《Serendipity》Vorg, the battlefield butcher
Silica could barely speak. She lay on the ground watching as the large sword was heaved off the ground, traces of mud and ichor staining the dull metal edges. The intimidating form of the bestial knight loomed over her, heaving its greatsword from the ground. She could feel it glaring at her under the beast maw that was its helmet.
“Silica! Liana!” Kline rushed to the bestial knight, pulling back a mana enhanced punch. “GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTERS YOU BASTARD!”
The bestial knight caught Kline’s fist, the explosion of flames bursting from the impact. Yet the opponent dare not move an inch, gazing at its new opponent. It swung its massive sword out, ready to decapitate the man.
“Oh no you don’t!” Silica leaped to her feet and slashed at the knight’s midsection, infusing her mana to cause some damage. The bestial knight suddenly turned and threw Kline at her.
Liana fired an arrow, catching the knight in the throat. Yet it showed no signs of pain, wrenching the arrow out before swinging its blade out, using it as a shield as Clara’s magic struck, sending it back a few feet while the explosion broke its guard.
“I got it!” Zack said rushing at the staggered foe, his blade shimmering with mana. “Take this! Rush-!”
The warning came too late. As Zack approached, ready to swing his sword and unleash his art, the bestial knight suddenly pivoted on its axis, bringing its sword down on the adventure. The weapon struck his left shoulder and carried downwards to his left hip, striking the ground with a loud clang as the two halves of the body fell.
“Zack!” Silica’s grief was short-lived as the bestial knight suddenly pounced on her. She rolled out of the way as the blade struck the ground, getting back to her feet as the foe swung at her again. She blocked the strike but was sent flying backward rolling through the mud. “D-Damn it…”
Her arms felt as though the bones had been turned to dust following the swing. The bestial knight approached, readying its weapon when several bangs erupted behind it, it’s body peppered with bullets.
“Men! Don’t let him into the town!” The sergeant barked as the gunners lined up.
“Run!” Garo yelled as he fired. The bestial knight brought its weapon out, using it as a shield against the incoming volleys before it rushed towards them. The island guard spearmen stood in its way, yet their actions proved in vain as the bestial knight’s blade made short work of them, cleaving through two of them before rushing Garo.
“Garo!” Silica called.
“Shit! Get outta there!” Kline yelled.
The seasoned adventurer grinned as he threw his rifle away, brought out his blunderbuss and fired point-blank range before swerving to the side allowing the large blade to fall. The blast had hit the bestial knight in the head, parts of its helm were blown off. Surely it was-
With its weapon embedded in the ground, the bestial knight leaped, swung on his weapon before kicking Garo in the stomach, sending him flying backward.
“Wh-What?!” Silica watched in horror as Garo tumbled across the ground before coming to a stop. She could see he was still alive, squirming on the ground. Yet he was also coughing up blood.
As for the bestial knight, everyone stared in horror as the knight’s face was revealed, nothing more than a skinless face with missing eyes. Then, the armor began to repair itself. Through horrible cries from the tortured soul within, the faceplate moved like liquid until it was completely repaired.
“... The hell are you?” Silica gulped.
The bestial knight rushed towards her once more. Kline tackled her to the ground as the bestial knight swung its sword overhead, the air singing at the colossal blade passed overhead.
“Damn you!” Kline yelled as he kicked out, sending the bestial knight back a few feet off-balanced by the weight of its own sword. “Silica! Liana! Get Outta here!”
“Don’t argue!” Kline bellowed putting out his fists. “This guy's way to much for you to handle!”
“I can fight!”
“Silica!” Liana grabbed her sister by the wrist. “Dad’s got this!” She then pulled her sister with her. Silica didn’t resist, allowing herself to flee with her sister yet still looked back at her father.
“Alright you bastard,” Kline said as the bestial knight regained its posture. “You picked the wrong guy to mess with!”
The bestial knight charged, passing right past Kline towards Silica and Liana.
“Crap!” Silica kicked Liana out of the way before ducking right, both missing the blade crashing on the ground like an executioner's blade. Silica found her back to the wall of the barracks. She quickly ducked through the nearby window moments before the wall was torn apart by the bestial knight's sword.
Is… is it after me? Silica thought before being forced to dodge another heavy swing. Two arrows struck the back of the bestial knight.
“Silica!” Liana called out, drawing another arrow, firing it into the neck of the bestial knight which finally reacted to her presence.
Silica charged the bestial knight, infusing her blade with mana and plunging it into its back. “Got you no-”
Unhindered, the bestial knight grabbed Silica by the neck with its free hand, threw her into the air before slamming her into the ground, the wooden floorboards splintering under the immense strength of the foe. She coughed up blood on the impact as her bones rattled.
“Let her go!” Liana fired a fourth arrow into the bestial knight, hitting it in the chest. As she drew a fifth arrow, the knight picked Silica up off the ground and threw her at Liana. The bestial knight strolled out of the debris, pulling Silica’s sword from its back, dislodging the arrows Liana from its body.
“S-Silica…” Liana groaned.
“I-I’m okay…” Silica responded, slowly crawling in the dirt, looking up as the bestial knight strolled out of the barracks, its massive sword resting on its shoulders. “Th-The hell are you…?” Silica hissed, forcing herself to her feet. “W-what do you want with me?”
“We got this!” Kline stood in front of the girls alongside Garo, Clara and two adventures that were still able to fight. “You two get outta here!”
“D-Don’t! It’s after me!” Silica yelled. “I-I can get it outta town-!”
“You’re not going anywhere!” Garo snapped, readying his blunderbuss. “Except to the harbor where you’ll be safe!”
“Don’t worry. We don’t plan to die,” Clara reassured the sisters. “You’ve both done more than enough. Let us handle this one.”
“N-No don’t…” Silica protested. “Don’t-” Before she could do anything, a green wisp came into her field of view.
“Yehehehe! You lot seem to be in quite a pickle!”
The bestial knight was about to charge when a torrent of lightning suddenly struck it from above, emitting from five yellow wisps hovering above it.
Granny Furano casually strolled onto the battlefield as though it were a morning walk, surrounded by the wisps that ebbed and flowed around her letting out squeaks and cheers like children. Everyone simply stared mouth agape at their savior who was the last person anyone expected. With a wave of her cane wisps began to fan out to every person on the battlefield. The one that hovered around Silica glowed, showering her in a green haze. All of a sudden, all the pain and fatigue she was in suddenly vanished. Green wisps danced around the battlefield, floating to every single person bathing them in green mist, healing their wounds.
“Wh-What are you doing here?” Silica asked. “Jil said you went down into the catacombs?”
“Now’s not the time,” Gran said, waving her staff again. The bestial knight, who had recovered and was charging Gran was then struck by a massive fireball, throwing it back into the barracks. “Garo, Kline. See to it everyone is safe.”
“H-Hold up,” Kline said as he helped his friend to his feet. “You need to get outta here! That thing’s-”
“I know what it is,” Gran said casually strolling past the line of adventurers, “As you are now, none of you will be able to stop it without losses.” She glanced at the island guards. “The denizens of the void won’t be coming back. Go to the docks.”
The guards looked unsure.
“.... Alright,” Clara nodded. “You heard the lady!”
“R-Right!” The guard began to retreat.
“Hope you know what you’re doing you old bat,” Kline said, throwing up his arm. “Alright! Let's make sure the rest of the town is safe!”
The adventures began to fall back as well. Silica however did not move, nor did Liana.
“Is something wrong, young Silica?” Gran asked.
“... Th-That things after me! If I run then-!”
There was movement within the barracks. The smoldering bulk of the bestial knight emerged, dragging its massive sword behind it.
“It’s… it’s coming,” Liana said. “Gran, you can’t fight it alone!”
Gran looked back at them with a smile. “Now now. I’m not that inept. Yehehehe!” She chuckled as the bestial knight roared, resting its massive weapon on its shoulders once more. “This town has done a lot for me over the years. This is my home as much as it is yours. It’s only natural I would want to defend it.”
Tapping her staff on the ground, wisps swarmed around her, shimmering with every color of the rainbow.
“Silica…” Liana tugged at her sister.
“... Gran… be careful!” Silica said, reluctantly running away from the two.
Gran smiled, her hand gently brushing against the handle of her cane. “Well, I do believe you have outlived your welcome Lost one.”
The bestial knight growled, crouching like a beast ready to pounce, is fingers dragging across the ground as its dark rage fulled its very being. A momentary calm befell before finally pouncing at Gran, dragging its massive weapon at its back.
Gran smiled as it approached, casually tapping her staff into the ground. A geyser erupted in front of her, throwing the knight into the air by its force. Gran clicked her fingers. Yellow wisps surrounded the airborne enemy before unleashing a torrent of electricity, electrocuting the knight, followed by a red wisps burning it while green wisps fanned the flames. Gran strolled back as the knight landed on the ground in a heap, smoke smoldering from its burnt and cracked armor that already began to close.
“Quite the strong one, aren't ya. Yehehehe!”
The bestial knight howled, wrenching its blade from the ground, holding its hilt in reverse before swinging it towards Gran. With a simple flick of her fingers, the green wisps responded, sending a powerful gust of wind that blasted the bestial knight back. It recovered, embedding its weapon into the ground, swinging on the hilt before landing back on the ground.
“All you have left is that unchained rage,”
White wisps circled Gran, chanting and jeering before lifting their small hands. A flash freeze of ice jutted from the earth, encasing the bestial knight's sword before it could cleave the old woman in two. With a wave of two fingers, white wisps surrounded the bestial knight as it tried to wrench its weapon free. Sensing the danger, the knight freed its weapon, leaping back before the flash freeze, landing on the ground skidding across, before bringing its massive sword overhead. It ponced and leaped at the now large formation of ice. With a single swing of its blade, the ice was shattered in one move, revealing the grinning Gran surrounded by red wisps. With a simple click of her fingers, a torrent of flames launched the knight back into the barracks.
“I truly pity you, you sad lost soul.” Gran held her left hand in the air. Wisps of every color flew past her, changing to a shimmering blue as it began circling above the barracks.
“Let all be admonished of sin in holy retribution.”
A magic circle formed in the air with an energy ball forming in the center.
“Calamity fall.”
Silica ducked down as a violent wind washed over her. Behind her the barracks exploded, white and blue flames plumbing like a flower in bloom. Everyone had just made it to the main street when the explosion had occurred, and now everyone looked back in awe seeing what was likely the enemy engulfed in Gran's magic. Silica had heard stories of Gran's exploits during the orc raids of Gormott, but nothing could prepare her to seeing her in action.
“She-She did it?” An adventurer said. “It’s… It’s over?”
Silica wanted to believe it. However, she could still feel a prickle from the mark on her hand. She couldn’t explain it, but Silica had a feeling it wasn’t quite over yet.
Gran painted, coughing as she collapsed to one knee. “Oh dear… I may have gone a little too far…” She said to herself. Her wisps circled her once more as she slowly got to her feet, using her cane to support her.
Before her was the smoldering ruins of the barracks, still eliminated by the blue flames of her spell. She truly wished not to use such a powerful attack given how much mana it demanded on her. The exhaustion she felt was a reminder that her time had long past.
“Silica…” Gran looked forward, tightening her grip on her cane as she looked forward. “It seems my time has come.”
Out of the ruins, the bestial knight strolled casually. Its body not erupting with black flames adding to its already sinister appearance. Its sword, now completely engulfed in that same flame.
Her spell had wounded it. Now the true monster had been brought to the surface.
A line of black flames could be seen, rushing from the center of the barracks, all alone the battlefield to the ruined fort on the opposite side.
“Whoa! What was that?!” Kline bellowed.
Liana squinted her eyes and saw something moving in the barracks. There was no mistaking it. “It’s still alive…”
Her voice was muted, but everyone seemed to have heard her. Despair began to set in among the island guard who had suffered the most losses, the sergeant trying his best to rally them.
“What’s the plan?” Clara asked.
“... It’s not invincible,” Garo said, bringing out his blunderbuss. “The guild has yet to find a single monster that cannot be killed, and damn if we’ll be the ones to discover it!”
“Well said!” Kline said bashing his fists together. “I’m looking for payback for that thing.
Liana didn’t say anything but silently nodded readying her bow. Silica however had yet to respond as everyone would have expected. It took a quick look around to discover why.
Silica wasn’t among them.
“.... Oh no…”
Gran crawled across the ground. The wisps had only just saved her from certain death, yet the black flames not only broke through the barrier they created to save their master, her left arm having been torn clean off from the line of black flames.
The bestial knight strolled forwards to her. The black flames had died out and all damage that the spell had caused had now closed off, a black mist seeping from it.
Gritting her teeth, gran rolled to her back grinning at the bestial knight despite her condition. “I believe… I’ve done enough.” She closed her eyes, awaiting her death. I suppose… it wasn’t a bad life.
Silica yelled as she brought the axe she swiped on her way up to the battlefield. The edge smashed into the bestial knight's helmet, knocking several chips off and causing it to drop its weapon.
“Don’t you dare,” She brought the axe up for another blow. “YOU SON OF A BITCH!”
She swung. The bestial knight caught the weapon’s blade with its hand, the metal cracking. It slowly rose up, as Silica tried to wench the weapon free, kicking at the armored body. It then punched Silica as hard as it could in the gut. Silica coughed blood as the air was forced out of her lungs, releasing the axe as she rolled forwards, grabbing the bestial knight's right hand as it picked her up, its fist still clenched in her gut. Silica growled, spitting on the knight's helmet before throwing her away.
Silica landed on the ground, grasping her gut, going on all fours before regurgitating some of her stomach mixed with her own blood. She looked back up, seeing the bestial knight grabbing Gran by the neck and hauling her into the air.
“G-Gran…” Silica wheezed. “L-Let her go…”
“S-Silica…” Gran croaked out, grasping the bestial knight with her free hand. “A-Always remember!” She yelled, calling on all her remaining strength. “Wh-what you are…. Is not who… you are!” She gurgled as the bestial knight tightened its grip. “N-Never forget! No matter what! NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF WHO YOU AR-!”
A horrible sound caused Silica to freeze. She stared as though time had stopped completely. With a simple flick of its wrist, Gran hung limp, her arms flailing like leaves in the wind.
The knight dropped Gran to the ground, standing over her.
Gently, the knight brought its foot to Gran, flipping her to her back. Gran made no effort to resist, her face gazed back at Silica, the light absent in her eyes.
At that moment, Silica could no longer feel pain. The only thing she could hear was the sound of her heart, beginning to thump rapidly as she got on all fours, her eyes glued to still body of Gran.
The memories of her; the crippled old home built into the cave, her constant complaining, allowing her wisps to play with Silica and Liana when they were younger, her stories and riddles.
In one second, that was all it took. Those memories that flashed in her mind at that moment, it was all taken away from her.
“You….” Her fingers dug into the earth. Her teeth began to rattle. A dark, unfamiliar feeling began to push itself to the surface as her blood reached a boiling point.
“HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Silica howled as she charged, blind with rage, grabbing the two-handed axe in one hand, bringing it down on the bestial knight. Silica attacked again, swinging her commandeered weapon on the beast's chest. Silica howled, lost in her bloodlust, swinging the axe at her enemy again and again and again. The wooden shaft began to splinter, the metal blade was cracking under each swing. “Just… DIE ALREADY!!” Her final swing broke both the blade and snapped the wooden shaft as it struck the bestial knight's helm. With the splintered weapon, Silica tried to stab the bestial knight, only for it to grab her by the throat and lift her into the air before throwing her towards the ruined barracks where she landed on her back.
Silica struggled, pushing herself up but was stopped when the bestial knight placed its metal foot to her chest pinning her to the ground. Silica gasped as the pressure mounted on her chest, clawing at the metal arm still blind with rage. The giant metal blade impaled itself to the right of Silica’s head with the knight now looming over her like an executioner staring down its victim.
Silica’s rage disappeared when she spied something in the corner of her eye. Something small, slightly bigger than a fly was descending towards the knight's left side, hugging a dagger in its small hands. It didn't take long for her to realize who it was.
"Leave her alone you monster!" The fairy yelled as she leveled herself at the bestial knights left the side, flying towards it like a missile, trying to jab the knife into its eye.
Without even looking, the knight raised its left hand, catching hold of the fairy in its iron grip.
The knight then glanced towards its left hand, seeing the green-haired fairy struggling in its grip. "L-Let me go you- AHHHH!"
Jil cried as the knight slowly tightened its grip on the fairy, trying to crush it with relative ease.
Silica stared in horror, her ears filled with the cries of her fairy friend. Filled with terror and desperation she clawed at the black armor, trying to force the knight of her as it slowly crushed her to death.
"Stop it."
The mark on her hand began to glow a soft light, which grew and pulsed.
"Stop it...."
Silica raised her right hand up to the fairy, who was also beginning to let out a glow of her own. A shining mist began to spew forth from both her and the mark on Silica's hand.
All of a sudden, everything went white.
“J-Jil….?” Silica groaned, raising her hand to the clear blue sky above her, a stark contrast to the cloudy night sky she was just looking at. She remembered the bestial knight stepping on her, then seeing it crush Jil, then…
“.... Jil!” Silica shot up, looking around for her fairy. There was no one in sight yet… “Wh-Where am I?”
Slowly, Silica rose to her feet disoriented. A vast plain of windswept grass stretched for as far as Silica could see. This hilly expanse, far devoid of the town of Holbourgh with not even a single blemish to the landscape. A cloudy blue sky was above her, a single sun in the heavens.
“H-How did I get here?”
Adding to the confusion was the pain Silica felt was gone. In fact, her clothes showed no signs of the recent battle. The damage to her garments from the dirt, rips and close calls was gone. Even the small bruises and cuts she had on her body was gone.
Then, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted something in the distance perched atop a nearby hill. “H-Hello?” Silica called out but received no response.
She got closer. The person seemed to be a small girl in a turquoise dress and green hair.
“J-Jil? Is that you?”
With her back turned, no wings, and now the size of a human, the closer Silica got it resembled more and more like the fairy. “Jil? Hey! That’s you isn’t it?” Silica ran to her side, conforming it was indeed Jil.
“.... Whoa,”
Reaching the top, Silica was no staring at a new sight. Before her was a massive lake, almost resembling the sea. Seven pillars rose from its crystal clear surface, marble white reflecting the sun's light. At the lakes, shore was what looked like a small town of white buildings of ancient design, yet one that lacked a single soul to call it home.
“I… remember this place,” Jil finally spoke, her voice sounding distant. “Looking upon it, I feel a warmth radiating inside me, a comfort.” She placed her hand on her chest. “Yet… at the same time… I feel pain, regret… sorrow.”
“Is this… Serendipity?” Silica finally asked, not taking her eyes away from the vista.
“No it isn’t. That much I’m sure of. But that place… it holds significance to me. To my past…”
“You’re past? Wait… did your memory come back?”
Jil shook her head. “No, only small fragments of my mind returned when we resonated.” She said, putting a hand to her chest. “Nothing about who I am has returned. Only… my purpose has returned.”
“Your… purpose? Resonated?” Silica huffed, not understanding a world Jil had just said. “By the way… where are we?” She finally asked, assuming the fairy knew the answers. “We were in Holbourgh before so-”
“We’re still in Holbourgh. Or at least our bodies are.”
“Can you talk sense?”
“At the moment we’re communing in your soul scape.”
“Soul… what?”
“Think of it as an inner world, one of your own making,” Jil said, raising her arm to the grass plain behind them. “Everything you see here is formed of your own self conscious.”
Silica looked behind, seeing the wild, unexplored lands of greenery stretching as far as the eye could see. “This is… something I made?”
“Not all of it,” Jil pointed to the lake and town. “That was likely formed by my presence here.”
Silica narrowed her eyes, not fully understanding how it was they in this place, this soul scape or whatever it was. “So how did we even get here? I remember fighting that knight then-”
All of a sudden, her insides went cold. She remembered the bestial knight that was attacking the town. She remembered the guards, Zack and Gran all falling victim to its rampage. “That’s right! That thing’s still attacking the town! Come on! How do we get outta here! We need to go back-!”
“If you return, both of us will die.”
Silica had only just begun to run back down the hill when Jil stopped her.
“I suspect… everyone in town may suffer a similar fate.” She said, not turning back around.
“You lack the strength and power to fight that monster,” Jil said bluntly, finally turning to face Silica. “In our current predicament, our fates are sealed. My body will be crushed right before your eyes before a similar fate is enacted upon you.”
“Like hell! I’ll find a way to beat that thing! One way or the other!” Silica bellowed, clenching her fist. Jil looked at her shocked by her outburst. “Holbourgh’s my home and I’ll be damned if I let that metal freek tare it all apart! Even if it kills me… I’ll stop that thing… No one else will die from it! Liana, Garo, Mom, Dad, Torburn, even that bastard Doal, I’ll make sure it regrets ever setting foot in my home!”
“Silica…” Jil slowly looked towards her left hand. Her face read that of someone deeply conflicted. “.... There might be a way.” She said reluctantly. “If you wish… I can’t guarantee success, but I can grant you the power to fell the fiend.”
“Seriously?!” Silica exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell me that sooner?!”
“Because it comes at a price.”
Silica’s exhilaration at the prospect of a miracle was quickly dashed as the fairy looked at her with a very serious expression. “If you accept this power… there will be no going back. You will be forced into a destiny, not of your choosing. Whatever life you wanted will likely never come to pass. Even this life you live on this island will end as a new path is opened before you. That, Silica, is what this power demands of you,”
Silica couldn’t help but gulp. Jil didn’t say anything about what it would entail, but her tone was completely serious. She had a feeling that this power Jil was offering, the reason she didn’t say anything up until now, it was a last resort.
“I cannot tell you anymore. Those parts of my memory have yet to return. But I am sure in what I speak.” Jil continued, slowly turning to face Silica. The wind blew across the plains, creating a symphony of rustling grass.
“Do you still wish to accept?”
Silica closed her eyes, listening to the sounds around her, her hands fighting on the hems of her dress. “........ Yeah,” She looked up with a grin. “Let's do it!”
Jil sighed, putting her hands to her hips in exhaustion, as though anticipating the reaction. “I suspect you haven’t given this much thought, have you?”
“I can figure all that stuff out later,” Silica said, holding out her right hand. “What I need now is power. Power to save my home, the people I care about. What more is there to think about?” She clenched her hand into a fist. “I’ll worry about all this destiny crap later. Assuming I make it out alive,” she finished with a wink.
“I certainly feel I shall regret this decision…” Jil sighed. Despite that, she gave Silica a warm smile. “Hold out your hand.”
Silica did as instructed, slowly extending her right hand. Jil did the same with her left, gently placing her palm against Silica. A bright light began to shine from Jil’s palm.
“Rest assured, no matter what adversities you may face in the future,”
Silica squinted as the light grew brighter and brighter, bathing both her and Jil as the scene melted away.
“I’ll always be right by your side.”
Light erupted, bursting from Silica, Jil and the bestial knight. Liana, who had rushed in ahead of the adventures, was blown off her feet as a violent wind slammed into her. The pillar of light extended into the clouds, dispersing them instantly allowing the twin moons to shine through. Everyone on Chadd, from the guards the adventurers, Torburn and Valary making their way back from the north barricade, the townspeople gathered in the docks and flotillas, Doal who starred in utter disbelief, burrow survivors from the recent attacks who emerged from the catacombs in pursuit of the monsters that had slaughtered their people. All of Chadd, stared in awe of the pillar of light that stretched overhead, reaching into the heavens.
Even across the sea on the main settlement of Gormott, Van Jorhan, in discussions with the imperial army, stood at his inn balcony in awe at the miracle he witnessed, as did the population of the town itself.
Off into the distance, the tower of Serendipity suddenly emitted a blue light, extending from the base all the way into the heavens. Close to its base, by a small marble platform stood two figures, a man with a sword strapped to his back, and a woman wearing a cloak.
“So it’s finally begun,” The woman said, folding her arms.
“Yes…” The man said, looking up at the glowing tower with blood-red eyes. “At long last…”
"Took long enough,"
As the pillar of light died down, the bestial knight was thrown into the air, crashing into the ruined barracks, its sword landing close by.
“Ow ow…” Silica groaned as she pushed herself up. “J-Jil?” She said getting back to her feet, clutching her sword-
“Huh?” Silica looked down at her right hand. In her grip was a sword, and one she never recognized before. A gleaming silver, double-edged blade with a circular cross guard. In the center was a glowing blue gem with the twin comet symbol around it.
“Wh-When did I get this?”
“Silica! Eyes front!” A voice suddenly rang in her head, one sounding like Jil.
Silica turned her head around, trying to find the small fairy. Instead, she saw the bestial knight emerging from the ruined house, roaring as it picked up its sword once more.
“Right… don’t think I forgot about you,” Silica said, gritting her teeth. “You’re gonna pay for what you’ve done!”
The bestial knight roared, black flames erupting from its blade.
“What the-?”
“Don’t let them touch you! That’s not normal fire!”
“Don’t have to tell me that!” Silica rolled left as the bestial knight lunged into the air, coming down like a buzz saw. It hit the ground emitting a large explosion of black flames that quickly died down. Silica had only just gotten back to her feet as the knight swung its blade at her. With no room to dodge, Silica raised her sword to block. The blade struck like a hammer, launching her several feet back, skidding across the dirt using her new sword to slow her down. Despite the impact, there wasn’t even a crack in the silver metal.
“Okay… let's not do that again…”
“Agreed. I’m not certain you have the strength to take such prolonged punishment. For your own safety I recommend you dodge the swings.”
“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know Jil.” Silica grunted as she stood back up. “Wait… Jil?” It was unmistakable that the voice she was hearing was Jil’s. Only question was, where was she speaking from? “Jil? Where are you?”
“Down here.”
Silica looked at her boots.
“Your right hand!”
Silica looked to the new sword she had. “........... Jil?”
“Yes. This is me.”
“Wh-WHAAAA!!!” Silica shook her weapon. “The hell! How’d you turn into a sword?!”
“I-I don’t know! I just can!” Jil barked back. “And that’s not important right now! Watch out!”
Silica looked up to see the bestial knight charging at her once more, swinging its massive sword towards her. Silica ducked to the ground as the weapon passed overhead then lunged towards the bestial knight striking at its breastplate. To her surprise, her weapon sliced through the metal with very little resistance than before, even with her mana enhancing her dwarven forged blade.
She rolled right, avoiding an overhead swing from the bestial knight which crashed onto the ground. While jumping back to her feet, Silica inverted the grip of her weapon before plunging it into the bestial knight's back, pivoting on her feet before wrenching the weapon free. Blood erupted from the open wound left.
The knight staggered, its weapon dropping as it clenched its wound.
“Did… Did that do it?”
Black mist poured from the wound while it began to close.
“Oh come on!”
The bestial knight's blade caught fire once more as it began to swing wildly at Silica, scouring the earth with two swings before swiping its blade vertically upwards, dragging the earth behind it. Silica rolled to avoid the line of black flames that followed.
“Damn this thing…?”
“Try attacking after it’s finished its own attack,” Jil said.
“Even with its strength, it can’t maintain a prolonged assault. It’s a small opening, but it’s the only resource I can see.”
The bestial knight lunged at Silica again, leaping into the air before slamming into the ground where she was. The black flames erupted into another mini-explosion, which blew Silica off her feet before recovering quickly. “Hope you’re right about this,” She said as mist began to seep off her blade.
Dimension slash!
She launched towards the knight unleashing her art. Her blade struck its back cutting through the black armor and rending the flesh beneath. After finishing, Silica jumped as the knight swung its sword overhead before giving chase, crashing its blade into the ground repeatedly as it tried to bludgeon Silica to death. Silica retreated several feet back, waiting for an opening as the knight brought its sword overhead for a final strike. An arrow suddenly lodged itself in its neck, causing it to stagger back, ruining its swing. Silica rushed in, running the knight through the chest, delivering two more strikes before retreating.
“Was that-?”
“Silica!” Liana yelled, drawing back another arrow, infusing it with her mana before firing. The mana infused arrow struck the bestial knight in the chest, sending it flying backward.
“Liana…” Silica breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks for the save-”
“What were you thinking running off on your own like that?!” Liana snapped. “Do you have any idea how worried you made us?!”
“Uhhh…” Silica forced a smile. She had a feeling she’d be scolded for her actions.
“Anway, what was that light just now? And… where did you get that sword?” Liana asked just as the bestial knight emerged from the shadows, flames erupting over its body. Already, the damage caused to it by both girls had been fixed.
“Ahhh, can’t this thing just stay dead?” Silica gritted her teeth as both her and Liana stood at the ready. The bestial knight pounded the ground as it heaved it's now flaming sword off the ground.
“Liana. We can’t let that thing get anywhere near the town. Are you with me!”
“.... Of course. I’ve got your back!” Liana smiled as she drew an arrow and fired. The bestial knight swatted the projectile with its sword as though it were swatting a fly. In the opening, Silica charged in keeping low to the ground.
“Let’s do this Jil!” She yelled as she rolled forwards avoiding horizontal swing from the knight, slashing into the knight's left side. The knight leaped back before lunging towards Silica throwing its weapon out like a battering ram. Silica dodged as the blade smashed through the wall of the ruined barracks. Silica delivered two more slashes before retreating as the knight swung its weapon wildly, trying to crush and burn its attacker. Two arrows struck its breastplate as Liana drew another back. The knight lowered its body, readying its sword.
“Silica! It’s going after Liana!”
“Shit.. Liana, watch out!”
Liana had only just drawn her arrow when the bestial knight launched itself into the air. Withdrawing her arrow and placing it in her mouth, Liana ran and jumped out of the way as the knight crashed into the ground in another tremendous explosion of black flames. Liana recovered, drawing her arrow before firing, hitting the knight in the neck.
As its armor smoldered, the knight wrenched the arrows free of its body before heaving its weapon off the ground, slowly turning its head to Liana.
“Oh no you don’t!” Silica yelled as she pounced on the knight, punching her weapon through its back. The knight howled as it moved suddenly, throwing Silica off its body with the sword still embedded.
“Ahh, Jil!” Silica cried as the knight turned to her.
“I’m still here.” The sword vanished in a burst of light, reappearing in Silica’s hand. Before she could question what had happened, Silica was forced to roll right as the bestial knight's blade was sent crashing down beside her. She jumped to her feet and began leaping back to Liana who had another arrow ready.
“How you doing?” Silica asked her sister.
“I’m running low on arrows,” Liana said, gesturing to her quill. The bestial knight showed no signs of slowing down, raising its blade to its shoulders, lowering itself to the ground.
“Fire barrage!” A barrage of flames suddenly peppered the knight. “Silica! Liana!” Clara called out, with Kline and Garo taking point.
“Dad!” Silica waved.
“We’ll take care of this!” Kline said as his fists burst into flames. “You two get to safety!”
“I owe you one for that kick earlier,” Garo said, aiming his blunderbuss.
“This is for Zack!” Clara yelled, twirling her staff. “And everyone else you’ve killed you bastard!!” Throwing it forwards, more flames fired from magic circles, peppering the bestial knight as it charged forwards, bringing its blade down against Kline who blocked with his gauntlets. Garo meanwhile rushed to its left flank and fired, blasting apart bits of its armor and knocking it off Kline, who delivered a final right hook into its helmet, throwing it across the ground. As expected, the bestial knight recovered mid-fall, skating across the ground as its armor began to mend itself.
“Ahh, is this thing invincible?” Silica complained as the knight charged in once more.
“After all that, it doesn’t seem to be slowing down at all. It’s like our attacks are having no effect at all.” Liana said frustrated.
“No. Your attacks are definitely having an effect.” Jil said.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Silica asked.
“It’s mana is finite, and is what’s keeping it tethered to this world. The more damage it takes the more than tether is weakening.”
“Okay… could you explain that in a way that makes sense?”
“Huh? Who are you-?”
Jil groaned. “It’s simple. Just keep causing it damage. It’s healing is not infinite. It will hit its limit eventually and begin to dissipate.”
“So… just keep hitting it?” Silica shrugged at the apparent simplicity of the solution. “Alright, did you get all that?” She asked Liana who looked at Silica puzzled. “Liana?”
“Um… why are you talking to your sword?” She asked, sounding concerned.
“Huh? You… couldn’t hear it?”
“It seems you are the only one who can hear my voice. That’s quite the dilemma.”
“Oh uh…” Silica pointed to her new sword. “This is Jil. She uh… turned into a sword…” She cringed at how ridiculous it sounded hearing herself say it out loud.
“Jil’s…. A sword?”
“Ahh, I’ll let her explain it later!” Silica said, resuming her stance. “Point is, we gotta keep hurting that thing. It’s gonna give out eventually. Trust me!”
While still confused, Liana nodded and drew back her arrow as Silica charged into the fray once more. Kline had delivered two punches to the armor, succeeding in creating a crack in the armor before rushing back to avoid the swing of the greatsword. Silica meanwhile skidded into range, swinging her sword and cutting into its back before rolling away as the blade came crashing down at her position.
“What are you still doing here?!” Kline bellowed.
“Like I’m gonna run from this,” Silica said, branding her new weapon.
The bestial knight was about to charge again when an arrow struck it in the neck. Liana meanwhile was crouched to the ground, charging her mana into another arrow. “Clara! Hit it with a spell!”
“Uh, right.” Clara brought out her staff charging her mana into her spell. “Heed me divine configuration.” She chanted.
Meanwhile, Silica and Kline rushed the knight just as flames coated its blade once more, drawing its attention away from the two girls, avoiding a line of black flames that smashed into the old fort. Silica skidded past, once more delivering another blow to its chest. Kline followed up with a mana enhanced punch to its chest, cracking the armor before backing away.
Armour breaker!
Liana fired her arrow. Green mist swerved from its trajectory as it slammed into the cracked armor, piercing the black metal and plunging deep into its body. The knight still seemed unaffected, turning to face the shooter-
“Scorched earth!” Clara threw her staff forwards. A magic circle appeared below the knight as the ground changed to a molten, fissured earth. Scorching heat erupted from the ground, followed by a pillar of flames that incinerated the knight.
“Alright!” Silica cheered. “Did that do it!”
“.... No,” Jil said, sounding concerned.
The flames dissipated with the smoldering knight on its hands and knees. Victory seemed at hand before black mist began to swerve around it. The knight's fingers began to tear into the earth, its body shaking and spasming. It’s back beginning to convulse, extending outwards as its muscles grew. Its armor shred from its body like a snake shedding its skin, revealing a horrible, putrid gray flesh. Its arms expanded and grew, bursting through the armor as its metal gauntlets began to morph to match the growing size of the knight. The helmet also began to morph, its maw elongating with the metal jaw pushing forwards. A shadowy mane flowed from its back like a cape, fragments sheading as it fluttered in the wind.
“Th-The hell!” Silica took a step back, aghast by its transformation. She wasn’t alone. Liana, Clara, Garo and Kline were taken aback, standing uneasy at the new foe before them. “Jil, what’s going on?”
“I-I don’t know…” Jil said panicked. “The void… it’s taken ahold of him. Be careful Silica. I fear its lost all control of its senses.”
The bestial knight howled. Its metallic groaning was deafening, ringing across the entire island. It lowered its body on all fours, leveling its gaze at Silica. It then moved suddenly, leaping back, grabbing its greatsword swinging it like a club, crashing against the ground as it growled at Silica.
“Stay vigilant.”
“Don’t have’ta tell me!”
It made the first move, launching towards Silica, who dodged with a roll as the weapon smashed into the ground then wrenched the weapon across the ground. Silica only had time to block. The hit broke her guard and sent her flying into the air.
“Silica!” Kline rushed in front of his daughter as the bestial knight leaped back, drawing back its blade before swinging it like a club. The weapon struck Kline’s wrist braces connected to his gauntlets, sending him flying through the air before crashing on the ground.
“Dad!” Silica called out.
“He’s fine! I can still sense his soul!” Jil shouted in Silica’s head. “Worry about yourself!”
Silica looked up before rolling, avoiding the blade that slammed on the ground, getting to her feet as the bestial knight swung its weapon. The poise and skill it possessed at the beginning of the battle was gone, now swinging its weapon in a frenzied rage. All Silica could do was leap and roll backward, trying to avoid being turned to paste.
“Jil, any ideas?”
“Wait for an opening, then strike.”
Silica’s back hit the wall of the old fort. “I got that!” She barked before ducking as the bestial knight charged, smashing through the wall with its weapon. “I meant an actual plan!”
“I-I don’t know! Combat is your expertise is it not!”
“That’s not helping!!” Silica said as she was forced to dodge again as the blade came crashing down behind her.
“Silica!” Liana appeared at the monster’s left flank, firing a shot into the bestial knight, drawing its attention only briefly.
“There’s my opening!” Silica said to herself as she charged, leaped into the air as her blade shimmered with light.
Dimension slash!
Her art struck the knight in a burst of light. A large rent was torn into the bestial knight's front as it reeled backward, blood erupting from its wound like a geyser.
“Whoa…” Silica gasped. She never recalled her art being so powerful before.
Her exuberance was short-lived as the bestial knight weapon once more burst into flames. Silica gritted her teeth and rolled right as the knight launched past her like a bullet, crashing into the ground in an explosion.
Liana rushed to her sister's side and helped her up just before the knight lunged around the battlefield uncontrollably, smashing into the ground seemingly at random.
“Geez, it’s really pissed off,” Silica said brushing her sister off as the two stood at the ready.
“It might be on its last legs,” Liana said, drawing an arrow as the knight lunged into the air, this time diving towards the girl's position. The two ducked and rolled as the inflamed blade crashed into the ground. The backlash sends both girls flying, recovering just as the bestial knight rose from its position, smoke escaping its body.
Liana gritted her teeth, firing her arrow which struck the body. She reached down and drew another, realizing that this arrow was indeed her last. “Damn…” Liana cursed as she drew back her arrow.
Silica slowly raised herself to one knee, glaring at the monstrous form of the bestial knight in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Liana at the knight's right. Behind her, she could make out Clara using her magic on the fallen Kline. In Front of them stood Garo, blunderbuss at hand ready to leap into the fray if the knight gets too close. When their eyes met, Garo gave Silica a nod and a smile.
Silica couldn’t help but grin back, rising slowly to her feet. She looked at Liana who gave her a wink.
“Jil…” “Let’s send this asshole back to whatever hell it crawled out of.” She threw her weapon at the bestial knight which howled into the night sky. “Are you with me!”
“Of course,” The sword’s gem began to shine. “All the way!”
Light flashed in her odd-colored eyes, her steely-eyed determination that had carried her for the past seven years returned. With a deep breath, Silica charged the monstrosity, letting out a warcry as she got close. The bestial knight howled, throwing its weapon overhead to crush her.
Armour breaker!
Behind it, Liana fired her final shot filled with as much mana as she could muster. The green trailed arrow struck the knight's outstretched hand, piercing through both the gauntlet and hilt, severing the ring finger as with the shaft. The force of the shot thru the knight's aim off, its weapon now firmly attached to its right hand. Up close, Silica turned counter-clockwise, spinning on her heel. Her weapon collided with the falling blade, hitting the flat of the metal allowing the weapon to slam into the ground.
“Now.” Silica skidded up to the bestial knights hunched form, “You’re.” continuing her spin, “FINISHED!” punching her weapon into its chest, to where its heart should be. The bestial knight howled as steam rose from the weapon, still embedded into the chest. The knight slammed its left palm on Silica, trying to force her off. Silica could feel the overwhelming strength pushing her back.
Silica gritted her teeth, howling as she pushed back. She could feel something stirring in her breast. It was as though lightning was coursing through her body, urging her on.
“S-Silica wait-! I-It burns-!”
A bright light burst from the bestial knight’s back. With her feet firmly planted in the ground, her strength seemingly doubling, blood pounding through her body, Silica howled with fury, pushing her weapon deeper into the knight before wrenching her blade upwards. The bestial knight's flesh was torn from its chest to its left shoulder blade. With her weapon now freed, shining with a blinding light, Silica grasped it with both hands, turning on her axis, bringing her weapon up overhead. The bestial knight staggered back from the previous attack, throwing its weapon behind it ready for one last desperate attack that came too late. Wind basted as Silica brought her weapon down, the light enhanced blade slicing the knight down the center before dying down.
None dared move; Silica and the knight frozen in place. The spectators, Liana, Garo, Clara, Kline (who had regained consciousness), the adventures and island guard, even Valary and Tornburn who had rushed to the aid of the main gate, all watched breathlessly.
Eventually, the knight moved, blood erupting from its split center which began to evaporate as it left its body. With a final howl, it reached for the frozen Silica with its left hand spasming, the black metal and gray skin beginning to change color to an ashen gray. Then it fell, passing by Silica’s left side as it fell to the ground. Then its body fell to pieces, both body and weapon disintegrating as the fragments were carried off by the wind.
Silica remained frozen in place, her strength beginning to leave her all at once. Darkness blanketed her vision as her consciousness faded.
All she could hear was the faint voice of her sister calling her name before she hit the ground.
- In Serial12 Chapters
Fall of the Seven Kings
Hunter’s hatred for the world begins when an order is given for him to be imprisoned by the church of his hometown. It’s been seven years.. Seven years of bottled up anger will not be stopped by rusty chains and horse whips. He will watch the society which others call a blessing burn to the ground. He will rip the six kings that rule the nation off their thrones.He will show them the wrath of the fallen king.. Aziya has always loved the world she lived in; the mystery, the adventure. All of it seemed more of a dream than reality, that is until she met the woman who showed her the horrors of the world. With her personal mantra “Help everyone even if they don't deserve it; Kindness will always be repaid.”, she urges herself to better the world and sets off on a journey in order to make the world a better place. The fate of our two protagonists collide as they get closer and closer towards their personal goals. Will death and pain rule the forgotten land of Alagadda or will hope and peace prevail and shield the oblivious citizens to which they call this land their home.
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Tales at the Golden Sink General Store
Mira, a worker at the Golden Sink General Store, finds herself in odd circumstances due to the weird situations that transpire around her boss Luke.
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The Lone Prospect
New rules. New girl. New home. Ex-military and werewolf, Gideon Vonrothe is looking for a place to belong. His first and last hope for a pack to call his own is the Heaven’s Heathen’s Motorcycle Club. Being the new prospect isn’t going to be easy. Rebels with a cause, the members of the Heaven’s Heathens motorcycle club regularly risk life and limb to rescue those in need, all to protect their greatest secret, that they’re all werewolves. Now a new member has petitioned to join the pack… The Heaven’s Heathens are supposed to be a big bad motorcycle club, a brethren of tough as nails hard asses. Formed out of necessity after the Cascading War, the Heaven’s Heathens have the reputation of being the toughest sons of bitches in Colorado. Their membership filled with those that have little use for society’s rules and pay lip service to laws outside their own. Insular and hierarchal, a new member can throw off the entire group. And they’re Gideon VonRothe’s last hope for a life that feels familiar or else he’s resigned to go back to the family farm. He doesn’t know anything about the Heathens, or motorcycle clubs. He doesn’t even own a motorcycle. An outsider, ex-military and unsuspecting sucker, Gideon is the latest victim of the Club’s brotherhood appeal. Vice President Savannah Barker knows better. The Club is a bunch of party loving, thrill seeking adrenaline junkies with a nose for mischief. Their idea of playing hard is a good brawl and involves the words trigger happy lunatics. Her Grandfather, Brand, President of the Club is the worst of the lot. It’s the officers’ jobs to keep the rest of the world from find out that they’re more than a group that loves motorcycles and explosions. They’re werewolves. The Club is the pack and the pack is a family with siblings that squabble. Their outlet is Heaven Has Mercy, private security for hire. No wars. No assassinations. Before the new prospect can change the rankings, Brand sends the ignorant Gideon on a rescue mission under the supervision of Savannah and her team. Soon the bets are flying on if Gideon has what it takes and how long this lone prospect is going to last. The routine snag and drag turns complicated when it turns out the client lied, and an attack on their home turf makes some believe that the new Prospect is involved. The Heathen’s have a responsibility to the man they rescued and their reputation is on the line. Is this a new beginning or the beginning of the end for the Heaven’s Heathens?
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✔️Prince's Museum
What happens when you impersonate the World famous Archeologist and land inside the palace Museum... all done in order to analyse the rare historical treasures possessed by the Royal Family ? And what if you end up hiring someone "helpless" who turns out to be the Prince? Enjoy the sweet and hilarious journey of Zeel, a cheerful and fun loving girl taking the biggest risk of her life for the sake of her career... and (forcefully) pulling everyone along with her
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MHA Boyfriend Scenarios
DISCONTINUEDSome My Hero Academia boyfriend scenarios! ❤Male Character x Female Reader.(I do not own any of the art in this book)
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My Dear Lan Zhan || Xianwang [Under-going Maintainance]
⚒UNDER GOING EDITING⚒[CHAPTERS CANNOT BE SEEN UNLESS IT IS NOW OK.]Book 1 of "My Dear" series"I appriciate if you hands off Lan Zhan.""Wei Ying is the most beautiful cultivator i've ever laid eyes upon on, Demon or not"Lan Wanji recives letters each from the same person, He doesent know who they are and what is their intention to him.(All will be Lan Wanji's point of view or 3rd persons point of view..)Best Rankings 🏅#10 - Lan Wanji (8/8/22)Other Titles To Call It:- 親愛的藍湛- Secret AdmirerNote 📝If you are reading this outside wattpad, It is not me and someone stoled my work. I only write in Wattpad not somewhere else. Please do not support the stolen work and support me here instead thank you ❤Another Note 📝Mo Dao Zu Shi / MDZS is made by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu or MXTX. Characters doesen't belong to me (obviously) but some characters arent introduced in MDZS so that characters belongs to me.Shoutouts 📢Thank you for my friends on discord for helping me to make an storyline for this. It was really fun working with you all!Thank you. Rius, arleen. For helping me too! Working with you all is really fun honestly! ^^
8 96