《Sting Them to Death》8. Just Keep Dodging and Tanking


Dodging another glob of acid aimed at him, Hans then felt pain as the acid spitter’s tail whip him across his side, leaving scratches along it.

Then the damn snake proceed to spit acid at where it had previously hit him with its.

Hans respond flinging sands at its face, blinding it, and allowing him to get up close and slam its head to the ground with all of his might.

A carter formed beneath them and snake sway for moment before falling to the ground with thud.

Hans stares directly straight at the acid spitter’s unresponsive and still body, daring the snake to get back up.

And after a long moment of nothing happening, Hans decided that it was most definitely dead, turn around and began leaving before coming to a full stop as he noticed something peculiar.

“Wait a minute, I haven’t gotten any messages from the system saying that I actually killed the damn thing.”

Then [Danger Sense] began going off louder than a siren during a tornado.

Hans turned around to see the previously downed acid spitter slowly rising as it swings its head around and before spiting out its broken fangs to the ground with a new pair already replacing the old pair.

He could hear the snake’s breathing heavily, acid pouring of its mouth.

“How the hell are you still—"

Hans was unable to finishes sentence as the acid proceeded to sent him flying with its tail.

Landing with a grunt, Hans scramble onto his feet just in time to dodge a stream of acid.

The acid spitter seem to have become more aggressive as it used its acid with reckless abandonment, not allowing Hans to dig underground and hide.

Cursing under his breath as the stream of acid continues to follow him, Hans try to come up with a plan to defeat the serpentine monster.


He tried throwing objects at the snake to try and plug its mouth but they just got disintegrated the moment he threw them.

Charging at it is a stupid idea because one, the stream of acid would have easier time hitting him, and two, that tail of its would just sent him flying with one hit.

Hans was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

And so the only thing he could do was to run around and hope for the acid spitter to run out of acid to spew out.

After all, it can’t possibility produce infinite acid, right?

Thus he ran for so long that he lost track of time and was just about to run of breath with acid just about to engulf and melt him alive before the stream of acid fizzle out as the acid spitter start coughing and hacking out blood.

“Fucking finally!” Hans yells before charging straight at the snake, pelting it with rocks as he does so.

The rocks bounced harmlessly off the acid splitter who was still hacking out blood, alerting its of Hans charging toward but was too coughing up blood.

It did however put up some resistance during its coughing fit, swinging its tail in an attempt keep him back.

This however proven to be futile as Hans’ [Danger Sense] warned him of the incoming attacks, allowing him to dodge or bend his body to a unnatural degree to avoid the blows

Hans then proceeded to slam into the acid spitter’s body, throwing it to the ground.

He move his blade to slash at the its underbelly but only left a small cut, however Hans didn’t care about that as he once raise his claws, and drop them onto the acid spitter’s head, and proceeded to do so again, and again.


[You have slain Serrated-tail Spitter - Lv. 12]!

You Have Leveled Up! [Venomous Desert Scorpion - Lv. 15 —> 16 —> 17]!

You have learned [Body Slam] - Lv. 1

[Flexible Grapple - Lv. 1] Leveled Up!

[Danger Sense] - Lv. 3] Leveled Up!

[Crush - Lv. 9] Leveled Up!

[Crush] has achieved the max level. Please choose your desired path for the skill to take.

Path of Shattering: Create vibrations that weaken the farther they go.

Path of Strength: Increases the strength of your attacks

Ah, it was evolved version of the regular acid spitter.

Well, it was just as annoying and it was a good that it’s dead.

And he got some levels out of it, along with a new skill and a new path to choose.

“Now to choose which path I should take,” Hans said.

Shattering would give him a farther range with [Crush] but he had some worries that it would mess with [Mole’s Senses - Lv. 6].

Path of Strength on the other hand, would just make the skill stronger with no downsides.

So, he choose Path of Strength and await for the changes to come.

Congrats, [Crush - Lv. MAX] has become [Crushing Blows - Lv. 1]!

[Crushing Blows - Lv. 1] - Greatly increase your physical attacks, allowing you to destroy boulders with ease.

Hans felt his entire body growing and shrinking, along with his muscular twisting, causing him to wince in pain.

This went on for a minute before stopping and Hans felt…stronger.

Strong enough to take on fifteen of that evolved acid spitter all at once and win.

He definitely needed to test out the new skill.

“Oh…oh my…”

Hans look at his claw which was now coated with blood and gore before turning to look at the headless corpse of a jackalope in front of him.

“I didn’t think that it would do that much damage…” He mutters, taking another appraising look at his bloodied claw.

“Though I guess it make leveling up easier.”

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