《Secrets of the Myath》Chapter 9 (Edited)
It was a sea of green that stretched for miles. Trees so tall, they would have reached at least half as high as the Heart.
“Sierra, what on planet are we doing?”
I turned from my inspection of the surroundings and smiled as I spotted my guards. The siblings, Kaylor and Eecee, were looking bored, which was impressive considering they managed to be on the alert like all good guards are. I’d gotten up early this morn having planned everything last night, not being able to sleep after coming in form the balcony. So now we’ve set out to explore. We had enough supplies so I could spend the whole rotation exploring... or at least that’s what I told them. We’d spent most of that time on The Capital's boundary wall, starting at the South entrance (which didn’t actually face true south, but South East for some odd reason) and working 0ur way around.
So far, we were less than a quarter of the way around going east but I didn’t mind. I wasn’t in any hurry really, I just wanted to search.
“I’m exploring Eecee. I told you that this morning.”
Kaylor snorted in amusement. “She wasn’t awake yet when you dragged us out.”
“I was awake!! Eecee exclaimed, indignant. “I just wasn’t quite cognisant yet. Besides, why are we on the wall? If you want to explore, we should be down in the districts. I’m sure you’d love the Artisan district! It’s got market, workshops and beautiful exhibits. Or 1f you’d like, we can go to the recreation district. Their gardens are lovely and the jungle climbing frame is so fun!!”
I turned back to the view from the wall, scouring every speck, and answered vaguely. “I will but first I want to get an idea of The Capital as a whole. It been a long time since I was last here and I don’t want to get lost. Bumping in to any of my relatives would be problematic.”
Kaylor’s ears flattened briefly and he gazed at me sceptically. “Uh-huh. So that’s why you’ve completely ignored the city inside and keep looking out over the wall?”
I stilled momentarily then turned back to face them again. I felt my cheeks warm, the blush somewhat hidden under my knapp.
Eecee jabbed her brother in the side and hissed at him. “Don’t pry. She’ll tell us when she’s ready. You're going t0 scare her off.”
“I wasn’t trying to scare her off, I just want to know what she’s doing.”
“Nosy.” Eecee retorted.
I chuckled before sobering again. “He’s right. I should have told you more. I do want to explore and it would be better to avoid House Kuthar but...” I frown, trying to phrase it properly, “I’m looking for any gaps in the canopy. I’d heard there was some sort of crash that might have damaged the forest. Exploring can wait.”
Kaylor and Eecee exchanged looks and I return to my perusal.
“Well, looking after the forest is important. I hadn’t heard anything about this crash though, have you Kay?” Eecee asked.
He shook his head no so we continued on and chatted as we slowly made our way around the wall. It was so large, we’d need at least a quart (quarter moon) to fin1sh going all the way around.
Of course, I’d already memorised the layout of the capital. It was fascinating. Everyone knows The Capital is huge and centred around the Heart, but many of the details are ignored. The Heart is at the very centre of the city, circled by the many mansions for those who serve in the government. Outside of the Mansions, at some distance, the city is divided into quarters loosely separated by long arched walkways that meet up with the wall.
The main entrances to The Capital are the North and South Gates at ground level. From the South Gate to the East Walkway is the Military quarter. It contains Military HQ, the main barracks that house the majority of the forces and extensive training grounds. There were also regular residential housing, shops, at least twenty Healer Hotspots and recreational areas all specialised for the quarter.
From the East Walkway to the North Gate is the Residential quarter. This was a vast space, very open with individual and group residents dotted randomly throughout. The types of housing included House Trees, Tree houses, domes, underground dens, traditional built brick houses and contemporary nanite flow houses. Of course the Residential quarter also has little shops and Healer Hotspots scattered around with recreation and play areas. It was also home to many education facilities, though most education was digital or virtual.
The quarter stretching from the North Gate to the West Underground Gate was the Natural Habitat quarter, sometimes called the Recreation district. Two extensive open spaces, one designed as gardens with ponds, mazes and all types of flowing plants, great for relaxing in and with space to run. The other was designed as a jungle Habitat, basically one huge climbing frame that many Icanthie loved to explore in their Feline and Warrior forms.
Lastly, the quarter that ran from the West Underground Gate to the South Gate was the Artisan quarter where the majority of shops and exhibits were. It had large workshops to showcase their talents, exhibit their art and sell anything they wanted too. May Artisans never sold their work, simply absorbed in the joy of creat1ng.
Common to each quarter were the Healer Hotspots. Any serious illness or injury was dealt with in the main Complex Care Centre in the Heart. Each quarter also had its own Resource Distribution points, where any citizen of the Capital could choose and collect food, clothes, hygiene materials, the necessities, and small shops that citizens could choose to buy luxuries from if they choose to earn currency. Almost everyone had a little income simply because they enjoyed the work.
Circling all this is a large stretch of seemingly clear land stretching out some way before reaching the boundary wall. It was very tall though not quite reaching the height of the Heart. At first look, The Capital looks oddly jumbled and overwhelming but despite everything that it contained, is never felt cramped or cluttered.
The area outside the wall was cleared of forest for security reasons but other than that, the wooded area was left to itself, a legacy of the races many desperate efforts to save the planet. Much of this went over my head when we briefly stayed in my childhood but the odd, little detail brought bouts of nostalgia. I may have memorised the layout, but I wasn’t really prepared for the reality of it.
We continued on, and had reached nearly half way to the first elevated walkway, when something caught my attention. A feeling seemed to slip over my mind, sort of skating across the surface. I felt my tail puff up and I stumbled but kept walking, looking everywhere for the source. Kaylor and Eecee seemed to notice it too, as each tensed and became guarded, morphing from my amiable companions to the elite guards they were.
Still we moved forward, but the sensation persisted. In fact, it grew. Rapidly, pressure bore down on us like a shockwave. When it hit, Kaylor shifted into his Warrior form and Eecee grew claws. It happened so fast that I nearly missed it when she spoke in barely a whisper, “The Silent King”.
Confused, my brow furrowed but before I could ask what she meant, a figure in Feline form raced towards us. Was this the Silent King? I'd not heard the title before and it didn’t look like Kine in his Feline form. This figure was far more bulky and powerful but he moved so fast. He was upon us in seconds and I thought he’d charge straight into us. At the last second, he leapt into the air and sailed right over us.
Eecee spun around and put herself between the Feline and me, shifting into her feline form, a beautiful lioness. Kaylor moved at littler slower, checking our surroundings as he moved to support his sister in front of me. He sp0ke to the stranger.
“Highness please. We apologise if we have intruded upon your domain. This little one is ward to the King. Please let us leave in peace and we will not intrude again.” Kaylor spoke politely and with respect but he was clearly very tense and stressed. It seemed this person was important or powerful. I was tense too, ready to move should I need to. When there was no response from the figure, at least that I could discern, Kayl0r spoke to me.
“Sierra, you need to run. Lord Mathias Den has been secluded for a long time now. We may not be able to reason with him. Go.”
“I can’t run Kaylor. He is faster and stronger than me and if I run, he will jump over you again and chase me. I am not prey. Besides, I’m safer if I stay with you both.” I wasn't sure if I would succeed in reasoning with Kaylor, he took his responsibilities seriously. He respected Kine and would do anything for him. As we debated, the Feline, Mathias, inched closer. Eecee gave a warning grumble but it was ignored.
None of us wanted to act and provoke him, so we waited, tense and ready to defend when Mathias locked eyes with me. I felt the familiar tug under my ribs and gaped at the Cat, incredulous. A bond, old, never really formed, sighed. Most believe that bonds are formed deliberately then strengthened from both sides but the truth is, we are born with the echoes of bonds already there. Dozens of neo-bonds, usual1y connected to family. That’s what I felt. It was a family neo-bond.
I heard a ping in my head and a deep voice, rich and smooth spoke. “Child. Who are you?”
I couldn’t speak. The bond, gently but persistently tugging at me, felt familiar the more I focused on it it. It felt like kin. It felt like Kine!
Kine entered the Military HQ, found at the innermost corner of the Military quarter near the mansions, and was met by the High Warrior. Despite a life devoted to fighting, training and defence, there was nothing grizzled about her. She retained her fine features and strong, muscled body and managed, still, to project an air of steel.
Silently, they nodded to each other and proceeded together to the High Security Underground Prison. Kine didn’t often come here, perhaps mainly because they didn’t often have need of it. Despite that, the facilities were in excellent condition. There was no physical access, apart from the ventilation tubes that would barely fit a shrew, so the only way to get in or out was to take a portal.
Portal technology was rare in the Icanthie nation, usually only used to reach the remote areas near the borders, so when Kine stepped through, it was somewhat of a novelty. But it was lost on him because Kine was going to visit Lord Quix Kuthar, Sierra's uncle. The rot revealed in House Kuthar and the vague warnings of treason troubled Kine more than he’d allowed his ward to see. Something had gone terribly wrong, and Kine needed to make sure it was fixed.
Few knew that Quix Kuthar was down here but it couldn’t be kept quiet for long. Lady Wistra was a formidable person who kept a tight grasp on her House. She would soon question the whereabouts of her brother. Not that it would change anything, except give Kine a headache from all her protests. Quix Kuthar wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. Kine intended to delay a trial as long as possible and hopefully House Kuthar would use the time to incriminate themselves.
For the health and well being of prisoners, the high security underground prison was a carefully designed habitat. The lighting mimicked sunlight and moonlight, to ensure the appropriate uptake of nutrients and preserve the biological rhythms. There was sufficient room for each of the Icanthie forms and food rations were nutritional, though reduced. After all, it was confinement, not a holiday. It wasn’t meant to be comfortable.
Kine arrived at the correct enclosure and found Quix Kuthar sat in a chair, staring moodily at the floor. He seemed to sense Kine, because he looked up quickly, eyes narrowing briefly before a sullen look overtook his face. “My King.” He greeted.
Kine acknowledged his title and waited.
“My King, I must protest most strongly, my treatment. This is intolerable and my House will not stand for it.”
Kine was slow to respond.
“Have you been injured by your arrest?”
Quix was quick to bluster and play the hurt party. “Well, no they did not harm me, but I had need of a Healer. I was atta-”
“Was a Healer provided to you” Kine interrupted.
Quix Kuthar frowned but responded. “Yes. But they hardly did anything, I received no treatm-”
“High Warrior?”
The High Warrior leaned close to speak into Kines ear and he canted his head to listen, never taking his eyes from the prisoner.
“Our Healer found evidence of some injury that healed naturally. No signs of residual injury or long term damage. No action was needed by the healer.”
Kine nodded and straightened again.
“Have you been provided with all the basic necessities, food, water, proper hygiene?
Quix’s frown grew and he reluctantly grumbled, “Yes.”
“Hmmmm.” Kine hummed. “Lord Kuthar, it seems you have been treated well considering the circumstances. Do you know why you have been arrested?”
“No and I must protest in the stron-”
Again, Kine interrupted his bluster. “Lord Kuthar, you have, in front of witnesses, attacked my wards, both of whom are children. This is a serious matter.”
Kine wasn’t entirely proud that he took such satisfaction in the dumbstruck look on the prisoners face. Still, he was only Icanthie.
“Ttttttttthere must be some mistake My King. Just before I met with your party, I was retrieving members of my House who have been missing over the last two orbits.”
“Really? High Warrior, please ensure this is being recorded. Lord Kuthar is making a statement.” He felt rather than saw her acknowledge him before he continued. “From what I understand, young Lord Seth is of House Greer, their heir in fact, regardless that his mother is of House Kuthar. And Lady Seirra cannot be found on any of your House registry. So it seems to me that, lawfully, neither child falls under the responsibility or authority of House Kuthar.”
The was a pause and Kine noted the grimace of disgust that flashed across Quix Kuthar's face when he named Lady Sierra. He waited patiently for a response which he could clearly see being constructed in Kuthar's head.
“House Greer and House Kuthar are allied so... of course we’d... strive to... aid in the search for... the missing child. Any... harshness toward the... mo-Myath child... was only out of concern for the safety of the Greer heir. Couldn’t know-”
He trailed off, obviously struggling to present the facade of the injured party when it came to speaking about his niece. Kine could play on that. Quix Kuthar was a oroud individual with a temper and Kine had found a way to poke it. Perhaps he would say too much in his anger.
“Greer heir? Myath child? These are very formal terms for your nephew and niece, your own blood. After the loss of your dear sister Feenya, one would think you’d cherish her children as the only link left to her...”
Quix Kuthar was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself. “As you say My King, they are the children of our allies. It would not do to be too casual...”
“So you do not wish to be too casual with those of your allies House and yet you just claimed these children for your House???”
Quix refused to respond, merely staring mulishly at Kine. It seemed Kine would have to come at this a different way but he’d have to be careful. He must neither give any indication that they were aware of treason in House Kuthar or that they were planning to check the Systems.
“Lord Kuthar, you are among the leaders of your House. Do you know what a leader does?”
Quix looked perplexed at the change in topic and seemed to scramble for an answer. “They lead.”
When no one responded her stuttered on. “Ttthat is, they give orders, pass down discipline and correction. Bring together those who are of like mind and act as the face for all those who come under them. Important role.”
As he spoke, he warmed to the topic, feeling more confident but Kine was saddened. “Many think of leadership as a pyramid, with the leader at the top and everyone else beneath, as if they were less or perhaps that the leader is more. I like to think of leadership a bit differently. Leadership is like a wheel with the leader in the centre and everyone else surrounds them. They are all equal, some have closer contact but all can reach the leader if they need to. They are in the heart of the people and have all the same experiences. That’s why a leader is never born. It’s not “who” you are. Leadership is an role built on trust, experience, knowledge and support. And the primary purpose of leadership is to serve.”
Kines eyes became hard as he continued. “A leader strives to understand and address the needs of the people. Some of my people have reached out to me and I’m going to do everything I can to help them...”
Kine felt his temper rise. This... dishonourable disgrace of an Icanthie had committed such betrayals on his kin it made him feel sick. But even then, Kine had a responsibility to this Kuthar. He had to find the truth and he had to uphold justice, even if he held the prisoner with distaste. How had it come to this, that a House could have become so poisonous?
“You have disobeyed the law and you will face trial when evidence has been collected. Until then, your rights will be maintained. Farewell Lord Kuthar.”
The smug bastard smirked at him before Kine turned away and he clenched his muscles, refusing to allow his tail or ears give away his fury. Quix Kuthar did not seem to care about the law. As he walked away, Kine heard a few muttered words.
“Bleeding heart poppycock... broken system... Generations of the same... sappy, archaic ideas...”
Kine listen passively, letting the man vent, apparently unheard, before turning to the High Warrior who walked with him.
“High Warrior, let me know if he has any visitors, I suspect his House will not ignore his absence much longer. Also, see if your people can get anything from him concerning Feenya and Seth. I’ll ask Lord Greer but I suspect we can use his House as a cover for our investigations. Be careful what you reveal, we can’t afford to tip our hand. Record everything.”
“Yes My King.”
We were in a stand off. It was preternaturally quiet, like we were in our own little bubble. Eecee and Kaylor evidently hadn’t heard anything telepathically and they were becoming even more tense as the silence persisted. The stand off was broken when the giant tiger suddenly shifted into his resting form.
Even in this form, he was tall and muscled. His eyes were bright orange and slitted, and his knapp was a warm deep tan. He took a step forward but was halted by the defence of Eecee and Kaylor who again stepped between us. He spoke and I heard his deep voice aloud for the first time.
“You do yourselves honour but I shall not harm her. Step aside.”
They both hesitated but, after exchanging looks and, I suspect, words, they slowly eased back to flank me, close enough to step in if needed but no longer impeding him. He moved in front of me and I found myself looking way up into those eyes again. The tug renewed and I gasped a little. It was stronger this time.
In a gentler voice, he spoke again. “I am Mathias Den. You feel like kin but I do not know you. Who are you child?”
Den. He was related to Kine. I thought as much, the feel of the bond was too similar. What to say. I can’t just assume that he will think like Kine and my guards responses suggested I needed to be wary. Still, I can’t change who or what I am. Maybe...
“I am Sierra, ward to Kine Den.” He raised an eyebrow and flicked his ear waiting. It seemed that it wasn’t enough. The pause persisted so, eventually, I continued tense for his reaction. “My mother was of House Kuthar aaaaand my father... was an Icanthie Myath.”
No one said anything and I continued to stare up into his eyes, waiting. Finally, Mathias flicked his tail vigorously and responded. “Very good. I’ll accompany you.”
With that, he changed back into his Feline form and watched me expectantly. I exchanged looks switch Eecee and Kaylor who seemed as dumbstruck as me. “Oooookay.” I managed to stammer and quickly moved off to the outward facing side of the wall, renewing my search of the green canopy to cover my wobbly nerves.
I was shaken. This was all very odd and I wanted a moment to collect myself. I was unsure of this strange new acquaintance and felt somewhat restrained with him around. It was like going back to the beginning again. I decided to focus on my goal for today and deal with this later.
“Kaylor, do you think we have time to get to the first walkway or should we return to Kines mansion now?”
Kaylor looked awkward, as if he didn’t want to speak up now but eventually, after thinking about it which was always a good start, he answered.
“It would depend on how thoroughly you want to search. If we continue at our previous pace I’d say no but now that Eecee and I know what you are looking for, we can help you search and perhaps increase the pace to reach the walkway. It would be a quick return route from there.”
“Don’t you need to guard as well though?”
Eecee spoke for her brother. “We can alternate. One of us will guard while the other helps you search. We can take our Warrior forms then our sight will be better too.”
“Okay. That’s the plan. Let me know if you think it’s getting too late and we’ll return to Kine. Seth's staying in House Greer tonight anyway.”
Plan agreed, we moved off on our original path, only occasionally glancing at our unexpected addition.
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I was just a farmer and when my farm was attacked by bandits I fought them off as best as I could, but it turns out a single untrained woman fighting a band of twenty experienced killers doesn’t end well. Thinking I was dead I awoke to find that I had no arms and was only one ft tall. I have been reincarnated as a Mushroom Monster. What am I going to do now?__________________________________________________________________________This will be my first attempt at any kind of written novel or story, I have had a lot of ideas and tried writing some but realized they were too big in scale or too difficult for a newbie. So after thinking about what I could try for my first attempt, I came up with this. The premise is quite heavily inspired by Re:Monster (also more recently Re:lovely) and many other resurrection web/light novels. Warning Tagged [15+] for Some Strong Language, Gore, Violence.
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ABERRANT: The Tale of Magic Under the Fallen Sky
THIS NOVEL HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. CHAPTERS WILL NOT BE UPLOADED AS OF 3/18/2021. In the world of 2093, Earth's surface has been ravaged by the elements of outerspace and humanity has retreated into the colossal dome cities. Where Magic is introduced as a scientific concept, mankind lives in a technological society hanging between a utopia of peace, and a cornered race awaiting its destruction. Michael has lost his family, friends, and home in an incident that has changed his life forever. But he does not abandon hope, as the truth behind his town's destruction may lie in humanity's salvation. Accompanied by his childhood friend Julia, Michael faces the fate of the world starting at the gate of Lyre Magic Academy! Will he be able to succeed in his new school life? Will he be able to call on his dark past to lead him towards his desired future? Find out next time on dra This is the first novel I've written so I'd appreciate any type of feedback I can get. While the quality may fluctuate here and there, I promise you that the writing will continue to improve as the story develops into a deeper, more sophisticated world of exciting adventures and challenges. Stay with me to delve into a complex world of intense hardship and discovery, all to sate your unending hunger for fantasy and exploration. And yes, the cover art is made in MS Paint.
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