《Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend》16- How to take over a Shinobi village- 2


Mikasa Pov-

Nothing much happened after that, I was placed under Ao as a Genin. He's around 16 right now. We did some missions for four months but he was terrified to go anywhere with me after I killed a bunch of rebels. I wonder why?

Hikari took a liking to me because I was the only one who supported her when she bad-mouthed the Mizukage. Whenever he tried to make me do something difficult to soothe his dissatisfaction, Hikari will come to my rescue like a boss.

I also collected some bodies from both the Yuki clan and the Kaguya clan. To my luck, there was a kid that awakened their bone growing Kekkei Genkai. Since this Kekkei Genkai directly comes from Kaguya, how can I miss it? That was phase 2 of my mission. It's almost time for Mei's last dose too.

"As for phase 3," I muttered as I looked toward the guy with such dense chakra that didn't belong to a human. But unlike Kurama's chakra, the chakra here isn't malicious at all.

The Jinchuriki never left the underground room guarded by several Jonin. I wonder why? I used natural perception to make sure no one was inside along with the Jinchuriki before I got close to the wall and teleported inside.

What I saw surprised me. There was a boy around 17, he was almost like a corpse, his body was shivering all over.

I activated my Sharingan and understood what the reason was. The sealing technique used to seal the three tails is messed with by someone. The seal is leaking chakra that the boy can't handle. His body is trying to keep up with the chakra levels, slowly dying.

I walked up to the half-dead corpse, placing my hand over his stomach, I appeared in front of a giant turtle with one eye. From the looks of it, the turtle was incredibly sad.

Chains were lying around, the seal was almost broken. The only thing keeping the boy alive was the three tails himself.

"Hey, Isobu. Is this how a tailed beast should act?" I asked with a cute smile.

"Who are you? Why are you here? How do you know my name?" Isobu asked. His personality is different from the other tailed beasts. If he was a high schooler, he'll be a wimp.

"I can save that human kid if you want to," I said, my cute smile slowly turning into an evil one.

"What do you want?" Isobu didn't even think twice about my offer being suspicious. 'No wonder Yagura was able to take full control of this guy. He's a simple one.'

"Half of your chakra," I said. 'Since Tatsuya asked for some of his chakra, I'll just take how much I can.'

"Half? But how can I trust you" Isobu said in a doubtful voice.

"Don't worry, I'll save the boy first. But if you go back on your word, I'll kill that kid." I said.

"Okay." He nodded. I don't know how, but he nodded.

As I opened my eyes, I looked at the half-dead boy. There won't be anyone coming to see him until tomorrow so I have enough time. The only one who visits regularly is Hikari. She didn't even miss a single day from the time I met her.

I started repairing the seal placed on Isobu, someone messed with the seal to a level that if it's removed, the host will die and if it isn't removed, the host will die a long, agonising death.


Repairing it was out of the option since there aren't many Fuinjutsu masters in the Mist who can repair a seal. But repairing a seal like this isn't troublesome for me. I'm taught by the best Fuinjutsu user alive.

After three hours, the seal was back to its full power.

"Hey, the seal is done. You can manifest a phantom now." I said as a transparent turtle appeared above the still half-dead boy.

"He isn't completely healed yet," Isobu said, worried.

"Keep your end of the deal first or I am leaving. Just to let you know, only three people in the whole world can heal him and I happen to know the other two." I said with a smile, I was just bullying the turtle for fun. Even if he refused to give me his chakra, I can just forcefully extract it from the Jinchuriki and seal it in a scroll.

I opened a scroll and placed it next to the half-dead boy. Isobu didn't even bother to answer, directly pouring his chakra into the seal. This is a scroll Tatsuya created for the reason of scamming tailed beasts. There's no way a tailed beast will believe that a scroll can save half of its chakra in it.

But alas, Isobu wasn't so lucky. After three hours of pouring his chakra like a madman, the phantom started to blur. 'This is fun so matter how you look at it.' I thought.

I closed the scroll and tossed it into the inventory.

"I'll heal him now, get lost," I said as the phantom disappeared.

'Ninja Art Creation Rebirth — Strength of a Hundred Technique'

My hair turned white as tattoos appeared on the left side of my body. It was the same transformation Sakura went through when she transforms into Dark Sakura.

I placed my right hand on the boy's forehead, transferring the technique. His body started to change at a visible rate.

'Huh? His lifespan isn't decreasing? Is this because he's a Jinchuriki? Interesting.' I thought.

In mere minutes, the half-dead boy was now back to normal. The turtle phantom could be seen floating above the boy. After a minute, the boy opened his eyes.

"Uh. Who are you?" He asked, looking at me.

"She saved your life just now," Isobu said, which surprised the boy as he looked at his body. He was about to thank me but I cut him off.

"When did your body become like this?" I asked.

"Not long after I became a Jinchuriki, it's been about 5 years or so." The boy said.

"I see. Isobu, how many people visited him regularly ever since he became your Jinchuriki." I asked, looking at the phantom.

"It was just that girl with black hair. I don't know her name but her chakra was almost the same as him." Isobu said, looking at the kid. 'Wait- almost the same chakra signature as Hikari?'

"And what's your name?" I asked, looking at the boy.

"Yuki Hito." He replied.

"Are you related to Hikari?" I asked, having a very good feeling.

"You know Hikari-nee-chan? She's my only family member alive." He was surprised that he said something he shouldn't have.

'Now that's one hell of a development. Maybe we can take over the village faster than I thought.' I smiled thinking about it as I summoned a seal from my inventory. It's a seal I prepared on my own. A seal inspired by the almighty cultivation novels- a slave seal.

I said my goodbyes to the now healed Hito and went straight for my target.


"Hey, Hikari-san," I said as I approached Hikari.

"What's up, Rin?" She asked, confused. I certainly wasn't the type to approach people other than Tatsuya without any alternate motive.

"I have a deal for you," I said as I grabbed her hand before we both disappear, leaving the room empty.

"What did you do?" Hikari said as she was holding a Kunai in her hand while looking at the forest around her. I just smiled at her.

"I can heal your brother you know," I said as her grip around the Kunai tightened.

"How do you know about my brother?" It was probably a secret since the Mist is so secretive about its Jinchuriki.

"Hey, it's rude to point a weapon at someone who's talking to you," I said as I teleported behind her, putting a Kunai at her neck.

"I can kill you anytime I want, so behave." I said. She was visibly sweating and understood that she wasn't in a situation to talk and then nodded. I stored the Kunai away, even if she tries to sneak attack me, I'll be fine.

"Can you heal my brother?" She asked.

"I certainly can, but it depends on your sincerity," I said with a lovely smile.

"What do you want?" She asked in a fearful voice.

"Become my slave, well, it's more like a subordinate but you know." I said with the same smile.

"But that'll be a betrayal to the village." She glared at me. Even tho she was afraid, she wasn't a coward.

"And what exactly did the village give you? Make your brother a Jinchuriki with an incomplete seal?" I said, definitely mocking her.

"Incomplete? No, the seal was messed by someone from another village." She retorted. Although what she said is true, I can't let her believe that.

"I am one of the best Fuinjutsu masters alive. Are you doubting my words? Why do you think the Mizukage wasn't visiting your brother? Why not try to cure him with his connections?" I said with a dissatisfied expression, making Hikari take a step back. But there was some doubt in her eyes now that she thought about what I said. 'It worked'.

"Why do you think he became like that ever since he got the tailed beast? Forget it. You'll have no choice but to believe me when I heal your brother." I said with a sigh. 'I am a good actor indeed.' I thought before continuing, "So, are you gonna be my slave if I heal your brother?"

"I will, but only if my brother is fully healed without any side effects." She said with some hope that I can heal her brother. Which sister doesn't love her brother? And with Hikari's personality, she was probably having a mental breakdown while looking at her brother slowly dying over the past 5 years. Well, even if I ask her to be a slave, it's not like I am gonna do something extreme. It'll probably be household chores. But she needs training first.

"Place this on your hand and say an oath that you'll be my slave if I heal your brother. Don't worry, it has many benefits. But remember, I can kill you anytime I want. It's the same as dealing your life for your brother's." I said, handing her the slave seal.

Even if it's a slave seal, I wasn't lying about the benefits. Although I can activate and deactivate them at will, it's still a good deal, ignoring the fact that I can kill her anytime I want. The one who applies this seal will just have to say an oath about serving the one whose chakra is stored in the seal. The seal currently has both my and Tatsuya's chakra.

Hearing what I said, Hikari swallowed hard. She didn't know what to do, what will happen to her? What will happen to her brother? Her mind was a mess. But one thing was clear, if this worked, her brother won't suffer anymore. She was desperate enough to take this chance.

"I, Yuki Hikari, swear to become your slave. I'll follow everything you say without asking anything if you save my brother." She said before tears began to fall down her cheeks.

'Was that too much?' I thought. The oath she said was way more serious than the one I intended her to say.

I looked at my left hand, and a red mark appeared on it. A similar pattern should've appeared on Tatsuya's right hand. The slave contract is already activated as I've healed her brother.

"Stop crying," I said as Hikari complied without any delay. 'This is better than I thought.'

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Yuki Hikari, a Jonin of the Hidden Mist and the Mizukage's secretary." She replied. Both of us understood the power of the slave seal.

"Fix your expression and don't tell anything about this to your brother," I said as I disappeared, reappearing alongside the confused Hito.

Before he could ask anything, Hikari hugged him while crying. Hito who saw this also hugged her back, trying his best to cheer her up.

'Maybe I shouldn't be so cold towards Mikoto after all.' I thought, looking at the pair of siblings.

After an hour of catching up, both of them looked at me before they bowed.

"Thank you for helping us. I'll never forget this debt." Hikari said.

"Don't worry about it, just keep your end of the deal," I said without thinking about it.

"Yes," Hikari said, unlike her uncertain voice, this time, her voice was full of sincerity.

[Ding! Hidden Quest complete- Gain a loyal subordinate]

[Reward- (a)A Ruler's charm-Doubles the loyalty of a follower (b)Your subordinates will have the same amount of loyalty towards your partner as long as you allow it (c)Host can understand the subordinate better]

'System, why didn't Pakura trigger this hidden quest?' I asked in my mind.

[Her loyalty is in the form of love towards your partner. The quest only applies to those who swore their loyalty as subordinates, but that can change over time]

'I see'

"Hito, I have something to discuss with Hikari-san, I'll bring her back later," I said as I teleported Hito into his room.

"What should I do now, Rin?" Hikari asked, not knowing what to do.

I undid my disguise and directly transferred my contact lenses to the inventory.

"First, my name is Uchiha Mikasa. Second, call me Mistress while we are alone. Third, never reveal our relationship unless I tell you to." I said. Which of my words are orders can be decided by me, so I won't accidentally tell her to commit suicide or something.

"Yes, Mistress." Hikari said, respectfully. 'Yup, my ego is very satisfied.' I thought.

"Oh, you also have a Master, he is my partner as well. Your slave seal is connected to him so he has the same authority over you as I do. His name is Shiba Tatsuya." I said.

"I understand, Mistress," Hikari said.

'I didn't use the slave seal this time but she still responded with such a quick reaction? Don't tell me she's into master-servant play?' I thought while looking at the obedient Hikari. This will be fun.

"On that note, where is the summoning scroll of the seven swords of the Mist?" I asked, without using the slave seal.

"It's within the Mizukage's office. I can get it if Mistress wants me to." Hikari said. 'She probably accepted what I said about the incomplete seal because of 'A Ruler's charm' and now blames the Mist village for her brother's suffering. Now that isn't bad.'

"Get it for me as soon as possible, I'll be leaving for a while as well. So cover it up with something if the Mizukage asks." I ordered.

"Yes, Mistress."

I finished Mei's monthly dose tomorrow and started enjoying my life while pushing Hikari around. Which she enjoyed.




"Mistress, this is the summoning scroll of the seven swords that the Hidden Mist holds," Hikari said with a respectful look.

"Okay," I said as the scroll in her hands disappeared, surprising her. But she knew better than to ask me what I did. 'A good subordinate.' I nodded to myself.

"Keep acting normal in the village while I am away and if something unusual happens, even if it's something minor, contact me. The seal on your hand has many functions, long-distance communication is one of them. Just pour some chakra into it while thinking about what you want to tell me. Do your work properly and you'll be rewarded." I told her.

"I won't disappoint you, Mistress" Hikari said as I disappeared, appearing before Tatsuya and Pakura.

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