《The Chronicles of Sorataki: Phantom rocket》Chapter 1: Dark angel and Protector
My search for the pair has led me to Zannidue, not many travels this far north so confirming their description was easy enough, being young makes them stand out even more than your regular hunter looking to cross the desert strip of Herbenry.
Some say they are looking to travel to Cobbstone-maybe even further. A logical guess considering the options this far North.
What I can't understand is why would the Dark angel and protector travel to such a secluded part of the world, what compels them to walk past the old civilizations? - Sophie, July 12th, 2764
Piercing winds whistled over rocky mountain and hilltops. Among the breezing tune, a lone girl sat atop of a large black bolder. Eyes opened stoically as the winds flap violently at the back of her long raggedy cloak and straight black hair. Her pupil's turned from purple to black shortly after, she gazed onwards to the vast expanse of green hilltops followed by patches of trees with a thin lake flowing between the shaded slopes scattered off into the overcast.
Sky accompanied with little spots of clouds glided like sails form the easterly breeze leaving islands of shadows on the landscape. A breath-taking view to behold, but her gaze was transfixed beyond the sights; beyond the moving heavens and bladed grass-covered earth. The strong steady breeze did not faze her as it pushed away at her back.
Sitting atop a rock with her legs tucked to her chest was the very same girl who found herself buried under rubble from her escape six years ago.
"Natalie," A boy's voice from within the mouth of a cave directly behind her calls out.
He comes walking out from the gloomy mouth of the cave. A raggedy looking cloak covered the long dark sword on his back. He makes his way towards Natalie before looking up to her atop of the black rock. Not responding to his presence Natalie looks onwards to a place that is not yet in sight. Her mind clearly elsewhere.
"Kept you waiting," He said in a sorry voice almost to himself. "I'm well rested now and ready to keep going."
Having said nothing she grips onto the fabric of the wrapped cloak on her legs a little tighter, the atmosphere around her grew colder.
Seeing nothing else to allude to this downer vibe he strops his head in silent defeat.
Of course, she was still going to be moody today as well, he thought to himself.
Being accustomed to seeing her like this he shook off the subject matter for another one. His features weighed into general concern this time around.
"So... did you get any sleep thi-"
"Let's keep moving," Natalie cut in whilst she got up and off the rock to walk onwards.
Watching her walk into the bright open space his eyes darken to Natalie's reaction.
He knew time is running against them. Still...
If we are not careful this could come back to bite the both of us.
Still feeling his calf muscles sore from the previous day running he winced to himself in silent protest.
"Understood," He mumbled to himself before following suit.
He set off along with Natalie further northwards to reach a nearby village. Running nonstop till sunset they moved swiftly through the rocks, trees, and any other endeavor's almost as if in a state of take-off. Where Natalie had a fluid almost urban grace traversing over the rocky platforms of riverbeds and broken paths of uneven slopes Andrew was lacking in finesse leaving him lagging behind.
His legs felt like led with each passing hour of running. Natalie would pause on occasion to keep him from losing sight of her but besides that, she never stopped. Her sharp and precise form seems to match her longing to her destination beyond the horizon. He was getting more drained by the hour but in his stubborn effort to meet her determination, he said nothing. Gritting his teeth and cursing his burning lungs and body he put all his frustrations into one step after another. He battled with fatigue until the battle itself became a whitening haze. He knew that he was still running but his steps felt like those within a dream state.
Just when the surreal sense of his drained body totally separated itself from his autopilot mind he found himself losing balance thus crashing into the dirt. His arms came out just in time to absorb most of the impact but just barely. His front was covered in dirt and fallen leaves, the sky was dark as the last slivers of sunlight retreated behind the forest trees surrounding him.
Trees? When did we enter a forest?
Looking back to the path behind him with bewildered eyes he slowly feels his mind resonating back to the senses of his body, all the aching and burning he detached himself from came back to bite him in the process. With his chest gasping for air he barely made out the distant sound of running stream back to his right. Given how far he could see in the dark it was apparent that they have been running into the woods for quite some time. This meant that he must have been running unconsciously for a fair bit longer than he predicted.
But this potentially was a good sign, according to the map their destination of Lucas village was located near the long-running river of Corrence. A patch of forest was along the path they would have to take to reach it. And this was indeed a forest with a nearby lake, if that was the case then at the pace they were going they only had maybe a few more hours left to traveling due West. A few more hours... could he manage it? Even if he could would he still have enough in him to do what is required right after? The reality of the matter started to catch up with him.
As his mind drifted to future events however he came to realize something in the present. That Natalie was nowhere in sight. Eyes darting to and fro he tried to squint through the darkness to pick up any movement by the trees, any sound beyond his peripheral and yet nothing... cursing under his breath he was about to take a step onward throat about to burst out the name of his longtime friend until something came crashing down right in front of him.
Barely having time to catch anything but dark wings and a petal of black feathers dancing with the sudden updraft of autumn leaves he leaped back and gripped onto his sword on his back, a misty layer of dark energy that still somehow glowed.
As the feathers and leaves settled he soon identified the intruder with the dark wings to be none other than Natalie. Her purple eyes that cut through the darkness along with her eighteen feet long wingspan as deep and dark as a raven was a distinct giveaway. With his adrenaline simmering back down this already fatigued body was now more drained than ever from trying to defend himself with his inner energy. Letting go of his blade the layer of dark energy faded as he fell down to one knee. With his body denying him to take another step without rest he remains there panting heavily.
"For a sec there I thought you were a-" he trailed off before he could finish the sentence.
As he looked up to her piercing purple eyes a part of him knew that as nonchalant as his comment would have been. As honest as he was being in the given circumstance he just knew, even though she would understand what he meant it would still hurt her deep down to hear it. To mistake her for a demon when she been turned into something besides human just felt a little cruel, and so instead he said nothing and sighed lightly to himself to continue his painting.
"Just... give me a moment ok? I think I can go a little more," he rasped between ragged breaths.
He looked up at his companion still showing no real signs of fatigue as she unsummoned her wings, hardened resolve only softened by his wheezing.
Looking him up and down she seemed unconvinced. Having looked at his cloak likely because of the fresh smears it had from falling into the dirt a glimmer of what he could only read as sympathy softens her features.
Taking in her surroundings, the river, the sheet of brown dead autumn leaves making up the ground they stood on. The trees and their spacing making there cover under the forest relatively safe with trees still far enough to make it hard for any creature or demon alive to get a jump on them she sighed ever so lightly to herself before walking past him and back down the way they came.
"Set up camp," She said.
He leaned up to turn back to her, his eyes narrowed by her order.
"Not necessary!" He insisted. "I can keep moving, just give me five minutes."
"Then get fish, I'll gather the firewood." her reply echoed through the trees around them as she walks further into the darkness.
He was left there in a moment of daze. As much as he wanted to deny it he could not fool his body. Watching the back of Natalie he could sense her growing urge to reach their destination, and how his inability to keep up has shackled this relentless drive. With the sinking feeling of inadequacy creeping over him, he in a flash of frustration kicked his leg through the autumn carpet letting leaves fly every which and way.
Besides venting a little frustration and working up his tired legs even more there was one plus that came from his outburst.
At least I've marked a spot to build the campfire.
She came back some time later as he was sitting by the lake fishing, with a makeshift rod made of a stick he picked up and along with the string from his tattered cloak, a rusted old metal hook that he kept tethered to his cloak and a mealworm bait that was in abundance at this time of year. He sat there with it in hand over the riverbed, waiting for the prod of a catch.
Having made a second one he left it out next to the river, a silent hint for Natalie to come and join him. Having seen her take note of the bait however she chooses to ignore it, to instead turn around, dropped the firewood she collected by the patch of earth cleared from leaves by him beforehand and light before using her powers to zap it with a bolt of electricity.
With his eyes meeting hers for the moment and still gaining no response to his small gesture a cold wash of resentment began to grow within his gut. He felt to knock the extra makeshift stick into the river and let it be washed away like the bad idea it was but... well-kicking things was not really doing much besides reminding him how sore he was so he remained idle fishing alone.
As night came into full swing his catch was killed and grilled by the campfire, sat opposite him in silence as Natalie looks off into the blanket of darkness surrounding them. As the fires glow danced the young man prodded it with a stick as to keep it's embers equally fuelled, as well as to break the cold silence with something, anything. As he watched Natalie's eyes veer off into the blackness he thought to stir up conversation.
"Fish will be done soon..." he said.
She did not respond to his comment, this made him drop his head back down to the fire as he went back to poking the burning sticks. His mind tried to start this from another angle.
"Not too far now... right?" he said, tossing his prodding stick into the flames and looking back up at her. "To the village of Lucas, I mean. If what Zac said holds any weight then the demon invasion must have happened around what? Three or so days ago? And if that rumor we heard going around thereafter is also true then that means we at the worst case would arrive there the day those people swoop in and started cherry-picking survivors."
Natalie looks at the flames beside her in a daze, her pained face spoke of unreadable horrors running through her irises before she blinked and the connection died. With a controlled sigh she tucked her legs closer to her chest for comfort before looking over the flame from the brim of her knees.
"His spew about -Trap Door Spiders- was likely just a bunch of phony he made up," she mumbled to herself in a dry frustration, her knees made the mumbling harder to comprehend than needed.
Andrew narrowed his eyes, uncertain what Natalie said until he recollects the account she was referring to with Zac.
"You're talking about Zac right?"
"Don't you recall his cryptic speech?" she asked.
With his face suddenly feeling heated he glanced away whilst scratching the back of his dreadlocked hair.
"Was that what set you off? Ohhh... well... I was... a tad distracted," he said slowly.
Recalling the lackluster dress sense of the locals and how his eyes often drifted to them when they were having a discussion with Zac he knew now that his gig was up. He was listening but the dress sense of the women was captivating to say the least.
Well, it's true what they say about the women of Coubbleston. He's not going to confess that one out loud, not in her current vibe at least.
Natalie catching drift of this widened her eyes in slight discomfort before dismissing it with a shake of her head to move the subject on.
"They summon low-level demons to invade and scatter the people. To make it look like coincidences they then wait for two to three days before kidnapping any child that is left from the village," Her eyes narrow deeper into the dark void around them. "Any child left behind after that time would either have lost their parents to the demon invasion or are just far removed from their loved ones. From there they swoop in and take them, like picking up lost lambs."He nods stiffly. To tell the truth, it was not a subject matter he felt too happy to talk about but
Knowing how things turn out whenever he tried to make small talk he had to make do.
"But what I don't get is how are you so sure that the demons and the kidnappers are all part of one plan and not just a coincidence?"
"I know because that's how they got me..." she said, her purple eyes lock onto his brown ones.
His chest froze mid breath as he read the pain on her features. Eyes dulled and sullied by the events that took place seven years ago, he knew this because he was there too, a village under siege by creatures with flesh like steel and eyes like red stars. Rifts tearing the sky raining down upon them shapes of death. How Natalie was never heard from for over a year since then, the girl he knew assumed dead.
And even though she somehow made it back a year later that girl he knew was no longer there. Was it possible? That these caused misfortunes were more a sinister plan than a product of a thousand mishaps? He picks up his fish on a stick and scoffs it down in a rage-induced gusto. Natalie picked up hers twisting the stick slowly between her fingers.
"It would make sense, even if a little insane" he unwillingly said as he quelled his chewing. "But how can you be so sure your right? Demons tend to show up randomly around the world as is. To summon a demon is a myth unless you're a host but even then it's hardly proven.
To somehow summon -sleepers- or -exhausts- is one thing, but -actives- of that level, and then be able to huddle them all into one place? Are you saying that they have found a way to summon them at will?"
Natalie looks away from her food to stare into the flames.
"It's them, I just know it..."
The campfire falls silent. Soon after feeling the tension drain out of his shoulders he clicked his neck before he proceeded to sigh heavily and scratch his nape.
"Yeah, I know. it's a silly question, forget I said anything." he proceeded to lay on his side, his cloak wrapped around him as a makeshift cover. Closing his eyes he was ready to welcome sleep. The crackling of fire snapped through the silent night.
"Do you think that I'm wrong about this one as well?" Natalie mumbled almost to herself.
He opened his eyes and looked at her, what was he supposed to say? If he expresses his doubt then it would be like calling her a paranoid liar at best. And if he does go ahead and agree with her it will be like saying that pain and suffering she went through was more than just the doing of vile people.
"Must you ask me the tricky questions when I'm half asleep?" he rolled away from Natalie turning his back to the fire in the process.
"It's just, been three years. And besides tracking down and stopping a few vans I'm not sure we have really done anything."
"We have gotten better at spotting key places they would likely skulk around and the old roads they would take. I think that counts for something, it's been working fairly well all things considered." he gave a loud yawn soon after. "We are throwing salt on these slimeballs operation, right? It's sneaky but it works, we've done a damn lot more good than those so-called hunters which... well is really honestly is not saying much."
"But is it really enough?" she trailed off.
"Can't be everywhere at once," he shrugged, back still facing Natalie.
"But maybe we are playing it too safe,"
This caused his eyes to open and for him to wiggle around to face her and the flickering flames, her brown eyes were glued to the flames as if hypnotized by it. Her irises catching from the flames a plot not even the devils would dear on them.
She wants to go one further than just save the kids from their vans. She wants to go to there nest and snuff them out.
Andrew swallowed dryly to the thought.
"You think there could be something more to this trapdoor spider stuff Zac spoke of, that is what you are thinking right?" he asked carefully.
"I thought you were too distracted to listen back then," she stabbed, glaring at him as if trying to prove a point.
"I was, but I have been listening to you,"
The campfire went silent soon after, Natalie retracted her gaze as if she lost the argument, still, the daring plot continued to flicker behind her iris all the same.
Having nothing to add on the matter Andrew wriggled onto his back to look up at the star-filled sky, it was mostly obstructed by the tree branches around him but still, their vast constellations shone through.
Admittedly he knew little else about these kidnappers except that they somehow have gotten their hands on gas-powered vehicles, a rarity to be sure especially in the northern hemisphere of the world. Or to be more precise, past the desert strip and beyond the passionate village of Coubbleston.
Sure the advent of the car was old tech; revived tech from a time before the second winds. But further north was home to a different kind of old, a new kind of old in comparison. Ancient? Sacred?
He was not entirely sure which one phrase it better, all the same, it was a land almost untouched by the drastic changes that took place outside it for the past couple hundred years. There are said to be many strange things left behind by a people long forgotten by them. At least that's what he thought he overheard in one of Natalie's mothers old history lessons.
Given the topic, he knew that Natalie would likely know, but taking the current climate into account he thought it best to not bring her mother up.
"Either way this path leads us to Lucas, we lose nothing by traveling all this way regardless." She picked up, more than likely convincing herself than him. To be fair it did not matter to him too much whether there was some worthwhile discovery to be made there or not. Most places they have been over the years had been duds. All that mattered to him was keeping his old friend alive whilst she goes on her wild escapades and that suits him just fine.
Still though... as he laid there upon his back looking up at the stars, perhaps out of a creeping tiredness or his body growing in strength after a hearty meal his mind concocted a chilling thought.
"So are we picking up the pace to go to Lucas because of what that Zac guy said, or was it the ramblings of those travelers who we crossed that's made you think about things like this?" He picked up as he closed his eyes.
Just then, however, Natalie stands up and begins walking on towards him. Peeking one eye open in slight confusion he looked up to see her coming closer, her brown eyes now changed purple as she stared on beyond the confound of the firelight.
This all forced him to rise up from his spot of rest and look up at her expectantly.
"What is it," he whispered.
"Demons," she whispered back.
Shooting up out of his resting place he latched onto his sword right next to him he gets into a fighting stance however right after doping this Natalie simply put her hand out to stop him.
"There's only three of them, all of them exhausted, they can hardly stand."
"My eyes are better suited to seeing in the dark ... You go get some rest," She said, her eyes glowing purple reminding him of the changes made to her since that day.
Hearing this he let go of his sword allowing her to walk on past him. Armed with nothing but a grilled fish in a twig, she wanders off into the darkness. As she passed him he saw a face looking for a distraction, something to vent her pent-up frustration on.
A touch of guilt washed past him as he felt this vibe. A flash of lightning lights up the area for a fraction just enough to see a piercing bolt shine right through the demon as looming shadows of the trees show themselves from the light display. They were roughly a seven-foot-tall horned nose, known for its three-foot-long razor-sharp scythe-like nose. There scream's like that of a crow and elephant combined marked their quick demise at the hands of Natalie.
She comes back out of the shadows no sooner than she faded into them a little more intense.
"Get some rest..." she said sitting back down by the fire. He gingerly nods in response. His eyes locked onto her hardly touched food in concern, he feels a conflicting swell in his gut.
She hardly eats much. Sleep comes her way even less so.
Natalie, what did they do to you? A question he constantly found himself asking.
Eyes narrowed he slowly gets onto his side and begins to close his eyes. To be frank he was rather wiped out, if he was going to make good on keeping up tomorrow he will need to shut down as soon as which he did not think would be too hard. It had been nearly two days since they got the news about the attack on the village and it's been exactly that long since they have started their none stop travel to their to Lucas at an almost grueling pace.
Two days... it was kinda scary how fast the news traveled to their ears. This would not been looked up as odd any in other place where the tech that was readily available in any other hemisphere but given that this was the north, the one place that upheld the none taking of anything even as simple as a radio it kind of put into question how did the traveler reach back from Lucas with such news so fast?
Could they have heard it from Zac? Zac was an information broker and for what it was worth clearly has the resources and connections to get and receive news constantly even when he too is on the more untamed side of the world.
But wouldn't they have to have reached Coubbleston to get it? They were on the way to Coubbleston, a twelve-hour journey there from where they met and talked since they themselves left those very gates to continue there travel northwards taking them here. So unless they passed one of Zac's men and got wind from him then it was not possible that a simple trade cart could have told news of a villages apparent demise in such a short amount of time.
It was plausible but if that was the case then they never gave a hint of the news being second hand, the talk of no tech further north could also be not as ironclad. After all, it was the locals that held onto this belief, something about their presence tuning out the will of the planets Natalie once said. Sure they were against it but they never necessarily stopped outsiders from bringing their own. In fact, according to other travelers, they are very welcoming to strangers.
He knew that said travelers were not native to Lucas simply by how they described the incident. As if moved but not personally affected by it. Just another tragedy to gossip about. Having long-distance tech to catch wind of such news so fast, but again it was never hinted to that being the case.
Using his cloak the clutches of sleep found him rather quickly. Still... be it the aimless rambles of his mind or the good amount of food his gut was breaking down to build his stamina he could not shake the feeling that something about all this smelt fishy.
She sat there looking out into the dark forest, her purple eyes able to cut through the sheet of blackness. Able to shift through the trees themselves and see the light, or what she's come to call the life energy of all living things. Bugs and mice, the odd owl and bat that swoop on by.
It's true what they say, even in the night, the north seemed to have more natural life in abundance than most other places around the world. More per square acre at least once beyond the desert strip.
As fascinating that that was to her, however, her mind could not allow her to really marvel at such a personal confirmation. For she had something else to confirm, something more sinister.
And as much as she would like to not be running towards dud info she could not help but wonder how she would feel if she were to find out that they are not only there but that they are vile ways are tainting what she's come to understand to be known holey lands? And what happens if their presences not only taints the lands but also distorted the many myths that surround the north also?
Finding no urge to sleep her thoughts took her away, back to before she became... this. Before she lost her smile and warmth. Back to a time before she was kidnapped.
She remembered a peerless blue sky stretched forth brightened by a great yellow orb in its center, running through a small patch of forest with a younger Andrew who looks much the same as he does today except rounder on the cheeks and with less fluff on his chin. Running playfully through a thin patch of trees they reach an open field of grass atop a light slope. Upon it laid a large rock and beyond their horizon a humble village covered by a three-story wall.
"C'mon Andrew, keep up!" She said with a playful chuckle.
"Just keep going!" he snapped back.
Reaching the top of the hill they stop by the large rock and look onwards to their home village of Null. An out of the way place in the eastern hemisphere where traders and hunters would make use of as one of the many veins that connect it to the larger towns and cities.
"Made it..." She sighed with a satisfied smile.
"Not yet. We still got a bit further to go," Andrew said.
Natalie turned around to glare at Andrew as if saying don't-be-a-killjoy. Andrew rolled his eyes when he picked up on that whilst Natalie giggled some.
"Yeah I know..." she said whilst she took a seat on the grass. "But let's stop here for a while."
"We are pushing our luck as it is being out here! What if one of 'them' show up!?"
"Hardly happens. And even when they do they are always exhausts or sleepers too tired from realm hopping and so they just laze around." She said laying back-first onto the grass. "If demons like them come up we can outrun them."
Andrew's eyes darted around his surroundings whilst shaking his head to her remark.
"Nope, Too dangerous... I'm going home." He said.
"Chicken," She spat with her eyes closed.
"I'm not scared!" Andrew shot back. "Why do you want to lay around out here so badly anyways?!"
"The open view is nice, right? With no walls boxing us in,"
"Huh?" Andrew looks around trying to see what she was talking about. It's not that she wrong, it's just a view they have seen a number of times.
"We are hardly ever allowed out of the village because of the demons, but if you think about it, walls or not it doesn't really matter where you are. Given that they can travel through realms nowhere is really safe from them."
Andrew looks around again with her words in mind and slowly sees what she means. "And when we are allowed to play out we do so, so fast that we don't really get a chance to take it all in."
Andrew nodded to himself. For the little time she knew him back then Andrew had not truly felt safe when stepping outside the wall of Null. Though she knew the reason it also struck her as odd given how he traveled here with his father who was a pro hunter.
Not many parents allowed their children to even set foot out of their village but given his first-hand experience and teaching under his father, he was (by the rules of her village) allowed to travel out of the village walls alone and could take on hunting missions along with a more experienced hunter like an apprentice. In more looser terms, he was already a man.
So she always found it odd that despite this he was so unwilling to set foot outside yet alone take-up missions. And yet she without both experience or the blessing of the village rules could not wait to get out there. She'd practically dragged him outside just so she could take advantage of his pentagon knight privileges.
It did strike her as odd but beyond that, she did not care much for his reasons so she never asked.
"Mum told me stories of long ago before demons appeared." she picked up. "She said people back then could relax on the grass and admire the view without a worry. And that most places were at least as green as here. But most took it for granted, and that's why the winds stopped blowing. We are lucky to have a spot like this so close to us. I've always wanted to try relaxing here so you can go home if you want. But I'll be back later,"
She lies down on the grass and looks up at the sky. Andrew about took a few steps towards the village, the sound of his feet sounding more distant with each moment until they suddenly stopped and Instead, came back around, coming closer and closer before sitting down so close behind her that his back cast a shade over his eyes. As she looked up with a smile Natalie chimed a 'hmmm' in wonder.
"Not scared anymore?" she said.
"No... It's just that, I don't want to leave you here by yourself,"
"That's nice of you," She chuckles. "So you going to relax with me?"
"No!" he snaps as he turns around to her. Calming down he takes a breath and continues. "I'm standing guard."
"With that sword of yours?" She said looking at his small sheathed blade on his back. "You've seen my skills with a weapon right? If you really want to go back so bad then why don't you leave your sword here with me so that way I can be safe and you can go home."
"I-I don't want anything happening to you," he mumbled.
A little surprised she leans up to look back at Andrew.
"So you really want to protect me?"
Andrew turned away to cover his face, if he was not dark skinned he would have been bright be red by now.
"Sort of," he replied whilst scratching his head. Natalie seeing the back of Andrew, Natalie could not help but smile at his reaction. A little part of her felt happy that someone like him could even entertain the thought.
Soon her surprised face slowly turned into a smug playful smirk.
"Even on your -lingering will-?," she said with a narrow-eyed smile.
"Not on your life!" Andrew scoffed while turning away half offended.
She rolled around in the grass with hysterical laughter, her gut in stitches to his stern reaction which earned her a glance back from the corner of his eye.
"The lingering will is nothing to joke about! It can happen to any knight; it can define who they were as a person before they died as it lived on fulfilling that will even after death. It can be a knight's final crowning achievement to this world... it's not a thing to laugh at!"
"Your so serious," she said between laughs. "You'd know that I was in your dad's lesson for that one if you didn't have such a stiff expression when sitting at the front, Luna said that you look like a statue, you hardly turn around to notice anyone!"
"You don't live with my dad," Andrew mumbled.
"No, but my parents are teachers also."
"Just because you can be yourself with them,"
"I'm sure he's not that bad as company," she said with a bright smile.
The enthusiasm was not shared however as Andrew just glared at her before cutting his eyes to look away. As he grumbled on at her attempt at a sweet smile he shook his head to himself slowly.
"Well if it is of any help, I like having you around," she said. "And having you as a bodyguard really makes me feel safe."
She lies back down to watch the view. She could not confirm it but the look of his back she could tell that he was content by her words also as he looked onward for danger.
"I like having you around too..." he said.
Her smile only widened before closing her as a silent thanks.
They would remain there until the sun began setting. Natalie gazing onwards whilst Andrew watched her back. Unknown to them the titles they will later be given, and the dangerous path they will one day tread.
She came to just as the smoking embers of the campfire smothered and died. The sun had just crept through the horizon illuminating the trees golden in its glow.
Sitting in much the same spot she came to realize that she must have drifted off through the last hours of the morning. Given the amount of light there was now in comparison to then she would wager about two hours. Hearing Andrew slowly rise up from his rest made her blink a few times.
Although he was deep in sleep she could not help but notice his constant tossing and turning through the night. She was willing to wager it had something to do with what she said earlier. It must have been those unsettled thoughts uneaverd her also.
Seeing him slowly stand up and get his bearing her eyes softened. She had been hard on him these past few days in hindsight. Hell even before this on regular days. It's a wonder why he puts up with her at all.
All I'm doing is making him worry.
Clenching the fabric of her cloke a little she sighs out weakly telling herself that she will try and make him worry no more.
"You're up," she said as she looked up at him.
Catching him glancing back at her from looking back at the remains of the campfire he in a groggy and distracted blinked and took a moment to process what she just said. His eyes rounded the moment he did before he gave a long and epic stretch and yawn.
"You should have woken me up to keep watch while you sleep," He said just at the peak of his yawn before relaxing once again to rub an eye. "Guess I'm so used to knowing you hardly sleep I did not do so myself."
"I got some rest, so try not to worry," She said, her hand slightly twitch as in the process.
Knowing that she threw most of her grilled fish in the flame she hoped that he would not move on to ask if she ate well. After all, she did not want him to worry.
"I see, that's good to hear," He said with a warm sigh. "Shall we get going?"
With that, Natalie and Andrew set off once again. Leaving behind her the ashes of firewood containing her guilty little secret long out of sight.
- In Serial1363 Chapters
VRMMO: The Unrivaled
Lu Chen used to be a ranker of the most popular VRMMO game, Spirit of Grief. After a car accident turned his dreams into dust, his disability left him incapable of escaping the pit of mediocrity he was thrown into. Helpless and defeated, his story ended.Two years later, the Eternal Moon Corporation launched a new VRMMO called "Heavenblessed", and Lu Chen stumbled into another terrible accident that left him in a complicated situation far beyond his ability to handle. That won't stop him from rising to the top, however. Not again.Come witness the rise of the sword-wielding zombie and the relationships he makes during his journey to the apex! For riches and bi- ahem, for career and love!He wields a demonic sword from Hell, he dons armor shining with Heaven's light. His boots stride across the sky as his helmet devours the souls of his enemies. On his left side sits the Goddess of Death. On the other, the Angel of Beauty.From the land of ice and death, a generation of Asura Kings rises, their roars reverberating throughout the world.Tremble in fear, noobs!
8 8156 - In Serial1353 Chapters
Refining the Mountains and Rivers
A young man's life changes when he stumbles upon a mysterious item. Qin Yu had never been a lucky person. Weak of body, bullied by his peers, and with only his friend as his family, he struggles day-by-day to live. But everything changes when he stumbles upon a little blue lamp. An immortal and demonic cultivating adventure.
8 3344 - In Serial2455 Chapters
Mortal Cultivation Biography
A poor and ordinary boy from a village joins a minor sect in Jiang Hu and becomes an Unofficial Disciple by chance. How will Han Li, a commoner by birth, establish a foothold for himself in in his sect? With his mediocre aptitude, he must successfully traverse the treacherous path of cultivation and avoid the notice of those who may do him harm. This is a story of an ordinary mortal who, against all odds, clashes with devilish demons and ancient celestials in order to find his own path towards immortality.
8 1050 - In Serial1503 Chapters
Dragon Prince Yuan
Destiny stolen at birth, the prince of the once mighty Great Zhou Empire, Zhou Yuan, has been plagued all his life by a fatal poison, forced to suffer powerlessly until one day when fate draws him into a mysterious domain where he meets a beautiful girl in green, a bizarre dog-like creature and an unfathomable old man in black.Join Zhou Yuan as he is thrust into the whirlpool of destiny while he seeks the pinnacle of cultivation.
8 1057 - In Serial677 Chapters
Ranker's Return
In the early days of the virtual reality game, Arena, meleegod was the strongest ranked player! He deleted his character and suddenly left. In order to restore his bankrupt family, he returned to Arena!"Do you want to create a character?"
8 1715 - In Serial1525 Chapters
Monarch of Evernight
Qianye rose from hardship but was felled by betrayal. From then, one man, one gun; he tread the path between Evernight and Daybreak and became a legend. Even if Evernight was destined to be his fate, he still intends to become the ruler who dictates.
8 22861