《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 25: Off to Blackbridge


After getting out of the ABW base we all went back to the Big Keg inn and had a nice dinner before going to bed. The next morning I woke up normally and felt eager to start on my first mission from the ABW.

Frick why am I eager to do this?! It's literally stealing from a baby. Stupid James. Don't be a heartless bastard. You need to repay the people you mess with while climbing up the ranks of the ABW once the ABW is destroyed.

After I was done having my mental battle about stealing candy from a baby I woke up Dob and Lob. They seemed to not be that bothered by their mission but they'd probably just come to terms with it since it was to stop a war that would no doubt have lots of casualties.

We got breakfast from Stella and I informed her that we would be gone for possibly a few days. Stella looked like she wanted to ask more questions but then realize that it would be a bit rude of her so she just smiled and told me not to worry about my room getting stolen by someone else.

Ah, Stella what would I do without you and that glorious free rent?

After settling the matter about my room we left for the Guild to get some travel rations. Melissa looked at us with a knowing smile and gave us the rations. We didn't even have to pay which I guessed was on the Guildmaster's orders.

What a nice guy.

After receiving the rations I leaned over the counter to Melissa and asked for directions to Blackbridge. She happily obliged and told me how to get there. After obtaining the rations and directions I felt that we were ready to go so after quickly confirming that Dob and Lob were ready I set off to Blackbridge with Dob and Lob.


It took almost the whole day to arrive at Blackbridge so it was dusk when we finally got there.

No parent in their right mind is going to have their baby outside at this time and definitely not a baby that's eating candy. We should stop for today and complete the mission tomorrow.

So I waved down a kind-looking passerby.

"Hello! Do you know an inexpensive place where we can stay the night?"

The guy smiled as if he'd been asked this question many times before.

"Yeah, the Fierce Boar is where I always recommend people go. It's cheap but the food and rooms don't at all reflect the price you pay for it. It's a real hidden gem. Most people only go with the really popular places but in my opinion, all the small family-run ones are the best."

I thanked the man and learned that his name was Hank. I introduced myself as Jameson since it felt like a nice name and was still similar to James so if I slipped up and called myself James I could just say that James was my nickname. Not wanting to stay out at this time any longer I fast-walked towards where Hank had said the Fierce Boar was while Dob and Lob jogged behind me due to their fast walking not being as fast as mine.

We got to the Fierce Boar soon after and entered the establishment. A bell that hung on the door ringed as we walked in, welcoming our entry. I saw some people talking at tables and an empty counter. I walked over to the counter and I saw a head pop up from behind it.

It was a very young-looking girl who looked like she'd just woken up.

"Hello. Um did you just wake up?"


The girl looked at me with a groggy look in her eyes.

"Of course not mister", she said while shaking her head to try to make herself look more awake.

I chuckled under my breath at her efforts.

Hmm. I should get Dob and Lob their own room.

"Mhm well, I'd like two rooms for the night please."

The girl nodded and held out her hand.

"That's 2 Coppers mister.", she said in a sweet childish tone.

Wow yeah, that's really cheap! I'm gonna give her a tip. She's so cute!

I passed over 3 Coppers.

"Take a Copper as a tip", I whispered.

"Gee thanks so much mister", the girl responded happily.

"I'm Jameson. What's your name?", I asked the young girl.

"I'm Pepper!"

I almost melted.

"Is there a Salt?"

"Nah, mister."

Darnit. A Pepper and a Salt would be so fitting.

"Anyway, I'll take you to your rooms. Follow me, Mister Jameson."

I followed Pepper to our rooms while Dob and Lob followed behind me, practically beaming at getting their own room.

Wow if they like it that much I should probably get them their own room at Stella's when we get back.

We got to the rooms a bit later.

"Here we are", said Pepper, handing us the keys to our respective rooms.

"Thanks, Pepper! We're gonna go to sleep now."

"Ok, goodnight Mister Jameson and you two silent guys."

Dob and Lob nodded at Pepper and gave her a smile and a big thumbs up.

Pepper was ecstatic at finally communicating with Dob and Lob and left with a giant grin. I watched Dob and Lob enter their room to make sure they'd be ok and as they closed the door behind them I went into my room. It was an amazing room for 1 Copper. It was a very barebones room. It consisted of a bed, a small dresser, and a small nightstand, with one window facing out of the room.

It's definitely of a lower quality than my room at the Big Keg inn but considering it's for 1 Copper it might as well be fit for a king!

Thankfully there was also a small light on the nightstand so that I could move about during the night without bumping into everything, not that there was much to bump into in the first place. The small light was off currently and the only reason I could see was that I'd left the door open to let in some light from the hallway.

I walked over to the small light and turned it on so that so I could see when I closed the door. It flickered once before emitting a weak but stable light. I closed the door and the room got noticeably darker but I could still see a bit due to the tiny light.

I walked to the wall and knocked on it as a way of saying goodnight to Dob and Lob. A second after I'd knocked on it I got two knocks in return. This made me smile and I took off my clothes before climbing into bed. I reached over to the small light and turned it off leaving me in almost pitch-black darkness. Soon after that, I fell asleep for the first time not at Stella's Inn.

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