《Deviant's Masquerade: Setting Lore Compendium》Q&A from Spacebattles (Page 2)


Xevan, post: 75848904, member: 487791 Wrote:

Why not Psionics?

From what I read about M.A.D (wich is admittedly limited search) it sounds like they would fit. 🤔

And that is the other energy in (in-setting) debate.

(Also just realized I implied the energies in question were madness and malice instead of madness and something else.)

Xevan, post: 75864768, member: 487791 Wrote:

What are Incarnate? They weren't mentioned.

And how do they interact with all the Deviancies.

They're a sub-type of Arcane who only have a single affinity and can't learn any concepts not immediately related to that affinity. I'll go a little more in-depth on the actual Arcane page.

Xevan, post: 75873399, member: 487791 Wrote:

I don't know the aproximativ number of Wonderlanders, but is it possible for two Wonderlanders to have similar Worlds? Maybe even exact mimics?

If so...What are the chances of that happening? Would there be some connection between the two Wonderlanders? How would they interact?

Two Wonderlanders can have similar themes, but their worlds will always be different in the end, unless they were raised the exact same way, in the exact same place, in the exact same culture, at the exact same time, with the exact same personalities.

The exception to this would be if two young (like just got their powers) Wonderlanders got together and built a Wonderland, which has happened once or twice. (Usually with twins, but sometimes -though rarely- not.)

Arthicern, post: 75904296, member: 401659 Wrote:

--Cybers- Specifically represent any mechanical or AI based Artificial, to present date there have only been seven Cybers to be recognized as fully self-aware with each of their creators being deemed A-Rank by Sanctuary and the Heroes’ Guild both.

beowolf, post: 76129688, member: 281994 Wrote:

...Ok, so they're not smart, but where do Maya's DMs fit into this? Or, perhaps more accurately, what is the distinction between the official definition of Self-aware and what they have?

Maya's AIs are probably upper D rank, because while capable of learning and fairly intelligent, said intelligence is typically closer to that of a precocious child.

In order to be considered fully self-aware, then an AI needs to not only be able to display levels of intelligence, learning, and emotions equal to a human adult but also an independence from their coding and creator. In the case of the DMs that means they'd have to be capable of upgrading their Drone Protocols on their own as well as being notably more developed mentally and emotionally, all without referencing a pre-designed or co-opted network.


Xevan, post: 76130387, member: 487791 Wrote:

I checked the Huntsman quest and someone said that there are hints of madness controling people.

Is that true? Is Josh being mind controlled?

Technically all Deviants have at least one ability that can be used to influence someone's behavior, so it would be true but for raw Madness it usually functions as either enhancing mental characteristics (I.E. Emotional people experience extreme mood swings, and focused people become obsessive, or cautious people paranoid.) or lowering their inhibitions. (Basically getting them high.)

As for Josh he's not being directly mind controlled, but whenever he uses his powers he's enhancing the 'show-off' and theatrical parts of his personality while also lowering his inhibitions proportional to how much power he's using.

Xevan, post: 76423089, member: 487791 Wrote:

What happens if a Psychic tries to mess with a Wonderlander? In any way that they do to a normal person.

Depends on the level of the Wonderlander, and the powers in use.

Kinetics will largely work the same for all Wonderlanders, but with a fall off depending on how much of the local reality they've overridden and how powerful the psychic is in comparison.

For telepathy, at a low level it'll probably make the psychic high or intoxicated, with an increased power cost. Medium level that power cost becomes notably higher, and the Psychic begins suffering from Madness exposure. And at a high level it would be like trying to read a hundred minds all at once. (One for every dream.) Which is enough to put them down pretty quickly.

And with Cognition, post-cogs can get a decent amount of information but it'll be 'static-y' while pre-cogs won't get anything more than a severe migraine. That said those with 'awareness' based cognition won't be too hindered once they get used to the 'rolling' or 'shifting' effect of a Wonderlander's domain. (For them it's sort of like learning how to walk on sand/snow or on a ship rocking to the waves.)

Wiggy, post: 76423356, member: 405442 Wrote:

Well, now I'm hoping we get a 4th quest with a psychic at some point lol. That description of psionic scarring is hilarious, wonder if Jon's bad enough yet to mangle somebody poking around. As for wonderlanders, a link tends to go both ways, could have interesting effects.

Since the next quest is going to be something of a 'team quest' where we get and manage a team of characters, I've made at least one psychic character we'll be able to recruit and play a psychic for pretty much all of them. (Though if and when said psychic character unlocks is dependent on player choice.)


OmniExt, post: 76423887, member: 474098 Wrote:

Looks like a combination of limited psychokinesis and the Force. Very nice. (actually this looks like a list of what the force-sensitives from Star Wars can do. huh)

I'm going to be honest, to me force-sensitives are pretty much psychics with plasma swords.

The whole light-side dark-side thing is just how much psionic corruption people have and makes their minds more susceptible to impulse emotions and long-term obsession.

OmniExt, post: 76423887, member: 474098 Wrote:

Can psychics make constructs (like the Green Lantern making hands, barriers, or any other object but only with air/some kind of force)?

Yes they can make constructs from raw force, but its admittedly more energy efficient to make constructs from liquids and solids than from raw force or energy types.

OmniExt, post: 76423887, member: 474098 Wrote:

As for brain damage, does pushing different branches of their powers damage different parts of the brain? Do psychics pushing their powers just damage their entire brain?

Technically yes to both of these.

First different powers are more connected to different parts of the brain such as telepathy being connected to the anterior insular cortex (part of the brain that gives humans empathy) and limbic system (the part responsible for emotions in general). At the same time however certain parts of the brain are connected to multiple powers in different branches, meaning the damage carries over regardless of power. Especially since even if the damage is spread out there still is a threshold of sorts before their head starts getting foggy, that said by spreading the damage out they do increase their 'catatonic' threshold by a small amount even if the 'I can't think straight' threshold remains the same.

ReaperofInterest, post: 76437303, member: 309377 Wrote:

Interesting. So if that's what happens when a psychic tries to read a Wonderlander's mind, what happens if they try reading the mind if a single dream?

Depends on the complexity of the dream.

For lesser dreams it would be like trying to look through a foggy window, they'd be able to make out a rough approximation of what's going on, but they wouldn't be able to get any hard details.

For Boss dreams however it would be closer to that of either a lower level Wonderlander or a medium tier one. Depending on both how many lesser dreams said Boss is in charge of, as well as just how complex said dream is.

ReaperofInterest, post: 76599996, member: 309377 Wrote:

So I have a question that I think I know the answer to, but I'm curious anyway.

Is it possible for someone to have two Primary Deviancies at once? Like, being a M.A.D. and a Wonderlander, or a Psychic and an Arcane at the same time? Or would that be a result of the hypothetical fusion of two Deviancies that you said would need a third party to allow?

Yeah, most 'Corrupted' Deviancies are the ones where someone tried to mix two Deviancies, and even then primary one still comes out on top. Meaning that while a Deviancy can pick up traits and mutations from one of the other Deviant Energies there is no '50-50' split for any of them.

That said, certain Secondary Deviancies are still learnable such as Practitioners, though established Deviants may get odd results in doing so. (I.E. A Deadman using Ectoplasm instead of Anima, which is actually a common thing for an Arcane turned Deadman.)

Xevan, post: 76928158, member: 487791 Wrote:

Now I'm thinking of a Quest of a person down on their luck and whatnot, realize they have a deviancy and try to do something with them... only to end up dead.

What I'm wondering is what stopping any person that dies to end up a Deadman?

Crazyone47, post: 76936075, member: 422818 Wrote:

I dont think we know what makes Deadmen other than random ectoplasm

It's a multi-factor thing.

First they need to die in a location with a fair amount of Ectoplasm nearby, be it naturally occurring, a short lived rift, or just passively picking it up over their lifetime.

Next they need to die with enough emotion to bond with and attract said Ectoplasm, which is easier for those who frequently feel the emotions it best resonates with. (Fear, Sadness, Loss, and etc.)

And lastly they have to not want to die, which is a little more complicated than it sounds given the context of their deaths.

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