《The Awakened World》Vol. 1, Ch. 2 : Free Day


As I groggily wake up, I notice a blue, translucent box hovering over my head.

[ Through repeated actions you have unlocked the skill: Sleep Resistance(Minor, Passive) ]

[ Sleep Resistance - Allows user to stay awake longer before user falls asleep. ]

Ignoring the new skill for a second, I glance at the clock.

"Ugh, 6 AM?"

Now awake, I slowly make my way out of bed and make my way to the fridge and grab some pre-cut bacon and milk for my impromptu breakfast. After finishing a slightly underwhelming meal, I brush my pointed teeth and change my clothes. Looking in the mirror I can see the same-old wolf ears in my chestnut colored hair. Now that my morning routine is over with it is time to watch some television.

"And today we have with us the foremost authority on the System, Dr. Thomas Archimedes."

"Thanks, Harry. We don't exactly know where the System came from but we can infer the reason it is here. The most prevailing theory thus far is that our world has reached a certain stage of growth that allowed it to access it.

"Our world, doctor? Do you mean planets like Mars or Venus can unlock a system as well?"

"Not at all, Harry. The fantasy beings that came into our world didn't come from planets in our solar system or our universe, in fact. The System may serve as evidence in proving that there are other universes."

"Well this all sounds interesting doctor, but it sounds like you're speaking in a lot of hypotheticals."

"Harry, there is a lot about the System that we don't understand, and it is the job of scientists like me to find that knowledge. People like me are just on the edge of our seats waiting to discover the next big thing."


"Alright, thank you doctor for coming on today."

"It was my pleasure."

"Coming up next, the Guilds and how they work. Are you ready to enlist?"

"I think that's enough for one day."

Getting up from my chair and look at the clock to find that it is already noon.

Well, I guess I should go buy some groceries, and maybe stop for lunch.

I grab my phone, wallet, subway card, and apartment keys and head out the door to head to John's Trading Market.

After picking up several packs of meat, some eggs, and milk, I make my way to the subway when I smell that indistinguishable scent of urine.

"Hey, you."

Please not two days in a row, please.

"Got any spare change?"

Just ignore him and he'll leave. Just ignore him and he'll leave. Most of the homeless are like that.

"Agh, ok."

Finally, but can I have just one non-stressful day? This is really straining my nerves.

"Please stand clear of the tracks," the train's speaker announces.

Oh, train's here.

With no more notable events, I make it to my apartment at last.

Alright, now that the groceries are away, my tasks are done for the day. Oh, that rhymes.


Hmm, a message?

Maddy: Hey Ally! Guess what?

Ally: What?

Maddy: HyperThunder got trashed by CyberKnight!

Ally: You know, those names are stupid. They must not have any naming sense, but what were they fighting about?

Maddy: Well, you know all those girls that are always swooning over Hyper?

Ally: Those idiots? Yeah, all they're after is Hyper's looks; he hasn't even done much heroism.

Maddy: Cyber said something similar and they got into a fight.

Maddy: Hyper threw lightning at Cyber, but Cyber absorbed it and just punched Hyper.


Ally: Not much trashing.

Maddy: Most of 10th Ave of wrecked though.

Ally: …Never mind.

Ally: So what happened to them afterwards?

Maddy: Cyber just ran away while Hyper got thrown into the ambulance.

Maddy: Oh, look at the time, time flies whenever we're texting!

Maddy: Well, good night!

Ally: Good night.

After texting Maddy I look at the clock for the third time that day to find that it was already 10:30 PM.

What!? Ugh, must be that new skill. I don't feel tired at all.

Changing into my pajamas and brushing my teeth, I crawl into bed.

I can't do this.

"Ok, Alice just some mild insomnia. Maybe some stargazing will help."

Opening one of the two windows in my apartment I gaze out at the stars.

You know, taking the time to look upon the night sky really calms me down.

I look to the right.

Hey isn't that star getting kinda bright?


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