《Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend》15- How to take over a Shinobi Village-1


Mikasa Pov-

I teleported from our training island, leaving Tatsuya and Pakura alone. I decided to deal with the Sand village first. Appearing in Pakura's house, I created a permanent shadow clone, which then transformed into Pakura while hiding its chakra at peak-level Genin. Since my business here was done, I decided to go home before going out again.

As I walked through the Uchiha clan's compounds, many people were surprised to see me alone. After reaching my house, I walked in. In the dining room, my mother and Mikoto were having lunch.

"What are you guys up to?" I said, clearly ignoring the fact that they were eating.

"Oh, Mikasa. Welcome home." My mother greeted me with a smile while Mikoto directly assaulted me, again. 'Her siscon personality is getting worst.'

"Where's Tatsuya?" My mother asked as Mikoto stopped her assault and looked around.

"He won't be back for a year or so," I said, although I am not sure how long it'll take, it should be around a year.

"Did he go on this mission alone?" Mikoto asked. 'Oh, now that I think about it, for a shinobi, leaving the village without Hokage's permission is the same as going rogue. But rules only apply to those who are weak.' I thought.

"No, he isn't on a mission. And what do you mean by 'this' mission?" I asked.

"Huh? You guys were summoned by the Hokage this morning, even Akito left along with Fukame because the mission was something important." My mother replied. 'Another mission? We just almost half-destroyed an enemy village not too long ago. This is child labour. But I thought they won't give us another mission for quite a while.'

"I just returned to the village not long ago. I'll go and check out what mission it is." I said before teleporting inside the Hokage's office. It kinda feels like my own backyard.

I was greeted by the site of Hiruzen, Shikado, Hayate, Fukame, Akito, Tsunade, Dan, Danzo along with the two elders. Most of them weren't surprised by my sudden appearance, they were probably used to it.

"I heard we were summoned?" I said 'we' even tho I was alone, old habits.

"Indeed you were. But where's Tatsuya?" Shikado was always the first one to reply, he probably gave up on teaching us how to use a damn door.

"He won't be back in the village for a year or so," I said as I didn't plan on doing the same thing I did with Pakura.

"Where is he?" Hiruzen asked.

"Training," I replied.

"What is this training that takes so long?" Hayate asked. Although his tone was suspicious, it's clear that he is worried about Tatsuya.

"He is training something very important." 'A potential waifu' I said with a serious look, making Hayate shut up. Danzo and the others were clearly dissatisfied, but they didn't have the guts to say anything with Tsunade there. Her temper is very bad, especially when it comes to me or Tatsuya.

"So, why did you summon us?" I asked again.

"It's for a mission," Shikado said.




"So, you want me to infiltrate the Mist village and do what?" I said with an annoyed look.

"Find the identity of their Jinchuriki without destroying anything," Shikado said with a serious look.

"Then just send someone else, why me?" I was very dissatisfied that I couldn't cause any trouble when I had the chance. And considering that it's the third Mizukage, he is probably very strong.


"Mikasa, the least suspected and the most desired person will be you. The most important factor is your age. No one will suspect that someone will send a nine-year-old with so much talent to another village as a spy." Shikado said. He probably thought of this while the whole Ketsuryūgan situation was going on.

"Fine," I said before I started walking towards Hayate. I placed my finger on the Jonin vest he was wearing as a Flying Thunder God mark appeared on it.

"I'll send a report if I find something about the Jinchuriki," I said as I picked up the scroll in front of Hayate and teleported away. Danzo was giving me death stares but I can't kill him right now. The research he does on Hashirama cells along with Orochimaru is valuable.

I appeared inside my house, surprising my mother and Mikoto.

"I'll be going on a mission for a few months," I said.

"Be careful." My mother said with a smile.

"What's your mission?" Mikoto asked.

"It's an A-rank escort mission." I lied as naturally as I breathed. Infiltrating another village was an S-rank mission, not to mention gathering information about the Jinchuriki.

"Well, just be careful," Mikoto said as I smiled and teleported again, appearing in the Uzumaki clan's compound. After visiting Mito, who was alone since Kushina was at the Academy, I left the village.

'System, open the chatroom


Mikasa- Hey, I am going to the Hidden Mist.

Tatsuya- Oh. Enjoy your- wait what?

Mikasa- Do you want something from there? I am going to locate the Jinchuriki either way.

Tatsuya- Some chakra from the three tails would do.

Mikasa- Okay. I'll drop by later]

I ended the chat and opened the scroll I picked up from the Hokage's office. There was a list of people who are suspected to recruit people for the Mist village.

The hidden Mist is currently fawning over Kekkei Genkai users but they'll slaughter most of them after Yagura becomes the Mizukage.

Most of the recruitment agents are normal people, so it's hard to pinpoint the one doing it. After shortlisting the targets, it's now time to search for them all over the Land of fire.

I looked at my outfit, nothing was indicating that I am a shinobi from the Leaf.

'System, buy me a pair of blue contact lenses.' I said in my head.

[Blue contact lenses x1 -2 point]

After applying the contact lenses, I activated the Sharingan. Creating a puddle of water on the ground, I saw my reflection. There was no sign of me using my Sharingan at all. 'That's good.'

It only took me a month to find the second merchant who was going around recruiting people for the Hidden Mist village. Since he was an ordinary person, it didn't take much effort to plant some fake memories of me taking care of some bandits while saving his life and asking for some money. But I was still a bit careful, I ended up killing the first recruitment agent by mistake.

After planting some more memories about our deal that he'll help me join one of the five great shinobi villages and after the deal was done, we made our way to the Land of Water. I changed my appearance a bit and adjusted my chakra to the level of a Chunin. Even if it's difficult to guess my identity with the photo in Bingo Book, it's good to be careful.

I could've just teleported to the Hidden Mist but decided to go with the flow since I didn't have much to do either way until Tatsuya is done training Pakura. It took another two months to reach the Hidden Mist. The journey was rather relaxing. Ever since we came to this world, we've been doing a lot of stuff. So it's good to relax sometimes.


Although I was having fun going around the world, I didn't stop my training for a single day. Especially my space ability. And I dropped by the island every other day.

After reaching the hidden Mist village, a simple interview was taken in which I passed after saying that I was a Chunin at the age of nine with the affinities of earth and lightning. The only thing left was an interview with the third Mizukage. They gave me a room with all the necessities and said that I'll be informed about my interview with the Mizukage.

After another week of monitoring me, they finally called me for the interview. This was the first time I roamed around since coming to the hidden Mist. And as the name suggests, there was mist everywhere. The Mist's architecture is composed of several cylindrical buildings, with the Mizukage's office being the widest and largest.

"So, your name is Rin Tohsaka?" The black-haired beauty standing next to the third Mizukage asked.

"Yes," I replied. 'Her bust rivals Tsunade.' I screamed internally. She looked around 23 with a nice figure, blue eyes and a very beautiful face. She rivals Tsunade in everything.

"Why do you wish to join our village?" The black-haired beauty asked.

"I stole something from the Cloud village, the best way to survive is by joining another village that rivals them," I said.

"What did you steal from the Cloud village?" She asked again, the third Mizukage smiled when he heard what I said.

"This," I said as black lightning condensed on my right arm. It's the same Jutsu we got as a reward for traumatizing A. With my Ninjutsu talent, mastering this A-rank Jutsu in a week wasn't hard. It took a week because I didn't stop my practice of space control.

Both the Mizukage and the black-haired lady were surprised. Of course, they knew what Black Lightning was. Although the Jutsu wasn't S-rank, even the Lightning Release Chakra Mode and the Hell Stab that the third Raikage used were B-rank. So Black Lightning was a Jutsu that can rival S-rank Jutsu if mastered properly.

"That guy must have been pissed off." The third Mizukage started laughing. 'Is this guy the same as the second Mizukage?' I thought, remembering the goofy Mizukage that Kabuto reincarnated.

"Behave yourself." The lady gave him a death glare.

"Ahem. So, how did you end up with Black Lightning?" The lady asked again, ignoring the pained expression on the Mizukage. 'What's wrong with this generation of Kage? At least try to maintain your image in front of a kid.' I thought, the two in front of me looked more like siblings.

"That's a trade secret," I said with a smile. It'll be too suspicious if I just said everything they asked.

"That's understandable." The Mizukage said before the lady could say anything.

"The last part will be your strength." The Mizukage said, pointing outside the window behind him.

"You can attack me however you want." The lady said, standing in front of me. There was no one on these training grounds, the Mizukage was looking from his office. The lady was a Peak-level Jonin. Be it strength or body, she rivals Tsunade. Or would've in the original since she's way stronger than she was when we first met her.

I condensed Black Lightning on my night hand as I charged at the woman. I carefully limited my strength to that of an average Chunin, not wanting to mess up. The woman just smiled as she grabbed my hand, pinning me to the ground.

"You pass." She said. Although I didn't do anything much, the strength I showed just now was enough for me to pass the test.

And so, I became a Kiri-nin. They gave me the keys to my house and said to familiarise myself with the village. As I moved towards my new house, I could feel three Jonin level shinobi following me. 'The Kiri Anbu?' I thought.

'They are getting annoying.' I thought as the Anbu were still following me around. I figured out the position of the Jinchuriki the moment I stepped inside the village, I'll just visit that guy when I am about to leave. Since I am here, why not have some fun? I used my natural perception to the max, and to my surprise, there was no trace of Black Zetsu here.

'Madara will probably awaken his Rinnegan soon, after summoning the Gedo Mazo and using it to extend his lifespan, he'll believe that he created Black Zetsu as an extension of his will and White Zetsu with Hashirama's cells.' I thought, remembering the plot.

I switched with a permanent Shadow clone while I was walking around, there's no way some random Jonin Anbu can find it out. The clone was just going around the village anyway so what's the problem.

I was moving around the village until my eyes fell on three men fighting against each other. All of them were using swords I am familiar with. Those swords were three of the seven swords that the Mist has.

'Should I take them all? They'll be nice souvenirs. Wait, I'll take the summoning scroll of the seven swords, the Mist will lose it either way so I should take it. It'll be much more convenient to summon them whenever I want.' I decided on what will take someone years of preparation and planning to do on a whim.

'Shikado said not to destroy anything. But I'm just permanently borrowing the seven swords. It doesn't count, yeah.' I nodded to myself. Wanting to see what kind of face everyone will make when they hear about this.

{A/N- The summoning scroll can summon all of the seven swords when the user wishes to. It's a way to prevent the swords from getting stolen. It's akin to the 'Scroll of Seals' that keeps forbidden Jutsus in Konoha. As for how Naruto got it? No one knows.}

'Let's begin Phase 1 tonight.' I thought as I roamed around the village, remembering every detail.




I equipped my Assassin's Cloak before teleporting in front of the Mist Anbu who was looking at my clone. Before he could do anything, he made eye contact with me for a split second before losing consciousness.

I picked him up, starting to read his memories.

"So that busty lady was Yuki Hikari, the Mizukage's secretary and an ice release user. And the Mizukage is Sangetsu, a student of the second Mizukage" I muttered while reading the Anbu's memories.

But I didn't care about this information right now as it will be required in phase 2 of the plan.

'So that's where it is.' I thought as I erased the Anbu's memory. He might get suspicious but I doubt he'll report it to the Mizukage that he was sleeping on duty.

I started moving towards the Main Hospital of the Mist. There wasn't much security and the people here were just some medical ninjas. I sneaked inside the storeroom where the list of every birth and death is recorded.

After searching for an hour, I found what I was looking for.

Found her. The only person to naturally have more than one Kekkei Genkai except for an Otsusuki. No one naturally had two Kekkei Genkai in the story, it either came from experiments or evolution, like how Sasuke's Mangekyō evolved into the Rinnegan or how Toneri's Byakugan evolved into the Tenseigan.

The first phase of the plan is to collect some of her blood. It might have some clues about how two Kekkei Genkai naturally stabilised in a single body. I would've conducted some experiments but she's just a year old. If she died, it'll be a loss.

There wasn't much information about her parents, probably hidden by the Mizukage. But it wasn't my problem. I left the hospital, making my way toward the Orphanage of the village.

Surprisingly, there were two Jonin guards. But then again, what can they do? I entered the orphanage, sneaking into the room of the director, I slapped him awake.

The first thing he saw after waking up was my blue eyes before he passed out again. I searched through his memories for Mei's whereabouts so I can collect some blood and be done with it but I found something very, very interesting. It was about the plan on how to raise Terumī Mei.

The third Mizukage suspected that Mei will awaken either Boil Release or Lava Release in the future, both of which are very powerful Kekkei Genkai if used correctly. So his plan was pretty simple, give Mei a terrible childhood. Children like that will desperately try to find someone who'll take care of them, and that someone will be the village or the Mizukage to be precise.

'Is this what Hiruzen was trying to do with Naruto? Hiruzen probably staged the scene where Iruka saved Naruto after he stole the Scroll of Seals, giving Naruto what he was desperate for, someone who cared for him.'

I laughed at how similar these situations are. 'Since it's about manipulating someone, how can I lose to these idiots?' I thought about how unfortunate the third Mizukage is. This was the perfect opportunity for the technique I created.

It's like a lower version of Kotoamatsukami. The one Shisui used changed the target's personality without even the target realising. But the one I created develops the personality however I want. That means it can't be used on someone who already has a sense of self, so the perfect target for such a technique is a kid with no individuality.

It's like a seed, it'll deepen its roots the longer it stays and after some time, it's impossible to remove without damaging the vessel. Even if someone finds out how to do it, it'll be impossible for even those with Mangekyo Sharingan to do it. The control it requires isn't something anyone can get, a single mistake and the kid is dead.

The catch is that it can't be applied in a single go. The more you want to influence the personality, the more time it'll take. It will take five months for me to do it since I don't want to accidentally kill her, not to mention it's my first time doing this.

'Looks like I'll have to wait for a few months.' I thought.

I placed the orphanage director back on his bed before leaving to find Mei. It didn't take me long to find a kid with Auburn hair. I pinched her, waking her up. But before she could cry, her green eyes met with my blue eyes and she stopped moving.

It took me an hour to do it because I didn't want to ruin her original personality, all I wanted were some changes. The changes were quite simple. The hatred she'll feel when she's mistreated by the village won't disappear, she'll only truly open up to me or Tatsuya. With this, it's equivalent to taking over the Hidden Mist in the long run.

'Looks like I'll need to infiltrate the Hidden Mist again after the second Ninja War.'

I placed a circular Flying Thunder God mark below her palm. Unlike Tatsuya, I can change the shape of the mark I am placing somewhere.

I decided not to take her blood since I can experiment on her later on.

"Until next month, Mei" I said before teleporting away.

{A/N- This chapter has around 5700 words so I decided to divide it into two parts}

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