《Reborn A Paladin: The Dagger Of Shadows》Chapter 28: The Tides Of Battle
Mirio’s hair blasted back as the Sawtooth Queen roared. Her screech sent chunks of flesh hanging from her toothy maw to fly off and splatter against him. Mirio, undeterred, stood unmoving. His eyes quickly darted over her body, drinking deeply from her mysterious presence.
A dark shroud clouded most of his vision, yet for as much as it took away, it gave back tenfold. He could sense her strengths as though they were part of his own. Her resolve, arrogance, and ferocity, demanding payment for her humiliation at the hands of lesser beings.
Mirio drew mana from his heart gate and gently released it into pools behind his eyes. His eyes glinted with a flash of red as he called out the name of the spell.
“Eagle’s Eye”
Threads of light traced their way throughout the Queen’s body revealing the flow of her mana and the weaknesses surrounding them. Every few feet lit up with the glow of red orbs embedded in her flesh.
Before each lash of her tentacle, pulses of violet light shot through threads connected to them.
*I see, you use magic to move those tentacles of yours*
The Queen’s lips curled back fiercely as she read Mirio’s thoughts.
*You see what I see*
Mirio made a motion to move closer towards her and was greeted by several whipping strikes of her tentacles inches from his face.
*Well let’s see if you can predict this*
Mirio’s form split in several directions within his mind. Dozens of ghosts of his possible actions fluttered in and out of existence, probing different methods of attack in rapid succession. Some ghosts peeling around to the sides, some attempting to slide under her attacks, some attempting to go over with various flips and maneuvers.
He flexed his muscles and sprinted at full speed. The Queen’s tentacles shot out in all directions, to the sides, high, and low. They lashed as fast as a whip, slicing the air as they moved, weaving through all the ghosts images Mirio had seen within his mind. Yet, air was all they could strike as Mirio dashed directly forwards and spun his sword in a circle across to his side.
The edge of his blade sliced through thick plated armor at the base of her head and flicked out the other side like a hot knife through butter. Purple blood splashing across his armor as one of the tendrils was cut loose from her body.
She howled and clicked rapidly with her throat as she desperately redirected her tendrils to chase after him. Mirio kicked his boot into her side and bounded off at an angle.
A blue flash of light shot up around him in a sphere as the tentacles attempted to blast through. He swatted them aside as they took a split second longer to break through the spell and dived back out of range behind her on one side.
Mirio’s eyes flicked towards them. He saw Tad and Carlson battling the Elven monster hunter, while Dereo had a dagger out against the woman, and the Tower was up close and personal with the half orc.
*I can’t read your mind, but I’m guessing that hurts. Maybe I should do it again?*
The monster hunters locked in battle with the Tower, Dereo, Carlson, and Tad all turned around in unison as the Queen screamed in pain.
Mirio smiled devilishly and began to circle towards the tail side of the Queen. The Queen coiled her body in close and stood up tall, allowing her to turn and face Mirio with her toothy maw.
A green mist swirled at the back of her throat for an instant before an enormous cone of bile poured forth in a thirty foot wide cone.
Mirio split into several ghost versions of himself in his mind and selected a path in an instant, sliding out just under the cone back in the direction of the incoming hunters. He sprung back to his feet and whipped his head around to see the others giving chase as the acid boiled on the ground beside him, fumes wafting into the air.
From the side of his eye Mirio noted the other horsemen circling, and javelinists making their way up from the side of the battle lines. He waved his hand up to the horsemen.
“Charge the hunters! Now!”
The Queen dived towards him from up high spinning herself like a drill, forcing Mirio to dive off of his feet. The tip of her beak drove into the ground yet before she submerged below, her tentacles lashed out at Mirio, three landing vicious blows to his back. Each hit with a force of a hammer, tearing gashes in his armor, he gasped for air as though he had fallen from a great height. Unable to breath, he crawled as fast as he could away from the Queen, as she plunged into the earth and the ground shook.
Just as Mirio made it to his feet and turned towards her, The Queen’s tail swept towards him. Without much time to react he could do nothing but brace for the blow. His arms pinned to his body as he was flattened against her cold, plated flesh, and launched into the air.
The crushing force of the blow had snapped his shoulders together violently, causing a crack to the back of his ribcage. The metal plate of his armor peeled off of his body, mangled, and busted as he raced through the air. Wind whistling past his now exposed torso and face, before he met the earth with a thud. Tumbling and sprawling out across the grass as he came to a stop.
Mirio grabbed his chest with one hand, and with the other he pulled a dagger to cut off the remaining bindings of the ruined plate armor around his torso. He then quickly flicked his fingers.
“Mage Armor”
A burst of light shot up around him, covering him in the ghostly blue scale armor he knew well.
*I think she cracked a rib*
Mirio grimaced as the pain hit him all at once.
He spat out blood now welling in his mouth and trailing down from a cut above his eyes. His eyes drifted off towards where he knew the hunters were, and he saw their figures storming towards him.
Somehow he had managed to keep hold of Ember and flicked his sword tip towards them and growled from behind his teeth. His vision still lit up from his eagle eye spell he noted the dots of light trailing across their bodies, and spun out to the side, flicking his sword at the wrist of the half orc as his axe drove down towards him.
Blood spattered against his face as Ember sliced through the orc’s wrist. He tugged on his sword to pull it back quickly, and plunged its tip deep into his neck. With his rear hand he gripped his dagger, and fought through the pain of his ribs to lift it high.
The metal clanked against the redhead hunter’s blade.
His hand pulsed before exploding with brilliant white light.
He growled and dragged his body out of the way of blows as he slipped through to the other side to stand with the others.
The rumble of hooves swept in from his side as the improvised cavalry charged through the melee. The clash of steel and muscle sounding out with a series of loud cracks.
The screech of horses cried out as the elf’s blades sliced through their sides, tossing both of their riders to the ground. And the gargle of blood welled up from behind another rider’s mouth as one of the red heads daggers stuck out from his throat.
Large gashes were opened up on the elf’s side, and the redhead’s face was pouring with blood from where her ear had once been. The giant half orc’s body collapsed to the ground as he reached towards his neck gargling.
The Tower charged through tackling the elf with his metal shoulder, folding the elf in two as he smacked him hard into the dirt. His enormous mittened hand then gripped around his throat and squeezed like a vice.
The Tower’s warcry blasted out, as he dug his fingers into the elf’s throat.
Dereo slid to the side of the redhead and dragged his dagger blade across her knee, catching just between the plates of her armor and toppling her off balance. Carlson leapt up into the air, tucking in both of his legs, before springing them out against her chest plate, mule kicking her off her feet and sending her sprawling to the ground.
Tad’s legs pounded as he drove past them with his axe raised.
The axe hacked cleanly through her chest plate, its red glowing energy allowing it to slice through like butter. She spat out blood and fell limp as he stood over her, and pried the axe from her armor.
The Tower pulled his arm back, a torrent of blood spewing forth as he did, as he tore out the elf’s throat.
The two unseated horsemen stood to their feet and nodded at the men, as the other remaining five horsemen circled around.
Javelinists arrived at the scene. “Where did it go?!”
Mirio took in a big gulp of air, the first since he had been sent flying by the Queen’s tail, and he surveyed the scene.
“If she isn’t here, she’s heading towards the line! We have to get back!”
He tried to run himself but was snagged by striking pain in his shoulders, chest, and arms. Most of the men headed off running, while Tad held back.
“How the fuck did you survive?”
Mirio looked at him, as blood still dripped from his axe.
“I see you put it that to use”
Mirio tried to enter into a jog but stopped and instead chose to walk. Tad eyed him over.
“You look like shit, I know you are tough but maybe you should hold back from the fight”
Mirio spat out another mouthful of blood as he walked. “Maybe later”
Ezee came running up beside him and nuzzled under his bloody hand. “I’m alright boy, just got the wind knocked out of me is all”
Mirio’s eyes lit up with rainbow colored energy as he began to cast his oasis spell. Tendrils of rainbow colored light trailing their way all around his body. He closed his eyes sweetly for a moment as the pain washed away. He gripped firmly to the hilt of his sword and broke into a cautious jog, heading back towards the frey.
Rocky spluttered, and reared onto his hind legs.
Mirio smiled and hoisted himself up into the saddle. He looked down at Tad and nodded, “Don’t worry, I have got this”.
“Yah, yah!”
And with a kick of his boots he galloped off towards the front lines, Ezee following in tow.
“What do you mean you won’t rally the knights?”
The captain slammed his fist down onto the ornate table in front of the count.
“I don’t know what kind of fight you and your men are putting up at the spurs, but it is futile. The only path forward is to let it run its course and to return with an army in the coming months”
“That is utter bullshit, men are preparing to fight and die right now, willing to put up a stand, and you have already pulled your men. What about the people of the city, are they just collateral damage?”
“Unfortunately, that is exactly what they are. I am sure many of them will survive and migrate to the surrounds as refugees, and in time when I take back the county they will return”
“You are delusional, this is insanity. Look, don’t you have any you can spare, recruits, anything”
“Four men, I’m sorry but it is all I can spare, as I must head out myself with the remainder as my guard”
“Bah! Fine!”
The count signalled to one of his men at the door to gather three others.
“Well, I guess you’d better be on your way”
The captain sneered before heading out of the office. “Noble prick”
Four young knights mounted their horses at the front gate of the estate. The captain ran out and mounted his horse quickly and bolted past them.
“Come on you knights, we’ve got a monster to kill!”
The ravenous thralls smashed themselves against the shield wall, lashing out with their clawed hands between the gaps. Each man and woman in the line were tugging on the handles of their shields to prevent it being pulled from their grasp with varying degrees of success as small cracks in the line opened up allowing thralls to blast through for a moment before shoved back out by the second line, swatting them with clubs, and kicking them out with their metal capped boots.
Each guard in the line either crying out in the struggle, or breathing hard in a state of focus, just trying to protect themselves from the onslaught of bodies ramming up against them. Several woodcutters and animal hunters drove through the crowd of thralls to the front with axes and spears in hand. And with a loud thwack, the first blow of an axe landed against the front of a shield.
Like a chain of dominoes, all of a sudden the struggling line was met with a clatter of unstoppable activity.
“They’ve got axes!”
“Fuck this! Unsheath your swords and take out the ones with weapons!”
“I can’t! There are too many!”
“Hold the fucking line!”
The runners signalled to adventurers behind the line to ready themselves for any gaps that might break open.
“Whatever you do, hold the line!”
A chant broke out across the line “HOLD!” “HOLD!” “HOLD!” as the chatter of each individual was drowned out by the orders of each runner.
A splash of crimson splattered onto men in the second line as a spear tip burst through the side of a shieldbearer’s neck.
Splatters of blood bursted all across the line as several shield bearers fell limp. The second line rushed forwards in shock, swatting at the thralls with their clubs as they desperately tried to grab for the shields themselves, clambering over the dead body of their fellow guards. Adventurers burst into the line after them, smashing back at the thralls and holding the other guards steady as they raised their shields once more.
Several of the guards at the front pulled short swords from their sheathe and began slashing wildly out from behind their shields refusing to be victim to the attacks.
The captain galloped up onto the top of the hill with four knights in wedge formation behind him. He looked down upon the battlefield, and quickly assessed the state of the men.
“We’re late, so get your asses in gear!” he shouted back to the knights.
The front lines were starting to splinter, the men were panicking as bastards with spears were taking pot shots at them from the crowd. He looked into the distance to see a hole in the earth, and across the field javelinists and some horsemen heading back to the frey.
“Clerics! Come out to the flanks with the knights! Aim your spells at those fucking spearmen and axes!”
He drew a bow from his back and galloped around the formation to where he could find a shot. He closed one eye and peered down the arrow shaft, taking aim at one of the spearmen. “Come on, come on”
The arrow struck into the skull of one of the spearmen dropping him. “Sorry Sam” he whispered under his breath as he pulled another arrow.
The arrow tore through the air before sinking into the shoulder of a woodcutter. The thrall, unphased, drew up its axe and drove it deep into a shield. It then tugged and hauled the shield back into the crowd as thralls spilled into the gap. Several adventurers rushed forwards to fill the gap but were overwhelmed by the clawing attacks of the thralls.
A man with chainmail and simple coif helm batted wildly with his mace before he was leapt upon. The thralls clawing into his eyes and prying his weapon from his hand. He screamed in horror as he was driven to the ground and the formation was suddenly fractured. Thralls poured through into the back lines.
“Range units! Circle back behind the line!” the captain shouted, “Square formation!”
“Unsheath your swords!” the runners shouted, “Outside flanks, step back, you heard the captain square formation!”, “Kill the bastards that made it behind the lines”
The men rushed back and closed the lines around the ranged units, as everyone in the center of the square unsheathed their swords and hacked back at the thralls until they could reclose the line.
The ranged units put away their nets and bola’s and drew swords, as they clambered over the slain corpses of villagers and guards at the center of the formation. Thralls closed in around them from all sides.
The captain glanced at the Clerics caught on the outside of the formation.
“Clerics, fall back to the tavern, knights, get them up onto the roof!”
“Men! Make your way up the hill towards the tavern!”
The captain drew another arrow and sent it loose.
Another spearman falling lifeless onto the grass below.
The men shoved hard on the hillside, bolstered by the men behind them in the middle of the formation who formed a scrum.
In big pulses of force they thrust their weight into each side as the surrounding lines locked in place by the scrimmage followed along in tight formation bound tight by the men behind them.
The air was heavy and hot as they drove their feet like a herd of cattle. Clambering their way up the hill as the thralls swarmed all around them.
The captain pulled another arrow from his quiver and aimed it into the crowd, searching for spearmen.
A spearman dropped to the dirt torn up by the battle.
Five horsemen came rushing in and circled up to the captain “The Queen is underground, headed this way!” as the javelinists followed fifty feet behind them with the Tower, Dereo, and Carlson.
“Well, fuck”
“Quickly men! Double time!”
*We have to get to the tavern, so the men can change formation, we are a sitting duck for the Queen as it stands*
“PUSH!” The men cried out as they rumbled forwards, slamming thralls into the side of the tavern. They fiercely wrestled the pinned thralls and tossed them out to the sides, while others were stabbed and thrown to the ground.
“Peel out! Surround the tavern two lines deep! Backs to the walls everyone!”
The men scrambled, and swatted their way free of thralls to get their backs to the walls of the tavern, shield bearers on the outside.
“Clerics! I hope you have bigger spells than that damned sleep powder you’ve been slinging, what you got?”
One of the head clerics signalled to the others “Prepare divine bolts”
The clerics hands crackled with white lightning tendrils. “Tell us when and what to strike” he nodded at the captain.
“Stand ready for the Queen!”
Just as the words left his mouth the ground began to rumble, and an explosion of rock and mud blasted through the side of the tavern, sending shards of wood in all directions like shrapnel. Bits of wood stabbing into the mens armor like they were pin cushions. While men who were standing where the queen blasted through were thrown flying through the air and to the ground within the crowd of thralls where they were torn apart.
The Clerics stumbled back and blasted the Queen with their divine bolts lighting her up with a bright glow. Javelinists arriving just behind the swarm of thralls hurled their javelins.
Most of the javelins deflected off of her tough armored hide, but a couple finding their mark. The javelinists quickly readied a second volley as the green mist swirled within the Queen’s now opening maw. The fleshy flanges peeling back as she spewed forth acid.
The javelinists screamed and flailed as the flesh melted from their bones. Only a couple of them able to dive out of the way of the acid blast.
An arrow sunk in between one of its rows of teeth as the captain lowered his bow to ready another arrow.
The Clerics quickly scrambled back to the edges of the roof and readied another volley of divine bolts. They blasted out like white lightning and sizzled against her flesh. The Queen closed her maw into a beak, and thrashed her head along the roof, swatting the clerics aside. She then signalled to several thralls to peel off and converge upon them.
The Queen turned back and opened her maw once more to let out a loud screech.
The Tower, Dereo, and Carlson arrived at the captain’s side. “What do we do?”
“Clear a path for the knights to get to the queen”
“Knights, use your rune blades! Gut the beast”
Mirio galloped in and began circling the tavern searching for those who most needed his help. He then looked up at the Queen as she towered up above the tavern. He rose onto the back of rocky and then galloped towards it.
He dived up onto the roof, and found his footing, sword drawn. He bolted towards her in a flash, flicking his sword in a butterfly pattern as rainbow colored energy oozed from his blade. He hacked and slashed at the base of her head, cleaving off pieces of flesh and armor plates. Four of her tentacles flung off of her body and flopped into the crowd below, as Mirio pulled back his sword and pierced deep into her flesh with a thrust.
“Raaaaaarrr!!” he screamed at the top of his lungs as he twisted the blade deeper.
His eyes flickered over the beaded threads of light he saw all through her body, following a trail of violet light as it surged through her form and up into her remaining tentacle.
Mirio dropped his grip on his blade and dived off the roof as the tentacle shot after him. He tucked into a ball as he smashed into thralls below. The Queen’s tentacle a foot too short to reach Mirio in time tucked back towards her and drew out Ember. She turned towards the captain and shot her tentacle forwards.
The blade shot through his plate armor and stuck out from the other side as he was thrown off his horse. Blood poured from his mouth as he collapsed to the ground, Ember now sticking up from him.
Mirio was grabbed by several thralls by his wrists, neck, and legs. He tugged and pulled at each of his limbs and managed to bring them into his center, where he blasted them back out to create space. With uncanny strength several of the thralls were flung several paces back from him. He stomped his feet and threw off the grips of thralls on the ground gripping his legs.
The Tower, Dereo, Carlson and Tad tore at several more of the thralls beside him as knights clanked along behind them with radiant swords drawn. He turned around amidst the chaos, and stumbled out of the crowd as the four knights drove their blades into the creature’s gut. Cutting in triangle shapes, they heaved massive chunks of her flesh, leaving some of her blood and guts to spill out around them. Covered from head to toe in blood and gore, they continued to hack through her body.
The Queen screeched as in her deathblows her tentacle wrapped its way around Tad’s neck and lifted him into the air kicking. He tried to swing his axe only for her tendril to pulse and his arms fell limp as the axe fell free.
Mirio screamed out.
“No!” and looked around wildly for a sword, but could find nothing.
The Queen in her last breath looked at Mirio “You! It was you!” she then pulsed more violet energy into Tad. He screamed in pain as the violet energy burst from his eyes. The other thralls around also screamed in pain as their eyes burst with light. They began to seize in wild fits, as their minds were torn apart from the inside out. Blood poured from Tad’s nose as his mind was shredded from within.
The Queen’s tentacle released Tad sending him toppling into the debris below, and then she swayed back and forth before collapsing, her giant maw slamming right in front of Mirio.
She peeled back her meaty flanges and let out a black gas that jetted into Mirio’s face.
He coughed and sputtered as he attempted to swat it away but it was too late as the toxin seeped into his bloodstream causing him to break out in sweat and fall to his knees, clutching at his throat.
He glanced up as Dereo rushed towards him.
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