《Serendipity》The Siege of Holbourgh
A crescendo of gunfire could be heard coming from the old wall in the North East of the village. Given the main holes that would lead to the catacombs were, it made sense that would be where the fighting would be fierce. The town was no stranger to sieges, as the orcs from the burrow had tried repeatedly to raid the settlement and had all been broken against the walls. Luckily, given the unorganized nature of the tribes down below, the attacks would consist of no more than a hundred orcs and goblins.
Given how out of the way Chadd was and its only value was the catacombs beneath the island, the island guard only consisted of about thirty men with reinforcements from Gormott being rare. The main defenders became the adventurers called the town their home. The town's defense also proved difficult as the old wall was the only stone fortification that protected the town with a wooden palisade covering the rest of the town. Thus the town relied on the geography of the island for defense. The caldusack where Silica’s home was was built on a high ground that was inaccessible from the north and east and the southern approach was covered by one of the cragg rocks that jutted from the earth with the lighthouse positioned on the high ground.
Despite the limited numbers, the town had fended off the burrows attacks since the island was colonized a century ago. However, it was highly unlikely they had fought an enemy like this before. While from the distant sounds of gunfire, Silica had a feeling most of the enemy's attention was on the walls. However, on the return to the town vire the culdesac, Silica, Liana and Torburn stopped short of the wooden palisade on the path that would lead up to the town. Clamming at the gate was about ten husks, pointlessly clawing at it to try and force it open.
“Damn it…” Silica swore as she ducked behind a rock with the other two. “Should we take them?”
“Not a good idea, lass,” Torburn said. “In this darkness, the goddess only knows what may be lurking out there.”
“Let’s take the tunnel. Hopefully, they haven’t found it.” Liana suggested. The tunnel was a small part of the catacombs that went underneath the high ground providing a quick escape from the village.
Silently, they stalked through the darkness, keeping out of sight as much as possible due as the husk’s wandered around the plateau, nervous that provoking one would call the others to swarm them. It made the short walk from the North gate to the tunnel more stressful.
“Hold on,” Liana stopped the group short of the tunnel, spying two husks looming around, both gazing up to the moons.
“Aww, bloody hel,” Torburn swore.
“It’s only two. Let’s just take them out and go before more turn up.” Silica suggested.
“I can do that,” Liana said, drawing two arrows, holding one with her teeth while she drew the other on her bow, aiming for the furthest husk. Her arrow struck the monster in the forehead. As it fell, Liana quickly drew her second arrow and fired, piercing the second creature’s neck. “Alright. Coast is clear.”
“Nice one.” Silica cheered patting Liana in the back.
“Alright, while the coast is clear.” Liana broke from cover, followed closely by Silica with Torburn bringing up the rear. While Liana retrieved her arrows, Silica ran to the cliff wall, stopping by a large round boulder. “Ahhh, someone closed it up…”
“It was probably the night watch,” Liana said. “Thank the goddess they did. Those things might have swarmed our home by now.”
Silica rammed into the bolder with her shoulder. It was loose and was simple to push aside in both directions, though it didn’t make it any easier to move. “Hey Torburn. Could you give me a hand with this?”
“Ha, cause I can,” The dwarf chuckled as he waddled over to the bolder. “Liana, keep watch in case more of those things show up.”
“Right,” Liana nodded, drawing her dagger. Even though the moons were illuminating enough of the island visibility was still an issue for the archer.
By the goddess' blessing, Silica and Torburn managed to move the boulder without incident. Liana ducked through the small passageway first. With the twin moon's light she dug out a manasite from its hiding place, its glow illuminating the ladder at the end of the cramped passageway.
Silica released the boulder and jumped into the hole, followed by Torburn. The boulder fell back into place, sealing the passageway once more. Making their way up the ladder to the wooden trapdoor above, and exited the passage to the plateau.
Silica was the first to walk into the ring of houses, all possessing an eerie image, having been deserted fairly recently. “Hello!” Silica called to no response. “Good. Looks like everyone made it out.”
Liana walked behind her sister, scanning the buildings. She couldn’t help shake the sense of dread and foreboding at the deserted street. Silica, undaunted, ran to the opposite end of the plateau which overlooked the old wall. Below she could see the hoard of husks and skull knights crashing against the defenders. Gunners and archers were on the walls, firing volleys into the incoming horde with bows and firearms.
“Hey, there’s dad!” Silica spotted Kline on the ground with the island guard and adventurers fighting to keep the enemy out of the breached gate. “Shit, they got through the gate.”
“This is not good. I’ve never seen such an onslaught on the town in all my years,” Torburn said stroking his beard. “I’m not so sure the island guard can hold them back. They don’t have the numbers for an all-out siege.
“We gotta get down there and help them!”
“Hope ye’re not planning to jump,” Torburn said, grabbing Silica by her waist.
“Couse I’m not gonna jump.”
Torburn furrowed his brows.
“.... I’ve done it before.” Silica pouted.
“Don’t even think about it.” Torburn said, releasing Silica. “Ye’ve got skill, but those critter’s are no orcs.”
“Alright,” Silica sighed, tearing herself away from the edge. “Liana! Let's go and- Liana?”
Liana wasn’t behind them. In fact, she was nowhere to be seen.
“Liana!” Silica called out again.
“Over here! You need to see this!” Liana called back. Silica could make out her blue hair at the porch of Clause’s house.
Both Silica and Torburn exchanged cautious looks before running towards the house.
“What did you…. Oh no…”
Liana was crouching next to Clause dead. A look of terror was glued on the poor man's face, dried blood had stained the wood below and a pistol lay a few feet from his grip.
“Poor Clause…” Torburn sighed. “Stubborn fool likely didn’t wish to leave his home.” The dwarf picked up the pistol sniffing the barrel.
“Clause…” Silica could feel her grip unconsciously tighten on her sword's hilt. Clause, the old soldier, the well mannered patriotic old man who use to tell Silica stories of his time in the imperial army. “Damn it!” She slammed her fist into the wooden wall as she tried to calm her anger.
“Who could’ve done this?” Liana asked. “Did… did those things find a way inside?
“This has been fired recently,” Torburn said holding up the pistol. “Whatever it was may still be around.”
Liana readied an arrow. Silica, who had calmed her nerves somewhat took a step back from the house, her sword still clutched tightly in her hand. Then she stopped, standing as still as possible.
“Shuu!” Silica raised her weapon as she tried to hone her hearing, a sense that had saved her countless times in the dark recesses of the catacombs. Among the distant sounds of battle, there was another sound that was far closer; the sound of metal scraping together. Silica slowly looked up, spotting something looming on the walls just above her. When it was spotted, it lunged at her before being swatted from the sky following a loud bang. Silica leaped back, swinging her sword upwards in retaliation, cutting whatever had lunged at her.
Her sister had turned about, firing her arrow off into another darkened figure that had lunged at her, letting it fall at her feet. The dim light of the moons showed it to be a human in form. And it was not alone. Four other shadows could be seen scuttering in the darkness.
Gritting her teeth, Silica swiped the oil lamp hanging at the side of Clause’s door and threw it to the dark figures.
“Aye!” The dwarf fired when the lamp crashed into the ground igniting the oil. The small blaze did little to fight back the encroaching darkness but it did illuminate one of the attackers; a ghastly looking man dressed in only black manky shorts, inhumanly long legs and arms, two sickles clutched in its bony fingers, standing with its body close to the ground its naked pale body covered in boils and ring piercings, its face a skull mask that seemed surgically attached to its head.
“Here too!” Silica grit her teeth as she stood at the ready.
The creature lunged forwards before a bullet from the pistol pierced through its skull mask. As it fell backward, another rushed past, moving on all fours like a beast before pouncing on the ground before either Liana or Torburn could react. Silica blocked the strike with her sword. The sickle blades curved around her sword, the Vistage of the skull mask illuminated dimly by the burning fire behind it. Silica kicked the creature back, where it recovered to its long legs fast but was killed when Silica slashed downwards before it could bring its weapons up; her blade cut from the left shoulder to it’s lower abdomen. With a final kick, the creature fell to the ground.
No sooner had she retreated did another creature lash out through the darkness. Silica parried the creature before an arrow fired by Liana killed it.
“There’s more! Keep ya wit’s about ya!” Torburn shouted.
Silica took a step back towards the house, keeping her eyes on the darkness beyond the fire. She could make out more of the monsters' outlines as they stalked through the darkness. As another came closer, Torburn fired the pistol, killing it, then swore before throwing the pistol to the ground before drawing his axe. Liana fired two arrows into the darkness, each shot finding its mark while the Dwarf joined Silica as they were assaulted by more of the lanky creatures, leaping from the darkness, slashing at them before either retreating back or was brought down by both Silica and Torburn.
As with the Husk’s, no matter how many were killed, more seemed to materialize out of nowhere.
“Damn it! Where are they coming from!” Silica said frustrated as she parried another of the creatures before killing it with a counterattack.
“If only we had more light,” Liana said, firing an arrow to her left, catching a creature as it lunged to the house’s wall.
All of a sudden, a flash of light illuminated the field. Up above their heads, a star illuminated the field, casting light on the thirteen creatures scattered across the arena.
“Silica! Liana!”
“It’s mom!” Liana cheered.
It was indeed Valary, followed by two members of the island guard armed with firearms.
“Mom!” Silica waved. “Come on! Let's go!”
A rore of gunfire could be heard as the island guard took potshots at the creatures, killing four with their volleys while the remainder scurried across the ground avoiding the bullets. They were joined by Valary’s spirit magic, firing blasts of blue energy shots at the creatures, each one burrowing into the monsters. Silica, Liana and Torburn made a run for it. Silica brought up the rear, kicking back a creature that lunged at her sister.
“Let’s go!” Valary and the island guards retreated back down the hill with Torburn and Liana following behind them. “Silica!”
“Right!” Silica pushed off a creature before killing it. Then she broke into a run, leaping off rocks putting distance between her and the creatures chasing her. Gunfire could be heard overhead as the watchtower covered her retreat.
“Okay, close it!” Silica yelled as the gate came into view. The others had just made it through when they began to close the gate. Silica just made it when the gate was partly close, rolling through the small gap when the gates slammed shut behind her. Two of the island guard armed with halberds rushed to the gate, stabbing two of the ghastly creatures as they scuttled up the wooden states trying to get into the village.
“Whew… that was a close one,” Silica sighed sprawling out on the ground as she caught her breath. As she sat up did Valary drop to her knees, embracing Silica as hard as she could.
“Thank the goddess you're safe.” She sobbed. “I was so scared…”
After a few seconds, she released Silica before embracing Liana as tightly as she could. “M-mom…” Liana muttered bashfully.
“Come on, we’re both fine,” Silica said as she picked herself up. “What’s going on?”
Finally releasing her daughter, Valary wiped the tears from her eyes before responding. “We don’t know. The night watch was attacked. Only one person made it to town to ring the alarm. After that those… things began attacking the old wall. The guild and the island guard are doing the best they can but-” she glanced to the wall where another of the creatures was impaired. “.... if they attack from all sides we’re finished.”
It was true. Between the island guard, the guild, and the militia, there really wasn’t enough people to defend against a full-scale attack.
“We got a look at the wall. Don’t look like they can hold out forever.” Torburn said, stroking his beard. “Assume ye’re getting those who can’t fight away.”
Valary nodded. “Doal and Holt are preparing the flotilla as we speak.”
The flotilla was a means to evacuate the island, commissioning the two fishing ships, rowboats and whatever could float to drift the townsfolk away from the town in the event of a siege, typically from the orcs. Worse comes to worst, the flotilla would abandon the town and sail to Gormott. Silica had been on it twice in her life over two large sieges from the burrow tribes. It was not a pleasant experience both times. First was when she was five, being cradled by Liana as they drifted in a packed rowboat out in the ocean until the lighthouse bell was rung. The second when she was twelve and had just taken her first steps to being an adventurer, and was frustratingly aided in evacuation duty before being set adrift herself while Liana became hailed as the prodigy she was.
She had secretly longed for another siege, to prove herself like her sister and defend her home. Against a seemingly endless, voiceless enemy that had already killed two of her friends wasn’t what she had in mind.
There was a loud bang ringing from the old wall. The defenders were still putting up a strong defense but it was unclear how long it would last.
“Liana,” Valary spoke. “Take Silica and head to the docks. Get on the first boat you can.”
“Wh-What?!” Silica sputtered.
“Mom?” Even Liana looked surprised.
“You’re farther and Garo are doing everything they can to keep them from breaching the town. I need you to-”
“You want us to run away?!” Silica yelled outraged. “I’m not going anywhere!”
“Silica this is not up for debate.”
“We’ve already fought them outside! Dad and Garo will need all the help they can get!”
“This is my home!” Silica put her foot down, glaring back at her mother definitely, her odd colored eyes blaring. “I’m not gonna leave it for monsters to ruin.”
“Liana! Take Silica and go!” Valary said to Liana. The girl simply looked between her mother and sister, gripping her bow before turning to Silica.
“I know a shortcut to the wall.” She said, shocking both Valary and Silica. “We’d better hurry. It looked bad from our house.”
“This is my home too,” Liana said to her mother. “And besides, sis will just run off regardless. I need to make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.” She said with a wink towards Silica.
‘Hey…” Silica pouted.
“B-But…” Valary tried to protest but was shot down by both her daughters.
“Best give up. They take on after their father,” Torburn chuckled stroking his beard. “I’ll keep an eye on things here. Would be a disaster if them buggers found a way through.” Behind him, the halberdiers continued to stab at the flailing creatures as they climbed over the wall.
Valary stared at her two daughters, realizing she was beaten. With tears in her eyes, she embraced both of them as hard as she could. “Promise me, if things get bad, run.”
“We will, even if I have to drag sis with me.”
After a full minute, she released them, whipping her eyes before running back towards the dock.
“Let's go sis.” Liana said. “I know a shortcut.”
Defending the wall
Liana leads Silica through the back allies, cutting through a few of the deserted buildings until they reach the main road. The old wall was in sight with smoke billowing from the top likely due to the firearms lining the wall. The gate had been indeed breached, with Kline and several of the defenders battling the waves of husks and skull knights. Aimed their way was one of the few cannons the town had, an old imperial model where one had to reload by dropping a cannonball through the breach.
Kline was busy contending with two skull knights, using his gauntleted knuckles to both block and parry the sword strikes, delivering sharp counter-attacks that brought through the voiceless enemy’s guard, breaking armor and knocking them to the ground. Behind him, a husk pounced. Silica got there first, ramming it to the ground before plunging her weapon into the creature’s belly.
“SILICA?” Kline bellowed, grabbing a hold of another husk by its face lifting it up off the ground. “What are you doing here?”
An arrow suddenly passed by his field of vision, stabbing into the neck of a skull knight. As it staggered back, Silica finished it off by impaling it through the chest, kicking it back to the ground. Kline followed the arrow’s path and saw Liana giving him a thumbs up.
“You guy’s need all the help you can get!” Silica shouted at her father. A husk then lunged at her, but Silica reflectively dodged, leaping back before slicing its head off. She looked back at her farther and nodded.
Kline grinned back. If he wanted to talk her out of helping he seemed to be content in holding his tongue. “Alright! Let’s kick these creatures back to the hell that spawned them!”
Adventurer’s and the island guard all cheered as they crashed into the next wave of husks and skull knights. Shields clashed against shields as the guard utilized the weapons of the imperial army while maintaining a defensive line. The more varied adventurers were in the front line, smashing through the incoming wave with steal, fists, magic and arts. Silica was among them, rolling, dodging, and parrying the attackers, using every still she had learned fighting the orcs and monsters within the catacombs.
Liana ran up the wooden stairs to the top of the walls taking position alongside Garo and the other archers. Flanked by four cannons dotted along the old wall firing at the monsters converging on the breached gate.
“Glad you can make it!” Garo said, firing his scoped rifle. All along the edge of the wall, handgunners and adventurers armed with bow, rifle, and crossbow fired into the incoming horde. The path was lit by oil fire thrown to fight back the shade, showing the slow-moving hoard shuffling towards the breached gates. “Take it Silica’s down there?”
“You know my sis,” Liana said, drawing an arrow, firing it into a skull knight.
“Unfortunately,” Garo fired his weapon again. “Frankly… we could use all the help we can get. Pick off as much of the armoured ones as you can!”
Liana nodded. Taking in a deep breath she unclipped her quiver, resting it against the wall, drawing an arrow out joining the missile units atop the wall raining down death on the incoming monstrosities below. This was her second siege she had taken apart of. The first was with the burrow below where she stood where she was now, firing at the orcs and goblins that tried to assale the wall.
Scores of the enemy fell, yet their numbers still seemed as relentless as ever, continuing to emerge from the darkness like shades. However, soon enough, the numbers began to dwindle, and hope was returning.
Silica parried a wide strike from a skull knight, using the opportunity to deliver a counter-attack, bypassing its shield and killing the creature in one blow. An adventurer with a hammer jumped ahead of her, unleashing an art where he slammed his weapon to the ground, creating a shock wave that blew back several incoming husks. Two island guardsmen finished the monsters off.
“Looks like they’re starting to thin out!” A guardsman shouted.
It was true the number of creatures making their way through the gap was growing less and less, allowing the defenders to make it back to the ruined gate. The island guard formed up, forming a spear wall against the remaining wave. Silica was allowed a brief moment of respite, letting out a deep sigh. She had no idea how long she had been fighting, or how many of the enemy had been defeated. Bar from the ones that had been killed moments ago, the other bodies of the creatures had already disintegrated, the gray fragments now mixed in with the mud of the main road.
The respite also allowed Silica to see the dead. From what she could see, seven guardsmen were laying in the mud, as well as two adventurers Silica had known from the poached eel. She certainly felt the sting, especially after losing Hal and Clause.
“Silica!” Kline approached her from behind, and before Silica could react drew her into a bear hug. “That the goddess! I was so scared that you were outside the village when the attack happened!” He wailed like a child. “I would’ve gone out and fought my way to bring you back if I’d known-”
“O-Okay! Let go!” Silica elbowed her father as hard as she could in the ribs freeing herself. Her embarrassment of being embraced in the middle of a battle by her overly emotional father quickly wore off when she realized they hadn’t spoken since her expulsion from the guild that afternoon.
“Still, glad you could make it. Both of you,” Kline said with a warm smile, patting Silica on the head while whipping away a tear from his eye. “Come on. Let's see these bastards off soon as we can. Poor mom’s probably worried sick.”
Silica smiled back. “You don’t know the half of it.”
“Silica! Dad!” Liana suddenly shouted from the wall. The roar of gunfire sounded behind her. “Something’s coming!”
The island guards at the front of the breach began to panic as gunfire rang from the top of the wall. A few of the guardsmen at the back turned and ran as something came smashing through the shield wall, burrowing into an adventure with armor and an axe before crushing him under a massive ball of iron.
“Th-The hell…?” Silica couldn’t help but take a step back in disgust at the monster before her; a massive, bloated creature wearing only a thin rag over its waist, a rusted iron helmet with two iron balls in place of where its hands should be. Behind it was two almost identical monstrosities, one with a giant curved cleaver and the other with crab-like claws.
“Ahh, of course there’s more of these bastards!”” Kline said, banging his knuckles together. “Don’t let those things get into town!”
“There’s three of them!” Liana cursed, slinging her quiver to her back.
“And one was bad enough,” Garo added.
Right now, most of the archers and gunners had moved back, gazing down at the new threat that had just breached the defenses. Panic was already striking through the ranks of the missile units.
“Everyone! Don’t let them into town!” Garo yelled as he fired.
Behind them, an imperial gunner was suddenly dragged over the walls, letting out a scream that alerted the others. Turning about, more of the thin monsters emerged from the edge, using their sickle blades to propel themselves up over the wall. The cannoneers retreated in a panic, two more falling to the monsters.
“Shit!” The missile units turned about. Gunners fired their volleys, killing a handful of the creatures, one dodged the gunfire, lunging at an adventurer with a crossbow. An arrow from Liana killed it. As she drew another arrow, more had appeared. Taking point, Liana drew back her arrow, channeling her mana through the missile as it shimmered a turquoise blue.
Shatter shot!
Unleashing her art, five of the creature’s dropped as fragmented pieces of Liana’s arrow burrowed into their skulls.
“Push them back!” Garo yelled, fixing a bayonet on his rifle as he advanced, shooting a creature in the face, parrying another before stabbing its thin body.
Liana fired another arrow and was ready to draw back another when she heard the loud bang of a cannon behind her. Looking back she saw Silica running to the barracks with one of the monsters behind her, then saw her farther and another group leading another in the opposite direction.
A bang was followed. A creature dropped at Liana’s feet. It didn’t take her long to realize it had lunged at her before Garo put it down.
“Go!” Garo yelled. “We got it covered here!” He yelled, parrying one of the creatures before decapitating it with the bayonet.
“... Right!” Liana nodded, slinging her quiver on her back before running to the wooden stairs.
Silica rolled out of the way as the wrecking ball hands smashed through the wall of a house. She then lunged herself towards the monster she dubbed the fat man (for lack of a better name) as it threw another haphazard punch her way, stabbing her weapon into the bloated belly.
“Oh come on!” Silica growled as she struggled to drag her blade across to gut it, only leaving a shallow cut as she retreated. The creature howled underneath its iron mask, slamming both fists into the ground in furry.
Around her, the defense had almost collapsed. The fat men had brought with them another wave of husks. Fortunately, Silica’s quick thinking and general recklessness had prevented the rout. When the defense wall broke, she charged at the giant with the wrecking ball hands, stabbing it once before retreating ensuring it followed her towards the island guard barracks close by. The adventurers followed her lead. Kline and the other adventurer’s drew away the fat men while the island guard reformed their defensive line at the gate. A blast from the cannon on the main road killed the fat man with the giant cleaver, the ball blasting its head clean off its body. Unfortunately, in drawing the others away, the clawed one barreled into the cannon destroying it.
Four other adventures had gone to Silica’s aid, two swordsmen, an axeman and a wizard, each unloading everything they had into the monster. Unfortunately, one of the swordsmen was taken out shortly after the battle began, taking a blow that shattered the man's arm. The wizard saved him in time, utilizing a barrier that blocked the monster from crushing him and maintained it while he healed the swordsman. Silica and the second swordsman Zack fought the monster.
The battle had both of them cut off from the rest of the adventures that were dealing with the clawed one with Kline. Which meant her and Zack.
“Come on!” Silica taunted before leaping through a window into the mess hall. The wall behind her was torn apart as the hulk of the monster smashed through unimpided, throwing its balled fist overhead. Silica vaulted over a long table before it was smashed to bits.
A shimmer of orange came from behind the monster as Zack came into view, unleashing an art that sliced clean a chunk of flesh from the fat man. As the monster turned and threw a fist at the attacker, Silica leaped over the ruined table.
Dimension slash!
Her own art tore into the flabby stomach of the fat man. She then ducked and dodged as the fat man returned its attention to her, swinging its balled fists overhead before slamming it down once more.
“It’s open!” Zack called out as he rushed the fat man. However, the creature reacted surprisingly fast, turning about dragging its right fist across the ground. Zack had time to raise his buckler, channeling mana into it as the fist made contact. The man was launched back into the square.
“Crap, Zack!” Silica called out as the fat man turned about, banging its knuckles together. “Shit!” Silica ran again as the monster slammed its fits into the ground, vaulting over the second long table as the fat man charged, wailing its fists in front of it, destroying the table underfoot before burrowing through the wall at the opposite end. The monster groaned as it searched for its prey. Silica charged and stabbed it in the back, leaving a deep cut before retreating as the monster flailing its arms around.
“Zack! You still alive?” Silica called out, but to no avail, turning back around to see the fat man charging at her once more.
It was not difficult to find the clawed fat man. All Liana had to do was follow the path of destruction that led into the old fort, a skeleton of the old wall from the civilization long past.
Those things… they were definitely the same kind of monster I fought in the ruins. Liana thought to herself, drawing an arrow as she slammed her back to the wall.
She could hear the sounds of battle coming from within. Kline and the other adventures were putting up a fight. With a deep breath, Liana ducked into the ruin, keeping her arrow at the ready in case, drawing closer to the sounds of battle.
As she got closer, something smashed through a wall in front of Liana, causing her to stop.
Crawling on the ground was Kline, trying to pick himself up off the ground. “L-Liana? What are you doing here?”
Before Liana could respond, the fat man stepped through the hole created, the rusted, bloodstained claws snapping shut. It’s faceless mask turned slowly, taking note of Liana’s presence.
“Hey!” Kline grabbed a rock and threw it at the fat man, hitting the metal helmet. The creature turned back to face him, claws snapping shut as it let out a loud groan before charging at Kline. Still prone, Kline rolled as the left claw dragged up dirt as it snapped shut. Liana fired an arrow, striking the monster close to where its neck should be.
Kline had jumped back to his feet, delivering three solid punches before backing off as the monster swiped at him as though he were a fly.
“Persistent bastard,” Kline growled, slamming his knuckles together, which both burst into flames. He charged the fat man, skidding underneath the wide swing of its claws, delivering three strikes against its flabby stomach, each one delivering scorch marks before he backed off. Liana repositioned herself, reading an arrow and an art as the fat man continued to swipe at her father.
Armor break!
She fired, the mana enhanced arrow striking the fat man in the back of its helmet, just barely piercing the metal to the flesh below. The fat man howled, charging towards Liana in a frenzy, its claws snapping as it swung. Liana skidded underneath the fat man's legs, skidding across the ground while loading another arrow, preparing another armor breaker. The monster groaned, turning around preparing to crush Liana.
“AHHHH!!” Kline bellowed at the top of his lungs as he rushed in front of his daughter, slamming his fist into the belly of the fat man, flames billowing from the impact. The monster found itself pushed back, its claw changing course, slamming onto the ground next to Liana. Unwavering, Liana fired another armor breaker, sending it through one of the holes in its faceplate. The monster’s head reeled back, followed by it taking two steps back before collapsing to the ground.
Liana let out a sigh of relief. Kline’s fist reverted back as he stood relaxed. From the hole he had burst through, five adventures poked their heads out. All of them looked as beaten as Kline having struggled against the fat man.
Six adventures altogether, plus Liana, had struggled to take down just one. And Silica was in the barracks with only four people to aid her.
“Dad! We need to help Silica!”
“No no no!” Silica leaped through a window back into the training yard. Behind her the fat man bust through the wall, banging its fists together while letting out a moan.
“Geez, don’t you know when to quit,” Silica groaned, readying her sword.
The fat man groaned again before barreling towards Silica. Suddenly, a puff of smoke engulfed the head of the fat man, throwing it off its mark allowing Silica to deliver another cut across the belly before retreating.
“What the-?” She only then noticed the cloud that surrounded the fat man's head.
“Just attacking its body is not enough! You need to strike a more vulnerable point!”
“Huh?” Silica looked up and to her surprise saw Jil fluttering towards her. “Whoa! What are you doing here? I told you to go to grans!”
“She told me to find you before going underground,” Jil said.
“.... Gran went into the catacombs? Now? What for?”
“How am I supposed to know! And look out!”
Silica turned back to the fat man, only now realizing it was barreling towards her again with both its wrecking ball fists raised into the air. Silica rolled out of the way as both fists crashed into the ground. The cloud that shrouded the head had dissipated, meaning the monster had full view of its prey.
“What was that smoke thing you did? Was that magic?” Silica said as she stopped running with Jil at her back.
“No. I found a crate full of small round objects. I didn’t know what it would do.”
“Smoke bombs? Do you have any more on you?”
“Of course not! I could barely carry one!”
The fat man turned its attention back to Silica, once more banging its fists together.
“Well go get some more!” Silica said as she broke into a run as the fat man swung its fist at her, scaring the earth in the process. “Before this thing turns me into paste!”
Jil flew away as Silica continued avoiding swings from the fat man as they crashed into the ground around her. “Damn you!” After the third swing, Silica rolled towards the fat man, ducking under the swing before stabbing the monster in its chubby leg. Channeling her mana into her blade, she wrenched her weapon free. Sparks of her mana mixed with the blood of the fat man as it trailed following Silica wrenching the weapon free.
Gritting her teeth she rolled backwards as the fat man swung its fist down, trying to crush her underneath.
Jil flew behind her, carrying a smoke grenade in her tiny hands, struggling to keep herself aflot due to the weight of the object. “What do… I do with this?”
“Do what you did last time!” Silica shouted before jumping out of the way, avoiding another swing from the fat man.
Jil flew directly over the monster, hanging onto the smoke bomb by the loose pin at its side. Kicking down, she wrenched the pin free. The bomb landed directly on the fat man, followed by a puff of smoke that obscured it’s head once more.
“Alright. Now what?”
“I’m gonna cut that bastard’s head off!”
Silica charged in once again, skidding across the ground until it was behind the monster before leaping on its back, plunging her sword close to its spine. The fat man began to flail its arms around, trying to dislodge Silica from its back.
“Wha-maybethiswasntagoodidea!!” Silica shouted in one breath as she clung to her weapon for dear life.
Suddenly, flames peppered against the gray lumpy skin. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the wizard Clara and Zack standing at the breached wall. The fat man took a step back before lurching its body forward, slamming both fists into the ground as it prepared to charge.
“Okay…” Steadying herself, Silica wrenched her sword free and charged up the back of the fat man, her weapon leaving a stream of mist behind her. At its shoulder blades, Silica leaped up before bringing her weapon down on the fat man like an executioner's blade.
Dimension slash!
Her weapon passed through with barely any resistance due to her mana enhancement. She landed on the ground followed shortly by the fat man's iron head landing beside her as the rest of the body collapsed behind her.
“Ha ha! I did it!” Silica cheered. “Geez that thing was tough.”
“That seemed to have been quite the ordeal,” Jil said, flying to Silica’s side.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Silica groaned as she fought to catch her breath.
“Yo Silica!” Both Clara and Zack waved through the breach. “You’re still alive?”
“Yeah! Somehow!” Silica waved back. “Thanks for the save,”
“No problem. Though it’s not like you to show gratitude,” Clara joked. The Gormott wizard was Silica’s senior (rather former) by two years, and a great admirer of her dad and Garo.
“Yeah yeah,” Silica sighed. “Is Hovel-?”
“Out cold, but he’ll live.”
“And you must be the fairy everyone is talking about. Names Zack.” The swordsman greeted the fairy with a grin and a nod. A fellow adventurer from Jesco, another small island in the archipelago who had taught Silica a few tricks to using a sword.
“Uh, g-greetings,” Jil said nervously, hovering close to Silica.
“We’re gonna head back to the gate. Hopefully, Kline and the others have killed the other one.” Clara said to Silica.
“Right.” Silica nodded. She had forgotten about the second one. The last she saw of it was her father luring it into the old fort opposite the barracks. “You guys go ahead. I uh… need to catch my breath.”
“Don’t take too long,” Zack said as both he and Clara ran back through the breach.
“Sure hope there’s no more surprises waiting for us,” Silica groaned, stabbing her blade into the ground as she stretched her arms. “Say, what’s Gran doing in the catacombs?”
“I’m not certain,” Jil said fluttering close by. “She only told me to find you before descending into the depths.”
“What, me?”
“.... I’m not certain of her meaning either,” Jil said. “I suspect… it might have something to do with my memories.”
“That’s gran for you. Never tells you what you need to know when you need it.” Silica said, retrieving her sword. “Suprised you could find me in all this mess,”
“It was not particularly hard. I simply went to where the biggest commotion was,” Jil said narrowing her eyes.
“Hey…” Silica pouted. The crescendo of gunfire echoed through the night sky, reminding Silica of the battle still raging. “Is there no end to them?” She ran to the breach before looking back to Jil. “Get yourself to the docks! My mom will keep you safe!”
“Wait Silica! There’s-” Jil’s warning came too late as Silica retreated from view. “There’s.... Something approaching the town….”
“Silica!” Liana waved as she ran up to her, giving her sister a bear hug. “Thank the goddess you’re alright.”
“H-Hey come on. There’s no way I’d lose to that fat slob,” Silica wriggled free of her sister. “Anyway. How’s it going.”
Liana pointed to the gate. All that was there were the island guard, with the broken remains of husks and skull knights littering the ground before disintegrating into ash. “I think… I think that’s the last of them.”
“Finally…” Silica sighed.
“We can’t relax just yet. We don’t know what’s going on around the town.” Kline said as he walked to his daughters. “Least for now we can-”
“AHH!” Silica suddenly screamed, dropping her sword, dropping to her knees while clutching her right hand.
“Silica?” Liana rushed to her sister’s side. “What’s wrong?”
“...M-My hand it-” Silica muttered through gritted teeth. There was a horrible stinging on her backhand, as though the mark was burning. It subsided quickly, yet there remained a tingling.
“Silica?” All around her, the other adventures huddled around, concerned for her well being.
“I-I’m fine.” Silica brushed off, picking up her sword.
“H-Hey! Something’s out there!” A cry came from atop the walls. Garo and the other missile units spied out in the open ground, a lone figure strolling through the darkness. The moons were covered by a thick layer of clouds drifting overhead, partly obscuring the figure from view. It was when it came into the torchlight that it became much clearer.
There in front of the gate stood a lone man. Black encrusted armor that coated the entire body. It’s helmet fashioned into the visage of a beast, elongated with a jaw of teeth. A tatter came fluttered from its shoulders. In its hands, it held a large sword, bigger than its own body, almost as though it were a slab of sharpened iron attached to a pole. Its freehand dangled the head of an orc, being held up by its hair.
“Wh-Who is that?” One of the island guards muttered, intimidated by the presence of the knight. “Who goes there?! Identify yourself or we will shoot!”
The bestial knight said nothing, dropping the head of the orc, gripping the hilt of its sword in both hands.
“Don’t think he’s gonna answer,” Garo fired, followed by a crescendo of gunfire and arrows that bounced harmlessly off the impossibly large sword thrown in front of the knight in defense. With a howl like a beast, the knight charged to the wall, moving impossibly fast given the weapon it was carrying. Fire rained down while the island guard at the gate repositioned themselves to meet the new defenders. Unexpectedly, the knight leaped up like a spring, kicking against the wall before it was a few feet above the gunners on the walls, all looking petrified as the large sword was brought down in a crescent arc. Garo flopped on his back as five island guards and an adventurer was sliced in half.
Jil floated above the barracks and froze the moment she saw the new enemy. Her chest tightened, either out of fear or something else.
“What's going on up there?” Silca yelled as she ran to the wall, followed by the other adventures. “GARO!!”
“NO! RUN!” Garo yelled.
Yet the knight paid him no heed, staring down to the ground below, to the people running towards it, to the silver-haired girl leading the charge.
It’s grip on its sword tightened, the jaw opened up, and another metallic how cried to the heavens. Silica stopped as soon as she hired the cry, staring up at the figure above before it pounced.
“Silica!” Liana suddenly grabbed her sister and pulled her to the ground as the giant sword slammed into the ground in a metallic clash that rang through the entire battlefield.
Both girls looked at the attacker; the bestial knight.
- In Serial28 Chapters
The Apex Formula (Isekai LitRPG)
Kevin, a normal man in his 20s with a mundane office job, yet his life took a worse turn. In just a split second, the norm is gone, replaced by a new world that might seems familiar. Armed with extensive knowledge of a discontinued game, he'll use it to fight against the very people that he once calls his own since he has no choice but to face them head-on. He will use everything at his disposal, tips, tricks, and bugs. It will all be for the sake of Kevin reaching the apex. He has the perfect plan in mind with a specific class already decided, but then "That" appears. A new unknown, yet it promises a path that will bring along great glory and astonishing power. An adventure of a lifetime as Kevin unravels the secrets of Dunia with his precise planning taking step by step heading towards the apex, all for the sake of staying alive and protect those who need it the most. His boundless wisdom might have helped him, but who knows, there might be some times he will slip up.
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Slime of Gluttony
_____ ___, a completely and utterly deplorable person. Lazy, apathetic, and unmotivated. He spends his time as a shut-in, wasting his life away doing nothing of importance. This is the life of the man, a life of no importance. At the impulse of desiring food, he left his small and cramped apartment. Regretting his actions immediately, he was left with the prospect of a complete panic attack due to the numerous amount of people outside at that day. However, he pressed on, determined to find some sort of delicious food to consume. Life had other plans for him. He gets hit by a car, and after hearing strange words from an even stranger voice, he dies. However, minutes, hours, maybe even days later, he awakes, his senses of smell, sight, and hearing robbed of him. Author's Note: This is my first story on Royal Road, so it might not be the best. Although, I hope you enjoy! I'll probably write around 2000 words or more per chapter, but on average a bit more. If you're wondering, the cover art is drawn by me, just in case you thought I wasn't giving credit to the creator.This story might often times lean more into the comedy side of things, but stuff can still get pretty serious at times, especially in the later chapters. The story isn't super dark or anything, but character death is of course going to be a thing. Who? Well, you'll find out, eventually. Also, I'll upload chapters on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I hope you enjoy reading this little hobby of mine!
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River of Creation
The universe is contantly corroded by the void. So, I must expand my universe faster than the void corrodes it. But is that our destiny? To fight against the void until we fall? No. There has to be a way. I must escape the void. But how does one escape from nothingness?
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Players in Remnant
Two players await for the server to end and return to their daily lives. But what if the daily lives of their routine have changed? Transported into an animated series, stuck in their game characters. There ain't gonna be no bad thing gonna happen. (Rewriting in WIP) (OCs) [AU] Oh, and no Nazarick or Ainz. Sorry.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Across The Stars
Padmé is abducted, and infected with the Blue Shadow Virus. Will she die, or will the Jedi be able to save her? (Cover credit goes to Victuuriously and the original artist) disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars (dang it!!)
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Deku And The Beast
A bakudeku version of the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast.
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