《dreadnaught: scifi apocalypses space marine》chapter 27: dreams of new beginnings


Once all the questions were settled down, David had the faction leaders sit for some pizza and beer. This gave them a moment to truly think about what David did and what they should be planning on doing themselves.

“ So a new country. That is a bit surprising, but not completely unexpected. We at the guild were planning on spreading out and cornering the monster-hunting market in its infancy, actually, I am only the regional leader. Believe it or not but there was actually already a guild pre-update. We got mixed into it.”

“ That’s cool actually, predefined structure and all that. What do you know about the shuffle after the update ends?”

The guild leader looked at David weary but then shrugged his shoulders.

“ No big secret now anyways. Some of us were split on staying on Earth and the rest wanted to venture out. What is the world you're going to be settling on anyways?”

“ Urren, yea, don’t laugh. It is commonly pronounced Urn, anyways we will be smack dab middle of the eastern continent. And I looked this up, no other faction can spawn on purchased land there. In any case, we and our countrymen will spawn in a preselected location while everyone who does not buy land will get to play with RNG. As holders of the land, we will spawn a full year in before those that are going to randomly. As we already have three races, no new ones will be introduced to us.”

The guild leader whistles.

“ What races did you get?”

“ Us, dwarves, and beastkin, or more accurately Lycan.”

The guild leader nods but quickly notices the guild leader was now in his own head.

“ You are thinking of catgirls aren't you.”


This caused the fake Yoda to speak up.

“ Fluffy tails, he dreams of. Their ears, he wants to rub. Pur he hopes, when they orgasm, they do.”

This caused all the leaders there to laugh.

“ Look, we all have our tastes.”

David raised his hands defensively.

“ Woah, woah, woah... Look, I get it. Now you just need to make her your secretary then wife or wife then secretary.”

The guild leader started to raise up angry but paused and started to seriously think about it.

“ You know what, you're right. I can totally make that work.”

As someone who has been divorced twice in the span of six months, David seriously doubted it but did not voice that opinion. Instead, he looked at the fake Yoda.

“ And what of your order?”

“ A good question, that is. Secret, I must answer. Explain lengthily, it is. Annoyed, my talking like this, I am. Effect of my class, it is. Private, that too is.”

“ Fair enough. And you Charle?”

Charle rubs the back of his head and looks out at some of the others.

“ Someplace with a desert, I would picture. On the edge of it and a jungle. It is still up in the air. I will take a look at Urn when we complete this bug hunt though.”

David gave the man a proud nod before taking a deep breath.

“ Now we have to take this up with the National Guard people. In the meantime, I think we should send word to the noncombatants about work building defenses. I am thinking of at least one spiked pit around the perimeter. Since wood and stone resources are so cheap. As well as lots of spiked barricades. It only cost three wood units to make a ten-foot length of them. We can probably also add some barbed wire as well...”


The guild leader punches David’s arm and he pauses.

“ Quit stalling. We all know you have more ways into the NG people than we do.”

David’s shoulders slouched.

“ Fine! But you all are coming with me.”

The guild leader backed up defensively and raised his hands.

“ Oh, no. Not me. That general is pissed enough at me and my guys.”

Charle chuckles at the comment.

“ One, you probably have more women in your group than our three groups combined, and two, what do you expect to happen when some of your people try to venture out and loot against their orders? Hell, even David there kept it close to home. When your people broke free, how many died that first day?”

The guild leader paused and shook his head.

“ Look, I admit I got idiots in my ranks...”

This got snickers from the other leaders.

“ But if those army idiots did not capitalize all the nearby dungeons then we would have probably not gone out so far.”

“ Oh? I have been gone most days and paperwork after I get back cuts into my sleep. What did I miss?”

Charlie continues the story so the guild master could not upsell himself.

“ Other than the fights with the NG, their people have been going out outwards of a hundred miles or more. Not to the north, as the army locked down that direction tight. But to the west about a hundred and fifty miles away is another safe zone camp. When the adventuring idiots encountered some dragonkin people...”

David winced just picturing it.

The guild leader laughed remembering that.

“ Noone was killed. They have a Matriarch based society. In fact from what we saw they have something of a warrior-based cast system. One of them even bedded the squad leader of their patrol.”

“ This part, I did not know.”

The guild leader laughed at that as he shook his head.

“ They are to the west of us. As soon as I heard about the bug problem I sent my ambassador team over there to give them the heads up. They should be back tomorrow. Now you three get out of here and have the most painful conversation of your lives.”

David looked at the fake Yoda and Charlie and all three of them sighed. Leading the guild leader to laugh.

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