《Deviant's Masquerade: Setting Lore Compendium》Q&A from Spacebattles (Page 1)


Crazyone47, post: 75793432, member: 422818 Wrote:

Umm.. so what is Malice the Corrupted and the MalCorrrupted? How isJoshua Corruption different from Ying's Dragon Corrupted?

MalCorrupted is essentially a shortening of Malice Corrupted, or someone who has been corrupted by Malice.

When someone is Corrupted by a power source it either unlocks powers related to that power source -if they don't have any- or taints their existing powers with that power source. (Note: Certain powers flat out do not mix such as Anima (magic) and Malice, which have a negative reaction if someone tries to mix them.)

Now the difference between Josh and Ying is that Josh's powers have increased growth with Malice exposure and combat when compared to other Wonderlanders, and additionally his Wonderland has a certain... hunger to it that's pushing for his growth and driving him towards conflict heavy situations.

Ying on the other hand has been Corrupted by Madness which likes to bend rules, hence why she has a second affinity when most Incarnate only have one. As a downside however her mental stability is naturally lower than those without Madness exposure, hence why she has a tendency to cave into her Draconian instincts rather than resisting them like other magic users would.

OmniExt, post: 75793696, member: 474098 Wrote:

About Arcane and Psychics (and Practitioners), do their powers have a significant overlap?

Arcane have more variety but Psychics have greater focus with the handful of fields they do have.

OmniExt, post: 75793696, member: 474098 Wrote:

Can they both like, make fireballs (yes its boring, but yeah)?

OmniExt, post: 75793696, member: 474098 Wrote:

What's the difference between a fireball made by an Arcane and one made by a Psychic (excluding how they're made, I'm assuming).

Yes and no.

Arcane can use fireballs as we know them while Psychics can set things on fire and manipulate it, but it'd come out closer to ignition or fire lines than actual fireballs.

Basically come from the power side of the equation while psychics come from the control side.

OmniExt, post: 75793696, member: 474098 Wrote:

Do Arcanes have concepts like Practioners? Do Psychics?

Arcane use the same magic system as Practitioners but instead of just learning new concepts that can learn and improve their affinities via using magic, giving them greater room for growth. And while practitioner can learn new concepts their affinities won't improve by much beyond a slight bump from learning how to use them more efficiently. (Whereas Arcane have no hard cap on their affinity growth.)

Psychics do not have affinities the way magic users do, though they may have an affinity for the different Psionic branches. (I.E. Kinetics, Telepathy, and Cognition.)

OmniExt, post: 75793696, member: 474098 Wrote:

Will a spell done by an Arcane be better than a spell done by a Practitioner (most of the time)?

It's not so much that they're better so much as they have more power and potential.

For instance if we took a Practitioner and an Arcane of similar skill levels and affinities, the Arcane would be able to cast their spell more and would get greater growth returns than the Practioner. Meaning if they both kept at it, the Arcane would eventually surpass the Practitioner as the Practitioner stayed near the same level without doing something other than casting.

In contrast however Practitioners have a greater understanding of magic than most Arcane, due to the fact that they actually study and dissect it rather than simply seeing how far they can push it and what new tricks they can learn.


(This one is Power vs Technique/Skill on the equation.)

OmniExt, post: 75793696, member: 474098 Wrote:

What limits do Psychics have (manipulating the world through thought sounds VERY gamebreaking??)?

Not really, if you're basing it in the setting they're sort of a half-way point between Arcane and Wonderlanders in practice.

OmniExt, post: 75793696, member: 474098 Wrote:

Can Deviants that have already unlocked their Deviancy become Practitioners? Like, a M.A.D with "magic"?

Yes, and no.

Certain Deviancies can become Practitioners while others have odd interactions when they try. (I.E. Malice users will have the spells explode in their face, and Deadmen will passively -and inefficiently- use Ectoplasm in place of Magic. While Psychics can use it with little downside, beyond splitting their practice time.)

Also how do you think M.A.D.s make Death-Punks?

OmniExt, post: 75793696, member: 474098 Wrote:

(I'm sorry if I'm inconveniencing you ;-; )

Story questions are never an inconvenience. Heck, that's the whole point of this thread.

Cerdaemon, post: 75816540, member: 419258 Wrote:

So if an Arcane actually sat down and bothered to understand what they are doing they would they be more effective? Because that seems to be the smart thing to do, at least from my standpoint.

Oh, it is and the more powerful Arcane do have the practitioner basics. It's just think of it from this perspective: You have 3 powers that grow stronger the more you use them, granting you greater control, power, and immunity all based on what you think you can do with your powers. Then you can unlock new lower level powers by buying books or classes and studying what is essentially a high level science (learning wise) that involves you learning a bunch of other things from other fields.

Now when you're first getting started do you push what you started with or learn a bunch of weaker abilities? (Power or Skill/Versatility?) Which of these seems like the easier path to follow? Especially when most Arcane unlock their powers in the 8-16 age range.

Also I may have mis-worded it a bit in that post, it's not actually that Arcane don't bother learning how magic works it's that the ones that use their magic more publicly typically over specialize and don't break that specialty until later on in their career. In fact most Arcane actually have a learning drive of sorts that pushes them to want to know more about magic and how interacts with the world, it's just a lot usually limit themselves to what they can more immediately learn.

Now by contrast to all of that Practitioners magic does not grow with use, meaning the learning option is the only option for fighter's power growth, so Practitioner Masks tend to have an understanding of magic that Arcane Masks don't pick up until later on in their careers because they dabbled more and saw how things interact.

To simplify, one person has a Doctorate in a single field of science and the other has a Bachelors in 3, now who knows more about how science works?

Xevan, post: 75826479, member: 487791 Wrote:

Some would think that something like the "Cartoon Cabaret" wouldn't be compatible with Malice.

But it is and the implications... can become terrifying.

Malice is ten different kinds of fridge horror.

Crazyone47, post: 75827448, member: 422818 Wrote:

So as I see it Arcanes have more power but tend to develop among clearly defined lines.

Practitioners have more variety and can be more unpredictable.


I m guessing that all magic has weaknesses. Arcanes tend to have more obvious weaknesses so they power through their weaknesses and Practioners have less obvious weaknesses and exploit their opponents weaknesses

More or less, though the only thing stopping an Arcane from becoming a Practitioner is themselves. (Miss Edna Jon's teacher actually is both.)

Crazyone47, post: 75827448, member: 422818 Wrote:

I thought the Cabaret was inherited and that the Wonderland just uses emotion so it can make use of Malice better?

@Arthicern what is Malice anyway? Is it unusual for it to be compatible with Wonderlands?

Yes Wonderlands uses emotions, but emotions themselves are the base resource of Madness. Malice is just capable of filling in the blanks when necessary, and it usually isn't compatible with Wonderlands. (If you remember Avery actually doesn't care for the stuff because it's so weird by Wonderland standards, and uses it out of necessity.) That said, Madness loves to bend rules, which is why Josh is a bit of an exception. Largely because he inherited his Wonderland via Malice bridging them together, for any other Wonderlander they'd go from Lewis Carroll to American McGee.

As for Malice itself, well it's one of the mixed energies responsible for all Deviancies, and is primarily connected to Slashers and Malcontent. It's primary characteristic is its tendency to eat other things to turn them into more of itself, and functions as a polar opposite to Anima (normal magic) with a more meta/physical focus. And lastly, its been shown in stories to be made from two sources, neither of which are things you want to consume or inject into your body.

Anything beyond that would be spoilers at this phase.

Crazyone47, post: 75841131, member: 422818 Wrote:

What is Madness anyway and what Deviancies other than Wonderland use it?

Madness is sort of a mental energy given off by all species capable of thought and feeling that when linked together becomes this sort of sea of consciousness that connects all sentient and sapient minds. Because it is a massive hotpot of thoughts though it tends to be absolutely insane from an outside perspective despite self-adjusting to those who interact with it. From there it is a 'thought manipulates reality' sort of thing, where in reality is what you make of it.

Admittedly this is one of those subjects that's going to get its own page because explaining it in a single comment is kind of difficult to do correctly.

Oh, and while Wonderlanders are the primary deviancy to use Madness it's also the Deviant Energy most capable of Corrupting other Deviancies typically overclocking them in exchange for 'going mad with power'. It's also believed to be responsible for people occasionally developing a 'presence', though no one is sure if that's an actual power or a trick of the mind driving them mad.

Crazyone47, post: 75841131, member: 422818 Wrote:

Also do Incarnates use Arcane?

Incarnates are a sub-type of Arcane who only have a single Affinity and can't develop other Affinities. (There power and control of said affinity is downright obscene however.)

Cerdaemon, post: 75843423, member: 419258 Wrote:

On top of that the interesting interaction that happens when an M.A.D. comes into contact with a wonderlander. Was it supercharging the whispers?

Technically yes, -since Madness exposure can supercharge whispers- but what really happens there is that the Whispers are passively in-taking a ton of relevant data from around their M.A.D. so when the M.A.D. steps into an area with different laws of physics (even if slightly) they need a moment to reboot, with the actual reboot time being based on how different the physics are from their previous data points.

Crazyone47, post: 75843477, member: 422818 Wrote:

So Anima, Malice and Madness are the three things that form all Deviancy?

Yes and no.

There are six energies that form all Deviancies (Anima, Psionics, Madness, Malice, Necro, and Ectoplasm. Though Necro Deviants are very rarely born.) and all true Deviancies are caused by exposure to these energies be it internal or external.

I'll go over them all eventually in their own threadmarks however, since again there's a fair bit to each of these.

Crazyone47, post: 75843477, member: 422818 Wrote:

What about Psychics? Do they use anything or are they "natural" in that technically they can be reproducible? I think of psychics as following laws of reality at least.

They use Psionics which functions as a sort of half-way point between Anima and Madness, given how it uses a person's own thoughts to generate energy for their powers and can read the thoughts and physical world around them.

It's not apparent since I haven't really done a psychic main character yet, but the majority of psychic powers revolve around the line where mind and matter meet whereas Anima focuses more on matter and Madness on Mind.

Crazyone47, post: 75848085, member: 422818 Wrote:

Necro is death energy right?

(Forgot to answer first two questions.) Yes, though it's more the spiritual side of death than death outright.

Crazyone47, post: 75848085, member: 422818 Wrote:

Then Malice would be kind of halfway points between all of them that is responsible for Slashers and Malcontents?

It's a halfway point responsible for Slashers and Malcontent, but it's not between all of them.

Crazyone47, post: 75848085, member: 422818 Wrote:

Say been reading about Sanctuary and the Gamer Guild so I am curious as to what you will do about important organizations?

Put them in their own pages or just poat a list and an overview?

Setting wide organizations like Sanctuary, Asylum, and the Heroes' Guild will get their own pages, though some page may make mention of where they interact.

On the other hand smaller groups like the Gamer's Guild probably won't get their own page because I intend for the majority of their story line to be in the story they're a part of.

(Note: I have a large part of the Gamer's Guild plotted out, but we have to pursue that quest-line in game to reveal it without spoilers.)

Crazyone47, post: 75848250, member: 422818 Wrote:

What do M.A.D. use for their deviancy? Is it Malice or Madness?

Not Malice, and it's debated whether they use Madness or something else, since they demonstrate properties similar to a different energy type. (Some people think they might be a border deviancy between the two.)

Crazyone47, post: 75848250, member: 422818 Wrote:

Which Deviancy uses Necro?

Technically none of the widely known/ commonly occurring ones. (Though some -rare- Deadmen, Slashers, and Malcontent have learned to dabble with it.)

Honestly, in-setting most people don't even know it's a thing. I just felt the need to mention it though so no one claims I'm retconning myself on this down the line, since it does have it's place in setting.

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