《Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend》9- Experiments and Massacre


I opened my eyes as I sensed someone entering the 'No spy' barrier.

"It's that guy again," I muttered, before teleporting to the Flying Thunder God mark near the Anbu.

"Why are you here?" I said to the Anbu, ignoring his surprise at my sudden appearance.

"The Hokage has summoned Tatsuya-san and Mikasa-san." The Anbu respectfully said. Our status after becoming the disciples of Tsunade and Mito soared, even the clan heads can't order us around anymore, not that they could before.

"We'll be there in a while," I said before the Anbu disappeared with a nod.

I teleported to the bedroom again, seeing the peacefully sleeping Mikasa, I didn't wake her up. She did a lot of 'work' not too long ago.

We were now walking through the streets as if we were on a walk. It's already been two hours since the Hokage summoned us, if we are going to be late either way, why not enjoy ourselves.

As we reached the Hokage office, I place my hand on the wall nearby and as I removed my hand, a mark appeared on the wall. This was our Flying Thunder God mark. Yes, 'our' not 'my'.

Like Minato, Mikasa developed her own version of Flying Thunder God. No matter who learns the technique, they can't use it. It requires a special seal on the user's body which I developed, even Mito will have a hard time breaking it.

We entered the Hokage's office and we were greeted by the Hokage, Shikado and my dear old father, Hayate. But there were two more people, the young kid had blonde hair and blue eyes, it was Minato. And the one standing next to him, the man with white hair and a single red line going down from each of his eyes, Jiraiya.

"You sure took your time." Hayate looked at me, he was clearly angry that I didn't take the Hokage's summons seriously.

"Don't look at me, she was the one who overslept." I casually pinned the blame on Mikasa's head while she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Minato, it's been a while," I said like we were old friends. He was visibly surprised that I remembered him but smiled and greeted me.

"Tatsuya, this is Jiraiya, Tsunade's teammate and Minato's teacher," Shikado explained while I was looking at Jiraiya.

'Wasn't Jiraiya supposed to teach Minato after he teaches the Ame Orphans? Did this happen because Minato graduated 3 years earlier than the original?' I thought about what seemed like the most plausible theory.

"The one Tsunade-sensei talked about. The pervert, right?" Mikasa said. This was indeed what Tsunade told us about Jiraiya. I could hear something crack, probably Jiraiya's heart, which I promptly ignored.

The Hokage sighed and said, "Enough about that. We called you here because of a mission. This is an A-rank mission. Your job is to support Jiraiya. It'll also serve as the test for your promotion to Chunin rank."

We were too lazy to ask what this was all about so we just nodded while Minato looked determined. Shikado handed a scroll to Jiraiya before we left the Hokage's office.

"Okay. We'll meet in front of the main gate in two hours. Go and pack your stuff." Jiraiya said as both Jiraiya and Minato left.

"Let's go and eat something," Mikasa said before dragging me towards Ichiraku Ramen. We already have all the stuff we need in our inventory so we're free for the time being.

We went to the main gate of the village exactly before meeting up with Jiraiya and Minato. After leaving the village, Jiraiya stopped.


"Since we are going to the mission together, let's introduce ourselves and our fighting styles," Jiraiya said with a big smile. He wasn't just our babysitter, he was also our examiner of sorts. And then he introduced himself as a great sage. He didn't say much about his powers and we didn't ask.

"Namikaze Minato, a speed type shinobi, Wind and Lightning release, I am good at close combat," Minato said with a smile. This guy smiles too much.

"Uchiha Mikasa, large scale ninjutsu user and a sensor, Fire and Wind release with Sharingan, also a medical ninja."

"Shiba Tatsuya, a speed type and a sensor, Lightning and Fire release with Ketsuryūgan, and Kenjutsu user."

We all introduced ourselves. They didn't ask about my Dojutsu, so they must have been informed beforehand.

"What's our mission?" Mikasa asked looking at Jiraiya.

"It was reported that the Tsuchikage has left the village and left towards the Land of Wind. The moments of Iwagakure are getting strange, our mission is to gather intel on what's Iwagakure planning and if possible, deal with it." Jiraiya said with a serious look.

'Huh? There's no way that crafty old man would be this careless. If it was someone else, that would've been possible but there's no way that Onoki will be this careless with his whereabouts.' I thought.

"Who gave you this information?" Because if Jiraiya were to encounter Onoki right now, all he can do is stall for time.

"The Hokage received it from Danzo-sama, why?" Well, that wasn't surprising. Danzo is already trying to remove the next possible Hokage candidates even tho the war is coming. If we ran into Onoki, he'll do his best to kill us, avoiding future problems.

'By the looks of it, even the idea of our exam was proposed by Danzo, as for Hirizen, he probably just nodded.'

"Just interested." I shrugged, even if Onoki shows up, we can always use Flying Thunder God and I still need to collect 'resources'.

"Let's get going. Our first destination is the border of the Land of Earth." Jiraiya said.

We were travelling with minimum rest for the past 4 days. Since we'll be reaching the border of the Land of Earth, Jiraiya decided to take a 3-hour break.

We decided on a simple strategy that said, let Jiraiya deal with the main boss while we deal with the mobs. Fairly simple.

As I was about to say something, a system notification popped up.

[Ding- (a)Kill every member of Onoki's group. (b)Make Onoki remember Uchiha Madara through your actions]

[Reward- A new system function]

[Failure- A random system function will stop working]

'First traumatizing A and now make an old man remember his worst fear? Is this a sadistic system?'

'But still, to think that there will be more functions. Or is it the function that was locked?' I thought for a while but eventually accepted the mission. Mikasa also received the same mission, so she also accepted it.

We started moving, but slowly since we were in an enemy nation. The Land of Earth is just like a big rock. There are rocks everywhere.

On our way, we ran into one of Iwa shinobi, it didn't take long before I captured him. Jiraya told Mikasa to read his memories. After reading his memories Mikasa said, "Iwa's plan is to surprise attack Konoha's outpost on the border of Land of Fire. They have finished supplying everything they need to their base, the main attack force will be arriving tomorrow."


Everyone was silent when they heard this, I was silent because of the notification that popped up.


Mikasa- That was a lie.

Tatsuya- How much?

Mikasa- This guy is a Root Anbu. He gave Danzo the intel about the upcoming attack and said that Onoki is already in the base. So the part where Onoki was heading towards The Land of Wind was something Danzo made up.

Tatsuya- How come you can read his memories? What about Danzo's seal?

Mikasa- There's no seal. Danzo probably hasn't finished it yet.

Tatsuya- What about the forces in the camp?

Mikasa- Around 30 Jonin and 50 Chunin with only Onoki as a Kage tier. Onoki probably didn't think it would be difficult to capture the outpost since Konoha is under pressure from the Cloud and Sand villages as well.

Tatsuya- That's troublesome.

Mikasa- Why? Except for Onoki, we can kill all of them. Hell, even Onoki won't be fine after fighting both of us.

Tatsuya- There's no way we can get away with killing so many people from an enemy village. Knowing Hiruzen's personality, he'll offer us up to the Rock in hopes of a peace treaty.

Mikasa- So what are we gonna do?

Tatsuya- Kill them of course. With Tsunade, Mito, and Sakumo along with the Uchiha clan backing us, there's no way Hiruzen can just hand us over. And we can always go rouge so why bother?

Mikasa- Well, we'll get rid of Minato first. It'll be a bother to protect him and fight.

Tetsuya- Okay.]

I closed the chatroom while Mikasa killed the Root Anbu looking angry. Such a good actor. Jiraiya probably thought that she was angry at the rock village for their despicable methods.

"We will deal with them before the main attack force arrives. Our goal will be to get rid of their supplies for this mission before we retreat." Jiraiya said. Indeed, getting rid of the supplies will force them to abandon the mission so that in the meantime, Konoha can prepare a counterattack.

Around 25 kilometres from us, there were many chakra signatures moving, trying to cover us from all directions. They must have a pretty good sensor if they finally sensed us.

We moved for half an hour before Mikasa and I stopped moving. Jiraiya and Minato looked at us, having a bad feeling.

"We are surrounded. Around 30 Jonin and 50 Chunin scattered around us in a circle. A Kage level in front of us." I could see Minato's face turning pale while Jiraiya had a grim expression. If Jiraiya was alone, he could escape with a few injuries at most, but protecting the three of us in this kind of situation was almost impossible. And with his character, there's no way he would even think about it. And with the sad face Mikasa was making, there's no way Jiraiya could say anything.

It's still a secret that we both can use Flying Thunder God. Even if I used it in front of the Anbu that day, there's no way he would've thought it was the Flying Thunder God.

In just 2 minutes, we were surrounded. There was an old ma-wait, a short old man flying midair with a triangular beard, and a nose I don't wanna talk about.

"Jiraiya, I haven't seen you in a while and you've grown enough to try and sneak up on me?" Onoki said with a smug smile which will turn into cries soon enough.

"Tsuchikage-sama, it's been a while." Jiraiya was still respectful towards another Kage, in front of him at least. I still remember he called Onoki a shrimp before.

Before Onoki could say anything, I cut in. "Jiraiya, against the senile old man, how long can you hold on?" As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere changed as Onoki was releasing terrifying bloodlust. To be fair, the only one on our side who was terrified was Minato.

It took Jiraiya some time to snap out of my bad joke and he said, "10 minutes maximum, even then you guys won't have a chance to escape."

'This guy is still thinking about us, huh?' I thought before I smiled.

"Escape? Don't worry, they'll let us go on their own." Jiraiya and Minato were looking at me as if I was stupid while Onoki chuckled.

"Have you already gone mad kid?" He said with a smile. I just ignored him and walked towards Minato and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I can use this only once a day so I won't be coming with you, warn the Hokage about what happened here," I said as I teleported Minato to the mark I left near the Hokage's office. Of course, the part that made it sound like a sacrifice was a lie.

Everyone was dumbfounded when Minato suddenly disappeared. He didn't use a movement technique, he just disappeared.

"Was that" Onoki almost shouted after seeing what I did.

"Flying Thunder God," I said before he could say anything. The look on his face was so funny, I could see Mikasa's eyes were twitching, trying her best not to laugh.

Jiraiya finally snapped out of his daydream and asked, "Where did you send Minato?"

"A building near the Hokage's office."

Jiraiya smiled after hearing my answer as Onoki's smile disappeared. He knew about the Flying Thunder God so he guessed that his plan already failed. But what was more important for him now was to kill me.

"Jiraiya, buy us ten minutes. That'll be enough." Mikasa said with a cute smile, but everyone present here felt a chill.

"It's futile." Said Onoki with a serious face.

"Are you sure?" Jiraiya looked worried.

"The only ones I can't beat here are you and that old man. What? Are you afraid?" I asked.

"Tsunade rubbed off on you a lot huh. Fine, do whatever you want, I'll at best manage for 15 minutes." He said as he bit his lips before summoning a giant toad and running towards Onoki. He was probably trying to now get us caught up in his fight.

"Hey, let's see who can kill more of them," Mikasa said.

"You already owe me one for our match at the Academy," I told her.

I didn't talk any further as a bald man came forward and said, "Don't resist kid, I'll make it painless."

"You must have a family to be this nice towards an unknown kid from an enemy nation," I said with a smile.

"I do." He didn't deny it.

"Looks like they'll lose a family member today," I said with a smile as lightning chakra condensed on my right arm, Raikiri. While activating the 'Eye of insight'.

I pushed my chakra towards my feet and disappeared. With a Thud* sound, a head fell to the ground with a serious expression.

A Jonin died, just like that.

The guy with a family was killed without even realising it. Onoki who saw this was grim, along with the rest of Iwa shinobi. Jiraiya was also surprised, although he knew that I was strong, he didn't know how much. He almost forgot about his fight with Onoki as he was staring at me.

"Leave a few of them alive, I need to check something," I said while looking at Mikasa, she nodded.

While this was happening, every Iwa shinobi was running toward us with weapons in their hand or forming hand seals.

3rd person pov-

Tatsuya looked at the Iwa shinobi running towards him, Raikiri in his hands disappeared, he coated his hands in chakra before getting ready for a hand to hand combat. As for the reason? He could kill them in a few minutes but they are precious lab rats.

He didn't do much damage to them, just hitting their vitals so that they won't be able to move for some time while sending his chakra to mix in their blood. With his precision and control, none of the immobilised shinobi noticed this as they were trying to get up.

While Tatsuya was being careful with his lab rats, Mikasa didn't care about them. Tatsuya told her to leave a few alive, only a 'few'.

Her hand changed into the seal of confrontation before a fireball escaped from her mouth. The reason she did this was that it looks cool.

'Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique'

The fireball was big enough to burn more than 5 people at once, be it Jonin or Chunin, they were burned without any resistance. Although the people think that the Jonin are strong, for Tatsuya and Mikasa they are cannon fodder at best. That of course excludes the goat in a green jumpsuit.

Before the rest of the people around the fireball could get out of their shock, ten Kunai with explosive tags around them were making their way toward them.


A series of explosions rang out, gaining the attention of Onoki and Jiraiya, since Jiraiya said he'll buy time then he was serious. They didn't have the time to look at the bloodbath on the other side.

As they looked down, they saw something they'll probably never forget. Mikasa was standing in a sea of blood. Her eyes were red, shining under the moonlight. She looked around with a smile. As for Tatsuya, he had already incapacitated around 20 shinobi while killing around 15 of them but still injected his chakra into each of them. His right foot was resting above the head of the guy he killed first. The remaining shinobi were shaking in fear, even the remaining Jonin weren't able to move.

Two kids, no older than 10. They couldn't imagine what they'll be like when they grow up.

Even Onoki and Jiraiya had the same thoughts, they were just looking at the two kids. But that was just the beginning.

Tatsuya's eyes changed as he activated the Ketsuryūgan. Onoki was having a very bad feeling when he looked at Tatsuya but was unable to move because of Jiraiya. Onoki was sure he can kill Jiraiya, but he isn't sure that he can kill him in a short battle.

"Huh? What's happening? My body is moving on its own." A shinobi, who was immobilised suddenly said as he stood up. Similar scenes were happening all around. Although they moved like dolls, they still had their physical abilities.

Everyone watched in silence.

"AAAAAGHHHHHHH. Why?" A shinobi who was from the immobilised group said before he killed the terrified chunin in front of him.

"Bastard. What are you doing?" Shouted a young man, but before he could move, a kunai was buried in his head as he fell to the ground.

"No, no, no, no, no. I didn't do it, my body is moving on its own." Shouted the shinobi who just killed his companion with his own hands.

Another shinobi from the immobilised group killed an Iwa shinobi. Onoki was terrified by what he was seeing, no Kage would ever want to see their people kill each other. But here he was, unable to do anything.

'So controlling a dozen of people is my limit? And as for perfect control, that limits me to only one target.' Tatsuya thought as he was having a headache from all the information his brain processed.

"Kid, stop this madness." Shouted Onoki as his face almost exploded with anger.

Tatsuya looked at him as if he was an insect and said, "It's Shiba Tatsuya, and she's Uchiha Mikasa. Do you understand?" Just as Tatsuya finished, with a big explosion, three of Iwa's shinobi exploded while taking those around them along the way.

"What do you want?" Onoki got straight to the point since Tatsuya even bothered to keep his men alive means he wanted something.

"What do I wan-" Before Tatsuya could finish, blood came from his mouth, he looked down, seeing that a large portion of his stomach is missing. One could see through with ease. The whole was bigger than the one in Obito's heart.

Tatsuya looked back, only to see another Onoki, but this one wasn't a clone, although weaker, it was Onoki.

"Fission technique" He muttered, this was the same technique that Mu used in the anime, but Onoki was never shown using it.

Onoki was surprised that Tatsuya knew about his biggest trump card. But what surprised him more was that Tatsuya was smiling. Blood dripping from his mouth and stomach, his smile was nothing short of menacing.

"Ninja Art Creation Rebirth — Strength of a Hundred Technique" For the first time since he arrived in this world, he said the technique he was using out loud.

Black markings started appearing on his body and face. It was the same markings Sukuna had when he took over Itadori's body. Even after coming to an anime world, the culture inside Tatsuya didn't die.

{A true man of culture}

Everyone was looking at Tatsuya's stomach as the hole was already healed. They were terrified. This kind of regeneration was only a legend to most people, but to Onoki, this reminded him of two of the most terrifying people he has ever met, and this kid was just as terrifying as them.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

"We are done here," Tatsuya said as he snapped his fingers and every remaining Iwa shinobi, including those who weren't a part of the immobilised group, exploded.

Onoki couldn't do anything. All he did was stare at the scene like an idiot. Madara gave him quite the trauma.

Tatsuya raised his hand, as all the blood within the area moved towards him before disappearing, he stored everything in his inventory, along with the corpses. He wanted to try out if he could revive a dead body by giving it fresh blood and moving it through the body. He tried it with the Root Anbu he killed, but the quantity wasn't enough to conclude anything. After he was done collecting resources for his experiments, he moved toward the petrified Jiraiya.

Onoki watched as Tatsuya walked towards Jiraiya, while Mikasa followed him. Putting his right hand on Jiraiya's shoulder while his other hand was holding Mikasa's hand, he looked towards the 'other' Onoki and said, "Until next time, old man." And they disappeared.

Onoki stood there for a long time without moving.




Idk wtf I just did.

As for mc's combat ability, they are about as strong as Gaara in the fourth great ninja war. But with better techniques that are more lethal than throwing sand around. They can kill a Jonin as long as the jonin isn't a goat with a green jumpsuit.

As for what they did just now? Onoki could do it with a single shot of his dust release.

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