《Serendipity》Silica Hale
Why do we go on journeys?
To some, it is a path to glory.
To some, it is the road to wealth.
To some, it is an escape from themselves or something else.
To some, it is the search for truth.
To some, it is a path to hope.
I have observed many reasons one would take such a journey, seen many reasons and paths one would take as they risk life and soul to voyage into the unknown.
But one constant is most great journeys happen through a simple circumstance, a chance encounter, and something that would change their life forever.
Hm? Oh, my apologies! I suppose I haven't properly introduced myself.
My name is Ark
Within these pages confine a path of one who's chance encounter would become the beginnings of so many, one I peek with great interest as the journey goes on.
This is the adventure of the Pathfinder.
"Move it ya gits!"
In a moss-covered ruin underground, a group of nine goblins made their way through the uneven expanse; small, hook-nosed green-skinned monsters armed with basic spears and knives and armed with filthy rags and crude armor.
The nine creatures moved in unison along the tunnel. Moss covered ruins jute from the underground confines with breaks in the ceiling with sunlight illuminating the cassem.
With muffled grunts and huffs the goblins scuttered, unaware that in the darkness consoled a hunter that dogged their steps.
"One... two.... About nine,"
With a grin, the hunter drew their sword closer to hand, fixing two odd-colored eyes on the prey below; a right eye of bright azure, a left eye of bright gold.
One goblin glanced upwards, snarling through its crooked nose.
"Oi, what's wrong?" One of the goblins shouted.
"Thought I 'ear'd some-"
A flash of steel shone through as a double-edged blade struck the goblin, severing its head from its body with one strike. The others shrieked, branding their weapons at the attack.
"An humi!"
"D'y found us!"
"It just one humi! Kill it ya gits!"
Silica Hale stood before them, wearing a black tunic, a matching skirt, long boots and a simple sword in her hand and short silver hair, the girl stood at ease, parting her legs while holding her sword behind her.
"Alright, let's do this!"
The other goblins charged forwards, howling and streaking at the human. Silica sidestepped away from the first goblin and rolled to the left to avoid a leaping stab from a second and parried a third before lobbing the creatures head off with a well-timed counter-attack. Following up on the attack, the girl turned her attention to the first two goblins that had launched themselves at her, jumping to the left as a spear passed her by followed by a quick swing of her blade. The sword goblin had leaped at her again but was killed by a quick upwards slash.
As the body fell, four of the goblins charged at once crying out their war cries. Silica leaped backward, avoiding a leaping jab as a second charged forwards branding a spear. The girl sidestepped the clunky strike and stepped on the spear, inverted her sword before stabbing the monster through the back.
Turning clockwise as she freed her blade, another goblin fell as the girl's sword sliced through the neck. She then kicked a charging ax-wielding goblin, breaking its crooked nose with her boot.
Before finishing off, the girl parried two blows from another goblin before breaking its guard and slicing downwards, then struck a second before it had the chance to jump her, slicing it in half.
The final goblin was forcing itself up, clutching its bleeding snout, only glancing up as Silica delivered the final blow, slicing its head off.
With a deep breath, the girl sheathed her blade, glancing around at the nine goblin bodies she had just dispatched.
"Not a scratch," She said cheerfully, walking away from the battlefield. "Knew I could do this all on my-"
There was then a cry from behind her. The silver-haired girl turned, seeing a goblin falling towards her, two knives in hand.
Oh crap! There were ten?!
The goblin was suddenly plucked from the air as an arrow struck it in the neck, throwing it off its trajected target. Silica jumped right as the creature collapsed to the ground.
"Wha- huh?"
Following the sound of the voice, Silica turned to find its source standing on an elevated block waving down on her. An archer with long blue hair, green eyes wearing a green tunic with a leather breastplate, a quill at her back and a bow in hand.
The newcomer leaped off her platform, to a slumped pillar, sliding down the moss-covered stonework and finally leaping off.
"Wh-How'd you know I was down here?" Silica asked as Liana approached, sounding more disheartened at her appearance then grateful for her intervention.
"Garo told me you set out for the ruins on your own," Liana said, putting her free hand to her hip.
"Yeah, and I said I could do this on my own."
"And Garo told you you're never going into the ruins alone again," Liana said matter-of-factly leaning in. "Especially after what happened last time."
Silica let out a deep sigh, "It was one orc-"
"That nearly split you in two if Dad and Garo hadn't been there!" Liana said sternly pointing her finger at Silica.
"Urgh..." Silica had no real argument. Her previous venture into the expansive ruins did not end particularly well. "So I got careless back then. But that was just one time! All the other times I-"
Liana's deadpan expression stopped Silica from progressing any further with her excuses. Her track record was not great. Most of the time's Silica had gone in alone, she would receive a great many wounds from her admittedly careless attitude.
With her point seemingly proven, Liana's posture relaxed, turning about and waving. "Besides, it's been ages since we last went on an adventure down here."
"... Huh?" It took Silica a moment to realize that Liana was not walking to an exit. "Wh-Wait! I said I can-!"
Any protest she could think of, Silica knew was pointless. Her step-sister was, among other things, very stubborn when it came to her well being. Even if she tried to raise some excuse, it would ultimately fall on deaf ear.
Damn you Garo.... Shoulda known he'd send Liana of all people.
The sisters followed the path the goblins were taking through the monolithic caverns that stretched through most of the island of Chadd. These labyrinth of tunnels was a hot spot for aspiring adventurers, venturing into its depths caught with the fever of adventure.
"So what job did you take?" Liana asked as the girls began to venture deep into the earth.
"Oh, it's just to take out a goblin raiding party." Silica said truthfully as she tightrope across a rocking beam stretched over a gap in the path like a bridge.
"Really?" Liana looked at her sister skeptically as she followed.
"Yeah, really," Silica smiled before climbing up a collapsed column, "You can ask Garo... when we get back." squinting into the distance.
Liana dogged her sister's footsteps. "From the direction we're going, looks like we're going into the east ruins." She said as Silica brought out a map. "This wouldn't have anything to do with the star that fell two days ago?"
"....... Maybe," Silica turned to her sister, meeting her disapproved gaze. "Come on! You're just as curious as I am!" She said, pumping her fist. "For all we know, it could'a fallen all the way from Serendipity!"
Liana could only return a look of exasperation. This was not the first time Silica had been obsessed with the topic of Serendipity. "Now I see why Garo wanted me to come," She sighed, watching her sister pace back and forth absorbed in the map. "Mom's gonna flip when she finds out about this,"
"Mom won't find out about it unless you tell her," Silica stopped, "You're.... not gonna tell her right?"
"Hmm... And why wouldn't I tell her?" Liana gave a mischievous smile.
"Cause..... you love me sis,"
Giving a forced smile, Silica watched agonizingly as Liana painfully (and deliberately) mulled it over before giving a soft chuckle.
"You don't have to worry about me," She said much to Silica's relief, who couldn't help but sigh.
"You know I hate when you do that,"
"Garo may be another story,"
"..... I'll cross that bridge when I get back," Silica raised the map closer to her face, looking deeply into the map, "Ok," before tucking the map back into her pouch. "Try to keep up!" She announced before leaping off the pillar.
"There she goes again," Liana smiled and leaped down after her sister.
Chadd Catacombs
The two sisters continued the path, crossing over a gaping maw using a pillar as a bridge continuing down the moss-covered path. The sun penetrated through the gaps in the ceiling. The light illuminated the mossy underground ruins in all their majesty. Brick structures and marble pillars all conjoined together in a formation the original architect of days gone by would ever envision.
"Still takes my breath away no matter how many times I've seen it," Liana said as Silica dropped down a ledge to a smaller path, continuing a circular route, keeping the ruins to their left. "So where exactly were the goblins headed?"
"Garo said they were found in the east part of the island tunnels," Silica replied, leaping up a ledge heaving herself up. "So it's a safe bet they'll be heading to the temple."
Turning the next corner, Silica spied two monsters, a pair of arachnids that were common in the ruins.
"I'll hang back," Liana said, drawing an arrow. "Ready,"
"All set." With a grin, Silica charged towards the two monsters. Liana loosed her arrow, which burrowed into the body of one of the monsters while Silica struck upwards in a vertical arc, slicing through the monster's head and upper body.
"Ha! Too easy," Silica said in triumph sheathing her sword.
"Nice gong sis," Liana cheered arching her. "I remember you use to struggle against the arachnids when you were just starting out,"
"That just goes to show you how much stronger I am." Silica said rubbing her nose in glee. "After all, I'll be going to Serendipity one of these days."
Liana chuckled. "Even so, Goblins and Orcs are not spiders. Remember what Dad always says, 'golden rule of adventures is to always have a partner,'"
"Yeah yeah, I know," Silica groaned. "Still think I can't handle a few goblins on my own,"
Liana simply started with a deadpan smile.
"Fine...." Silica skulked forwards, "But I get the credit for this job!"
"Whatever you say, sis."
They hurried along the path, now venturing through a tunnel where the sunlight could not reach. To fight back the darkness, Silica bought out a manasite crystal, knocking it against a nearby wall to activate its turquoise glow.
Silica led the way through the narrow slit, holding the crystal up high until the passage opened up with small rays of light breaking through the moss-covered ceiling. Silica slapped the crystal against the wall turning it off as the two made it into the vast space.
Walking forwards, the ground suddenly burst. Emerging were black furry four-legged creatures with pink star nuzzles; Gobans, blind monsters that burrowed into the ground and particularly vicious attacking nearly everything that stured them from the earth.
"Alright, let's do this!" Silica said enthusiastically.
"Right behind you!"
The skirmish was over quickly, with Silica killing three with quick dodges and strikes while Liana picked off two above ground, finishing with killing a third that had emerged behind Silica.
"That's the last of them," Liana said as she joined Silica who brought out her map again.
"Okay...." She mumbled to herself as she studied the scripture. "The temple is... that'a way."
The two continued through a small crag in the rock face narrow enough that both had to go single file. With the manasite in hand, Silica took point, squeezing through the passage until they reached the outside on a narrow rocky passage that overlooked a tunnel illuminated by large gaps in the ceiling.
"Say, how did you know what path I took?" Silica asked her sister. "There's three entrances near the town,"
"And you always take the one near the old well whenever you sneak out on your own," Liana said mater-of-factly.
".... Does Garo know?" Silica asked with dread.
"Oh Silica, everyone knows you take that entrance,"
"Great...." Silica let out a loud sigh.
"I understand you want to be more independent," Liana continued, "But don't you think these excursions are dangerous. Even Mayor Doal's worried about you."
"Oh please. That bastard's just waiting for the news I've been eaten by Gombas or Arachnids." Silica scoffed. "That's why I chose this job. It's just a goblin raiding party so there's no way anyone can scold me for it."
"A goblin raiding party that happens to take you to where that star fell,"
"So it's killing two birds with one stone," Silica resumed her pace, turning to her sister with a grin. "I happen to find what fell on a job, no way anyone can complain."
"That's true..." Liana sighed with a wiry smile. "But it does mean you'll have to hand it into the guild. There's bound to be a job posting for it by now."
"I know." Silica said turning about. The rule of the adventurer's guild regarding treasures and artifacts was that it must be declared to the guild branch, client or local government. If no one claimed it finders keepers.
"And don't think you can pull one over on Garo again?"
"Don't worry. Definitely don't wanna go through that again." The last time Silica tried to smuggle a small golden goblet from the catacombs, Garo and Kline made her help with the fishermen for a week (and confiscated the artifact).
The final passage brought them to the temple; referred to the large temple in an enclosed cavern, half-buried in the rock and moss. Emerging onto an elevated cavern overlooking the base, Silica and Liana ducked.
Below was none other than their targets, a collection of nineteen goblins armed with spears and bows as well as-
"An orc as well," Liana cursed.
Orcs were the cousin race to the goblins and were far more dangerous. Commonly sporting large bulks they were stronger than the average man and far more violent, commonly leaders to the goblins and warbands. The one below seemed like an average leader to a raiding party, crude armor and a large chopper weapon with the goblins crowded around.
"Alright," Silica said ready to stand, "Lets get-"
"Wait!" Liana grabbed her hand and pulled her down. "Look,"
Another goblin ran towards the orc, waving his arms.
"Bozz! Bozz! Da white gits're moven deeper!" It screeched in a high pitched voice.
The orc grunted, looking upwards to the cavern entrance. "Der late," he grunted, heaving the cleaver on the ground. "No point sitten around! Dem white gits'll overrun da camp if we don't slam em! We's shows em what 'appenz ta ones dat mess with da burrow!"
Liana and Silica looked at each other. "Sounds like they're on the move," Liana said as Silica leaned forwards, pressing against a rock.
"Come on, let's jump them before they get away!" Silica hissed, leaning closer to the edge getting ready to draw her sword.
"We don't know if that's all of them," Liana said, carefully drawing out her bow. "It's probably best if we lay low just in case."
"In case of what? We don't jump them now, we might lose-"
The rock Silica was leaning gave way.
Before Silica knew it she was falling forwards off the ledge, feeling Liana trying to grab her before toppling all the way to the ground landing on her head before toppling to her back.
"Owww...." Silica groaned as she grabbed her head, rolling back and forth. Garo had also told her not to lean on anything that doesn't look solid in the catacombs as it could give way any second.
"I'm ok..." Silica waved to Liana. "Just knocked my head on-"
"Boss! It's a humi!"
Sitting up was enough for Silica to realize how much trouble she was in. Right in front of her was the goblins squealing and pointing at her.
"Uh... that's not good."
The orc growled, heaving its chopper from its shoulder. "Well, kill et ya gits!"
A goblin beside the orc took aim with a bow before an arrow from Liana struck it in between the eye. The surrounding goblins snarled, pointing to Liana's position.
"No choice now," Silica said drawing her sword.
"Take car' of dat beu one!" The orc bellowed, raising a hand catching an arrow on his forearm. "Da silva girli's mine!"
As the goblins charged to reach Liana, Silica was forced to confront the charging orc, rolling out of the way as it swung its cleaver, which crashed through a rock on the force of the swing alone. Forcing herself back to her feet, Silica parried a wide swing, ducking under the blow. Pivoting on her feet, she turned and swung her blade overhead as the orc turned to her swinging its cleaver towards the girl. Silica ducked and rolled, dodging the blade overhead, skidding to a halt behind the orc. The green skinned brute turned back to its prey, letting out a warcry as it stood at the ready.
In terms of brute strength the orc had Silica beat. However, what Silica was confident was her dexterity. As expected the orc assaulted again, swinging its cleaver in two strikes. Silica leaped back, rolling forwards, dodging both, ducking under a third slash and cutting into the orc's chest before retreating.
Around her, four goblins were laying on the ground with arrows jutting from their bodies. Liana was above her, facing off the goblins on her own.
The orc gave Silica no respite, charging forwards intending to ram her. Silica leaped out of the way, cutting into the orc's flank, ducking under a wide swing. The orc leaped from the ground, grasping its chopper in both hands. Silica sidestepped right as the giant weapon slammed into the ground.
The orc freed its weapon, swinging wildly at Silica. She ducked, parrying one blow slicing into the orc's chest. The orc staggered back and Silica used the opening to her advantage lunging her blade at the orc. The monster moved right suddenly, allowing Silica's blade to pierce its left bicep.
"Damn-!" Silica quickly pulled her blade free and tried to put some distance between her and the orc.
However, she wasn't fast enough. The orc grabbed Silica by her waist, heaved her into the air, slamming her into the ground by the cliff wall. Silica gasped as the air was forced out of her lungs.
The orc raised its chopper into the air to crush Silica. Gritting her teeth, the silver-haired girl rolled right as the blade slammed into the ground again, digging into the earth and-
The ground beneath her and the orc began to shake. Rocks that lined the cliff wall began to give way followed by the ground.
"No no no nooooo!!!" Silica cried as both her and the orc toppled along with the collapsing debris, falling through a sudden drop to a steep slope surrounded by the open catacombs. Silica could do nothing but skid down, moving her body to stair herself away from jagged rocks until she reached a gap, instinctively jumping across the gap through a hole, losing her footing, tumbling the remaining few feet until she finally came to a stop.
"... Let's not do that again," Silica groaned as she sat up. She had no idea where she was, only that it was pitched black. Fumbling in her pouch, Silica brought out what felt like her manasite, slamming it against her palm to activate the light-
Directly in front of her was an upside-down skull of a human skeleton that had been buried in the cold dark wall of ancient rock.
With a sigh of relief, Silica prodded the skull. "Sure hope that's not the last idiot who came down here," Tearing her gaze away, Silica shone the light through the cavern she had found herself in. "Where ever 'here' is. Hey, Liana!"
No response.
"How far did I fall?"
Her sword flashed when the light from the manasites' glow. Silica found it a miracle that she kept her grip on the blade as she fell. Retreating it, Silica shone a light on the hole. It was too far up for her to go back to, and that didn't account for how she was going to find her way back up. However, she spied a crag in the rock close by, yet it seemed to lead deeper into the ruin.
"Liana's gonna chew me out for this," Silica squeezed through the craves emerging into another dark corridor with only her manasite providing light. It was early quite, with the only sound was Silica's own footsteps.
She didn't know how long she walked for until she saw..... light. What was more, she could feel a breeze just up ahead.
"Sweet! That must be the way out!"
Turning the corner Silica was almost blinded by the sudden ray of light that came from the surface. She was.... Wrong. There was no exit. There was a hole in the catacomb ceiling that had collapsed... as though something had crashed through from the surface.
"No way...."
Silica felt her excitement grew. In the center of the light, amongst a crater of rubble with the hit of greenery visible in the soil was an amber orb.
"The Star fall! That must be it!"
Putting away her crystal, Silica ran to the object nestled within the rubble like an egg. On closer inspection, it was roughly the size of a ball the children would play with. It was unclear the material, but it looked smooth to touch with not even a bump or blemish.
"The goddess must be watching over me. Who'd have thought I'd end up falling right by it."
In her excitement, Silica reached out her right hand to grab it. When she merely brushed her finger on it, a bright light began to shine from the orb as white tendrils of light wrapped gently around her hand. Despite the light, Silica couldn't look away as the rays of light drowned out-
A tower loomed overhead, decrepit at worn by time.
A sea of ash extended as far as the eye could see.
A black sun, bleeding a red rime cast the dead world with a haunting twilight. The clouds swarmed low, creating a rim that circled the tower.
Silica gasped as she wrenched her hand back. "Wh-What was-?"
The light that had assailed her had vanished, yet it left her with a pounding headache. Her right hand was burning.... As was her left eye. Then there were the flashes which seemed so serial.
All of a sudden, the orb began to crack. The amber surface began to glow a bright white as it fissured more and more. Then, it burst, showering Silica in a serial shower of white pyres. She had covered her eyes to avoid being blinded by the second burst of light.
"......" When she looked to where the orb once was, no words could escape her lips.
There, in place of the orb was something she could never have expected to find sleeping peacefully bathed in sunlight. No bigger than her hand, barefoot, turquoise dress, emerald green hair, pointed ears and a set of insect wings, a creature that resembled a human yet clearly wasn't.
"Is that.... a Fairy?"
The star that fell from Serendipity
Silica had heard the story of the fairies. Every child of Earthena knows of them, those who dwell above in Serendipity itself. Yet they were seen so rarely that many believed fairies as nothing more than a bedtime story.
The last place Silica would expect to find one was in the ruins of the world long lost to the Great Calamity.
"... No way it's real," Silica kneeled, giving the creature an experimental prod on its cheek. There was no response but the creature was indeed real.
From the hole in the above, it looked as though the fairy had indeed crashed through several layers of the earth to reach this point which meant she must have fallen from a truly great height. Yet there was no visible damage on the fairy, which Silica could guess was due to the 'egg' she was cocooned in. Yet the question remained; where did it fall from?
"Did you fall all the way from Serendipity?"
Her question went unanswered as expected. Yet the silence was broken by something that chilled Silica to the bone. A moan. A wail of pain. Whatever it was, it wasn't an animal or monster Silica was familiar with. It was haunting, a cry echoed like a thousand wailing souls.
It's when it dawned on her, Silica didn't know exactly how far she fell, possibly into the deeper parts of the catacombs which Garo and her parents had strickly forbid her and Liana to venture down alone; and for good reason.
"...... There's no way I'm leaving her here though." Silica kneeled and gently scooped up the fairy as gently as possible, almost feeling like she was cradling a doll. "Question is.... How do I carry her?"
The pouch on Silica's belt seemed big enough to fit. However, that would mean leaving behind all her supplies such as healing salves, water and the food she bought with her.
"Aw, screw it,"
Reluctantly, Silica opened her pouch, removing everything she could need before nestling the fairy into it. As expected, her pouch was just big enough for it to fit.
She then set off back into the darkness, using her manasite crystal to see where she was going. Unlike the first layer ruins, there was no greenery to be found with the only fauna being mushrooms and fungi. The moaning did not go away, and with the oppressive darkness, it only added to the tension in the atmosphere to the claustrophobic corridors.
Probably should tell Garo about it. That doesn't sound normal. Silica thought to herself while squeezing through a small crag that was barely big enough for her. Holding her manasite in front of Silica muttered and squealed, conscious not to bash her pouch on the wall due to her precious cargo.
With the goddess mercy, the crag began to widen and end. Now emerging in a long corridor lined with man-made pillars and several more skeletons on her path or fused into the wall.
"Sorry dude." Silica said to one after stepping and shattering its skull. "Sure hope they aren't the kind that moves on their own,"
Proceeding forward Silica found herself in a massive domed hall, barren save for piles of rubble that had fallen from the large holes puncturing the ceiling. The light from her manasite illuminated most of the room, as though the light became trapped, concealed in a bottle. As she walked her footsteps echoed throughout the chamber.
"Wonder if anyone's been down here."
The catacombs were so vast and extensive that in Chadd's century of existence the vast complex had never been fully explored. Given the state of the chamber, it seemed unlikely that anyone had been here.
Walking forward, Silica's footsteps changed from the crunch earth to a metallic ding. At her foot was a plate at the very center of the circular room. Silica crouched, swiping away as much of the dust as possible. It was indeed a bronze disk that was fastened to the floor. There was some kind of symbol emblazoned on it, but time had worn it away to ensure it could not be made out.
The moan returned, echoing through the chamber. Snapping upwards Silica found what seemed to be the way out. A section of the wall had collapsed with a hole that seemed to be leading upwards. Silica approached it, placing one foot on the rocks as she squeezed into the gap. It was a short climb but it certainly looked to be the way up.
Placing the manasite in her mouth Silica began climbing, reaching the entrance-
A green hand suddenly shot through the slit grabbing Silica by the front, wrenching her into the air. With the glow of the manasite, Silica found herself staring down at the gruffed ugly face of an orc.
With a huff the monster threw Silica away into a basin. The landing dislodged her manasite that flew to the other end of the arena.
"Ow... son of a-"
The orc landed in the arena. From the light, it was the same orc that had fallen with her. The fall had clearly done more harm to it. Its weapon was as was the crude breastplate, the manky garments were ripped with several bad cuts across its body.
"Just U an' me humi!"
With a warcry, the orc charged Silica. Forced to roll out of the was, Silica drew her sword as the orc turned to face her. With a grunt, the orc charged again, intending to ram her. Silica rolled left, about to counterattack when the orc swung its arm at her. Silica jumped back and hit her back against a solid wall.
With her back literally against the wall, Silica ducked as the orc slammed its fist into the wall, covering herself from the shower of fragments while swinging her sword, cutting the orc as she passed by its right side. She was then forced to jump back as the orc rose its fists into the air and slammed them into the ground.
Silica skidded across the ground, lowering her center of gravity. Now or never! Her sword began to shimmer a pale blue light. As she leaped towards the orc she spun counter-clockwise, streams of light flowed in waves from her blade.
Dimension slash!
The attack of light struck the orc in its chest leaving a deep gash. The orc howled in pain as Silica landed back on the ground.
"Got it!"
Silica's celebrations were cut short. The orc recovered, lowering its body before throwing its green fist forwards, and just as Silica saw what was happening-
She was struck in the chest, launched backward and toppling across the ground. Groggy from the blow, Silica glanced up to see the orc scooping up something from the ground; her sword.
"H-hey! That's mine!"
The orc snarled. Its new weapon shone with the glow of the manasite, grasped by the entire hilt and crossguard. Another moan echoed through the chamber. The orc snapped its neck upwards looking for the source before looking back to Silica, pointing her own sword at her.
"Dem skinny humies're next, afta I finish U!"
With a roar, the orc charged Silica again. Raising its new weapon into the air Silica rolled right as the weapon slammed into the ground.
"Hey! Don't break it!" She yelled before leaping backward avoiding a horizontal slash. Now de-armed, Silica was forced on the defensive, avoiding wild slashes gritting her teeth every time the orc struck a wall or the ground (blessing Torburn for his smithy skills).
Can't keep dodging forever!
Hitting her back to the wall, Silica ducked as her sword was jammed into the wall, scooping a stone as she ran past the orc.
"Give me," Silica pivoted hard, "my sword back!" and lobbed the stone at the orc, catching it in the temple leaving a bruise. Avoiding another wild slash Silica grabbed another rock and threw it at the orc, hitting its right eye.
The orc was now enraged. Letting out another war cry it leaped into the air, and swung the sword at Silica, smashing it into the ground. Silica picked out another stone, ready to throw when the orc charged again, grabbing her front and slamming her into the ground.
Silica gasped, feeling the air in her lungs rush out while the ground under her back shattered. The orc hauled her up into the air, preparing to run her through.
"Nonono..." Silica struggled under its monster's grip, flaying her legs in the hope to break free. The orc pulled Silica’s own sword back-
An arrow struck the orc in the right of its neck. Silica and her sword fell from its grasp as it reeled back grasping at the arrow in its neck. Free, Silica recovered her sword and plunged it into the orcs left knee.
In a flurry of white mist, Silica wrenched the blade free severing the limb. The orc caught itself on the fall with its hands outstretched. Silica finished it off, stabbing it through the neck, wrenching the weapon right. The orc collapsed to the ground.
"That was too close...
Silica glanced up to the elevated ground. There was another source of light being waved by none other than Liana leaping into the arena, charging towards her sister before lunging at her in a tight embrace.
"Are you ok? You look pretty beat up!" Liana said, examining her sister.
"I-I'm fine, really," Silica said pushing away, "Just a few bruises, that's all." looking at the body of the orc, "That was a close one though...."
With a deep sigh of relief (shrugging off her pain) Silica retrieved her sword from the orc before walking over the body towards her manasite. "How did you get down here?" She asked. "Don't tell me you came down the same way I did."
"More or less," Liana nodded. "It was sheer luck or the guidance of the goddess I ran into you-"
She was interrupted by another ghastly moan echoing throughout the chamber, disturbingly louder than before. ".... Did you hear that on your way down?"
"Y-yeah..." Liana nodded, using her manasite to find the source. "... It doesn't sound like an average monster I know." The moaning stopped again, yet the lingering chill remained.
"Silica, let's go back." Liana pleaded. "You've already fulfilled the request. There's no reason we should stay around."
It was true. With the death of the orc, any goblins surviving would split up with no one to tie them together so the original request of dealing with the goblin raiding party was complete. Usually, Silica would insist to continue, but the unsettling moaning that echoed...
"R-right. Just a sec," Silica a to the orc body and ripped off a talisman made of fangs and wood with runes carved in. "This should do," she said, rattling the charm to Liana.
"Alright let's go," Putting the manasite between her teeth, Liana ran to the edge of the arena where she had jumped off, grabbing the edge at the apex of her jump before pulling herself up. "Over here!"
Silica followed, charging to the wall and jumping, grabbing Liana's outstretched hand pulling her back up.
"I saw a cave entrance on the way here. That's our way out." Liana said, taking the lead. "Oh yeah, did you find anything? You know, the Star Fall?"
"Huh? Oh right!" The fairy in Silica's pouch had slipped her mind during the battle. It was the biggest find on the island.... one Silica would have to surrender back at the guild with no hope of getting it back.
"............ No. Not a thing." She was happy Liana was looking ahead. She always had a way to see past her lies.
- In Serial32 Chapters
I Got A Rock
Before enrollment in magic academy, a young mage must purchase or acquire a familiar to provide protection, assistance, and companionship. The rich are able to afford such beasts as dragons, griffons, feathered serpents, and more. Isak is not rich. Isak’s parents got him a rock. “It will work or your money back!” the local mad mage said when he sold the 'pet rock' to his mother. And while the young human from the Western Wastes was still coming to terms with that new reality he was on his way to Black Reef Institute for his first year of learning everything a young mage could need to become a mage of legend!Vital rituals! Astronomy! A wide variety of spells! Survival in a hostile land! Potions! Bonding with your familiar to take full advantage of their unique abilities! A familiar that was, once again, a rock. But as Isak soon discovers that rock is so much more than any could have dreamed of, he’ll need the help of his newfound friends to discover the rock’s untold secrets and still have time for that brutal test on Core Spells! (Updates at days and times.) (Wiki found here, it's a work in progress.) (Cover art by Lmarief)
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The Invincible Hero
A super hero’s life is simple. All you have to do is use your superpowers to protect Earth while maintaining a secret identity. The Invincible Hero is Earth’s most powerful superhero but he finally meets a challenge even he cannot defeat. Using bizarre technology such as the Samsara pods, Lorne, the Invincible Hero, climbs through the ranks of heroes and cultivators in a bid to acquire the power to protect those closest to him. The Invincible Hero battles to truly become invincible. However, new conflicts and enemies reveal he is still weak, but he persists stubbornly moving forward towards his destiny. This Novel can also be found on Webnovel.com
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The Moon's Avatar
Lyn lives with her mother at the town's local temple. After her mother becomes deathly ill, she decides to seek a cure and embark on a journey across her ancestral homeland, Paraules, a land of magic, to find Guild City to join the Alchemist's Academy. This novel is currently in the alpha stage and will have inconsistent updates for the time being. Art by the wonderfully talented SukizukiIzuna Make sure to check her out, and consider a commission yourself!
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My Superhero Fantasy
A superhero story collection with innovated stories
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The year is 2032. 10 Years ago the Yokai have appeared from the shadows, destroying several countries. The remaining countries bind together and created academies to train those that could oppose the yokai, the """"Niflheims"""". Now follow Jung Woo as he fights against the monsters who had taken away his family, present, and future!
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Rise of an Adventurer
Dust... was only human, weak, and fragile in spirit. He had experienced loss, and tried to move on. After seeing him spend his most recent days as an adventurer at the bottom of the barrel, fate decided to give him another chance.A lucky encounter leads him to meet valuable friends and advance beyond his originally mediocre fate. Dust and his companions traveled together, growing stronger and fighting against difficulties as a team. Everything was going well......But sadly, all stories have tragedies.Will he succumb to the sadness? Will he fight on, only to find that his efforts were for naught? Realize his own weaknesses and collapse under the weight over his shoulders?This... is the story of how an ordinary adventurer rose to the top.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mature tag for occasional gore and cursing, plus the occasional fanservice and planned sexual scenes. If it ever goes [17-18+] though, a warning will be placed on the chapter's title. Also, there will not be any big tragedies in this fiction.
8 132