《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 24: Like Stealing Candy from a Baby


I watched with my eyes twinkling in anticipated amusement while Keith and Tom approached Dob and Lob. I saw anger burning in the fighters' eyes as they approached my two companions. Then they met in a flurry of fists and kicks. I could barely follow the battle with the sheer speed and quantity of their movements. Even though I couldn't exactly see what was going on I felt excited by the amazing battle that was happening right in front of me.

"Go Dob! Go Lob!", I yelled supportively, although I doubted they needed it.

It was about a minute into the fight and things started getting even more heated. Dust flew up into the air as they were practically dancing with their footwork all while continuing their kicks and punches. I saw one of the goons, either Keith or Tom, fly out from the tornado of limbs and smash into the wall of the room, hard.

I winched in empathy for the man.

That must've hurt.

My thought was backed up by the groans coming from the goon's mouth. I started walking over to the guy to make sure he'd be okay when I glimpsed another man fly over my head and crash right into the other one causing the first guy's injuries to worsen while the second guy got a soft cushion to land on.

Scorpion chuckled at the misfortune of the guy that ended up being a pillow for the second.

"That's what you get for getting out first you weakling. Ah Keith you're so bad."

Poor Keith dealing with Scorpion all the time. Reminds me of my boss from the stupid paper company. You and your double standards can't get me here!

Keith groaned in pain and annoyance at Scorpion's taunting. Scorpion turned to face Dob and Lob, apparently done with bullying Keith.


"So you guys can join. Congrats I guess."

"So uh what do we do?", I asked Scorpion.

Scorpion didn't turn around to face me and instead started walking off.

"Just take one of the assignments from the hall. Don't mess it up or..."

"Or what?", I asked, but he must've been too far away to hear me because I got no response.

I noticed Keith slowly standing up from the ground and walking over to us while Tom walked in front of him.

"Hello Keith and Tom! Could you guys take us to the place where we can get our first mission?"

Keith looked at Dob in hatred before shaking his head and storming off. Tom was a bit more amiable looking though, likely because he hadn't been injured that much in the fight.

"Sure you guys just follow me. And thanks for giving me that nice cushion", Tom said while looking at Dob.

Dob just shrugged and gave Tom a grin.

It didn't take long to get to the Mission Hall and it was a sight. Pieces of paper littered the room. Some were put on the walls, others seemed to have fallen off the walls, and a few were somehow stuck to the ceiling.

Well that's a plus one for the Guild. Jeez it's like a tornado just appeared in here or something. Is it really that hard to organize stuff?!

I stood there looking at the mess for a while before Tom came up to me and shook me.

"Hey you alright?"

I glared at the giant Tom.

"Yeah it's just a big mess..."

Tom scratched his head.

"Huh. It looks very organized to me. Are your eyes okay?"

You're the one with bad eyes not me you buffoon. This is literally the complete opposite of organized. If any mother saw their kid's room looking like this they would immediately disown them. Calm down James, remember you're here to infiltrate not get into a fight with an idiotic oaf.


"So Tom what mission would you recommend to start?"

I can't wait to see this guy fumble around looking for a good starting mission. Aw this is gonna be good.

Tom nodded and walked over one of the pieces of paper. This particular piece of paper looked like it was hanging onto the wall as if its life depended on it. Almost like there was a hierarchy between the ground paper and the wall paper.

Tom picked the piece of paper off the wall and presented it to me.

It read, "Steal some candy from a baby in Blackbridge."

I looked at Tom, then back at the paper.

"You want me to steal candy from a literal baby?"

Tom nodded as if this was a natural thing to do.

"Yeah we want them to go to war so we need to cause unrest between us and Blackbridge. Stealing candy from a baby won't contribute that much but its a good starting assignment."

That kind of makes sense which is equally comforting and terrifying.

"You know I can literally make knives fly."

Tom grinned crookedly at me.

"Well then would you rather kill the baby? It'd generate much more animosity than stealing candy from it."

"Uhm yeah I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Unless the baby is a gangster or something."

Tom laughed.

"You're funny. Baby gangster haha."

I stood there silently, waiting for him to finish.

"Okay well then off you go!"

"Wait you're not gonna give me a specific target or anything?"

Tom looked at me, "Nope. Any baby with any type of candy will do. You can even eat the candy you take if you want to."

"Well if I eat it how will you guys know that I completed the mission?"

Tom smiled mischeviously.

"Scorpion has his sources."

Stupid cliché Scorpion and his 'sources'.

"Ah ok then. Well I'll be off."

Damn am I really about to go steal candy from a baby? I mean it's not gonna be hard. I mean it's like stealing candy from a baby. Stupid thoughts stop your puns. Eeek. Anyway I'd rather steal from candy from babies than watch as Whitebridge and Blackbridge go to war. Who knows how many casualties that might result in. I'm definitely the good person here. Just a good person stealing candy from a baby.

I had Tom guide us out of the ABW base since there was no way I could find my own way out. It reminded me of the giant maze of rooms I had to go through to get to the Guildmaster's office. I passed George on the way out and said goodbye to him, receiving a grunt in return. Dob and Lob waved to George as we passed and I swear I saw George's hand twitch for a second before he grunted twice in response to Dob and Lob.

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