《The Records Of Existence》Page 7 Immortality


"Studies of Immortality reveals that Immortals have a mental disorder which tends to show it's symptoms after a few thousands of years, I call it the 'Immortal's Mortality'. It's effects include but not limited to, increased desire of violence, slower perception of time and uncontrollable arrogance. Now this might sound like a lazy arrogant young master, but other effects of this symptom are significantly lowered sexual desires, sleeping once a year and nonexistent taste buds. After knowing this, do you still want Immortality? Problably still yes, but you'll regret it all the same."

-Pertol Wrad, The Immortal Emperor.

Note: This message was recorded 3 days, 6 hours and 24 minutes ago, this message showed a 99.62% similarity to older messages recorded from completely unrelated Immortals all around Existence.

Comment: When life gives you lemons, you leave them out to spoil under the sun.

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