《Secrets of the Myath》Chapter 12 (edited)
It wasn’t long before the guards returned in a protective formation. In their midst was Lazot who had Seth in his arms.
“All clear my King. No signs of intruders.”
I barely heard the guard as the breath I didn’t realise I was holding rushed out of me and I went weak at the knees in relief. Or maybe that was the blo0d loss. Hard to tell. I wanted to get to Seth but before I could even take a stumbling half step, Mathias had taken his Warrior form, scooped me up and walked swiftly away from the crowd.
“Wait. Mathias. I want to check on Seth and Lazot. Mathias!”
“Healer” was all he managed to rumble out as we left.
I looked over his shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of Seth but he was so bulky, it was pointless. And I felt tired. No sleep and blood loss would do that to you, though it felt like I was healing well. I sighed and relaxed into the arms carrying me, my tail hanging limply over his arm.
We didn’t go far before we arrived at the private Healers suit. I hadn’t been to the Healers in Kine mansion before but it was somehow unsurprising and reassuring to find Healer Roake there. Someone must have alerted him because he was waiting for us, sleep mussed and slightly exasperated.
“Yes well put her down.” And he indicated an area that appeared exact1y the same as anywhere else in the room.
Mathias gently lowered me to my feet and made sure I could stand unaided. I gave him a soft head nudge and turned to the Healer. “Sorry Roake. Didn’t mean to get you up.”
He didn’t respond expect to wave off my words. I gather he wasn’t really upset. He activated something on his screen and I watched, fascinated. Rather than the static sensor bed that Seth and I had used the first time, a small cloud of spheres, ever so slightly flattened, emerged and hovered behind me. They gently pressed into me and cupped my body, scooping me into a char like position, hovering. It was a weird sensation and I wanted to giggle.
“MACC, please do a full scan and cleanse. Show me an analysis of the rate of healing.”
“Confirmed. Commencing scan and cleanse.”
The spheres hummed and I could feel the slight vibration. I tried to see what they were doing whilst staying still, a common command from Healer Roake, but perhaps there was nothing to see. Oh well. As I waited, I wondered if MACC would talk to me again, half hopeful he would, but he didn’t. I heard a small ping and Roake grabbed his screen, muttering about speed and something... I real1y was rather sleepy now.
As Roake finished tapping on his screen and muttering to himself, a small crowd arrived, Kine at the front of a group of guards, Lazot and Seth in their midst.
“How is she?” Kine asked worriedly.
“Fine, fine. Remarkable healing rate, very fast. There were trace elements of poison in the wounds but MACC found and neutralised them. Some fatigue in the next rotation or so. Please try to avoid any life threatening situations and emergencies. You're too young to see me so often little Sierra. Now I’m going back to bed and I suggest you all do the same. Unless anyone else has been poisoned?”
When no one answered, Roake gave a satisfied nod and a sleepy grunt as he turned away. Slightly dazed, I watched him leave, trying to figure out where he intended to sleep when Matthias again, picked me up and strode out of the r0om. This was becoming a habit.
We ended up in Kine's rooms, I recognised them from the comfy cushions and I began to feel more awake. Must be the poison leaving my system. Mathias sat down among the cushions, still holding me, and me were joined by Lazot, Seth and Kine. They were all frowning.
“Those assassins were Banished.” Kine was the first to speak.
Mathias snarled, bearing his teeth but I wasn’t really paying attention and said the first thing that came into my head.
“That was quick. Don’t they need a trial before a sentence like that?”
Everyone stared at me before breaking out into huffed laughter. The atmosphere I hadn’t noticed in my sleepiness, eased. I wasn’t trying to be funny but if it worked...
“No little one. They had already been banished. It’s amazing that they have survived.”
There was a long pause before I answered. “Nope. You’re gonna have to explain that. I’ve not heard of the Banished before.”
Kine sighed but not at me. He seemed sad. “We talked about how the Systems work and the structure of our society. The thing is, it doesn’t always work. You can’t eliminate al1 the bad, you can only try to mitigate it. No one knows how the System was designed to handle bad elements but, after several catastrophic events, we had to develop our own methods. We don’t like to execute our people, so for those who can’t be rehabilitated, there is banishment. All privileges of citizenship are revoked, food, water, hygiene, housing, clothing and community. The Banished are sent out to face the wilds, alone. Most die within an orbit but those who survive are known as the Banished. We keep an eye on them to ensure they don’t endanger anyone but mostly, they are on their own.”
“... I don’t know what to think of that. I’m not sure if it’s smart or stupid. What’s the aim of it?”
“Primarily, it’s to remove unsafe elements and prevent harm to our people. Some suggest that, though extreme, it has the potential to rehabilitate where System rehabilitation fails. The only alternative is incarceration which we know doesn’t work. Banishment isn’t really a System function but the idea is that the individual makes a new life without the aid they’re used to so they can appreciate what they once had and learn what really matters... it’s rarely used thankful1y.”
I let that sink in. He didn’t like it and it was another thing that had popped up outside of the Systems. Like the Houses.
“So, why are two Banished here to assassinate me? Revenge?”
Lazot answered. “No. It’s well known among the Houses that, for the right price, these individuals will... take on tasks.”
“Mercenaries.” Mathias stated, grim. He was angry, I could tell.
“Okay. So, who hired mercenaries to assassinate me?”
We all looked at each other thinking the same thing. Kine voiced it.
“She wouldn’t be so stupid. It points a finger directly at her.”
“Only if she knows we were already investigating her. If she’s unaware, she may think getting rid of Sierra removes any evidence of her wrongdoing before she's even a suspect.” Lazot pointed out.
“Yes but even then, its a huge risk. And her information network is too good for her not to know we are suspicious, with her brother missing and her niece and nephew wards of the King. Any action by her admits guilt and I don’t think she’d do that.” Kine argued back.
“What if it wasn’t her?”
Everyone looked at me and I knew what they were thinking. This was an escalation but if there was a new enemy on the scene, things were worse that we th0ught.
“Okay? But who else would it be?” Kine asked.
“Sorry, that’s not what I meant. What if she didn’t intend for them to kill me? What if they acted precipitously? Say, they were ordered to follow me and gain information, with a proviso that if I get too close to something or I endanger her plans, then they stop me. They may have acted hastily without her direct orders. I’m not sure what could have spooked them but we did change our routine on the wall. They may have thought overmuch on it or something else I don’t see...”
We contemplated the idea. I really hope that was the explanation because I’m not sure how to cope with another enemy we knew nothing about.
“It fits. The problem is, we just don’t know. We don’t have enough information and we can’t discount the idea that this is another thing altogether. I can’t risk you’re safety.” Kine stated.
“It doesn’t matter. Whatever the reason, it changes things. We were trying to prevent any acceleration to House Kuthar plans but this may cause her to act.” Mathias pointed out.
Lazot chimed in, “Maybe not. What if we spin this a different way? We could pull on Sierra's time with the Myath to redirect attention. S0me story of the banished harassing the Myath and latching on to Sierra. They learned of her change in fortunes and followed her to gain revenge or profit. It may give us time to build the case against Wistra and House Kuthar.”
I shook my head. “I don’t want to draw the Myath into this. They have it hard enough but... I like the concept. Perhaps we can just direct it at me.”
“I understand your concerns. Alright, it’s a good idea and a good start but we don’t have to decide tonight. Well come back to this on the morrow. Now, let’s sleep.”
At Kine’s word, they all shifted into their Feline forms and settled into a loose pile, Seth and I at the centre with comfy cushions. I was a little surprised.
“We’re all sleeping here?”
They each nodded their big heads and Mathias spoke to me.
“You were in danger. We want to make sure you are safe. This will reassure us and strengthen our kin bonds. Settle down, it’s time to sleep.”
I just shrugged in resignation and curled up among all the fur, Seth wrapped in my arms. Sleep came swiftly as I smiled, feeling warm and safe.
I woke up among fur, warm and content having slept soundly and deeply. Rather than disturb the others, I lay content in the little nest of kin and accessed my personal library. Over the orbits, I’d scavenged data and artefacts wherever I could find them. Most hated humans and anything to do with them, but I was fascinated by the ancient past and pre-history. There was so much to learn from it, so much that was lost.
I decided on some music that I hadn’t listened to since I first got it, a male singing in a language long dead. I didn’t have to understand the words, it was passionate and sad and told a story I think we have all lived at some point. I wasn’t sure of his name but the word Pavarotti was repeated a lot in the files.
I closed my eyes and let the music fill my head. Id want to share it with Kine if it didn’t risk exposing so many secrets.
I hadn’t written in my book for a while but everything had been so busy. Besides, I hadn’t had any revelation about love or trust or any of the concepts I was interested in. I still struggled to understand how I had fallen into such a comfortable role with Kine and now Mathias. Was it truly trust if it was untested?
I let the thoughts go and relaxed into the music.
When I’d woken again, I was to find the morning meal on one of Kine's little tables and most of my kin enjoying it. Thankfully, it was early and I had time to convince Kine of my plans. And I needed every moment of it.
“I need to go back to my survey from the wall. She may not know what they attempted, in which case, it would be better to maintain as much normalcy as possible.”
So here I was, back on the wall with just as many guards and Mathias, all now very alert. Eecee and Kaylor had fussed over me when we’d met them. They were rarely on night duty and wanted the whole story once they had satisfied themselves that I was safe. Eecee kept grabbing me up into tight hugs and muttering about big trouble in small packages. Kaylor was more reserved but even he stayed so close that he brushed up against me as we walked. I think I’d scared them.
We would soon have to break for food and I was resigning myself to another fruitless rotation when I saw it. A darker green in the vast canopy. I squinted my eyes, willing them to focus better and looked again. Yes there was defiantly a change in the canopy.
“Kaylor, there! Is that it?” I pointed and we both started until, finally he nodded.
“Yes, it looks like something has disturbed the canopy. Well done Sierra.” And he graced me with one of his rare smiles.
I grinned back, excitement filling me before a horrible thought occurred. “Oh no. What if there are more. We need to finish the survey around the rest of the wall don’t we?”
I sighed. Blegh. Despite how long it took, it was important to get a full idea of what fell and where. Still I desperately wanted to go out and examine the sight. The information I was getting was worrying.
“Perhaps you’re right but now we have evidence, we can ask for volunteers to continue the survey while we retrieve whatever fell. Of course, you need to convince the King to let you go and after last night, that won’t be easy.”
“I know. Right, let’s mark the coordinates and continue the survey. I'll talk to Kine at the evening meal.”
We set off walking again after noting the place we’d seen to the North of the city. There was a relief to have found some evidence of my reports and my mind was consumed with figuring out what had happened. As we continued, I kept an eye on my surroundings, both sides of the wall, a little more wary since last night. We were coming up on the Jungle habitat and I realised we’d passed the halfway point.
The Jungle was intriguing to me. I’d probably never go there because it was designed more for exercise and play in the Feline form. I watched the many different figures as they lazed and stalked in the shadows of the tropical leaves. I’d heard that the Jungle habitat was regulated to a balmy temperature making it very comfy to certain individuals. They all had different needs in their different forms and the vast city catered to them all in one way or another.
As I watched, I spotted a dainty cat watching me from under a large leaf. It looked like a Jaguarundi, a rare form but somewhat familiar to me. It was hard to tell at this distance but...
“Sierra, it that another one?” Eecee sake excitedly.
I turned away from the Jungle Habitat and turned back to the vast forest outside, looking to where Eecee pointed. After staring, I answered.
“Yes I think it is. Thanks Eecee. Let mark it and keep going. I’m getting hungry but I want to go a little further before we stop.”
Yester had been a productive rotation. We’d found one more site of broken canopy before he ended the search and returned to Kine’s mansion. How long had I been in the Capital now? It was hard to keep count but I think it must have been at least a full moon by now. And yet, so much had happened, so much to think about and do, mixed up with a whole lot of waiting. It had made the timeline feel oddly rushed to me.
And now here I was, slowly making my way through the undergrowth, looking for the impact sites.
“I can’t believe you convinced the King to let you go.” Merrick admitted.
We had been travelling towards the first site we identified and should come upon it soon. I had more guards than usual because we expected to encounter wild animals in the forest, not to mention the assassination attempt.
“It took a while but I managed to reason with him. We need to know what these things are. It could be very dangerous if one fell on a populated area. I’m surprised that hasn't happened yet considering how many of them I’ve heard about in such a short time.”
Something big moved of in the distance and our group paused, waiting to see if it would come our way, ready to defend. When it was clear we were in no danger, we continued on.
“How’s little Seth?”
“He’s fine.. I think he’s thriving being so close to his father. Even though we’ve agreed to care for him every other day, Lazot has almost taken up permanent residence with us. I’m not sure what his House thinks but Lazot and I are both just happy that Seth has us and is thriving.” I paused to gather my thoughts. “I’m also appreciating the help. I’ve cared for him pretty much alone for two orbits and felt like I wasn’t enough. Now I know he has everything he needs and I can relax. I don’t have to worry about him if he's out of sight or if I get caught up with a project. I don’t think I’ve been this, not care free but, unrestricted for ages. Is that horrible?”
“No, not at all. No one can live their life wrapped up entirely in someone else's. It's not healthy. Not to mention, by our standards you are still so young, a child. You should never have need to take in the responsibility in the first place. You’ve done an amazing thing Sierra?”
I felt like he wanted to say more but he held back. Other than Eecee and Kaylor, I was beginning to get to know some of the guards better, at least the regular ones. Merrick was easy to talk to and kind. A shout from the front guards broke into my contemplations. We’d found the first impact site.
Still maintaining awareness of our surroundings, we moved quickly to the site. It was underwhelming really, a relatively small, shallow hollow, some dirt thrown up and the debris from the trees overhead. The canopy above was open and I could see particles dance in the sunlight. Carefully moving into the crater, I crouched, searching. I wasn’t entirely sure what I was looking for so I’d have to collect a range of samples.
“Can I have some sample bags and a scoop please?” I asked whoever was nearest and spent some time collecting as many different samples as I could from all over the crater and around the outside edges.
While I worked, the guards split in half, some taking images of the crater and canopy and the rest watched the surroundings. I finished up and made my way back to my group.
“That was quicker than I expected. Do you think we’ll get them all done or will we have to make a return trip?” I asked Kaylor. He was good at planning.
Before he could answer, an animal bellowed in the forest, very close. The guards acted swiftly, fur puffed out to intimidate and closing around me, facing out just in time. A Slothbear crashed into our clearing. Very heavy with huge fangs, it was slow but dangerous. Perhaps we had wondered into its territory or perhaps our large numbers had attracted it but whatever the reason, it was highly aggressive.
I’d only ever encountered a Slothbear once before. Though it was brief, it left a lasting impression. I hope this encounter went just as well. Before I could make plans on how to respond, a trio of guards removed devices from their belts and activated them, throwing them to the floor in front of the Slothbear. Even I in my Resting form could hear the high sonic disruptor and I felt sick. We waited to see if they would work, ready to pull weapons both natural and manufactured should he refuse to leave. The Slothbear stood his ground, roaring at us but it wasn’t long before he left with a disgusted snarl in our direction.
We didn’t quite relax but there was a definite sense of relief. Eecee spoke up.
“We’ll wait to make sure he’s gone then move out. One more site and then we return to The Capital. Sierra, the King agreed to one trip so you'll not be able to visit all the sites but we know what you're doing now and we can have teams visit the other sites and perform your tests. I’ll make sure all the samples get to you intact. Jamie, how’s it look?”
“All clear.”
“Alright, let’s go.”
I didn’t argue. Convincing Kine in the first place had been difficult, it took me nearly a half moon, enough time to complete the survey from the wall with all the extra guards he gave me. I could get started with just the samples I had. I never thought I’d put one of my hobbies to good use, but something was going on and I needed to figure it out. Soon.
The second site was very like the first, maybe a little smaller but it was hard to tell. I got my samples and images and we began our return to the city. We had a few run-ins with wildlife but nothing as dangerous as the Slothbear. We even spied a colony of cute, fuzzy Skims. I always loved them.
I felt more at home out here in the wilds than in any city. It was familiar, nostalgic and my thoughts drifted to the Myath. It had been a while since I’d heard from then outside of the occasional network update. The scheduling plans were all messed up because of the flooding and I had no idea where each of the groups may be camped. Now, with House Kuthars actions, I was worried about their allies and what they planned for the Myath.
No one believed the rhetoric of Pure Blood but for some reason, my aunt and many in her House truly hated the Myath. Most believed that it was better for the races to stick to their own but it wasn’t until the last five centuries or so that the Myath were actively detested rather than just neglected or ignored. Some even put them on par with humans, but that’s a whole other issue. I didn’t understand but I needed to or I’d never be able to protect those I love from House Kuthar.
The problem was, I kinda didn’t want to understand her. I rather just say she’s wrong and what she does is bad and it needs to stop. But that doesn’t solve the problem does it? If she's released or if others believe as she does... it will just happen again and again and again.
“Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” I whispered to myself.
“But those who insist on only looking back will never move forward.”
Her voice surprised me. Eecee must have been next to me for a while since she heard my muttering. How much had I said?
“Mmm” I agreed. “We learn most when we make mistakes but we learn nothing new when we repeat the mistake of the past. It’s hard to balance isn’t it? Learning from the past, not living in it but not forgetting it either. I feel like we’ve forgotten so much.”
Eecee just grunted, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. I went back to my thoughts of my aunt and House Kuthar. Why does she hate? Why does she hurt? What is she afraid of? I stopped walking as the idea occurred. She's afraid.
“Sierra? Come on, there’s the city gate. We’ll be home soon.” Eecee called.
I sighed, the idea was gone. It’d come back but... gah! I thought I had something there.
Our group went through the gate and we were back. I missed the wilds already. But the city was good too. I can admit, I really enjoyed the luxurious bedding and bath. We talked and laughed as we made our way along the bottom of the walkway through the recreation district. I love the lake and the open garden, they were truly beautiful. We could be more relaxed now that we were in slightly less dangerous surrounds, though my guards still stayed on alert. No one was forgetting the assassination attempt nor Kine’s overprotective streak anytime soon.
It was a rare occasion when Mathias wasn’t with me. I don’t know why but I felt his absence and missed him. Though he was quiet, he defiantly didn’t fade into the background. We were passing the area between the Jungle habitat and the gardens when a figure appeared out of the jungle. At first, we paid little notice but to note her presence as she posed little threat. But then I noticed the guards tense and found she was following us at a distance. I didn’t have many telepathic links to the guards, only Eecee, Kaylor, Merrick and Jaxie, but I could still tell when they were all communicating. Apparently, they didn’t include me much in their constant chatter because it was the protectee, though occasionally they’d give me a mental instruction if it were needed.
I knew they were communicating now because they made subtle shifts in position. Other than that, we continued to walk and I tried desperately not to be seen trying to catch a glimpse of our tail. There was something about her...
We came to the end of the walkway and had a little further to go before we reached the mansion. Turning the corner, to head towards Kine’s place, hid us from view and my guards moved quickly, splitting into two groups. One encircled me and pulled me back to shelter on the other side of the walkway. The other waited and, when the small figure turned the corner in a hurry, they pounced and restrained her, performing a quick search for any threat. They were efficient but the figure let out a cry.
“She's clear.” One guard confirmed when that small voice spoke again.
“Please, I’m hurt, I won’t cause trouble.” That voice. I wanted to go to her but my guards held me back before I could even take a step. “Please. Sierra.”
Finally, all the guards were happy it was safe and stepped back, loosening the protective circle around me. I couldn’t believe what I saw. Beaten, frail, the figure looked at me, eyes wide and begging.
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