《Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend》10- A Normal Day


Mikasa Pov-

We appeared at our house, Tatsuya undid his Creation Rebirth while Jiraiya was still shocked at what just happened. It was obvious, anyone would be shocked if they saw two 9 years old kids killing more than 50 Jonin and Chunin. We knew that Black Zetsu wasn't there so it's no problem.

"Jiraiya, I'll be grateful if you can keep this a secret," Tatsuya said as his face was pale, he held his head as his expression was worst than it was when a hole opened through his stomach. I just moved behind him, supporting him as he fell unconscious.

"Is he alright?" Jiraiya asked. He was probably grateful that we first saved Minato rather than just rushing into the fight.

"He used a Medical Ninjutsu to heal himself that was created by me and Tsunade-sensei. It can heal anything as long as the user has chakra, but the cost is that the user's life will be shortened. As for the wound right now, it almost took 1 year from him." 'Of course, he didn't pass out because of that, not to mention we are immortal.'

Jiraiya's self-blame was so visible I almost feel bad for him. So I decided to say what we need most, "Please don't say anyone about how powerful we are, if someone asks, just say that we are at peak Jonin level. As for the Medical Ninjutsu he used, you can tell others about it, just make sure to say that it was Tsunade-sensei who created it."

"I can do that. But what if Onoki spread the word?" Jiraiya was worried that Onoki won't stay quiet in a situation like this. Everyone knew what kind of shrewd personality that old man had. Well, that is normal tho.

"It's alright, he will have a hard time dealing with his trauma." 'Onoki is still about 50, I doubt that the trauma created by Madara can be cured in a short time.'

"Let's take him to the hospital," Jiraiya said after a while, he didn't ask what I was talking about, good that he is understanding.

"No offence but the medics at the hospital are children compared to me," I said while Jiraiya looked embarrassed, he was indeed acting stupid.

'Now, what the hell is going on?' I look at the bunch of people surrounding me and Tatsuya, who was sleeping peacefully on my lap(more like passed out but you know). 'How come every high ranking member of the village is this free? Wasn't the village supposed to be under pressure, why are you here? Let a couple be alone for a damn day, have some shame.'

I was cursing internally as I looked at the bunch of shameless people intruding on our privacy. I know they are worried but seriously, he just passed out because he used his Kekkei Genkai to take control of so many people at once. The human brain has its limits even in this world. While Creation Rebirth can heal any physical injury, it can't help one recover from mental exhaustion. No Medical Ninjutsu can.

I looked at the Hokage, the Jonin Commander, the Anbu Commander, Sakumo, the nine tails Jinchuriki- Mito, Tsunade, Dan, Jiraiya, the clan head of the Uchiha- Fukame, with its great elder- Akito and my dear sister, along with the next Hokage- Minato. If a normal person saw this lineup, they'll think that the village is about to go to war or something.

I get why our parents are here, even Mito and Tsunade along with Dan are close to us. What about the others tho?


"Aren't you worried about him?" My father asked. Well, considering our relationship, it's indeed strange for them that I am the least worried in the room.

"No, there's no way he'll die from something like this." 'He's worse than a cockroach in this regard. Well, my father's probably thinking about the 1 year Tatsuya used to heal that wound. I can't just say don't worry, we are immortal.' I thought.

They probably don't get our relationship, if Tatsuya died, I'll follow after him. The same goes for him. Or probably just force Nagato to revive the other, since it's possible.

'Now that I think about it, I should work on that ability soon.' I thought, remembering one of my favourite power in all of anime, the power of 'space'. Although I have the Flying Thunder God, it's not the space ability I want. It's more like a vehicle than anything.

"Mikasa, did Tatsuya learn the Flying Thunder God?" The Hokage asked. 'He ignored the question until now on purpose, huh.'

I didn't bother answering his question as I threw a kunai toward him. He catches it and the next moment, he disappeared. Yeah, this is another part of the Flying Thunder God I developed. It can transfer others if they're in direct contact with my seals. Right now, Hiruzen is probably running back here from his office.

As everyone was questioning me where the Hokage is, I just pointed at the door. If it was up to me, I would've teleported him straight to the Land of Earth. But it would be troublesome picking him up, especially with Tatsuya sleeping. No way in hell I am leaving him.

Just after a minute, Hiruzen came walking from the door. He looked at me and said, "Was that necessary?".

I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "Tsunade-sensei said that it's better to show people rather than tell them. As for your question earlier, we both learned it." Most of them were surprised at how we were able to learn the Jutsu that made the second Hokage the fastest shinobi of his time.

"But Tobirama-sensei wasn't able to teleport people like you did just now?" Hiruzen asked.

"We simply didn't 'learn' the Jutsu. We created our version of the Flying Thunder God. It's way better than the one we got from you." I said, enjoying their shocked faces. Jiraiya was the first one to come back from his shock.

"Look at how she's talking, Tsunade is a bad influence on the kids, I told you didn't I?" Jiraiya said as he looked at the Hokage. Before the Hokage was able to say something, with the sound of a wall breaking, a Jiraiya shaped hole was created on the wall.

"Tsunade-sensei, you should work on that temper of yours," I said, before getting an angry look in return. I am quite sure if it was someone else who said it, they would've been punched hard.

Looking at this scene, Mito giggled. She treated both me and Tatsuya like her grandchildren. She even taught us the sealing techniques belonging to the Uzumaki clan or used to. Minato was getting tensed as time passed, he didn't know what to do among so many big shots. No matter how much of a genius he is, he'll still be a 9 years old child. No one bothered to make it difficult for him and soon, everyone left one by one.

Mikoto was reluctant to leave but she did as I shooed her away with all my might. That girl is a siscon, a pro siscon. She's getting harder and harder to push away.


I looked at Tatsuya's sleeping face as I started playing with his hair.

Tatsuya Pov-

I opened my eyes and saw a bunch of hair? As I moved past the bundle of long black hair, I was greeted by a dozing off Mikasa.

I didn't say anything, waking her up while she was sleeping always ends up in a disaster. Will anyone throw a fireball at someone who woke them up? After a few minutes, she opened her eyes.

"Took you long enough," I said with a smile. She didn't answer, just brought her head down and kissed my forehead.

"You real-?" Before she could complete what she was saying, a screen popped up in between us.

[Ding! Quest (a) Failed. Quest (b) Completed better than given]

[The hosts failed to kill every member of Onoki's group, so they failed the first part of the quest. Members were killed(79/80). But the second part of the quest was completed]

[ Result- The ability to ' borrow' will no longer have the function to change the borrowed ability. The fixed abilities are, Shiba Tatsuya- "Eye of insight" 3 tomoe, Uchiha Mikasa- "Exploding Human Technique." The talents being borrowed will reach a bottleneck and won't rise beyond 40%. Sharing memories is still possible.]

[ Reward for making Onoki remember both Hashirama and Madara- The hosts will be able to see a single panel as long as they are together. 30 points each]

'Huh? How come I left one alive?' I don't remember sparing someone. Though it is entirely possible that while I was putting on a tough act, someone did manage to survive. But as far as I remember, I did leave my chakra in every Iwa shinobi that wasn't killed by Mikasa. 'The only possibility is that someone managed to remove my chakra from their body before I exploded each one of them.' I sighed.

I heard another sigh. Indeed, I still have the 'Eye of Insight' from the 3 tomoe Sharingan. But Mikasa had the 'Exploding Human Technique' which didn't match her fighting style all that much.

"Looks like your little stunt didn't end well," Mikasa said with a grin. Indeed, it's rare for me to mess up. But what can I do about it now? Nothing.

"At least we can still share memories, or do you want to explain every Jutsu to me one by one?" I said.

"I don't mind teaching you, it's just that you never asked." She said with a smile.

"So, when do you plan on creating that ability?" I asked, curious.

"Soon. I am somewhat able to affect space with what I learned from the Flying Thunder God but it's far from enough. What about you?"

"Well, not right now. I am still too weak to go there, it'll end up as a suicide mission." I said as I turned around, burying my face in her soft thighs. 'Comfortable' I thought.

Suddenly, I felt something on my shoulders before Mikasa started massaging my shoulders.

"Since when did you get so good at giving a massage?" I asked, it felt very comfortable.

"I am using the Mystical Palm Technique on you." 'Using chakra for a massage? What kind of a brain will come up with it?' I thought.

That thought didn't last long as it was really good. We continued like this for half an hour.

I was standing in the centre of our training grounds while Mikasa was meditating at the corner, I summoned around 20 gallons of blood from my inventory. A ball made out of blood floating in the air, it was bigger than both me and Mikasa.

I cut my hand before some of my blood flew out and joined the ball of blood. Although injecting my chakra is good for controlling someone else's blood, adding my blood increases the control even more.

I started condensing the blood into a smaller ball, till it was the same size as my head. I punched it lightly, it had the same level of hardness as normal steel. I turned the ball into a sword, similar to the one Hayate gave me all those years ago.

I raised a tree from the ground before slashing it with the blood sword. It was cleanly cut in half. I tried to flow my Lightning chakra into the blood sword and I was surprised. I have used a chakra blade before, I borrowed Sakumo's 'White Light Blade' but the blood sword was many times better than Sakumo's blade.

"Hey, try to flow your chakra through this," I said while throwing the blood sword toward her. It landed with half of its blade buried in the ground.

Mikasa picked up the blood sword, waving it here and there. Shortly after, flames were being generated from the sword, leaving a line of flames wherever it went.

'Is she trying to do the sun breathing?' I thought as I tried my best to not laugh. Although her movements were good considering the normal level of swordsmanship, it was still clumsy. She may have my Kenjutsu talent at 40% but she barely practised anything related to it.

"It's really good, normal people will feel like it's a part of their body," she said. 'Indeed, if it wasn't for our superior chakra control, we wouldn't even feel that the blade was an external weapon.

"Make some Shuriken and kunai like this for me." She said.

"How many?" I asked, it wasn't a big deal to create a bunch of kunai or shuriken.

"Around 20 each."

"Okay," I repeated the same process as before. I took 41 tags from my inventory, placing one on each of the weapons. The tags will absorb a bit of natural energy from the world and maintain the shapes of the weapons. Otherwise, the moment I disable the Ketsuryūgan, they'll turn into liquid. As for when they're in the inventory, it'll remain the same. I can even control them while they're flying.

Mikasa raised her hand, five chakra threads extending from her fingers. The threads will be invisible to most of the shinobi. The threats connected to five Kunai before she started moving them here and there.

"Let's try this." She suddenly exclaimed. I didn't get it at first but I was surprised by what she did.

Each of the five Kunai were now overflowing with chakra, each of different nature. Lightning, wind, fire, water and earth. "That's a very deadly combo along with your Shurikenjutsu," I said with a smile.

"Yeah. I can use three of them to attack while using Earth and Water Kunai to defend myself. But it's still hard to create all five natures from each of my fingers while controlling the Kunai." She said.

"You'll get used to it soon enough," I said, knowing she won't give up on the technique unless she's bored of it.

While I can just change the shape of my sword during the fight, Mikasa can't. But with her Sharingan, she didn't need to worry about losing track of her Kunai.

I was bored from experimenting with the Ketsuryūgan, so I decided to postpone my experiments with reviving the dead. 'Even if I can restart a dead body with fresh blood and some repairing, what use will it be without a soul? The concept of souls is complicated and was never fully explained in Naruto verse. I can probably summon a soul with 'Impure World Reincarnation' and bind it with its original body but I doubt severing a soul's connection from the Pure Land is this simple.'

Even the Almighty Rinnegan that came from the so-called 'Gods' requires the user to pay with his life to summon a soul permanently from the Pure Land. If it wasn't for 'Kama Seal', even the Otsusuki will eventually die with their souls leaving the mortal world.

'But that isn't my concern, since we are already immortal, as long as we aren't stupid enough to die on our own, who can kill us as long as we are careful. Of course, I don't wish to bump into Jigen by chance. That would be disastrous. Those guys are too good at controlling space, I doubt Flying Thunder God will be of any help.'

{A/N- Was that a flag? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z}

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