With Liana in the lead, the sisters found the walkway that ascended to the surface. Just up ahead was a cavern mouth with the sun pouring through. Silica put up her hands to shield her eyes from the flood of light as she walked forwards. Her eyes quickly adjusted, hitting her full force with a sight she could never get tired of.
The island of Chadd. A hilly island of a tall mountain. At the base was Holbourgh, the only settlement on the island and a small part of the island chain of Golmort. The rustic village could be seen nestled in the only flat plot of land as the green earth was broken up by jagged earth spires.
"Race you!" Silica began to run down the slope followed closely by Liana.
Far in the distance, beyond the horizon to the southwest was the tower. The Tower of Serendipity. Not much was known about it, the white tower that sored hight into the sky that was visible to nearly all who lived on the islands surrounding the Dark Continent. Three thousand years prior, the world of Earthena was caught in a cataclysm, the great calamity. Legends say the Goddess of Harmony herself erected the structure at the center of the world, and from there battled the encroaching darkness. The world was saved, yet the goddess was forced into a deep slumber.
Silica had seen the tower all her life, every child on the Golmort island chain had. It was impossible to miss. However, it was still a sight to behold. Time seemed to flow as she raced down the slope to the village outskirts.
"Oh boy..."
A solider blocked their path wearing the uniform of the Island Guard; A breastplate, sabot and armed with a spear and shield. "You're approaching the town of Holbourgh. State your intentions."
"It's us Hal," Silica groaned as Liana caught up. "Don't you think you're taking this a little too far?"
"Come on! You could play along!" Hal wined lowering his guard. "I'm going into the Imperial army, I need to toughen my resolve."
"By stopping everyone who comes in and out of the village? All your gonna do is piss off everyone."
"Maybe," Hal said undeterred, banging his breastplate with his spear, "but it's my dream nonetheless, to leave this dump and explore the world while defending my home against those dastardly Goans and Muhamans!"
"Why don't you just be an adventurer like us? That way you can go wherever you want."
"Tempting. But I was born into the guard and I'm gonna die in the army. Uh... hopefully at the ripe old age. You know, after I at least have an air to carry on my legacy. Oh wait! I need a wife first! But if I'm in the army and away.... No! Nonono! That is the wrong way to think about it Hal. If you find a loving wife, she will wait for you as you brave the battlefield-"
Hal continued speaking his delusions out loud while Silica and Liana stood there watching with blank expressions. "Whatever you say," Silica nodded and walked past Hal. "If you do meet someone, try not to boar them with this crap."
"Good luck Hal." Liana followed, "Oh, wait!" But quickly turned back to Hal. "In the catacombs, we heard a strange moaning coming from the depths. Might be nothing but could you pass it on to your dad?"
"Uh, sure. Moaning in the depths." Hal nodded. "Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to guard duty."
The two girls left Hal, entering the village proper. The idyllic seaside village built at the foot of the mountain of Chadd, centered like most towns of the empire, around the village center droned with an anchor from the first ship to reach the island some hundred years ago. The town's population was only a meager hundred and fifty give or take, with the majority of the town being fishermen and shipwrights to support any vessel that docked. Another portion of the population were adventurers, either native to the town or from Golmot or beyond. The catacombs provided the village just enough relevance to keep afloat given the lucrative endeavors of exploring the ruins could provide with the occasional imperial sanctioned expedition arriving.
"Ah, finally back," Silica said with a stretch. "Man, I'm exhausted."
"Let's go see Garo. I'm sure he's eager to see if we've made it back." Liana suggested.
"Yeah, bet he's got a lecture in store for me," Silica said narrowing her eyes.
"You can say that again," A deep voice called out to them, which was enough to deflate Silica more than she was.
".... Speak of the devil."
"Hey, Garo!"
Standing by the town monument was none other than Garo, a large, middle-aged man with spiky rose hair tied with a decorated bandana tying it all back, standing with his arms folded as the two approached with his usual smug grin.
"Silica Hale. What are we gonna do with you? You always seem to dive headfirst into trouble every day." He said.
"It was one orc that jumped me,"
"And your mother made it clear you're never going down there on your own. Trust me, Valary is scary enough when she wants to be. I don't want her to chew my ear out when something happens to her youngest daughter."
"Adopted daughter," Silica muttered under her breath.
"Hey hey. I won't have any of that again." Garo said sternly. "Just cause they brought you in doesn't mean you're no more there daughter then Liana is."
"Right... sorry."
Garo nodded then turned, walking towards the local pub which served as the adventurer's guild branch for the island. Liana put a hand on Silica's shoulder, giving her a warm smile.
"Sorry, just slipped out," Silica said walking ahead.
The Poached eel was the only pub on the entire island, a simple two-story building built by the pier, and was the most popular sight in Holbourgh (as there was precious little else in the town). The pub was located on the ground floor, round wooden tables filled with local fishermen drinking the hard-earned day away. The second floor was the branch office was located in a small room. Gora was the man in charge of the branch, a veteran adventurer and lifelong friend of Kline, and the strongest adventurer on the island and acted as the mentor to both Silica and Liana. Every mission they accepted they went straight to the man to report it.
As the guild's representative, he also worked close to the island guard often assisting in the defense of the island. After following him back, they sat on the two available chairs while Garo readied the report on his desk. They explained what had happened on the job, including Silica falling into the deeper part of the ruins as well as the moaning that came from the depths.
"Huh... Can't say I've ever heard that before." Garo said after Liana described it as sounding like a cry of an elderly man. "Might be some kind of new monster. I'll speak to Van Jorhen about it." He said closing the guilds ledger. "Well, all things considered, you two handled yourself pretty well down there."
"Ha, that was easy enough. Could'a handled it all on my own," Silica boasted leaning back on her chair.
"Not that we'll be finding out anytime soon mind you," Garo said back earning him a pout from Silica with Liana chuckling quietly to herself. "Still, we probably should send another expedition down there just to be on the safe side. No one's really explored that deep into the ruins before. Trust I can count on you for that, Liana."
"Of course." Liana nodded tapping her chest. "I'll just need to restock on arrows before we set out,"
"Great. We'll leave sometime tomorrow. I don't need to tell you how dangerous it is down in the catacombs at night."
"Uh, I'm here too you know." Silica waved her arm to get Garo's attention. "I just need to visit Torburn to sharpen my sword-"
"You're not going."
"Wha-huh?!" Silica staired at Garo agast. "Why not?!"
Garo leaned on the desk, folding his arms along the wooden surface. "Silica, did you or did you not take the goblin raiding party job because it would be close to where the star fell two nights ago."
"Uh... Maybe...."
With a deep sigh, Garo leaned back on his chair fixing Silica with a serious expression that could only mean what the girl was dreading; a lecture.
"Look you got a lot of potential as an adventure, no one's gonna argue that. Heck, I'd say with a few more years you could brave the Dark Continent."
"But you're very reckless. You dive into trouble head first regardless of your own personal safety. Both Kline and I have drilled this into you, adventuring is a tough and dangerous job. One wrong move could be fatal."
"Yeah, I know that!"
"If you know then why do you take so much unnecessary risks and go off on these expeditions into the most dangerous place on the island, mostly on your own?"
" ..... Cause I gotta get stronger." Silica's response was a loud whisper, "Otherwise I'll never make it to Serendipity!" before her final outburst.
Liana let out a sigh as Garo rolled his eyes. After a minute of uncomfortable silence, he got up from his desk, walking over to Silica before placing his hand on her shoulder. "If you get yourself killed on one of your trips you'll never make it. You may think I'm being hard on you but I'm only trying to look out for you."
Silica didn't look up, keeping her odd colored eyes forward as Garo walked away from her to the door. "Why don't you two call it a day. You've both been through a lot."
Silica didn't say a word as the two left the poached eel back into the town center. The sun was now beginning to set, baiting the little sleepy little seaside town in twilight.
"Hey, don't take it personally," Liana said tapping her on the shoulder. "But Garo does have a point. You do seem to barrel headfirst into danger,"
"Come on. Let's get back home. I bet mom's got dinner waiting for us." Liana walked ahead with Silica walking behind her, trying her best to clear her head. The cool breeze that blew from the sea did some wonders on it. Their house was on in the north of the town center, conveniently located among a cluster of homes that were outside the village proper. As the end of the day approached the town was already beginning to lax with the townsfolk calling it a day. The bakery, blacksmith, and the general store had all shut there doors and the local fishermen had called it a day. Only the Island Watch was present in their armor, yet acted lax on their patrols, even assisting some of the elderly townsfolk to their homes.
"Oh, Mayor Doal.."
Silica's ears picked up before her eyes rolled.
"Liana Hale. Good to see you've kept busy." Mayor Doal Fergo, a tall elderly man almost bald save a few hairs that clung to his dome. His smile turned to a frown when he noticed Silica standing behind Liana. "Silica Hale. I hope you haven't been causing too much trouble again."
"Good to see you too mister mayor." Silica snorted. If there was one person in her small village she could not stand it was the mayor. As long as she knew him Doal had always made his displeasure of Silica's presence in Holbourgh known.
Liana couldn't help but sigh at Silica's attitude. It was no secret to the town that the two hated one another. Yet besides the side comment and the occasional time's Silica would talk back to him, the was nothing particularly malicious in their interactions.
With the exception of an outburst seven years ago....
"Anyway," Doal continued speaking to Liana, pretending Silica wasn't there, "I've just received a report from the guard about that noise you heard in the catacomb depths."
"Ah, right." Liana nodded. "Garo's going to lead an expedition to find the source. I'm a part of it."
"Good. If it's a new monster we need to find out if it poses a threat." Doal said looking relieved. "Van Jorhan volunteered to investigate so the help the guild can provide will be appreciated." He said with a bow. "I'll be sure to compensate you for your efforts."
"Ha ha, thanks."
Doal's eyes fell on Silica who looked away folding her arms. "Relax. I'm sitting this one out." She sulked.
"Good. The last thing I need is you causing more trouble."
"Oh come on, I never cause any trouble for the village!"
"Really? What about the time you caused a cave in below sinking the guard post."
"That was a long time ago...."
"It was last spring."
Silica narrowed her eyes. It was true, an expedition she undertook (without permission) lead her into a chamber close to the village where she had to contend with a rather large queen Golban. The ensuing battle resulted in a cave in that sunk the old guard post.
"Frankly, I dread every time you venture down into the depths,"
"Oh please, I bet you can't wait to hear the news I was mauled on by a monster or killed by the Burrow."
"S-Silica!" Liana snapped.
"Just keep your nose out of trouble and we won't have any problems between us," Doal ended before walking past them towards the town square.
With his back turned Silica stuck out her tongue. "Ah, I hate that guy," She growled, kicking a pebble as she continued on home. "How'd he ever make mayor?"
"Well... Doal is respected amongst the town and on Golmot." Liana corrected. "It wouldn't kill you to be a bit nicer too him."
"Hm! After how he always treats me? No friken way," Silica stormed ahead, leaving Liana to sigh.
"Hey! Wait up!"
The sun was beginning to set among the outskirts of Holbourg with the final strand of houses built onto the elevated rock that overlooked the sea. A total of five buildings huddled in a circle, homes made from the same stone and mortar that comprised of most the village, one belonging to Silica and her family.
The other four belonged to Van Jorhan and his family, two of the local foists and Clause, a returned veteran who fought in the war in Herdor against Gao, even calming that it was the warlord Hao Min that took his leg. He rarely ever left his house (due to his lost leg) and would spend the day on his balcony which had a clear view of the mounted.
"Ah, Silica! Liana!" He waved as they walked past.
"Hey Clause!" Liana waved back. Silica did the same.
"Head's up. Valery didn't look too pleased when I last saw her." Clause called back.
"Uh... really...?" Silica trembled. "H-How long ago are we talking about...?"
"Hmm... I think it was after lunch when I saw her marching back from the town. She had that look she usually gets when one of you girls do something stupid."
"Oh boy..." Silica slumped while Liana chuckled. From what Clause had described it matches with her descending into the catacombs on her own. "Garo must have said something.... That bastard..."
"You did bring this on yourself."
"SILICA!! LIANA!!" A boisterous roar erupted from behind the girls. "Whaaa I'm so happy to see you both-OFFF!!" In unison, Silica and Liana turned and kicked the charging man knocking him on his back with a loud thud.
"Don't you think we're a little old for you to be trying to bear hug us?" Silica said narrowing her eyes.
"Ahh, nonsense!" The man jumped to his feet, standing a foot taller than the girls, wearing a leather strap around his muscular chest with a pelt hanging from his belt, sporting a main of spiky brown hair. "Eighteen and fifteen is no reason for me to not give my two daughters a hug! Why my father would still embrace me even as time rolled on for him."
"Yeah, well we're not giant weirdos like you," Silica said bluntly.
"I'm with sis on this,"
"Whaa-" The man fell to his hands and knees, looking as though a dark cloud was looming over his large figure. "Rejected by my own flesh and blood.... Goddess... why have you forsaken me!"
Silica let out a loud exasperated sigh while Liana chuckled softly to herself. Kline Hale was Liana's farther and long healed as the best adventurer in the Golmott archipelago next to Garo. His skill at hand to hand brawling was second to none, able to stand up to an Orc warboss as equals with his brute strength. If he had a weakness, it was that he was very protective of his daughters and (to Silica's cringe) would always try to embrace them like a bear protecting its cubs. While Silica loved it when she was young, now as a fifteen-year-old it got embarrassing.
"Haha! Quite the heartbreakers you've raised Kline!" Clause called out, taking out his walking stick as he struggled back to his house.
"Ahh, stand up. You're embarrassing us." Silica said trying to look the other way.
Reluctantly Kline got back to his feet, brushing his dirty knee caps. His mood brightened up quickly as it always did. "Anyway, how did your job go today? That's what you two were doing right?"
"Oh, yeah," Silica nodded scratching his head. "It was just a goblin party. Nothing two hard."
"None the less I'm glad you asked Liana to accompany you this time. Good to see you've learned your lesson."
"Uhh... ha ha, yeah," Silica stroked the back of her head while Liana gave a sly glance.
"'As strong as an adventure is, they can never truly face the open world alone. Even the best of us need a helping hand.' A lesson my father drilled into me."
"And something you still haven't gotten into that stubborn head of yours."
Silica gulped before a light wooden object hit her on the back of the head. "Oww...." Silica slowly turned behind her. "Haha... Hi mom."
Standing behind her was Valary Hale, a tall blue-haired woman whom Liana took more after. She had her arms folded with a wooden spoon clutched in her right with a narrow-eyed smile.
"So... Garo told you,"
"He did," Valary said tapping her gently on her forehead with her wooden spoon. "I have dinner ready so you have plenty of time to explain yourself in the meantime."
"Huh, wha- Hold on..." Kline looked between his wife, Liana, and Silica before grasping what they were talking about. "You went into the catacombs on your own again?!"
"Uhh.... Little help," Silica turned to Liana for support. Her sister simply smiled and walked back to their house. I'm not getting out of this one, am I?
"What have you done with yourself this time?"
Silica gritted her teeth feeling the sting as her mother applied a healing balm to her cuts and grazes along her body, dabbing each fresh wound with the soaked cloth.
"Stay still."
"Argh... Why can't you just use healing magic instead of all this first aid stuff,"
"Because I have it in my mind-" Valary applied more lotion to Silica's wounds, deliberately putting enough pressure on it to slight sting, enhanced by the cold air that blew against Silica's exposed skin. "- that this would at least deter you from making these rash expeditions of yours."
Silica grumbled as her mother began to pack up the remaining first aid items, filing them into the wooden catenate. The house's study was connected to her parent's bedroom and had everything from books, maps diaries, lit dimly by manasite lamps. Silica came into the room a lot as a child to read on her parent's many adventures, and as a teenager spent most of her time with her mother tending to her wounds. It was a routine Silica was used to by now, sitting at the desk having removed her shirt so her mother could apply the balm to the various bruises she often received in her expeditions into the catacombs. Not that it made each time any more pleasant than the last.
"Honestly, I feel like I'm spending most of my spare time just patching you up."
"I didn't ask you to," Silica sighed, leaning back on her chair, "But.... Thanks." Most of her wounds seemed to have healed thanks to the balm, with the exception of a circular bruise on her right hand that refused to go away.
"What have you done here...?" Valery asked examining it. "Does it hurt?"
Silica shook her head.
"Ok... looks harmless enough. I'll leave it for now but let me know if it starts hurting."
"The rest of my body stings...."
"Good. That means you're healing." Valery said packing up the lotion into her first aid hamper, "Listen, Silica. I know how eager you are to get out and about in the world," She said while organizing the contents of the basket. "Believe me, I know the feeling. But don't you think you're taking things a little too far?"
Silica looked away.
"This is twice this week you've gone down on your own, and each time you've ended up like this."
"Not all the time..." Silica huffed, raising her right hand and clenching it into a fist.
"You know you can call any of us to go with you." Valerie pointed out. "In fact, I don't see Liana saying no to you."
"Yeah, I know," Silica sighed. "But... I need to get stronger. On my own. So when it comes to finally leave this place for Free Port I'll be able to make it on my own!" She declared her mood-brightening. "I'll be the best adventure in the world, and make it all the way to the top of Serendipity!"
Valary chucked as she closed the hamper basket. "Adventuring is a dangerous profession. I'm sure Garo has drilled it into you that we not only take on protection and monster hunting jobs but also venture into the unexplored islands left in the wake of the Great Calamity. No one person can do that on there own."
"I know... Believe me, Garo gives me an earful pretty much every day," Silica complained leaning back on her chair. "I just...." A melancholy washed over her. "You guys have already done so much for me, I can't keep relying on you,"
"This again," Valary sighed. "Silica, from the day you arrived you have always been a member of this family-"
"But I'm not!" Silica exclaimed banging the table. Seeing the shock on Valary's face she realized she what she said, taking a deep breath to calm down. "I mean come on, we don't look anything alike. And no one from the village has hair," Silica tugged a lock of her silver hair, "or an eye like mine."
"That may be," Valary stood up, picking up the box, giving Silica a gentle smile. "But I still consider you my daughter none the less, and nothing will ever change that,"
Silica didn't say anything in response.
"And that means I worry for your safety just I do Liana," Valary continued standing up from the table. "And these expeditions do far more harm to you then good."
"So what...? Am I forbidden to go down there?"
"That would put my mind at ease, but we both know you'll just go down there again," Valary said opening the door to the study. "So... how about you do some jobs around town tomorrow. Kline says Garo's got the guild ready to explore the ruins for that noise you two heard so there going to be pretty short-handed tomorrow."
Silica sighed, resting her head on her fist. "In other words, I'm going to be doing boring chores all day, great..."
"'The adventurer guild has to maintain friendly relations with the local populous and assist in making their community safer.' That is a core tenant of the guild too." Valerie pointed out. "And it should serve as punishment enough,"
"Yeah yeah," Silica sighed, stretching and jumping off her chair grabbing her shirt. She didn't mind helping others but found missions that took her into the catacombs more appealing then helping Mrs. Talderwol find her missing glasses for the tenth time.
"It's honest work and it will do you some good," Valery said before leaving.
"That's what you always say..." Silica sulked as she slipped her shirt back on.
"I have faith it will sink in one day,"
The windows flew open. Taking in the sea air, Silica leaned on the balcony, gazing outwards to the sea. "Whew, what a day,"
After her mother patched her up, Silica jumped into the bath (A large wooden barrel in the basement of their house) before retreating to her room on the second floor. While it was the smallest in the entire house, the bed was perched next to the window. Silica often found herself drawn to the sea. She would simply gaze outwards and lose herself imagining the world beyond the tiny island of Chadd, feeling as though her true calling lay elsewhere.
Yet there was one sight Silica found herself most drawn to, sitting to the southwest of the island visible despite being many miles away; the glittering white tower of Serendipity that seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky. That single beacon was her true calling, her ambition.
The legend goes that at the top was where the Goddess of harmony sleeps in the promised land of Serendipity, and the brave soul who managed to venture to the top and awaken the goddess could be granted a single wish.
Of course, they were all just bedtime stories, yet many did try to reach the top of the tower. Yet the is said to be no way inside, and climbing the base lead to the deaths of many brave adventurers. The only man said to have made it inside was Valmen Krester, the legendary adventurer from 1500 years ago, yet even he was never heard from again.
Many still tried their luck, but none succeeded. Years turned to centuries and eventually the quest to reach the top of the tower was long forgotten, becoming a fantasy for eager adventurers. Yet for Silica, that one wish meant the world to her. She always dreamed of climbing the tower, to reach Serendipity and meet the fabled goddess.
"Serendipity.... Is that where you're from?"
Silica looked away from the tower to her bedside table. There, sleeping in one of her socks was the green-haired fairy she had found in the catacombs. Silica had not told anyone what she had found, and if she was caught she would be in big trouble.
Leaning away from her window, Silica stared at the fairy. Since she brought it back it had not made any other movements. It wasn't even clear if it was still alive or not. In fact, Silica was stumped as to what to even do with it as there were few people she could tell now that she had hit it from everyone.
"I could take it to gran tomorrow." Silica said to herself closing the window. "With all the stuff mom and Garo's gonna make me do, I'm sure I'm not going anywhere-"
"Ack!" All of a sudden, her head began to pound as though someone had driven a needle through her brain. Yet it passed as suddenly as it arrived.
"... That was weird."
Ignoring it, Silica threw her sheets, covering herself from head to toe. With a deep breath, she taped on her manasite lamp turning off the light. As darkness fell she took one last look at the fairy, sleeping peacefully in her sock. She then dropped off herself.
The dream of Ash
Silica slowly opened her eyes.
Her hands moved, sprawled on the ground making a strange metallic clank. As she moved her arms, the strange feeling of dust could be felt, swathing like liquid.
With a grunt, Silica's sight began to restore, greeted by gray sand below her, swinging at her touch. "Wh-What...?" Blinking, Silica began to stand, putting one foot before the other as she pushed herself up.
There she was met with a strange sight far beyond the realms of normalcy. All around her was large dunes of a gray desert, stretching forever, broken by dilapidated ruins of unknown origins. In the distance was an eclipsed sun with a rim of orange flames which almost looked like it was bleeding, painting eternal dusk throughout the depressing scenery. Just before her were massive structures, seven pillars that circled around a large tower so monolithic in its construction that even from what she assumed was a great distance it still looked utterly imposing. The central tower itself seemed by far the largest with a sandstorm rising up it.
"Where.... Where the heck am I? Hello!" Silica called but to no response, her voice drowned by the prevailing winds that blew against her. ".... What I'm I...?"
She then found she was no longer in her usual garments. Instead, dawning a worn black armor that coated her body. Worn chunky plates grafted onto a black canvas with a battle skirt that was torn at the bottom. No parts of her flesh save her face could be seen, with two spikes (fixed and broken) protruding from her glaves. "When did I change into this?"
Her next surprise came at her right. Embedded in the gray sand she stood in was a large black greatsword, looking like a large chunk of iron. Its cross guard resembled a swirling black wave that had been frozen with a long hilt.
As though giving in to curiosity, Silica approached the sword, brushing her hands over the black hilt, feeling a strange affinity to it. Grasping it with both hands, Silica pulled the weapon free-
"Wha-!" Falling over into the ash due to the surprising weight she felt. Now free of the ash she could see the entire sword was almost the same hight as her. As she got back to her feet, heaving the weapon off the ground holding the blade into the air. Despite its size, there was a surprising lack of weight that she initially felt. It was far heavier than her usual weapon but not as much as she would have thought.
The sand around her began to stir, drawing her attention. From the ground rose a knight of ashen gray, with armor more worn then hers with a rusted broad sword clutched in its hands.
"W-Who are you?" Silica asked, on guard, heaving the greatsword to her side. The knight began lumbering towards her, raising its blade into the air. Silica sidestepped as it swung its blade haphazardly, almost tripping.
"Ok, never mind," Silica raised her greatsword as the knight turned to face her, and with all her might brought the blade down on it. The impact crushed the knight to the ground as the armor fragmented and disintegrated upon impact.
The sand began to move around her, five more ashen knights rising from the sand dunes below, shuffling towards Silica. With a grunt, Silica heaved the blade off the ground, turning to face the nearest two before taking a mighty swing. The very force tore through both knights. In mind swing, Silica brought her blade down on another before turning her attention to the final two. With a final yelp, Silica leaped off the ground, crashing her blade overhead, crushing the first knight then swinging her blade upwards cleaving the final one in two. The force of the swing and the shift in weight caused Silica to lose her footing, landing back in the cold gray sand.
"Ow ow..." Silica groaned. She stood up and dusted off the sand, examining her fingers rubbing the dust between her fingers. It felt odd for sand, sticky yet completely dry, smearing her gauntleted fingers. "What is this stuff..."
It feels like.... Ash?
A blue spark suddenly shot into her field of vision, fluttering past leaving behind shimmering flashes of sparks, circling around Silica before stopping a few feet before her.
It has begun.
The greatsword fell from Silica's grasp as she found herself drawn to the glow.
The cycle shall begin anew.
Every so slowly, Silica reached out her hand. The light began to glow even brighter, beginning to engulf her in its radiance.
Salvation or destruction?
The light subsided as suddenly as it appeared as Silica found herself staring at a wooden ceiling with her right arm stretched out. "Wha-What....?"
Silica groaned, feeling disoriented as she opened and closed her outstretched palm before slowly turning her head. She was back in her room, laying on her bed with the morning sun glaring through a crack in her curtains, and not a sign of ash.
"What a weird dream...." She sighed, lowering her hands to wipe her face, feeling a thin layer of sweat on her skin, "...... hm?" then raised her right hand into the air again.
"...... Wha-huh!?" Silica immediately sat up in surprise as she drew her hand in closer "Wh-What's this?". It wasn't her imagination, on the back of her hand was a twin comet tattoo arranged in a circle that had suddenly appeared seemingly overnight. "More importantly when did I get this?"
Is this that bruse? No, it can't be... She rubbed it, and as expected it would not come off. Whatever the mark was, it was clearly not coming off anytime soon.
Silica then noticed the empty sock sitting on her bedside table. "Wh-Wha-!" Her jaw dropped as her hand instinctively grabbed the piece of clothing, tipping it upside down in the hope there was something still inside. "Nononono, where is it!" The fairy she had found in the catacombs was not there.
Silica jumped off her bed, searching her room high and low for any sign of the creature. She opened her curtains, pulled her draws, checked her collection of relics and artifacts she had pulled from the catacombs, both those she declared and even her secret stash full of stuff she hadn't declared. She had to find the fairy. The last place to search was the top of her wardrobe. Moving the chair at the desk, Silica steadied before standing upon it on the tips of her toes as she peaked above-
Something then hit her in the center of her forehead. Silica lost her balance and toppled backward, landing hard on the ground, banging the back her head on the table legs. Silica groaned as she coiled on the ground rubbing the back of her head. "What the...?"
"I may be small but I am perfectly capable of defending myself human!" A small yet regal voice spoke. Silica looked upwards and found the source of the voice. It was the fairy hovering just above her holding a small metal rod in her grip.
"No way...." Silica forgot the bump on her head or the fact she had fallen over, simply staring mouth agape at what she saw.
"Explain why you have abducted me human!"
- In Serial53 Chapters
Who Says This OL Can't Become A Splendid Slime!?
A journey that began with a simple wish, taken horribly out of context. 'Ah, I wish that I could change my life. I wish for something truly exciting to happen.' Follow our heroine as she surmounts increasingly difficult odds! As she battles with heavy topics such as 'Is it really safe to eat this?', 'How am I supposed to slay a wyvern!?', and the ever-popular 'Does this shade of pink make my slime look fat?' "For the record, I've never asked that last question you bastard narrato—" Follow her as she traverses the world and seeks out her destiny! Thrown into the world with nary a leg to stand on, what will our gelatinous heroine do next? Will she become a savior? Or this world's very own Demon King!? "Wouldn't you mean Queen? Aside from that, please stop talking like I'm not here." But at the end of the day, there is one foe that she just may never slay. Despite all her efforts, will she be able to overcome the barrier that is ... her marital status!? "Alright, I'm going to Devour you too." We hope you enjoy the thrilling conclusion! "It really isn't that exciting. Please don't expect too much."
8 367 - In Serial280 Chapters
Era: Dawn of the New Gods
Concise Synopsis: This is a post-apocalyptic story about the origins of various powerful figures that appeared after the apocalypse event. During the apocalypse monsters appeared possessing powers and constitution beyond the limits of human understanding. They ravaged the world and brought down all governments. The first part of the story follows Jade, a terrorist that was ravaging the world before the monsters arrived. Dramatic Synopsis: The New Gods, the most feared and revered beings on the planet. They are forces capable of absolute destruction and creation. The Council of Branches Hayley, the Living Lie (if that is her real name) Chao Feng, the Prince of Stars Lara, the Mother of Heroes The Great City of Tver Gog, the Ever Losing War The Unkillable Freak Dave, the Flow Demon Avatari, (only the name is known) Satoshi, the Gentle Hurricane As Impactful as they are no one knew their origin, they are called the New Gods so there must be Old Gods. I and my collegues dedicated our lives to finding their origins only to find out that the beings we fear and adore were once like us, average, mortal and weak... at least most of them were. *It is a sort of reverse RPG as no one knows anything either skills, abilities or how the system works but they find out on their own or develop their own skills or abilites. *The story has many protagonists and point of views but it paints a beatiful story of survival in a world of endless perils for both the humans and the monsters(some monsters are protagonists). *There is a system but it is very limited (not overpowered) and treats everyone equally, monster or human. The system is very different from regular systems; no exp, levels and system items. *The story is a world building story where overall, the world is the true main character. The cover image photo is credited to Angel David *For now it's one chapter a day
8 90 - In Serial59 Chapters
The Survival of the Prince
"Life is an interesting thing, it brings us to interesting places, it whispers to us interesting tales, it shows us interesting paths, but one thing that life does not do is coddle us, and that in a sense makes it ever more so interesting" - an interested philosopher I hope you enjoy the story. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 65 - In Serial546 Chapters
Free Lances
"All right, boys and girls, quit sucking your ma's teats. It's high time we bloody earn our paychecks!" Born in times of turmoil, orphaned at a young age, and raised amongst rowdy sellswords, young Reinhardt Edelstein joined the mercenary trade as well when he grew up. When misfortune finally caught up with them, and the mercenary company he had been part of fell into an ambush and was decimated, he survived by chance, along with a few others. Then he found the baton of responsibility passed on to his hand, as the adopted nephew of the late captain. Stuck behind enemy lines, with only the tattered remnants of the once proud company around him, he strived to do his best, to rebuild the company to its former glory... Should they survive the current conflict. Would he succeed in etching his name in the annals of history? Or would he end up as a mere footnote instead? Only time will tell… Chapters will range from 1-2k words, scheduled for release every day from Monday to Friday. --------------------------------------- Expect: -War, with little to no punches pulled. -Army building -Tragedies, and dark Comedy/gallows humor. -Occasional action Do not expect: -Much in terms of romance -Much politics, barring passing views and mentions -A lighthearted tale. This story will not play nice. Any comments, reviews, and criticism will be much appreciated. And thank you for reading. --------------------------------------- This story is my original work and only posted on the Royal Road and Scribblehub websites. If you should find this story elsewhere or under another name, please let me know. Also please don't be too hard on me when I make occasional grammatical mistakes, English is my third language after all. XD Edit suggestions are very welcome though. READ UP TO 25 CHAPTERS AHEAD ON MY PATREON AT https://www.patreon.com/Avitue
8 383 - In Serial16 Chapters
Vampire's Betrayal
Leah Seadonna is now part of the family but she doesn't want any part of it. Not when there is a traitor among them. Deciding that leaving everything behind is the best choice, she joins the enemy. Now Leah must survive behind enemy lines while keeping true to herself. But will her darker side consume her humanity?
8 174 - In Serial51 Chapters
Scars of Alera
When a murder shakes her tiny village, Alera will discover a horrifying link between the scars on her arms and the werewolves and vampires that stalk her home. *****Nineteen-year-old Alera has grown up in the village of Adaymos, listening to stories about the monsters that live in the forest that surround her home. Labelled an outcast because of the scars on her arm, she's an easy scapegoat after one of the villagers is found murdered, but when newcomer Will is framed instead she's forced to question everything she knows about the mysterious outsider. Could he really be the killer? Or is he hiding more about the werewolves and vampires that live in the forest -- and the truth behind Alera's scars -- than he lets on?[[word count: 100,000-150,000 words]]
8 71