《Secrets of the Myath》Chapter 13 (edited)
“You are Echo, right? Uncle Amrik’s daughter.”
The small figure nodded enthusiastically. In addition to the bruises that peppered her skin, she was so gaunt. Her condition and the surprise of seeing her after so long left me dumb. The guards and the walkway above us faded as I stared at my cousin, remembering. Play dates in our little cottage outside the wall. Laughing as we stuffed our faces with wild berries. Riding around on uncle Amrik’s back in his Feline form. Scuffles with our older cousins that were more fight than play.
“Sierra. We need to move. It’s not safe to stay out here too long.”
Eecee’s voice dragged me back to the present and I blinked to clear my vision. Echo hadn’t moved and seeing her so timid and hurt saddened me, my ears lowering. When we were younger, she was always so bold. We used to get on well but the memories of childhood can be misleading. I didn’t know what she felt about me now, what she believed. Still, I couldn’t be cold t0 her.
Reaching out slowly, as if I approached a little pynyatt, I gently brushed the back of my hand across Echos cheek. She was so petite and I found myself crouched a little, as non-threatening as I could be. She shuddered so I started to pull back, thinking she wanted space, but she grabbed my hand and nuzzled her cheek against it. Then she wrapped her arms around my waist and sobbed. Reciprocating the hug, I slowly, gently wrapped my arms around her and we rocked together as I let her cry.
“Sierra, we really need to move.”
I acknowledged her and spoke to my cousin. “Echo, we need to get to safety so one of the guards is going to carry you, okay? I’l1 be right here.”
We didn’t wait. Merrick scooped up Echo and the rest of the guards fell into a protective formation. We moved swiftly, trying to remain inconspicuous and keeping an eye out for anything odd. My mind was running as fast as out party when Eecee spoke.
“She could be bait.”
“I know.”
“She could be a plant.”
“I know Eecee. I know all the possibilities. I know she may not be the cousin I remember, that she could believe whole heartedly in Wistra's rhetoric, that she could turn on us and try to kill me but I can’t just turn her away. She’s kin, one of the few who a1ways saw me as kin and I won’t just turn my back on that. I’ll be careful, I won’t let down my guard. But what if she really is an innocent in trouble? This could be what we need.”
“That’s what has me so worried. It’s almost too good to be true.”
I answered with a hmph and we travelled the rest of the way home in silence.
We arrived without trouble and entered the mansion, the whole group heading straight towards the Healers Hall. Once there, Merrick deposited Echo where directed and I hung back with my guards as Healer Roake began to work. She had a lot of trauma and her natural healing was struggling. It reminded me so much of Mum's memories, how they starved, bled and beat her so much that the nanites couldn’t function properly.
I couldn’t revisit those memories so I shook myself and focused on Eecee. She was talking to the Head guard on duty. I hadn’t met this guard before but she’d trailed us when we arrived at the mansion, wanting an update. I gather she wasn’t happy about an unknown individual, probably with ties t0 the troublesome House Kuthar, being in the Kings mansion. Eecee finished her conversation and returned.
“I’ve arranged for your Cousin to have a guard, both to protect her and protect against her. Don’t worry, she won’t be made to feel like a prisoner.”
“I know Eecee. It’s a sensible precaution.”
“Mmmmm. Kine and Mathias are stil1 in the meeting but are expected back soon. It seems things went on longer than they anticipated. The guards will inform them as soon as they arrive and they’ll come here.” She studied me, eyes narrowed in consideration. “What’s wrong Sierra? You look a little lost.”
I took a while to answer, trying to figure out what I was feeling and Eecee waited patiently.
“It’s... the wounds, the slow healing. They’re so similar to mum, you know? Like it’s happening all over again. And on top of that... did you know she was my best friend? When we lived close to The Capital, we never came in the city but we were close enough. Mum was really close to her brother, Uncle Amrik, and he'd visit us. They’d talk for hours while dad just sat back and watched mum light up. She was always so happy when Amrik visited. And he’d bring Echo. We spent so much time together, she was practical1y my sister. Then Uncle Amrik appeared one day, alone and panicked. That was when we had to flee. We never came back and mum and dad told me we couldn’t communicate with our friends anymore. It wasn’t safe. I never got to say g0odbye.”
Eecee wrapped her arm around my shoulders and comf0rted me as we watched Echo being healed and waited for my kin to return.
Mathias strode next to his nephew in his Feline form, strong and powerful. He liked this form, not because of the power it gave him but because people were less inclined to expect him to speak when he was in it. He’d had enough of talk when he’d been king. Now he just wanted some peace and to continue his life long search. He’d hadn’t gotten far but lately, with the new arrival, he may finally have some answers.
He and Kine had been at the meeting for a long time (more talking) but thankfully, they had gotten what they needed. Now all he wanted was to return to his little niece and make sure she was safe. She was adorable, small and cute but so strong. He’d felt it as soon as she came close, that telltale tingle of a bond. It had washed over him and he’d been struck still. At first, he was convinced it was another false lead, either deliberate to torture him, or accidental. It had happened before, some distant relative he’d not know about, so obscure that they could hardly be called kin but still, the potential was there. So when he’d investigated, left his tower and ventured out, he’d been on guard. The feeling was so strong and this time, he’d found that Kine had felt something too. His hopes soared.
They still did.
They made it back to Kine's mansion and were greeted by the guards on duty.
“My King. Lady Sierra returned home with her guards and another individual. They are in the Healers Hall.”
“Thank you Lim.”
Kine didn’t have to say anything, Mathias was already moving ahead of him. He barely left Sierra and when he did, something like this happened. How bad was she hurt? Kine thought he was over protective but Mathias didn’t want to risk losing her. The Capital wasn’t a safe place for a Myath, especially a Myath who may hold the key to bringing down some of the Houses.
He made it to the Healer Hall, Kine close behind him, and strode in, looking all around for her. She was standing back with her guards watching Roake work on a small female. Mathias ignored the Healer and his patient for the moment and approach Sierra, checking her all over to make sure she was unharmed. Once he was assured she was well, he butt his head against her hand and sat down, staring at her reproachfully.
“I’m fine Mathias.”
He continued to stare at her.
“Please don’t look at me like that, I didn’t go looking for trouble. It just seems to find me.”
Mathias snorted and raise an eyebrow. Sierra sighed and Kine chuckled. See, you didn’t need words to communicate. He butted her again and turned to inspect the female being tended to while he listened to the guards report.
“My King. We were returning from the wall when a figure emerged from the Jungle Habitat and began to follow us. We remained on guard but continued to travel. When it was clear the figure was gaining on us, we organised an ambush at the end of the walkway. We split, half guarding lady Sierra and half in ambush. The figure was captured, restrained and searched. No weapons found. The figure spoke to Lady Sierra when our search caused pain and we found she was injured. Lady Sierra seemed to recognise the individual and identified her as Lady Echo of House Kuthar. We became concerned about being in the open and any potential danger or ambush so urged Lady Sierra to continue to the mansion. It took several tries before Lady Sierra ordered us to carry Lady Echo. Upon arrival, we proceeded straight to the Healer Hall and arranged for guards for Lady Echo. We have waited here for your return My King.”
“Thank you. Have your guards take a break. Sierra will be guarded by my Elites and Mathias until you are restored. We will be in our usual lounging area. Good work everyone.”
As the guards left, Mathias contemplated the report and Sierra, who seemed to be in some distress. This Echo, however small she seemed, represented something big. Yes. Whether she was innocent or complicit, she was House Kuthar’s next move and needed to be handled with care.
Kine had gathered Sierra into a hug and was leading her out of the Healers Hall so Mathias followed. They had news for her and it may prove too much on top of all that she had dealt with today. They settled down and Kine ordered refreshments. Mathias had to admit, he’d missed a lot in his isolation. His tower in the Military sector was comfortable, but it lacked something. He’d hoped to give Kine some space from his influence as the previous King and his reputation but he’d missed his nephew. Kine had grown into an admirable person and a fine King.
“Sierra, are you well?”
“I’m fi- okay maybe not fine. But I’m okay I think. It’s a bit of a shock. I’m glad you’re both here, I’ve been going round and round in circle trying to figure out if this is genuine or my aunt's ploy. I don’t want to believe it of Echo but I have to admit it’s very likely. That makes me sad.”
Kine hugged her again and Mathias padded over to lay down before her and rest his head in her lap.
“You did very well Sierra. I’m sorry this is so hard for you. We’ll address this matter in a moment and decide what to do but first, we need to tell you about our meeting this morning. It may have a bearing on the situation with Lady Echo.” He paused to let that sink in before continuing. “The High Warrior has completed her checks on the Ruling Triangle and the other leaders. They were all cleared so today we met with them and informed them of everything we know and some of what we suspect. Needless to say, they are very concerned. I’ve told them we are still gathering evidence but they want to hear what we already have. Which means, they’d like to meet you and hear your evidence, including experiencing your transferred memories. They also wish to meet Seth and question Lord Greer. It will be a small gathering, just the leaders, myself, Mathias and the three giving evidence. It will be on the morrow.”
Matthias could scent Sierras concern. “That’s very short notice.”
“Yes, but we believe it will be safer. There’s less chance for House Kuthar to hear of it. We will travel to the Heart under the guise of checking your health again, which we will do anyway. Healer Amaya has asked to do another check up, especially as you will be doing another sharing session with multiple persons. After that, we’ll give evidence and spend the rest of the day at the Heart so it will be harder to pinpoint what we were doing there should anyone enquire. What do you think?”
Mathias looked back to his little niece and watched as she put on a brave face, absently stroking his head. She was so expressive and had the funniest habit of suddenly stopping a facial expression or a tail signal mid move. Around others, she was perfectly controlled but when it was just them, she seemed to either be trying to hold back or trying to be more open. He hadn’t yet figured out which.
“I trust you both, so I’ll go. Can you tell me what I’m likely to encounter? I mean, will they outright doubt me or insult me or will it be more subtle? I know they’ve been chosen and tested to be the best possible leaders but, Myath aren’t considered part of their nation are we?”
Kine looked sad but Mathias was proud that she was so smart and considered. She wanted to know the lay of the land so she could respond appropriately.
“They will listen and keep any personal feelings out of it. I don’t know that they really have any views of the Myath but they trust that I believe in you so they will listen. I’m sorry I can’t give you more.”
“Don’t apologise. That enough for now. Kine, you aren’t responsible for your people’s feelings.”
She smiled and nudged him playfully and Mathias added his own paw to topple the King. His nephew was sometimes far too serious. He took much on his shoulders. Sierra laughed as we ended up in a pile, refusing to let him up.
“Alright alright. Don’t gang up on me!” Kine exclaimed laughing. He righted himself and we calmed down. Then my serious nephew returned, looking Sierra in the eye. “Now, tell us about today and about Echo.”
I told Kine and Mathias everything I could think of, my history with Echo and the events of today.
“I think the little Jaguarundi I spotted early this morning may have been her. I’m not sure though. She never took a Feline form when we were young.”
Kine was quiet as he settled into deep thought so I turned my attention back to the big Feline resting his head in my lap. He had stayed close since his return, concerned about me. Not that he said as much. He still rarely talked and I was beginning to understand how he got his moniker of Silent King. But that didn’t mean he didn’t communicate. He had the amazing ability to give a look that conveyed exactly what he was thinking, like today. His look had said, ‘Again? How much trouble do you get into?’ or something to that effect.
Kine’s voice startled me out of my thoughts again. It was so easy to let my guard down around these two and I was still getting used to it.
“She’s in the Healers Hall so we’ll go down and make sure she’s doing well. If the Healer deems it acceptable, we’ll question her while she’s hooked up to a truth sayer. They are fairly accurate and it’s the best way to determine if she’s is genuine or a danger to us.”
I agreed, “Sounds good. I want this to be over soon. It’s tiring and I want to be able to stop worrying about the family I’m just starting to rebuild.”
Kine smiled and squeezed me in another hug, I was beginning to get use to the physical contact synonymous with the Icanthie. When he spoke, I felt his deep voice rumble against my cheek.
“There’s one other thing that Mathias and I wanted to talk about but we don’t want to pressure you.” I cocked my head and signalled him to continue. “Have you thought anymore about our kin connection? We don’t know if confirming it will give you more protection or make you more of a target but, whatever happens, we just want it to be your decision. We only want you to do it if you want to...”
I hung my head, answering with a whisper. “I want to but I’m afraid.”
I didn’t see the glance they exchanged, but Mathias nudged my chin back up so I was looking into their eyes.
“Afraid of what?”
“... of what I know you’ll find. And what it will mean. Being Myath is hard but, when they get to know me or one of the others, some change their minds. The prejudice is usually because of ignorance or tribalism and is overcome when they realise we’re just people, like them. But this... I don’t think anyone can accept it. Only two other people know...”
Mathias sat back and changed into his Resting form. I’d never seen it before. His features were so familiar, I could see some of them in Kine but he didn’t give me much of a chance to observe. He knelt in front of me and looked me in the eye.
“I understand now. I always wondered but now I get it. So listen when I tell you. We will always love you. We will always stand by you. You are our kin and nothing changes that. Nothing. You take your time and when you're ready, you can tell us and we can confirm it for the records. Only when you’re ready. There is no shame or wrong, you are perfect as you are. Okay?”
I stared at him. Did he really know? But that’s not the point. He was saying, whatever it was, it didn’t matter and he would always be there for me. I looked to Kine who nodded and smiled. They both would. I sucked in a breath, fighting tears and managed to smile back at them both.
“Okay.” I squeezed out and found myself wrapped in four strong arms. The last barriers of doubt crumbled and I sighed, relieved. We just sat there together, basking in the bonds that grew stronger with each passing moment. Behind my closed eyes I visualised them, pure light encased in molten gold, shining out as they stretched and thickened. They were like tree roots anchoring me in the centre and reaching out to connect to others. Different colours, sizes shapes all potential and ephemeral, always moving and changing.
We just stayed there, basking, until some unknown signal had us separating at the same time. We grinned at each other and then Mathias grunted out a ‘good’ before returning to his preferred Feline form. Kine rolled his eyes, laughing and I chuckled.
“Come on. Let deal with our visitor. We all need some rest after such a busy rotation and with all that we have to do the morrow.”
We arrived at the Healers hall and went straight to Roake.
“How is she?”
“Well now. Significant trauma from beatings and food rationing. Mental health below par but sound. I've reinvigorated her nanites to boost her natural healing and given her nutrient rich supplements. I expect a full recovery in approximately three moons, taking into account the emotional trauma evident in her brain activity.”
“Thank you Darius. Do you object to a little questioning under Truth sayer?”
“... Hmmmm. Limit it or stop when I say and we can proceed.”
I walked over to her floating bed of spheres and she smiled when she looked up and saw me. She grabbed my hand and held tight. The guards moved to intercept her but I waved them off.
“You’ve grown Sierra.”
That made me smile and I let out a little chuckle. “We both have. Besides, you’re not much older than I am.”
She went quiet as we remembered, tears filling her eyes and trickling over. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kine approach and Healer Roake activate the Truth Sayer.
“I’m so sorry Sierra. So so sorry.”
My smile turned wobbly as I squeezed her hand back. “What for Echo? You’ve nothing to be sorry for.”
“But the family had done horrible things. You don’t know but they are dangerous Sierra. When I heard you were back in the Capital, I had to warn you. I tried to see you three times but you were too well guarded. Aunt Wistra caught me and punished me. Said I had no business meddling with a mongrel. Daddy was so mad about it all but he never does anything. He’s too afraid. We’re all afraid.”
She began to sob and Darius was beginning to frown so I jumped in.
“It’s alright Echo. You’re safe now. I’m safe. Just, talk to us and we’ll figure something out okay? If that many are afraid, then something needs to be done.” She looked doubtful. So I tried to reassure her. “Who better than the King to make it right?”
Echo looked startled and glanced around at our audience, gave a squeak and tried to bow to Kine from her bed.
“My King. I’m so sorry I didn’t see, I mean I I...”
“Calm yourself Lady Echo. You are not well and my Healer will not be pleased with me if I contribute to your condition. Please, take you’re time and tell us what is wrong.”
Echo nodded but remained silent as she continue to stare so I gently squeezed her hand, catching her chin to turn it so she looked back at me.
“Echo. What are you afraid of? Why did they hurt you?”
She swallowed and took a deep breath, eyes never leaving mine. When she was ready, she told us her story.
“Aunt Wistra had always been... scary. She's the oldest but she took over the House because she fought for it. She and Uncle Quix were always scheming, making alliances, trying to get power but every time they failed to pass the leadership tests, she’d fly into a rage and take it out on the House members. She thought she made some headway when Aunt Feenya married the Head of House Greer, thought it was the beginning of the Houses uniting and becoming a powerful force in Icanthie politics but when she found out about you and your father, she was livid. I don’t know much about what happened, she doesn’t have many in her inner circle, but after Feenya disappeared three orbits ago, Aunt Wistra became paranoid. More volatile, more vicious.”
Echo paused and swallowed, eyes hazy as she remembered.
“Daddy tried to find out what was happening but when he returned, he was terrified and so sad. Aunt Wistra had done something terrible and we all became even more afraid of her. The House became a quiet place, the scent or fear in every hall, acrid. Those who could get away with it started to move to their own accommodations but Aunt Wistra put a stop to that. I didn’t think it could get any worse until you showed up with the King around the time Uncle Quix disappeared on a hunting trip. Aunt Wistra became even more angry and paranoid. Anyone who disagreed with her or questioned her was beaten. We’re practically confined to the House and she has more guards than ever. I don’t know what she’s doing or has done but I don’t trust her. She only holds the House out of fear.”
She paused, said fear tainted the air. She closed her eyes, tears building again so I gently pulled her head under my chin and hummed comfortingly to her. She sucked in a few breaths then kept talking, words slightly muffled in my top.
“Then, the night after the Brunch, I was in the House garden, huddled in a corner trying to get the scent of fear out of my nose. I heard her talking to someone, I don’t know who. I’m not even sure how, there were no windows or vents but I heard her. She was angry but cold. It faded in and out but I caught phrases. ‘Nearly time.’ ‘Need more warriors.’ ‘That mongrel ruined.’ ‘Eliminate the Triangle.’ ‘Finally, after orbits of planning.’ And then suddenly, very clearly as if she had moved closer I heard ‘When the time comes, take him out first, everything else is collateral. Then, when they test to find candidates to replace him, our people will be in line.’... Everything after that was too faint. I was so scared, she's talking about killing people as if commenting on her latest shopping trip. I stayed frozen there until true darkness fell and then managed to get back to my room.”
We all stayed silent, our worst fears confirmed. I glanced at the Truth Sayer and found that everything she’d said was true, as far as she knew. But she hadn’t seen my aunt or even knew where the voices came from so it was hardly conclusive evidence.
“I didn’t know what to do Sierra. All the bad things in the House, all the accidents started to add up. And I knew I had to do something but I didn’t know what. Then... she left the House. She doesn’t do it often so I took a chance. I snuck into her office and copied her files.”
“Echo! That was dangerous, you could have-”
“I know and her eldest son caught me coming out. I told him I’d been looking for her to request time in the Jungle habitat. He gave me a beating for ‘selfish requests’ and being in the office without permission. Laid me up for a while. But I have her files and she’ll never know they were copied. I’m a bit of a computer whizz and have a little help with hiding what I did. When I was better, I made the request again, you know so my excuse seemed more realistic and to find a way to get out of the House. I needed to give the information to someone who could use it and I couldn't risk being caught with it if they decided to do a search of the rooms. But I wasn’t sure who to trust. Then I saw you on the wall. I knew you’d know what to do. So I followed you.”
She pulled back so we could look at each other and I saw a defiant smile on her face. She reached into her mouth and peeled something from her cheek, fiddled with it then gave it to me.
“That’s it. I locked it to my genetic code but it’s open now. You shouldn’t have any problems accessing it but the files are encrypted. I dare not try to work on it in the House, in case I was caught.”
“Oh Echo.” I hugged her and handed the drive to Kine, hope rising up. We may finally have some solid evidence on what exactly Wistra was up to. Echo got my attention.
“Sierra, I have to go back. My dad's there, not to mention the others. I don’t know if I’m watched, if they know I’m here but I have to make sure they’re okay.”
“Echo, you can’t go back. She could kill you. You said yourself, she’s getting worse. We can protect you and find a way to get the others out. Please don’t go back. I can’t lose another family member Echo. I just can’t.”
“Sierra it’s my choice. And it could buy you time.” She turned to Kine. “You need to stop her My King. Before it gets any worse. I’m afraid of how far she’ll go. Of how far she’s already gone.”
I looked to Kine, a little desperate. “Kine she can’t.”
He frowned, thinking hard. He didn’t want to send her back either but knew we risked so much if Wistra became desperate. He pulled me away and spoke quietly so Echo couldn’t hear.
“We are giving evidence on the morrow. Once that is done, we should have enough cause to incarcerate all of House Kuthar until each individual is cleared. She should be alright until then. No later than noon.”
“But Kine, mum wasn’t held in House Kuthar. What if Wistra has her Banished or guards hold Echo somewhere else? It would take rotations to find her and she may not have that time.”
Kine nodded. “I know. But we have to give her that choice...”
I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to find the strength to let her go. Kine turned back to the patient and I followed in his wake.
“Echo, you’ve been very brave. Thank you for bringing this to us. It is your choice, and I won’t sway you one way of the other but know this. If you stay, we will protect you and the innocent in House Kuthar. If you return, we will do our best to act quickly and get you out as soon as possible.”
“Thank you my King.” She looked at me. “I know you’re afraid for me. I’m scared too. But I’m going back Sierra. For the rest of them... If I end up dying, at least I’ll know I died stopping her. So you make sure to stop her alright?”
I couldn't speak and tears spilled over but I refused to look away from her. I nodded and sniffed.
“We’ll stop her Echo. I promise.”
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