are some elements that may seem xianxia like, but it's not exactly the same so I didn't tag it. It also has multiple lead characters but is written in first person. Schedule: Dropped Normal Chapter Length: approximately 3000 words Warning: Tagged [15+] for Strong Language and Violence (Gore and Profanity aren't very prevalent, but I added the warning tags just in case).
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The Peerless Emperor of the Skies
In a land far far way. Far not only in space, but also in time. A land unreachable. A land unseen. A land…. of immortals!Demons walk the earth. Phoenixes soar through the skies.Heroes will rise! Titans shall die!Danger lurks around every corner. Danger awaits under every unturned stone!Follow a story of perseverance as the main character reaches the unreachable, sees the unseeable, and reaches the land of immortals!........In an all new VRMMO
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Ganda’lfr – The Left Hand of God
The eight year old Vectre lay unconscious in his bed. He collapse because of the sudden burst of information entering his brain. The memories of his past life was now unburied and he was being made to remember who he was. An inhabitant from another world. He was from a world where monsters and magic did not exist, where advance technology ran rampant. Huge amount of information are now being process by his brain. Including his ability.
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Siren's song
Being a popular singer isn't easy at all but being a Siren is even harder. Most humans are drawn to the song a siren sings. What about demons, tho?That was something Iruma was about to find out soon, as his parents sold him away. He was adopted and didn't mean anything to them to begin with. Too bad that this was just the beginning of the little siren's adventure through the underworld.A/N:Feel free to correct my bad writing.Rights on the pictures go to the artist.I do not own Mairimashita! Iruma-kun! , rights to the owner.
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Hocus Pocus
Male Winnie Sanderson x Female ReaderBased on the movie Hocus Pocus(Y/n) = Your Name(H/l) = Hair Length(H/c) = Hair Color(E/c) = Eye Color(S/c) = Skin ColorI OWN NOTHING!!! ALL RIGHTS GO TO DISNEY!!!
8 139